Saturday, May 31, 2008

Wheat: Would You Give Your Kids Crack?

Often the comments on Dr. Davis' HeartScanBlog are as insightful as his revolutionary ideas and core concepts. One vital core concept is wheat-cessation. From the entry 'I gained 30lbs from one cracker', Anne said... "Wheat protein contains a number of opioid peptides which can be released during digestion. Some of these are thought to affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. When I gave up gluten, I felt much worse for a few days. This is a very common reaction in those who stop eating gluten cold turkey." May 23, 2008

  • Fukudome S, et al. Opioid peptides derived from wheat gluten: their isolation and characterization. FEBS Lett. 1992 Jan 13;296(1):107-11.
    Four opioid peptides were isolated from the enzymatic digest of wheat gluten. Their structures were Gly-Tyr-Tyr-Pro-Thr, Gly-Tyr-Tyr-Pro,Tyr-Gly-Gly-Trp-Leu and Tyr-Gly-Gly-Trp, which were named gluten exorphins A5, A4, B5 and B4, respectively. The gluten exorphin A5 sequence was found at 15 sites in the primary structure of the high molecular weight glutenin and was highly specific for delta-receptors. The structure-activity relationships of gluten exorphins A were unique in that the presence of Gly at their N-termini increased their activities. Gluten exorphin B5, which corresponds to [Trp4,Leu5]enkephalin, showed the most potent activity among these peptides. Its IC50 values were 0.05 microM and 0.017 microM, respectively, on the GPI and the MVD assays. PMID: 1309704

It's hard to give up wheat for most of us on the 'spectrum'... kinda like giving up narcotics (opioids). The withdrawal won't kill you like alcohol (seizures, DTs) or benzo withdrawal (seizures), but opioid, tobacco, and caffeine cessation share similar characterics with that of wheat cessation. For one, wheat digestion releases several feel-good chemicals called opioid peptides which provide a temporary sensation of satisfaction and satiation (basically a carb dose-dependent 'high'). Studies demonstrate that wheat can actually deliver equivalent doses of morphine (see below). The wheat chemicals are extremely short-lived and their quick drop in the blood concentrations leads to cravings for more wheat/carbs that can be difficult to control.... in fact they can be downright all-consuming and overwhelming for some (even those who work out like mad creatures *heh*).

Add in insulin surges and subsequent metabolic derangement and you've got a formula for an endless cycling of unsatisfying-feeding/craving. One of the most potent wheat opioid peptides B5 causes 'man-boobs' (as referenced by Kramer ala Seinfeld).
  • Fanciulli G, et al. Gluten exorphin B5 stimulates prolactin secretion through opioid receptors located outside the blood-brain barrier. Life Sci. 2005 Feb 25;76(15):1713-9. PMID: 15698850

It's enough to make you hear voices 'eat me' 'EAT ME'. Here's the link with schizophrenia, one of many neuropsych conditions which are related to toxic effects of wheat and opioid peptides. Can food make you crazy? Apparently for many humans, yes.
  • J Hum Nutr. 1980 Apr;34(2):107-12. Diet (gluten) and schizophrenia. Ross-Smith P, Jenner FA. Four aspects of clinical evidence for an association between gluten and schizophrenia are examined. The scientific evidence for the role of gluten is set out. Finally, reference is made to other dietary approaches. PMID: 6989901
  • Peptides. 1984 Nov-Dec;5(6):1139-47. Demonstration of high opioid-like activity in isolated peptides from wheat gluten hydrolysates. Huebner FR, Lieberman KW, Rubino RP, Wall JS.
    Because of a possible relationship between schizophrenia and celiac disease, a condition in some individuals who are sensitive to wheat gluten proteins in the diet, there has been interest in observations that peptides derived from wheat gluten proteins exhibit opioid-like activity in in vitro tests. To determine the origin of the peptides exhibiting opioid activity, wheat proteins were fractionated by size (gel filtration), by charge differences (ion exchange chromatography) and by differences in hydrophobicity (reversed-phase HPLC). These fractions were hydrolyzed by pepsin or pepsin and trypsin and the resulting peptides separated by gel filtration chromatography. The separated peptides were tested for opioid-like activity by competitive binding to opioid receptor sites in rat brain tissue in the presence of tritium-labeled dihydromorphine. The peptides showed considerable differences in activity; while some peptides exhibited no activity, 0.5 mg of the most active peptides were equivalent to 1 nM of morphine in the binding assay. The most active peptides were derived from the gliadin fraction of the gluten complex. PMID: 6099562

Would you feed your children crack-cocaine?

