Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'Roid Rage: Vitamin D3 -- DO IT (Part II)

Vitamin D and Athletes

Vitamin D is not just a sun-derived vitamin, but is a crucial steroid precursor that is transformed into one of the most potent hormones in the human body for strength, power, lung function and regulating gene expression in every organ system.

Athletes need Vitamin D.

Dr. Cannell has written quite extensively about the role of vitamin D in athletes.

See prior post: 'Roid Rage Vitamin D3 -- DO IT (Part I)

Don't miss Dr. T's recent post: Vitamin D Summary of Actions. SUPERB!

Vitamin D: Flu, Asthma, Bronchitis, H1N1 Protection

Swine Flu H1N1.

Worried? Don't be.

Baby wanna be a millionaire? Vitamin D3... just do it. Baby by me, 50 cents YO.

Many factors can predispose an individual to be immunocompromised and more susceptible to the flu or H1N1 or bronchitis:
--sleep deprivation
--mental stress
--excessive physical training
--hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue
--poor, unbalanced gut biofilms (read Dr. Ayers Cooling Inflammation)
--gluten/wheat, lectins, omega6 and associated inflammation
--nutritional deficiencies
--et cetera

Vitamin D stores may be depleted under all the circumstances above.

For the past season, naturally, I've been a total ding dong, frequently skipping my vitamin D supplement and sunlight. Yeah missed a boatload of doses. (*haaa* Yeah, I am THE vitamin-D-fairy-godmother and I hand it out like candy... wtf I s*ck) So... Three weeks ago my asthma came back full force and within days I was in the middle of a bronchitis/coughing attack again with a fever for 2 days. Last episode was EONS ago. Couldn't shake it but after a boost of vitamin D via a modified Stoss protocol (20,000 to 50,000 IU for 3 days) that Dr. Cannell frequently discusses for prophylaxis or acute treatment of influenzae or other viral infections, my coughing and infection were completely gone. My cough was almost gone OVERNIGHT. On the other hand, Dr. Cannell talks about much higher doses. Since I was not deficient, just 'insufficient', I used a lower dose.

The bronchitis was entirely aborted, shortened to a few days not a few MONTHS or a few WEEKS like the normal course of chronic bronchial inflammation I had experienced annually in the past. I ran 13.1 miles a week later and was fine (though my power and pace s*cked). My ghetto batgrrrl picture wasn't so bad though *wink*. Vitamin D does a body better. My skin, hair, muscles, recovery, breathing and body fat are all far better now that I'm back on the program.

Prior post: Stoss protocol Vitamin D3 Nature's Antibiotic

Vitamin D deficiency and chronic lung disease. Gilbert CR, Arum SM, Smith CM. Can Respir J. 2009 May-Jun;16(3):75-80.

Vitamin D and respiratory health. Hughes DA, Norton R. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009 Oct;158(1):20-5. Review.

Vitamin D Associated with Fitness, Power, Strength and Lower Body Fat

Two research articles highlight the relationship between higher vitamin D levels and athletic performance. The first showed a positive relationship between higher VO2 max and higher blood vitamin D (p<0.05) in n=59 adolescent and young females. Incidentally, lower body fat (p<0.05) was associated with higher vitamin D levels.

The second study reviewed baseline vitamin D concentrations (which were LOW low low) in 99 female athletes age 12-14 yo and found "Jumping mechanography to measure muscle power, velocity, jump height, and Esslinger Fitness Index from a two-legged counter movement jump and force from multiple one-legged hops was performed. Body height, weight, and serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, PTH, and calcium were measured. RESULTS: Median serum 25(OH)D concentration was 21.3 nmol/liter (range 2.5-88.5 [median 8 ng/ml with range 1-35.4 ng/ml]) and PTH 3.7 pmol/liter (range 0.47-26.2). After correction for weight using a quadratic function, there was a positive relationship between 25(OH)D and jump velocity (P = 0.002), jump height (P = 0.005), POWER (P = 0.003), Esslinger Fitness Index (P = 0.003), and force (P = 0.05). There was a negative effect of PTH upon jump velocity (P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: From these data we conclude that vitamin D was significantly associated with muscle power and force in adolescent girls."

Girl Power!

Association among cardiorespiratory fitness, body fat, and bone marker measurements in healthy young females.
Mowry DA, Costello MM, Heelan KA. Mowry DA, Costello MM, Heelan KA. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2009 Oct;109(10):534-9.

Vitamin D status and muscle function in post-menarchal adolescent girls.
Ward KA, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Feb;94(2):559-63.

Vitamin D Alters Gene Expression

Many components of our diet are in fact potent modulators of genetic expression. Vitamin D is among many. In a variety of clinical trials, vitamin D lowers CRP (inflammation), increases testosterone (I've seen it and HH reports his anecdotal experience here), thyroid hormone, and (in rats) raises estrogen. Is this helpful for athletes? There are many mechanisms by which vitamin D exerts benefits for athletes including improved breathing, lung function, oxygenation, immunity protection, muscle strength, endurance, muscle power and hormone optimization (e.g. the big 'T').

Micronutrients and amino acids, main regulators of physiological processes. Verheesen RH, Schweitzer CM. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Oct;73(4):498-502.

Human physiology is supposed to be a complex interaction of regulating processes, in which hormones, genes, their proteins and apoptosis are thought to play a dominant role. We hypothesize that regulation of physiological processes is mainly influenced by amino acids and micronutrients with hormones, proteins, apoptosis and gene modifications being their derivatives. Furthermore, we suppose that the cells power plant, the mitochondrion, is in fact an intracellular bacterium, living in absolute symbiosis. Because of its intracellular existence it depends on the host's micronutrients completely. Within the host these micronutrients regulate their own formation, degradation, uptake and excretion. Known deficiencies, such as iodine and vitamin D, affect billions of people. Many micronutrients neither have been investigated, nor have they been studied in relation to each other and solid data are not available. Optimal levels of many micronutrients and all amino acids are not known.

Amino acids, vitamins and minerals are capable of altering gene expression, inducing apoptosis and regulating chemical processes. It makes them highly attractive for creating better health, against low cost, as we have already proven in the case of rickets, cretinism and scurvy in severe deficiencies. By creating optimal living conditions and study mitochondria from a symbiotic point of view we suppose that diseases not only can be prevented, but the course of diseases can be altered as well.

Ask Your MD for A Blood Test

Tracking of blood vitamin D levels (known as [25(OH)D]) is necessary to make sure you have the optimal range, not too high and not too low. Other labs to track are calcium and magnesium (and PTH if you have plaque or chronic kidney disease). Supplementation with either over-the-counter Vitamin D3 or prescription ergocalciferol (which is inferior and should be avoided) is contraindicated if you have a condition called sarcoidosis or isolated hypercalcemia (high calcium).

