Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Paradigms

Nouvelle Vague:
In a Manner of Speaking


Been reading a lot of books lately... I'll share later but first and foremost is Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD that friends and readers Brent, Todd and Nima linked to earlier or recommended. Sincere and kind thanks!

I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Lipton recently at a talk near his local town near Santa Cruz. Amazingly humble, brilliant and down to earth, Dr. Lipton connected the dots for me regarding linking biological sciences, environmental sciences and how the universe may just be a FRACTAL AMPLIFICATION of our trillions of cells (not including the other trillions of our symbiotic bacteria and biofilms), from his new book Spontaneous Evolution released last year with comedian Steve Bhaerman. Life is quantum, not strictly Newtonian. Darwin was mildly off, spontaneous and egalitarian evolution trumps survival of the fittest. Lipton energetically explains the new brave world.

New Paradigms

Principle One: Wealth is well-being
Principle Two: Ecology and economy are the same
Principle Three: Efficiency is the key to thrival
Principle Four: Currency must represent real wealth (ATP=wealth!! *haa ahaaa!*)

In Principle Two, wealth is actually explained in agricultural terms by weighing chloroplasts/photosynthesis (e.g. Calvin Cycle biochemistry) as the measurable metric. Yes. This makes sense. 'In the words of scientist-turned-economist Frederick Soddy, "Chlorophyll was the original capitalist." Chlorophyll molecules are responsible for photosynthesis, the process through which the sun's energy transforms water and carbon dioxide [e.g. AIR!!! see prior animal pharm posts] into nutritional sugar molecules. Plant cells harvest their solar-powered sugar molecules and use them for both metabolic building blocks and life-sustaining energy. The growth of a cornstalk, from a sprout to the eight of an elephant's eye is made possible by the accumlated nutritional wealth manufactured by the plant's chlorophyll. Almost all life on this planet, including our own, is dependent upon photosynthesis-create sugar molecules.'

True Farmers Almost Extinct?

A book I've ordered and can't wait to dig into is about a sassy, New York gal transformed into a small town, sustainable, HAWWWWWWWT, farmgrrrrrl named Kristin Kimball A Dirty Life. Where are the true farmers are are tied to the deep, moist, fertile soil, growing plants of diverse genetic variety and biodiversity and raising pastured, sun-drenched farm animals? Kimball and her husband are first generation farmers who raise produce and animals for 100 members ($2800 per member per year). They milk their own cows by hand and till the fields by horse-drawn equipment, no machinery. The milk and cream are 'taxicab yellow'. Kimball's writing is so fun to read (in the excerpt) and carries warm alacrity and urban sharpness. It's about as dirty as her herbicide-free, pesticide-free, compost rich soil on their rich, wealth-providing, nutrient-dense acreage.

Lipton discusses Charles Walters who has a book Unforgiven and a magazine called Acres which serves the almost extinct population of small farmers. Walters 'has seen in his lifetime, the virtual disappearance of family farms. In their place, more and more factory farms operate monoculturally outside the rhythms of Nature, producing de-natured food and toxic waste. Meanwhile, science and technology have given civilization the opportunity to wantonly mine Gaia's wealth in order to support the excesses of monetary economy.'

Ecosphere Wealth = Reflection of Our Collective Health

Lipton's argument is that 'our ignorance of the planet's fragile web of life has blinded us to the profound damage and havoc we wreak by pillaging the environment's resources and then, adding insult to injury, contaminating that environment with discarded waste.'

'The wealth of the ecosphere, like that of any living organism, is a direct reflection if its health. Decimated rain forests, festering open-pit mines, species harvested to exctinction, toxic smog, pharmaceutically poisoned waterways, discarded radioactive waste, and many other man-made catastrophes have compromised the environment's well-being and devalued its ability to produce health and wealth. Our misperceived efforts to dominate and control Nature have unwittingly disturbed the ecosphere's natural balance and exacerbated environmental crises that now threaten our survival.'

Jenni Vartiainen:
Missä muruseni on
(Toinen HERE)


  1. N--

    It truly is.

    Hard to not have eyes wide open and aware once you get into this stuff. Asclepius has discussed sustainability for quite some time.

    Honestly, on this path, I've been lucky to have many facilitators in a manner of speaking to my 're-education' and raising my AQ... AWARENESS QUOTIENT... *haa!*


  2. New Paradigms

    Principle One: Wealth is well-being
    Principle Two: Ecology and economy are the same
    Principle Three: Efficiency is the key to thrival
    Principle Four: Currency must represent real wealth

    I am all over these! Great post Doc! Good to have you pumping some awesome posts out again.

  3. Jamie,

    Congrats on ur podcast CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR UR SEXXXXY ACCENT.


  4. Nice post. It's a tempting lifestyle/career path. At least you'd never doubt the beauty and value of what you do for a living. I'd like to be able to raise animals and grow crops at least for my own family.


  5. Cynthia,

    I know what you mean... it's not an easy life but the rewards seem endless in a different manner.


  6. and then there's climate collapse (aka global warming) and the ever present elephant in the room, exponential population explosion

    thanks for the awesome reading recommendations!

  7. Anon,

    EXACTLY!! Thank you so much for your comment!

    Have you ever grown a cell culture and watched overpopulation lead to putridness?? Or a live culture fermentation product go bad (yogurt, kim chee, wine to vinegar, etc)? Or observed an unpruned fruit tree bear only small, minimal fruit instead of reaching the fruits' max potential for size and fertility?

    The dean of the Harvard Business School Nitin Nohria recently wrote an essay -- 'Wealth and jobs: the broken link'. If chlorophyll/plants are the first capitalists and represent business and banks (aside: our mitochondria follows as well), her assessment for TRUE SOLUTIONS would include protecting and providing balance which persuing sustainability as priority.

    I don't know if plants may/can talk... if they could, perhaps they are speaking and trying to restore their 'stature'! no kidding.

    One thing I know for certain, the gluten/wheat is killing us slowly, gradually and not so quietly. The plants indeed, esp those genetically manipulated artifically, are doing this by causing pervasive autoimmune disorders, digestion disturbances, gut dysbiosis (as Robb calls it 'poop in your circulation'), achy painful joints/muscles, bone degradation, cancers, and mental dysregulation in children and all ages of humans that current, conventional, non-paleo-based medicine have absolutely no cures for.

    She says 'When society is angry at business, the risk that governments will enforce overreaching regulation is real. Moreover, that anger distances citizens from the source of answers to many of our most urgent issues. None of the major problems confronting the globe today—sustainability, health care, poverty, financial-system repair—can be solved unless business plays a significant role. But to do that, business must restore its stature and help to address the anxiety about job creation.'

    Smart person indeed. But her idea of business is not exactly mine. YET ANOTHER Walmart business will do no one any good at all in the whole scheme of jobs and her perception of wealth.

    More book reviews to flood out! If you read, please let me know how you enjoyed it later!!!

    Would love to hear more thoughts on this...