(yes, I admit we do when we don't plan ahead)

'Trigger' foods we avoid because they make us fall off the proverbial band wagon...
--Pepperidge farm GOLDFISH crackers
--Wheat thins
--Any breakfast cereal (hardly do we shop the inner aisles anymore)
--Trader Joe's frozen chocolate chip cookies

Why is wheat associated with so many autoimmune conditions?

The opioid peptides from wheat appear to trigger 'civil wars' and 'civil unrest' between the immune system and different organs in our bodies (including the Thyroid -- which HeartHawk is currently discussing)? Not only are wheat opioid peptides implicated in wreaking havoc on the immune system, but also in causing inordinate amounts of inflammation. And . . . inflammation leads to lymphoma (see end), cancer, and heart/vascular disease.
Manifestations of silent celiac disease
(predominantly extra-intestinal):
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Autoimmune disorders (incl Hashimoto's, Grave's,
Sjögren’s, Type 1 DM,
Biliary cirrhosis, Psoriasis
Crohn's, Addison's)
Neurological disorders
Epilepsy with cerebral calcification
Cerebellar ataxia
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Unexplained chronic hypertransaminasemia

The above list originates from the below review article (full text here). If primary focal points of celiac-related inflammation leads to lymphoma (see last citation), then can silent asymptomatic celiac disease also cause heart disease? I believe so and that is why Dr. Davis' assertion for a wheat-cessation program as critical component in the plaque regression process. Are you getting tired of the 'low-fat' mantra? It's interesting how cholesterol and fat has yet to be blamed as the cause for cancer like they have for everything else.... HHhhhmmmm..... Does cholesterol really kill us? What is causing the rise in the conditions listed above? Including autism as well (see next to the last citation)?

Has the culprit always been wheat-c-a-r-b-o-h-y-d-r-a-t-e-s?

These scientists Ch'ng et al note a phenomenal explosion in the presentation of celiac conditions (silent and non-silent) in the last 30yrs. Is it coincidental this mirrors changes in the pathetic SAD (standard American diet) and low-fat 'paradigm shift' to an over-reliance on wheat and whole-grains? (Is whole-grains just whole-cr**p?) The celiac researchers report that most individuals with celiac disease have subtle or NO SYMPTOMS at all. In fact many test false negatively secondary to the changes in immunity (reduced IgA). Can treatment change the natural course or prevent autoimmune conditions (like Hashimoto's and Grave's disease)? Here at TYP, we strongly believe complete wheat withdrawal reverses many things. Including heart disease! These scientists summarize how research supports the improvement of many non-silent celiac disorders and the significant correction and resolution in auto-antibodies associated with Thyroid conditions.
  • Ventura et al 39 found that diabetes- and thyroid-related antibodies tended to disappear following a gluten-free diet (11.1% at diagnosis, 5.6% at 6 months and none at 12 or 24 months follow-up for diabetes related antibodies and 14.4%, 11.1%, 6.6% and 2.2% for thyroid related antibodies, respectively)
  • Identifying and treating CD in high-risk patients should confer benefit in reducing complications such as malabsorption, infertility, osteoporosis and lymphoma.95,96

Ch'ng CL, Jones MK, Kingham JG. Celiac disease and autoimmune thyroid disease. Clin Med Res. 2007 Oct;5(3):184-92.
Celiac disease (CD) or gluten sensitive enteropathy is relatively common in western populations with prevalence around 1%. With the recent availability of sensitive and specific serological testing, many patients who are either asymptomatic or have subtle symptoms can be shown to have CD. Patients with CD have modest increases in risks of malignancy and mortality compared to controls. The mortality among CD patients who comply poorly with a gluten-free diet is greater than in compliant patients.The pattern of presentation of CD has altered over the past three decades. Many cases are now detected in adulthood during investigation of problems as diverse as anemia, osteoporosis, autoimmune disorders, unexplained neurological syndromes, infertility and chronic hypertransaminasemia of uncertain cause. Among autoimmune disorders, increased prevalence of CD has been found in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune liver diseases and inflammatory bowel disease. Prevalence of CD was noted to be 1% to 19% in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, 2% to 5% in autoimmune thyroid disorders and 3% to 7% in primary biliary cirrhosis in prospective studies. Conversely, there is also an increased prevalence of immune based disorders among patients with CD.The pathogenesis of co-existent autoimmune thyroid disease and CD is not known, but these conditions share similar HLA haplotypes and are associated with the gene encoding cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4. Screening high risk patients for CD, such as those with autoimmune diseases, is a reasonable strategy given the increased prevalence.Treatment of CD with a gluten-free diet should reduce the recognized complications of this disease and provide benefits in both general health and perhaps life expectancy. It also improves glycemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and enhances the absorption of medications for associated hypothyroidism and osteoporosis. It probably does not change the natural history of associated autoimmune disorders. PMID: 18056028