With dose initiation or increases, the blood levels take about 4-6 wks to stabilize. Consider requesting a blood test to confirm the value (either self-directed ZRT at heartscanblog or the vitaminDcouncil.org).

Dr. Harris MD discusses the accuracy of the vitamin D tests available on the market. Don't be blinded by his scorching hot brilliance or body. Paleo nutrition blog: HERE and HERE.

Dr. Cannell MD advises goal serum vitamin D [25(OH)D] 60 to 80 ng/ml (or 150-200 nmol/L). Personally my breathing and hormones appear to me the most optimal at 70s ng/ml. The past year I checked the [25(OH)D] twice and it was not more than 60. Incidentally, I did not feel so 'right on' as compared to when I had levels in the 70s. Everyone perhaps owns a 'set point' and you might need to figure what that is for yourself depending on your athletic performance, pulmonary function, immunity, mood and other metrics.

Hopefully your doc will not ignore the healing power of diet and certain nutritional supplements like vitamin D. (bwt don't bring the below article in -- the suggested doses are pathetically low baby doses).

Low Vitamin D = Low Strength

Low serum Vitamin D concentrations are independently associated with SARCOPENIA decreased muscle strength:


  1. One of the better Vitamin D posts of the last few days. Thank you for this, the sources make it really valuable!

  2. --> 50 Cent and Ne-Yo -- "Baby by Me" -- thanks for the multifractal Rx, Dr. B G.

    Don't forget to take your 'music pills' with those Vitamin D3 IU's!

    iTunes away,

    Dr. DJ

  3. What is the recommend dose of Vit for males? I've been taking 2 liquid caps of 4000 iu a day. Also What time of day should i be taking the Vit D?


  4. Felix,


    Hey you have a wonderful website and recipes!! Thank you for sharing the food p*rn!


  5. Hey Dr. DJ,

    LOVE love love Ne-YOOOO! ;)



  6. Hi Chuck O,

    Cannell advises 1000 IU per 25 lbs.

    Again this is highly variable based on a couple main factors:
    --gut health
    --skin tone
    --proximity to the equator
    --sunlight exposure
    --age (sometimes)

    You are in Wisconsin? So you are out in the sun, get literally NO UVB waves during the winter months since you are above the 37th latitude (right?)

    The lighter the skin tone, the less one may require (but that is not absolute).

    Those with 'leaky gut' from wheat/gluten/lectin damage and those with poor pancreas/gallbladder enzyme and bile acid production tend to require help and typically MORE vitamin D. For those with symptoms like burps, bloating, gas and/or heartburn, some probiotics and digestive enzymes I have found to be extremely helpful (which Robb Wolf advises as well). Bile acids are necessary to conjugate and absorb fats and fat soluble nutrients like vitamin D (and n-3 long chain fish oil).

    So... the best way to know is to get a blood test and see if the 8000 IU daily in the morning is optimal for you at this place and time.

    Hope that helps!


  7. Another 50 Cent fan, awesome.

    Plenty DRoids is definitely the way to go.

  8. DRoids!!! Yo right.

    Makes manly men more MANLY... Girls, GRRRRRRLs.

  9. Dr.B
    I've been taking probiotics along with my vit d and fish oil, those are the only sup's i currently use along with my paleo diet and crossfit/Max Effort workouts. I'm curious to see what my Vit D level would be, so i plan on purchasing a kit in the near future. Robb Wolf blog is a excellent sources of information!
    Thanks for your advice!

  10. Chuck O,

    That is GREAT!! Yes -- Robb's blog is excellent. I highly recommend his and Nicki's Xfit nutrition certification if they are near you (or you can travel). AWESOME info!!


  11. Nice post, G. Love it, as always!

    Regarding Chuck O's question above, I put together an article recently for NaturalNews about how to determine vitamin D dose. Here's the link for anyone interested:


  12. David,

    That looks good, as always!


  13. Great stuff again, I really think Vit D might one day make me almost as intelligent and precise thinker like Dr B G or Dr William Davies... I can only hope!

    Dr Cannell and vitamin D expert Marc Sorenson apparently have been writing a book on vitamin D's effects on athletic performance for at least a year now. They both have written an scientific article on the matter already, so we just have to keep our fingers crossed!

  14. Hi BG

    I've been following. First,if I were to rate pictures posted in the last month on paleo blogs, my number one is of 2 cute asian girls, probably 8 and 11 these days. Gorgeous. Of course, Kurt with his shirt off does tend to distract one from intellectual discourse....
    See Krauss's latest featured on Dr. Davis's blog. Then there is Peter waiting for you to slam crestor for its insulin resistance effects. On the latter, it there any evidence that this is a class effect? (simvastatin, atorvastatin promoting insulin resistance?)

  15. I just want to say how much I appreciate your information. My son's doctor refused to do Vit D testing, and I had just gone ahead with 2000iu per day drops (he weighs 50 lbs) based on some things at Dr. Ayers' blog, but was pretty nervous just dosing like that. Thanks so much, now I know that it's OK to supplement first before testing and that I can order up some tests through the mail.

    I have to say, it seems the D3 made a big difference pretty quickly. He's got asthma, peanut allergy, eczema, the whole works, and a constantly stuffy itchy nose. And after something like 10 days of D3 he started breathing clearly through his nose for the first time in years! We're so pleased. Also pretty much completely stopped wheat, but it's crazy all the foods wheat pops up in the ingredients. And slowly coming off rice and beans, etc, man...dairy's gonna be hard so saving it for last.

    Also my husband has Hashimotos so I've learned a lot digging through all your archives. I've been slipping D3 drops in his coffee every morning but haven't noticed any improvements yet. Of course he's wheat addicted and has it out for lunch every day since he can't get it at home anymore. I printed out your "after" picture and hung it on the fridge for motivation for me and wrote in sharpie for my husband "This Hawt Momma says Ditch the Wheat"

    you're the best! thanks!

  16. Hey Neo!

    Good to hear from Finland!! Yes -- I absolutely attribute vitamin D to my higher IQ (from 30 to 40 now!) and even mental health. Have you read DR. Larry McCleary and his blog or book the Brain Trust? We have VDR (vitamin D receptors) all over our brain.

    I'll have to ck out Sorenson. They should tell the Olympic team about vitamin D -- there are a lot of asthmatic athletes and because of the IOC rules many inhalers and standard of care drugs cannot be used.


    Yeah it won't be hard. The data suffices itself. Those Greeks. Man, do they have SWAGGER to put that data out there...!!!!

    IR and insulin raise CAC scores. It is that simple. I see the travesty and damage of statins ALL OVER the TYP forum for those who overstatinate (or statinate period). A lot of conventional types are there. Only members who cut back on the statin (or statin-less) report regression.

    Or they are on high doses of EPA DHA.

    No exceptions.

    But yet... for those who dose-reduce on statins -- could they have achieved even MORE regression (like 60-80%??) with just TYP and no statin? That is a curious viewpoint imho which needs further investigation and n=1 reporting.


  17. Athena,

    You angel! Your family is so lucky to have guard their health and futures!! Hope your hubby realizes...

    We struggle with the dairy too! It will be last!! (just went to Cold Stone last night... I know I know I know *heee*)

    That is so wonderful to hear all the improvements with your son's allergies, breathing and health!!!! Keep up the strong work! I love Ayers too :)


  18. Organic supplement is better than synthetic ones because of its components. It provides the natural nutrition the body requires and is chemical free. Synthetic vitamins maybe harmful and can cause damage to the body's system.

  19. I'm a bit confused. The group of researchers and practitioners who apply the "Marshall Protocol" for treatment of what are classified as autoimmune disorders is very negative on vitamin D supplementation, as it is immuno-suppressive and undermines the body's ability to combat baterial infection. On their view, yer low serum vitamin D is not good, but it is an effect not a cause. In any event, they have had remarkable treatment success with vitamin D avoidance (and sun avoidancve) with pulsed antibiotics to attack the bio-film that forms and induces chronic inflammation. They hypothesize that food chain vitamin D supplementation is a major factor for the prevelance of chronic disease.

    It's starting to seem, to me, that vitamin D suopplementation may be necessary for those on high carbohydrates, but the downside to vitamin D steroid supplementation is hormone resistance and vulnerability to chronic inflammatory conditions caused by L-form bacteria.

    As I mentioned, I am having a difficult time reconciling the different perspectives.


  20. BTW Homertobias, Thank you for your kind compliments for our daughters!


    I try to look at different angles that so-called experts present. There is always a grain of truth to why they present their approach, in fact, I have found. Marshall deals with a lot of sarcoidosis patients. Errant cells are producing vitamin D metabolites in this condition, therefore, yes IMHO he is correct, exogenous vitamin D supplementation and perhaps even sunlight would exacerbate the condition. Regarding the bacteria, I haven't sorted that out yet. Thank you for your comments. I've had the same thoughts.


  21. Haha, my husband thinks I've turned into a witch doctor chasing him around with a bottle of Castor oil to rub on his carpel tunnel wrists per Dr. Ayers.

    If you only you knew the burden on my heart...I've been the perfect low fat, whole grain sheep, even making all their bread and adding extra wheat germ to make it "healthy". Gahh! Instead I was making them sicker. They've both been to a string of doctors and endocrinologists and allergists the last 6 years, and our diet was always approved, never a mention of wheat or grain cessation. That's the reason my husband is looking at me askance now and sneaking around on me with the wheat vixen. I only stumbled on your blog because a coworker mentioned my son might like whole grain rice better if I soaked it first and googling that led me to Stephan's blog and your link in his blog-roll. Wham...it's like being struck upside the head...and it all makes sense...and like I said my little boy is feeling better already, but still a ways to go.

    So, long story to say that I'm just soooooo grateful and I want you to know that you're making a difference.


  22. I suffered from Lyme disease for years, and am pretty familiar with the Marshall Protocol, as many in my circles have tried it or promoted it from time to time. I used to think there was merit to it, but am now decidedly against it. It has proven to be a major bust, and not many serious LLMDs take it seriously anymore. Here's another perspective on the MP if you're interested: http://stuff.mit.edu/people/london/universe.htm


  23. Murray,

    You said:

    'They hypothesize that food chain vitamin D supplementation is a major factor for the prevelance of chronic disease.'

    There is a much bigger body of evidence suggesting lack of Vit D exacerbates chronic disease rather than the other way round. Just see Vitamin D Council's website for starters.

    This isn't the same Marshall as the one who is an engineer and who received a lot of attention about his thoughts on Vit D, and got everybody's panties in a twist in the process(I personally know nothing of his protocol or theories)?

    I personally think there isn't enough of a case against supplementing Vit D to warrant any cognitive dissonance over whether deciding to get your blood levels in what most experts agree is the optimal range: 50ng/ml to 70ng/ml or so.

    See Dr. Ayer's blog, Cooling Inflammation at blogspot regarding biofilms, he seems very knowledgable in this domain.


  24. Interrupting the programme for news.
    Dear G.,

    I got the latest bloods back and my LDL has gone up again (from 8.6 to 10.9=421) in the last two months (I definitely eat more fat than before) I don't know what to make of it. Other irregular ones: TSH 2.63, T3 0.8, cortisol 530 (afternoon) androstenedione 12.3, SHBG 80, CRP 0.86, lp(a) 101 mg/dl. Does the high lp(a) mean I have my grandfather's genes, who lived to be 96? Just joking but not really.
    Can you help me calm down?

  25. David and Kennedy, THANKS!!!


    'wheat vixen...' *haa* Grrrl, you crack me up!! So what does that make us??? We are certainly SOMETHING. I have tried to use both the soft touch and hard touch on my hubby. Personally the soft touch seems more effective. My kids right now too. They are of the age to start rebelling so backing off has helped -- I let them now go nuts at the gluten-free (high carb, processed) health food store or Whole Foods. Feeling too deprived makes them crave the *BIG WINK* 'wheat vixen'!!!!! Gosh the balancing act is soo tough. Even for myself -- often it's is simpler easier, to just not eat. I've said this to others, I'd love if I could just deliver food and caffeine intravenously once or twice day... Except chocolate. Chocolate is really good in the mouth.


  26. Lightcan!!

    Don't despair!

    OK -- are you losing body fat right now? If that is the case, that would explain how the HDL and TG failed to shift (right?) Are those the same?

    Can you tell me the HDLs again?

    According to research by Krauss on epo E4 who produce higher LDLs similarly to those exhibiting FH, these individuals are EXQUISITELY sensitive to dietary carbohydrates. Low carb or no carb appears the best for these types.

    Hormones -- need all your hormones balanced and optimal and preferably mimicking youthful levels (eg no inflammation or plaque days).

    I'd suggest finding a good practitioner of bioidentical hormone practitioner to eval via salivary testing and normalize all the labs. Cheryle Harte MD is good -- she wrote a good insulin and bioHRT book (was featured in TIME mag once). 'Hormones by Hart' is avail at her website. I've met and I think she's cool.

    The cortisol was in mg/dl units?

    It appears high -- stress, lack of sleep, high carbs, lack of exercise, hypothyroidism, etc all can contribute.


    Have you checked your body temps? If consistently < 98.6 degrees F, that is suggestive of hypothyroidism (as is the TSH lab). Thyroid can correct on its own -- I've met several people not taking Armour -- they recovered their thyroids but getting the CR*P out of it (heavy metals) and providing the appropriate support (B vits, C, vits ADEK K2, selenium 200mcg/d, mag, iodine (TONS), tyrosine, whey protein, n-3, taurine, probiotics, etc). Danny and I trying to work adrenal and thyroid stuff too! http://www.carnivorehealth.com/main/2009/11/4/the-carnivorous-diet-your-thyroid.html

    Good luck! You can do it!!