Kawashti MI, Amin OR, Rowehy NG. Possible immunological disorders in autism: concomitant autoimmunity and immune tolerance. Egypt J Immunol. 2006;13(1):99-104.
Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affect children early in their life. Immunological disorders is one of several contributing factors that have been suggested to cause autism. Thirty autistic children aged 3-6 years and thirty non-autistic psychologically-free siblings were studied. Circulating IgA and IgG autoantibodies to casein and gluten dietary proteins were detected by enzyme-immunoassays (EIA). Circulating IgG antibodies to measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (M.M.R) and cytomeglovirus were investigated by EIA. Results revealed high seropositivity for autoantibodies to casein and gluten: 83.3% and 50% respectively in autistic children as compared to 10% and 6.7% positivity in the control group. Surprisingly, circulating anti-measles, anti-mumps and anti-rubella IgG were positive in only 50%, 73.3% and 53.3% respectively as compared to 100% positivity in the control group. Anti-CMV IgG was positive in 43.3% of the autistic children as compared to 7% in the control group. It is concluded that, autoimmune response to dietary proteins and deficient immune response to measles, mumps and rubella vaccine antigens might be associated with autism, as a leading cause or a resulting event. Further research is needed to confirm these findings. PMID: 17974154

Hoggan R. Considering wheat, rye, and barley proteins as aids to carcinogens. Med Hypotheses. 1997 Sep;49(3):285-8. The increased incidence of lymphoma in celiac sprue (CS) is well documented, and the risk of developing this malignancy is 40-100-fold greater than in the general population. The author believes that gluten may also be at the root of lymphomas in asymptomatic and latent celiac sprue, as well. Among the 20-30% of the population which has the HLA factors most common in celiac, increased intestinal permeability leads to absorption of macromolecular peptides with opioid activity, which derive from pepsin digests of wheat. The presence, in the bloodstream, of these peptides may increase the risk of lymphomas for the entire hereditary group, which includes CS. Several processes contribute to the effect that is herein hypothesized, including opioid attachment at the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), and subsequent downregulation of production of natural killer cells. This may offer an explanation for our longstanding awareness that there is an 'impaired lymphocyte reactivity against tumor cells in patients with coeliac disease' which may also apply to first-degree relatives with the same HLA markers. PMID: 9293475


  1. It really is amazing the # of diseases that have been associated with celiac disease along with some of the famous people that some believe suffered from the condition but were undiagnosed in their times. In particular on the celiacs boards I remember reading the beliefs that former Presidents Kennedy and Lincoln probably suffered from the inherited disease.

    For many years I had stomach problems. When I would see a new doctor I knew the routine - sign me up for a series of GI exams and go on a celiac diet. It was the same old thing each time. I used to joke that even I could be a gastrologist. I don't have celiac disease as all tests came back negative, but remember then that even though I still had stomach problems how much better I felt avoiding gluten. I would become tired of eating rice cakes and potatoes all the time, as this was before all the processed gluten free foods made for celiacs that can be bought in the store, but the short duration of avoiding gluten was a good feeling. i often would go onto a gluten free diet during the worst stomach episodes.

    The feeling of a better well being caused confusion for the gastrolgists. I would tell them I felt significantly better on a gluten free diet but am still sick as could be to the stomach.

    another foods that really made me feel well after I avoided it was milk products. I remember it was hard avoiding at first, but after a week of having milk products out of the system, I felt wonderful - even though it was not the answer to my stomach problems (Citrus,grapes and possible eggs, seem to be my problem foods)I'd have more energy, clear minded, and would look great when milk was not in my diet. My skin would radiate and my eyes turned the brightest blue, - which when i complained of being sick didn't bring me much belief. "You don't look sick!"

  2. Gluten and casein allergies appear to go hand in hand. Casein also releases opioid like peptides upon digestion as well. That is great that you have elucidated what works for your diet!

    CD is probably a lot more common than reported. Sometimes I wonder -- which came first though? The wheat/casein allergy or the deficiency in nutrients that could've prevented CD (like vitamin D deficiency or fish oil EPA/DHA deficiency)? And by deficiency, I am including in utero exposure via maternal deficiency.

    I think it is really interesting that even our pancreas can be programmed in utero by the maternal environment (high glucoses, or high glucocorticoids) and have an increased the risk of diabetes and obesity in the offspring. In rat experiments, both the 1st and 2nd generations are to be even affected.