  27. Hey Dr. B G,
    So, in my quest to wrap my head around this nutritional health thing, I'd like to run my general thoughts by you.
    100% Paleo is the ideal when it comes to quality. Outside of Paleo, sugar, wheat, artificial sweeteners, and veggie oils are the big bad guys. When it comes to quantity, I'm not really sure where to look. I'd guess Zone amounts are a good place to start but in regards to carbs as you are a low carber, do you think it would be pertinent to suggest low carb (roughly <100 g/day) to most people because most people have some degree of fatness/insulin issues? Maybe it's just because I work on a trading floor.
    I think a moderate amount of protein and fat are fine but it's the amount of carbs that trip me up. Do you agree with Dr. Schwarzbien on eating higher carbs (from starchs) and fat for awhile to repair the metabolism so that one can heal the body enough to the point that they can then properly handle carbs again instead of avoiding them for the rest of their lives. The only thing that I worry about with low carb all the time is just avoiding the problem instead of dealing with it.
    My underlying thinking is that proper digestion is the root of all health and if you can digest well then you can eat a wide variety of macronutrients. Please convince me that low carb is the way to go because right now I don't think some carbs from potatoes/rice cause hyperinsulinism if wheat/sugar/veggie oils don't accompany it. Lastly, thoughts on sprouted wheat bread?

    Disclaimer: I'm sorry if you have covered any of this stuff before. I tried to read all of your posts and comments. By the way, the time that you spend responding in a comical manner is awesome!

    Disclaimer 2: I'm a detail-orientated person just like you and as a consequence, I end up spending more time thinking about and changing my diet than achieving goals. I'm probably about 15-17% body fat at 207 and 6'. I'm searching for that holy grail of 10-12% body fat, adequate performance, roughly 3 workouts a week (working two jobs and studying for the CFA test = little extra time for making meals or working out), and not counting blocks for every meal (general guidelines are fine), all while sleeping 5 to 7 hours a night.

    Sorry for the long post but seeing what you were able to accomplish is inspiring to me!

  28. Hey Mark!

    Great blog BTW!! I'm so into training blogs and see what works for people now! I enjoy your disclaimers. *haa*

    You've got great thoughts on carbs and IR! I'm still figuring it all out. I am not aware of Dr. Schwarzbein but the prevalence of the 'evil oils' as DR. Sears and others discuss has changed the landscape for treating chronically ill individuals. Anyone with bellyfat (metabolic syndrome) probably has some degree of plaque believe it or not. 95% of ALL diabetics have plaque on EBCT in their coronary arteries.

    For the last 10-20yrs, the U.S. has had a high consumption of trans fats (as advocated by AHA and USDA, via margarine and trying to 'lower' the LDL cholesterol). Transfat consumption was average 5000 mg daily just a few years ago according to some lit I saw.

    Where does that stuff go in biological systems?? Well. Not easily OUT of human mammalian systems. Transfats are far more toxic than liquid omega-6 (soy, peanut, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, canola, etc). Transfat stuff is solid at room temp and is sustained in all of the adipose/fat stores (white vs brown) and our cellular bi-lipid layers. Omega-6 alone apparently takes 24-36 months to be eliminated out. I can't imagine for transfats the metabolic fates. (does anyone know??)

    What manner do normal mortals have to neutralize these? Well there are a lot -- anything anti-inflammatory helps the resultant AA and insulin resistance. Low dose n-3 is not sufficient (high doses must match the degree of inflammation for benefits to be evident, as Sears, Wolf and Poliquin ascribe to). A high enough n-3 dose reduces oxLDL, Lp(a), CRP, hypertension, insulin resistance, proteinuria, and many other inflammatory markers. The PubMed data are overwhelming.

    You bring up insulin resistance! I was talking to Robb about that a year ago at the Xfit nutri cert and I told him that I couldn't eat all those apples or carbs from the Zone -- I think over this past year he has totally leaned out (as you are achieving) from going the low carb angle.

    Robb promotes low carb now for Xfit. I see nothing wrong with that at this time. Even the best athletes that I know don't do tons and tons of carbs. Poliquin is like 20-40 grams daily I believe.

    Yes -- we do need some insulin for muscle hypertrophy. The year I had a ton of insulin issues with my synthetic hormones, I greww AMAZING muscles. But also FAT too!! And I couldn't shred it later without total ketosis and insulin sensitizing supplements.

    So that is what drugs do.

    That is also what lifetime accumulation of tranfats and omega-6 as well, I strongly believe.

    Totally agree on the digestion!! Boy you have got that one down!! Do you read Cooling Inflammation, the blog by Dr. Ayers? He explains digestion quite excellently. I believe he also recently went gluten free and noticed all the benefits (migraine relief).

    I am not in the total WAPF camp though I love the premise and the seminal dental/CAD work of DR. Price. As my sister says, 'oleandar is poisonous; would you soak and ferment oleandar???'

    So, sprouted wheat, still gluten/gliadin and therefore plant toxins which unfortunately most humans have not evolved to digest. It's still toxic I believe. Currently, my digestion cannot afford that.

    Rice and potatoes (mostly red and yams) are carbs that I like, like you. I cycle them now. Cycling seems evolutionarily to mimic seasons, in my opinion. But I am now keto-adapted as well, so when I skip meals or go no-carb/low carb I generate ketones pretty quickly (I can tell from my sweeter breath). It took a FREAKING long time for adjustment!!! My endurance and performance seem way better now though after the 3-4month'hump'. Like everyone says, it s*cks in the begining. Don't look for PRs.

    OK w/that said -- my adrenals are on the up and up now. However if one is not sleeping so well or have adrenal or thyroid issues -- probably some carbs help -- gives the liver a break I think. Don't want to push cortisol to the limits if one is not hormonally stable and optimal.


  29. G,
    thanks a lot. Why do you have to be so far?
    I had a look at a study done by Krauss in 95 (abstract)and it says that low fat diet for these apo E people (especially apoE 3/2) makes the LDL dense and it doesn't reduce the particle number. Does that mean that before my LDL was low because it was all dense? No hope for an NMR.
    I am low carbing for 15 months now. These changes happened since I started and there has even been an increase in the last 2-3 months.

    Re cortisol, must be in nmol/l. Does not match hypothyroidism!(webmd where you can see conversion)
    Stress yes, lack of sleep, no. VLC. I should get a thermometer and exercise more for sure. And restart supplementing; taking Se, iodine, Mg, vit ACDE, fish oil, glucosamine at the moment.
    About heavy metals, yes, aware of Hg, when and how I can detox, I don't know. I tried Chlorella and it made me sick. I should try again.

    What about lp(a)? Can't do much about that except eat more sat fat. wink

    I'm showing you the numbers without converting just to see the trend.
    Dec 2007 TC 6.4 rest N/A
    30.09.08 TC 7.1 HDL 2.1 LDL 4.7 Trig 0.6
    7.08.09 TC 11.0 HDL 2.1 LDL 8.6 Trig 0.7
    12.10.09 TC 13.7 HDL 2.5 LDL 10.9
    Trig 0.7
    I live in Ireland, so not much hope in finding an enlightened doctor regarding hormones.

  30. Hey Lightcan! :)

    OK now we're talking w/your numbers. I am actually not that into #'s but they are an indication and good metric when that is all that I have. Genetics, lifestyles, bodyfat and antioxidant status actually are more telling but don't translate particularly well on the internet!!

    I like big phat particles. Size matters. *haa* Especially for Lp(a) and essentially anything greater than 3 mg/dl is significant when combined with family history and low HDL2b (the biggest, phat-est HDL 'good' cholesterol particle).

    As a grrrrl, you probably don't have plaque yet -- we are lucky and fairly protected until the estrogen wanes.

    My observations for Lp(a) > 100-200 mg/dl in women is that the plaque can be laid down in places other than the coronary arteries:
    --legs (peripheral vascular disease)
    --kidney arteries (arterionephrosclerosis)
    --carotids (strokes)
    --brain (type 3.0 diabetes; dementia)

    You don't have a baseline Lp(a) but I would venture with your recently VLC diet and higher sat fats, undoubtedly the Lp(a) could've been tremendously HIGHER than currently. So -- good job!

    The LDL particles are undoubtedly better -- PHATTER, bigger, carrying capacity for antioxidants higher.

    Don't worry so much about the Lp(a) right now -- the diet and thyroid corrections will eventually fix it. It has the potentially of lowering to < 30 mg/dl with many strategies. Is your vitamin D at 70 ng/ml? This is easy.

    For stress relief and high Lp(a), you could definitely consider the HIGH high value of pushing the fish oil dose. Fish oil works the best with some exercise for Lp(a) *WINK*. I use less when I am sedentary but a ton more when I have oxidative stress from endurance and intense workouts.

    Thyroid -- sounds like you got some great thoughts already! A couple of good sources that I found to be extremely helpful are:
    1. Broda Barnes MD 'Thyroid Unsuspected Illness'
    2. Mark Hyman MD 'Ultramind'

    If you have exhaustive all routes of improving thyroid naturally, strongly consider hormone repletion with Armour or porcine desiccated thyroid. Surprisingly many people require 2-3 grains of thyroid. Globally we are all so hypothyroid, it just constantly shocks me. Broda Barnes was a big visionary and realized many connections between our health and thyroid with his experiments, exhaustive research and clinical practice. Have you read him yet?

    Actually Krauss demonstrated for all apo E types, low sat fat was bad (increased density of LDL and HDL). Krauss is a visionary too!!


  31. Lightcan,

    I'll just throw in my thoughts on the chlorella issue you mentioned. Do you know what form you were taking that made you sick? Commonly, there is chlorella pyrenoidosa and chlorella vulgaris. Pyrenoidosa is the better detoxer but vulgaris is more digestible. Some people (you included, apparently) have trouble breaking down the cell wall. I would try taking it with digestive enzymes (cellulase, specifically, as it's the cellulose in the chlorella that's causing your problems) before you give up on it.


  32. David!

    So much appreciate your expertise :)


  33. David,

    It doesn't say which, it is the powdered form from Synergy Natural. And they say that the cell wall is cracked. Do you think it needs to be combined with cilantro for elimination instead of redistribution?

    That's great, strokes, kidney problems, dementia. I'm close to the latter, maybe just demented. (scary laugh)
    omega 3 is still a PUFA. Should that not be taken with caution in my case? I take 2 grams combined DHA/EPA a day.

    I'm glad that I found you guys, it's great for the O vitamin!

  34. Lightcan!!

    Chin up GRRRRL!!! I think you are a bright shining light of optimism!! Being pro-active and asking a lot of questions is half the odyssey. Don't give up. If you already feel great and energetic, then you'll feel even 10-times better in a short while.

    That is not a bad EPA DHA dose but seriously at my CROSSFIT, we ALL take 2400 to 3000 mg EPA DHA daily no matter what age, no matter what chronic conditions we have. The coaches all advise this for minimal health (per Sears/Zone). In diabetic studies, 3-4 g EPA DHA did nothing when normally they shift 80-90% to pattern 'A' in other clinical trials.

    Have you noticed lower blood pressures? Are they normal < 110/70s? Do you still have any ongoing dental issues? I ask b/c recently I had an abscess for like 1-2 yrs which probably contributed to my insulin resistance issues. Infections are BAD THINGS whether its 'leaky gut', dental or otherwise (chlamydia, klebsiella, etc).

    For vitamin K2, I supplement as well as take fermented CLO. I make my kids take this D3 1000 IU + K2 MK7 95mcg 'biodots' by Twinlabs (chewable tangerine *YUUMMM!*). If I forget -- I pop a couple for the week. This round when I mega-dosed the vitamin D, I didn't get these dry, bumpy scales on my arms the LAST time I did the high dose Stoss protocol for vitamin D viral infections (on Dr. Cannell's vitaminDcouncil.org website). I think it is because FINALLY my vitamin K2 stores in the adipose are replete. My skin in fact is like BUTTER now :) it's sweet... Anyhow hope you have noticed much improvements with the periodental stuff now!!


  35. Lightcan,

    Cilantro isn't necessary for any safety reason, but it may be a good idea for faster detoxification progress.

    If it were me (and it is me, actually. I take chlorella every day), I would stay on the chlorella by itself for a few weeks before starting cilantro, as this will reduce the heavy metal load in the gut, setting up the rest of the body to start moving its load into the gut without overdoing it. Then I would cycle cilantro on and off while taking the chlorella. Take the chlorella for a few weeks, and then add in the cilantro (small dose at first!) for a week while simultaneously increasing the chlorella dose (3 weeks off cilantro, 1 week on. Repeat). You increase the dose to make sure you're binding everything that the cilantro mobilizes. This is nothing to screw around with. I would proceed very cautiously with heavy metal detox. Take it slow, and make sure you know what you're doing.

    The cilantro is the mobilizer, the chlorella is the binder. You can take chlorella without cilantro, but I wouldn't do it the other way around.

    Here's a little tip: Take the chlorella 30-40 minutes before your meals. This is prime timing for putting it in just the right spot for enterohepatic interception.


  36. Lightcan,

    You can ask your doctor to take a blood test to find out your Apo-B and Apo-A1 level if the NMR test is not available in Irland.

    Apo-B is related to the number of LDL particles and Apo-A1 is related to number of HDL particles, so this will give you better (even if it may not be as good as a NMR) information then the standard cholesterol tests.