    Programming of the endocrine pancreas by the early nutritional environment. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2006;38(5-6):913-22. PMID: 16337425


  3. I believe it! To add to your comments about a lack of EPA/DHA and vitamin D being involved in celiac formation or possible other intestinal issues - I've thought about this because I grew up first in sunny California and later lived in Florida. As a kid I had little to no stomach problems. It wasn't until I moved to the frozen mid west that I developed my stomach condition.

    When I discovered fish oil my stomach issue quited down significantly. Strangely, if I take fish oil capsules, I can eat the offending foods and not have major stomach symptoms. (exceptions being pumpkin seeds and macadamia nuts which for what ever reason make me seriously ill.) I get sick, but instead of a gut attack, I become fatigued, muscles hurt, loose color in my face, etc.

    Anyway, more info. than you wanted to know, but found that interesting what you mentioned about utero exposure. Mom is a notorious junk food lover.

  4. Anonymous, I hope you are listening to your body and avoiding gluten and dairy and all the other foods. One does not have to have celiac disease to be made ill by gluten. Doctors are no longer able to ignore all of us with non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

    Dr. Fasano, who runs the celiac program at the U of MD, said: "Many patients report that their symptoms resolve once they embrace a gluten-free diet even when celiac disease has been ruled out. Growing clinical evidence, still awaiting rigorous validation studies, suggest that these cases may be related to gluten sensitivity, a new form of food reaction. Preliminary data presented this year suggest that this form of disease may be related to activation of the innate immune system without the involvement of the adaptive immune response."

    I am not going to wait for this "rigorous validation". I have been gluten free for 5 years and have enjoyed better health that I ever had in all my life.

    It is not unusual for those of us with celiac/gluten sensitivity to have multiple food intolerances. There is some evidence, as our bodies heal by removing these foods, we MAY be able to add SOME(not gluten) back in again.

  5. Thanks for your TMI comment! So your tolerance for gluten is strengthened probably by some improved mechanism of immunemodulation with vitamin D, ie plenty of sunshine? That makes a lot of sense to me. I've pondered it as well -- my mom was hidden indoors in the frigid Nebraskan winter before I was born in April. Oprah had a piece once about astrological signs being related to seasons and VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY. So I was probably born vitamin D3 deficient and subsequently I'm the only with asthma (slightly autoimmune) in my family. Whereas my other sister was born in October -- she was conceived during maternal Vitamin D deficiency, and she has had Grave's and eczema (no asthma whatsoever). Interesting, huh?


  6. Anne,

    Yes, absolutely, I am 100% gluten free and loving it! I don't even miss my morning english muffin anymore.

    Citrus seems to be the largest problematic food for me but being gluten free seems to help the gut also. Being gluten free helps mentally for certain along with improved cholesterol #s.

  7. Dr. B.G.

    Yes, absolutely that is interesting about you and your sister. Thinking about it for me, I was born in May and mom most likely would have been living in foggy Oregon during most of the time I was in the oven. (I was born in Georgia but only stayed for two weeks - back to Oregon after that. That must have been a fun car trip for my parents! Dad was in Georgia being prepared for his year long all expenses paid south east Asian vacation provided by the army.) I'm the only one in my family with the stomach condition or any major health issues for that matter. And I was the only one raised in a cooler climate. Mom, dad, and sister were born in mountain desert towns or San Jose, Ca.

    This goes to your new post, thought to mention I heard over the weekend that a larger European company is in the process of making a "unique" vitamin D to sell. I know one of the scientist working on it, and have a decent opinion of him. He will be sure the product works, but of course the company will most likely want to sell it at a premium. I mention this because if the company does bring this D to the market place, they will also be marketing the importance of having adequate vitamin D circulating in the body to the public, which will be good. Maybe they will do additional research. The scientist that mentioned this to me loves his research.

  8. Certainly more and more about VDR polymorphisms (and other receptors too -- like PPARdelta etc) and the minor, unique differences in our genetics almost predetermines where in the spectrum our phenotypes will be after certain triggers... like...
    --high carb diets +/- high fat diet
    --sunlight deprivation +/- stress (STRESS=high cortisol-steroid-depleting situation)

    I bet later they will find IBS/GI disorders will be some certain type of polymorphism and asthma some other derivative (I haven't searched; perhaps it's already been done esp by the drug companies R&D).

    For Grave's I know that only certain VDRs are associated in Japan and Taiwan where it is apparently better studied than here (b/c they're probably 20yrs more vitamin D deficient than us in the U.S. since they 'prize' lily-white porcelain skin).