  37. This is such a wonderful and caring coomunity.

    Thank you Dr. BG.

    I would like to addition Lars
    experience. On my blood sheet is shows apo-B divided by apo-A1.

    Then it show above ratio results and how much you must be concern.
    Female 0.6 avg.risk
    0.9 2x avg.risk
    1.0 3x avg.risk

    Male is 0.7 0.9 1.0

    Hope that helps.

  38. David, Lars, Anonymous!!


    I'd concur -- apo A1 and apo B concurrently rate plaque and more importantly insulin resistance... what improves these 2 parameters??

    --low carb
    --thyroid and ALL hormone corrections
    --sleep (lowered stress)
    --HIGH HIGH SAT FAT + low carb paleo
    --EPA DHA (fish oil)
    --avoiding synthetic stupid drugs (Crestor) and hormones (Provera, Mirena IUD, oral contraceptives, etc)

  39. I just did two interviews for finnish magazines on Vitamin D and wrote an mag article - whew !
    About 50 000 readers. :-D

    I just learned that in Finland, two professors are recommendind 300 IU and 400 IU for adults, yet we have to wait for new recommendations at least two years. At the moment 200 pound bodybuilder (300 IU) is going to get l-e-s-s Vitamin D than an infant (400 IU). Nice.

    The other professor (Tuohimaa) just told that Cannell and "Vitamin D Council -school" got a lot of critique in a new Vitamin D seminar - all for their claims on Vitamin D toxicity. No refs though - somehow I'm not surprised.

    I'll tell you the main points about the final press version ASAP, if you are interested !

    PS: I agree that swimmers are the ones that probably would do especially well with more Vit D. Cannell actually had some refs on UVB-effect on swimmers and they were cool. Vitamin D did it, probably.

  40. Thank you all for your help.

    Sorry for the confusion on sat fat and the TYP program.
    Unfortunately calcium is still deposited on the back of my front teeth and I have to go to the hygienist every 4 months for scaling. I've just been. I e-mailed Richard Nicoley about it and he recommended vit K2 as I'm taking everything else. So many things to consider.
    Good idea about the vit K2/D combo for kids.

    that all sounds very dangerous and complicated. I don't even know what the dose should be for cilantro/coriander. I think I'll pass for the time being, I'll just try to start with 1 gram of Chlorella powder/day 30 min before eating.

  41. Neo,

    That is VERY cool!!! Congratulations! Definitely I would be interested in reading the final print :) All new things take time to take hold. It appears everything is associated with hysteria in the beginning... Granted there are NO good primary or secondary prevention heart disease trials with vitamin D yet (and likely never will be) the evolutionary value is high and anyone ignoring the existing data seem fairly out of touch with reality imho. Or just lazy they have not bothered to search and find the literature critically to draw their own conclusions. Many refuse to read Taubes GCBC for the same reason. They take the 'word' of others instead of deciding for themselves.

    I think it is great you are providing education for such a wide readership (Finland which needs enough vitamin D)!!

    This is why I enjoy the net so much -- so much SYNERGY, sharing of ideas. I've learned so much from many experts out there (and I discovered NO ONE knows it all, only slivers here and there) -- vitamin D is like that too. It is great no doubt; but not acting alone.

    Vitamin D3 works best and optimally synergistically with ALL the other fat-soluble hormones and nutrients -- vitamins K2 K1 A tocopherols tocotrienols and fish oil EPA DHA and veggie ALA and phosphatidylserine/choline etc.


    I am sorry about the confusion so I'm glad I had a chance to clarify. I can see how it is easy to make that 'jump' though.

    Good luck with the gums -- Nige and many others (like Stan? I think) have complete gum and osteoporosis recovery stories with K2. I feel K2 has helped me prevent vitamin D toxicity when I mega-dosed it for flu protection... At the first trial, I wasn't aware of the synergy betw vitamins ADEK2 until I read Chris Masterjohn's essay/blog.


  42. Dr. BG,

    Just curious as to where D3 and Niacin are absorbed in the gut? I had a small bowel resection due to Crohn's about seven years ago during which I lost most of my Ilium. I'm getting my B12 with Nascobal since gut absorbtion is now out of the question. I'm taking 6000iu D3 and 1000iu niacin daily. Am I wasting my money?



  43. Dr. B G said...

    "All new things take time to take hold. It appears everything is associated with hysteria in the beginning..."

    Yes, it seems that there is a formula. I think philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer got it quite right:

    “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

    Dr. B G said...
    "Granted there are NO good primary or secondary prevention heart disease trials with vitamin D yet (and likely never will be)"

    Yet coenzyme Q10 has had some trials already, how come Vit D might fall short in the end? I sure hope that bogus dosed hypercalcemic rat models haven't destroyed the idea of D3 supplementation trials. Yet even niacin is practically unheard of here in Finland in any obvious way - I accidentally bumped into niacin when reading about beta-alanine induced tingling effect!

    Yes that 250 mg dose every now and then warms nicely in the winter. :-)

    There is 10 000+ people high CAD risk trial coming in Finland starting in 2011. It's only D3 as well, not with O3 AFAIK, as in US. I think the dosage range is from ZERO (unfortunate and unethical) to at least 30 µg's, maybe even 50 µg per day, for several years. That should make some difference, at least in some people?

    Dr. B G said...
    "I think it is great you are providing education for such a wide readership (Finland which needs enough vitamin D)!!"

    Thanks again! You have been most inspirational in my "mission", making nutrition feel FUN, steamy and hot, not only disease prevention "when we get old and grumpy". (no offence to anyone)

    Dr. B G said...
    "Vitamin D3 works best and optimally synergistically with ALL the other fat-soluble hormones and nutrients -- vitamins K2 K1 A tocopherols tocotrienols and fish oil EPA DHA and veggie ALA and phosphatidylserine/choline etc."

    YES - I totally found out that too! Then there is "the food fallacy". I think the overall nature of official health policy that promote "obvious facts" like that people can get optimal health every time with proper food totally dismisses the view that perfect food doesn't exist. Many people would do better supplementing something, for some while at least. Vitamin D is the most obvious example, since no food source really contains it even near enough quantities. Yet I think that's why it just may be the best example.

  44. Hey Rick,

    I apologize for the delay -- your questions are excellent ones.

    Honestly I could not find precise data on where vitamin D and niacin are absorbed. Presumably vitamin D is a fat and would be affected by pancreatic lipases, conjugated by gallbladder bile acids (including taurine-bile acids, see below) and then absorbed in the duodenum. I believe however it is likely a significant portion is also absorbed in the ileum. What portion was removed surgically?

    Niacin on the other hand (if immediate release) is a water-soluble B-vitamin and would likely be absorbed in the stomach and duodenum. However, the slo-niacin/niaspan slow release to promote gradual dissolution and absorption in the duodenum. For those with low acidity or other factors that may reduce the dissolution, I believe absorption may occur further down in the ileum.

    The best way to assure these are being absorbed is to check the serum levels -- 25(OH)D for vitamin D with the goal 60-80 ng/ml in mind and TG and HDL cholesterol for niacin. These should improve: TG decrease and HDL increase. The LDL may in fact increase if buoyancy improves however over time niacin tends to lower LDL count as well and the LDL overall may reduce 30% (dose-dependent however).

    For Crohn's disease I have read it is imperative to avoid hexanes (solvent used in processing veggie oils), omega-6 veggie oils, gluten and possibly casein. It is not uncommon (in fact I think it is the rule) for any autoimmune disease the presence of fatty/calcified pancreas, gallbladder and thyroids is inherent. These affect digestion as well. (low thyroid slows down the GI significantly)

    Many factors actually affect digestion, conjugation of fats, and absorption. The gut flora -- the microbiota of the zoo in our intestines -- is actually imperative as well to in providing the optimal environment and recycling of the proper bile acids for fat absorption (enterohepatic circulation).

    Here is a cool story of the solution of rickets in zoo lions. The addition of taurine from cold-pressed cod liver oil resolved the absorption issues of vitamin D and A. I get my taurine and digestive enzymes from the health food store (I don't eat much fermented or raw stuff, though I love them, too lazy). I get fermented cold pressed cold liver oil from greenpasture.org (great stuff btw)

  45. (cont)

    Pediatrics. 2009 May;123(5):e948-50.

    Rickets in lion cubs at the London Zoo in 1889: some new insights.
    Chesney RW, Hedberg G.

    In 1889, when Dr John Bland-Sutton, a prominent surgeon in London, England, was consulted concerning fatal rickets in more than 20 successive litters of lion cubs at the London Zoo, he evaluated the role of diet relative to the development of rickets. He prescribed goat meat and bones and cod-liver oil to be added to the lean horse-meat diet of the cubs and their mothers. Rickets reversed, the cubs survived, and litters were reared successfully. In classic controlled studies conducted in puppies and young rats 3 decades later, the crucial role of calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D in both prevention and therapy of rickets was elucidated. Later studies led to the identification of the structural features of vitamin D. Although the Bland-Sutton interventional diet obviously provides calcium and phosphate from bones and vitamin D from cod-liver oil, other benefits of this diet were not initially recognized. Chewing bones promotes tooth and gum health and removes bacteria-laden tartar. Cod-liver oil also contains vitamin A, which is essential for the prevention of infection and for epithelial cell health. Taurine-conjugated bile salts are also necessary for the intestinal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including A and D. Moreover, unlike dogs and rats, all feline species are unable to synthesize taurine yet can only conjugate bile acids with taurine. This sulfur-containing beta-amino acid must be provided in the carnivorous diet of a large cat. Taurine-conjugated bile salts were provided in the oil cold-pressed from cod liver. The now famous Bland-Sutton "experiment of nature," namely, fatal rickets in lion cubs, was cured by the addition of minerals and vitamin D. However, gum health and the presence of taurine-conjugated bile salts undoubtedly permitted absorption of vitamin A and D, the latter promoting the cure of rickets.
    PMID: 19349374

    Good luck and please let me know how things work for you later!


  46. Neo,

    Schopenhauer is quite wise, as are you!!

    There are so many fallacies and fairy tales...

    Nutrigenomics is what I'm getting into (w/Nephropal Dr. T). We are so indeed incredibly genetically different... yet so close. We share hormone and DNA homology like 90-95+% with other mammals...

    I hope the vitamin D studies bear its benefits! Let's cross our fingers.


  47. Rick said...

    "I'm taking 6000iu D3 and 1000iu niacin daily. Am I wasting my money?"

    I too have Crohn's (which reacted to D3 extremely well) and I asked about D3and Crohn's from Vitamin D Council. John Cannell replied and recommended tanning beds:


    I apologize as this has nothing to do with D3, but I got a month ago a very interesting mail from a guy who got full clinical remission from 20+ years Colitis Ulcerosa with... resveratrol! (500 mg/day)
    Had many refs as well, it seems that resve may work by somewhat unique pathway to inhibit inflammation in the gut. Its seems that we learn something new every day.

    Obviously CU is not VDR dependent like Crohn's is and not really dependent on latitude. I think it may O6 PUFA -related though.

    Then of course we may try Kwasniewski's OD when everything else fails. :-)

  48. Neo,

    Thank you for your insightful comments!!!


  49. Hello!

    In this work we have examined the effect of the oral administration of propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) on the membrane phospholipid fatty acid turnover of erythrocytes from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. A statistically significant reduction in radioactive palmitate, oleate, and linoleate, but not arachidonate, incorporation into membrane phosphatidylcholine (PC) of diabetic rat erythrocytes with respect to control animals was found. Changes in radioactive fatty acid incorporation were also found in diabetic red cell phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), though they were not statistically significant. Oral propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) treatment of diabetic rats partially restored the ability of intact red cells to reacylate membrane PC with palmitate and oleate, and reacylation with linoleate was fully restored. The analysis of the membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition revealed a consistent increase of linoleate levels in diabetic rat red cells, and a modest decrease of palmitate, oleate and arachidonate. The phospholipid fatty acid composition of diabetic red blood cells was not affected by the PLC treatment. Lysophosphatidylcholine acyl-CoA transferase (LAT) specific activity measured with either palmitoyl-CoA or oleyl-CoA was significantly reduced in diabetic erythrocyte membranes in comparison to controls. In addition LAT kinetic parameters of diabetic erythrocytes were altered. The reduced LAT activity could be partially corrected by PLC treatment of diabetic rats. Our data suggest that the impaired erythrocyte membrane physiological expression induced by the diabetic disease may be attenuated by the beneficial activity of PLC on the red cell membrane phospholipid fatty acid turnover.

    Interesting question about trans fat turnover. I just got a bloody nose trying to find some kind of answer.

    I threw in the abstract sort of as a further question; are there substances that will increase membrane fatty acid turnover, get those trans-fats out at a rate faster than whatever is usual?

    In rats, to induce essential fatty acid deficiency, they put them on a high carbohydrate, fat free diet, intermittently. (IF.) I've wondered for a while whether some of the benefits of IF might be related to the depletion of excessive omega 6's.

    I think the depletion in the rats happens during the fasting, and that the purpose of the refeeds being extremely low in fat is to avoid omega 6 repletion. I doubt that the refeed actually needs to be high carb.

    Didn't Chris at Conditioning Research post something about intermittent fasting increasing carnitine levels, a while back?

    I was just reading a recent post by Dr Davis where he was writing about high dose fish oil some times taking years before the desired effect on lp(a) manifests. I wonder if that has anything to do with this turnover stuff?

  50. Hi Donny,

    Interesting abstract -- I take L-carnitine for a variety of reasons. The study didn't use trans-fats right? I haven't read much about trans-fats yet. The biological activity of these synthetic molecules probably would behave more (I conjecture) similarly to synthetic drugs and hormones like progestins (WHI study showed increased cancer and Depo-Provera has long biological suppression of fertility) and fake beta-carotene (like Lurotin which negatived niacin benefits in the HATS trial and was assoc w/more events).

    I don't recall Chris at Conditioning Research posting but intermittent fasting does upregulate many antioxidants and I wouldn't be surprised if carnitine was another one. In men (women too but not so much), testosterone is upregulated during IF. Humans are built to starve -- and it is good for us. Breaking a fast with a workout is even better!

    You said, "I've wondered for a while whether some of the benefits of IF might be related to the depletion of excessive omega 6's." I dunno! But that sounds like a great working premise!!

    Fish oil is a drug and hormone that affects every cell and tissue. The benefits are dose AND time related. n-3 pufas get incorporated into plaque lesions and evolve potent anti-inflammatory effects, regression and changes the local hormones including VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) involved with regrowing healthy pink new vessel linings.

    Dr. T my colleague at Nephropal.com will be talking more about fish oil -- it improves insulin sensitivity and adiponectin.

    Fish oil at a high enough dose quells systemic inflammation when it is present (eg autoimmune dz, hypothyroidism, CAD, cancer, endurance elite physical training, etc).

    It makes people BIONIC. *haa* Yes -- it lowers Lp(a) for everyone as well. 8.5 grams EPA DHA was used in a German study x1mon combined with 30min daily swimming and a high carb AHA diet -- it lowered Lp(a) significantly in only 4 wks. Anything that raises particle buoyancy controls Lp(a).

    The best thing for Lp(a)?

    Pastured Lard, Beef Tallow, Casein-free Ghee, Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Chicken/Duck/Geese fat schmaltz, Seal/whale BLUBBER, etc. (preferably not dairy since it's not paleo and many people have allergies)

    Great comments!!


  51. Hi Dr. BG!

    Love this blog! Back in February of '05 when I was living in Japan (and had for many years - I was 41 years old then) a blood test picked up CLL. That fall I returned to the States and begin seeing a oncologist here regularly. I should mention that at the time of diagnosis I was eating Paleo but understand now I wasn't getting near enough calories, saturated fat or Vitamin D but was feeling great with no symptoms of CLL whatsoever. After arriving in the States my diet gradually shifted away from Paleo to all sorts of "anti-cancer" diets that really didn't work for me at all. Every 6 month visit to the oncologist revealed that my WBC was gradually increasing which indicated a progression of the disease. At some point I said, "F**k it!" and missed a year and a half of appointments and told myself I was going to do what made sense to me and not worry about the consequences so I gradually moved back into Paleo despite the common wisdom of juicing and all that and also began serious work on my "interior." When I went back to the oncologist after missing more than a year and a half of appointments my WBC had dropped 11,000!. Rather than suggesting coming back in 6 months he said, "See you in a year." I was mighty pleased despite him not thinking that the huge WBC dropped was significant but keep in mind that this man thought my WBC would continue to progress.

    Well, I spend part of every day searching the net for people like you who post information I can use. I just want to say thanks. Just this week I found a man with a website who defeated CLL ( a disease that is said to be "undefeatable") @ http://www.clldefeated.com/ His dietary recommendations are low-carb and in line with Dr. Lutz's "Life Without Bread."

    Again, many thanks.

  52. Kayumochi,

    Your story comes at special time for me. How wonderful to hear all your improvements!! Are you on vitamin D, fish oil, Mag and other fat-soluble antioxidants (vit A, vit K2) all of which synergize together in the bone marrow and immune system?

    I first discovered the importance of these when a good friend of ours (and my 2 daughters babysitter) developed Ovarian CA at her early 40s. Unbelievable. No hx of cancer in their family history at all. It is likely all environmental and food related. (lack of nutrients, hypothyroidism, high high dietary n-6 pufa via corn and canola oil, lack of saturated fatty acids and like all Japanese and Chinese and Korean women - STRONG avoidance of sunlight)

    I am going to pass along your story to the mother of a young but mature boy with a recurrence of CLL.

    Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, Paleo + correcting nutritional deficits/imbalances is the BEST cure for everything, even cancer and leukemia. Please continue to update your amazing and stunning progress!

    Thank you for taking the time to write. I wonder if there are better tasting grassfed pemmican?


  53. Kay--

    BTW here is where I first found and connected amazing integrative relationships between Paleo, grain-avoidance, high saturated fat (PPAR agonists -- butyrate, ghee, ultra high dose fish oil, MCT oil, coconut oil, grassfed pork beef game fowl, etc) with cancer.


    These are Myrna Brind protocols from Jefferson from Philadelphia. One of the docs is apparently affiliated with writing pieces for WAPF.

    Hope you find them as progression, science-oriented and curious as I did!!

    (they don't know about low carb/ ketotic, grain-free gluten-free or vitamin K2 though or thyroid corrections)

    BTW how is your thyroid? Do you ck your body temperatures? Are they perfect 98.6 F? Even children are born hypothyroid these days and Dr. Broda Barnes MD has made connections between cancer, leukemia, lymphoma and low thyroid states.

  54. Thank you so much doctor for your comments. I have fallen away from fish oil and plan to get back on it when I have a moment to order some. Would you recommend Krill Oil? I also will include the other things you mentioned in my diet as well.

    I had my Vitamin D level checked recently and I came out at a weak 31ng. Last month I began taking 10,000 iu daily (did you know that there is actually a medical Vitamin D3 protocol for CLL? Why it isn't promoted more I don't know. My oncologist certainly didn't mention it). I imagine that when I left Japan back in '05 my Vitamin D level was far lower than 31ng as we had so many cloudy days all year round up north in Fukushima-ken. Here in Georgia I simply get more sun. My wife, who is Japanese, avoids the sun completely like you said and I now have both her and my daughter taking 5000 iu of Vitamin D.

    Never have I considered my thyroid. While I avoid soy products occasionally I do eat natto knowing it is extremely high in Vitamin K. Is this the same Vitamin K you mentioned?

    LOL. You may like the "real" pemmican. Supposedly that is what the American Indians ate and not the beef jerky type (clearly they knew the importance of saturated fat) . It is sort of like eating liquid meat in a bar ...

  55. The simplest way to nourish the hair is taking hair vitamin supplements, letting the hair grow naturally. Topical products only provide a limited result unlike the supplements wherein it can help improve the hair's health.

  56. Vitamin A and D-fish oil is good stuff. Vitamin D provides nutritive support for normal, healthy skeletal growth, strong bones and healthy calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin A provides nutritive support for healthy skin, bones and teeth