    ALL drug companies are 'racing' to find the blockbuster vit D analogue that doesn't kill or cause toxic hypercalcemia. You can find VOLUMES on PubMed for this endeavor. Because vitamin D immunmodulates EVERYTHING...
    --autoimmune d/o's
    --cardiovascular dz
    --kidney failure
    --you name it -- !!

    The problem with 'fake' synthetic vitamins (or hormones including estrogen or progesterone) is that they unfortunately do not bind and accept our receptors 'naturally' for those with VDR polymorphisms.

    I need to find the editorial and I'll post later, but in Canada (where they literally put vit D in the water -- mandatory drops in the winter) a researcher found the synthetic vitamin D (ergocalciferol) caused WORSENING of diabetes and glycemic control in Indo-Asians (??wtf). This subpop likely has consistent VDRs for a certain polymorphism. So instead of providing therapeutic benefit (which vit D has uniformly shown to do in TYP and in the literature -- it's better than ACTOS), for this subpop, vitamin D actually caused metabolic derangement. Natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and sunlight should not do this (unless they are the subpop of vampires *he heeh* j/k). (actually I guess it could be possible -- but never heard of anyone 'allergic' to their own homemade endogenous vitamin D-- or estrogen for that matter....)

    THANKS for sharing your thoughts!


  9. Dr. BG,

    One of the things I noticed while poring through USDA data on food consumption trends in the US is that during the last 30 years (obesity epidemic), we've been consuming more and more processed wheat products (+40% or so). Also more sugar (+15% or so).

    We've also begun eating several hundred more calories a day total, if the NHANES data are to be believed. All from carbohydrate. I've been tossing around the idea that wheat and added sugar pervert our natural hunger regulation mechanisms, leading to the higher calorie intake. More carb + damaged insulin system + excess calories = weight gain.

    It irritates me how people say "we're fatter because we're eating more calories". Why are we eating more calories? That's the real question. I think people are reluctant to acknowledge it's not simply a matter of will.

    I just discovered your blog; I like it.

  10. Precisely!

    And we could probably find parallel curves for ALL chronic conditions related to the wheat and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) consumption as well!
    --autoimmune disorders
    --diabetes Type 1 and Type 2
    --heart disease
    --heart failure, diastolic dysfunction
    --cancers, incl adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, gastric cancer (which Peter/Hyperlipid wrote about recently)
    --et cetera


  11. When my PSAs tripled in a year's span (and to avoid getting a perhaps needless biopsy), I opted for homeopathy and rigorous diet shifts. All monitored and prescribed, 'natch. The upshot was new awareness of some insidious allergies and food sensitives, particularly lactose (dairy), gluten (wheat), corn and (caffeine) coffee. Duh.

    I don't miss them at all and the coolest changes have been happening: I stopped snoring and I don't have nearly as much sinus activity now. I'm a very happy camper without them.

    Steve Perkins, The Cooking Buff for The Muscle Kitchen

  12. Steve,

    It's a amazing how a paleo shift in food induces such wonderful health benefits, eh?

    PSA elevations are related to high omega-6 consumption, vit D and fish oil deficiencies and WHEAT/GRAINS... and all the studies back this up. Sometimes it's frustrating to hear when conventional medicine fails to enlighten us regular folks.
    Right now all the 'with it' programs are jumping on board as well -- b/c the results are like yours -- SPECTACULAR health recoveries.

    --Weight Watchers CORE (no wheat, no bread, no rice, minimal legumes/fruit)
    --high end gyms like Club Sport in California
    --elite gyms

    Thanks for your story!! I wonder what the muscle kitchen is?


    Now that I know a lot more about hypothydroidism and hyperestrogenism, I see the connection between candida and breast cancer more clearly and I wouldn't recommend masking the symptoms with probiotics. They do provide a tremendous relief, but I concur that the problem is better solved by modifying your diet and being more gentle with your body than by finding something that allows you to continue pushing things to the extreme.

  14. The opioid peptides found in wheat are too large to cross the blood-brain barrier. Although they can effect the gastro-intestinal tract and other organs, they will not give a morphine like high

  15. Thanks for your comments.

    How do you explain the below? Also those with wheat intolerance (which is a great and growing part of our global population) have not only a 'leaky gut' but typically leaky brains as well. Reduced dopamine, increased prolactin ('moobies'), and opioid/exorphin effects may be implicated. It is definitely a strong reaction for particular individuals -- going gluten-free can be like inducing narcotic withdrawal. Won't kill anyone but is severely uncomfortable; and blockable by Nalaxone.

    Quantification of Gluten Exorphin A5 in cerebrospinal fluid by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

    Gluten exorphin B5 stimulates prolactin secretion through opioid receptors located outside the blood-brain barrier.

  16. Re: Oprah, horoscopes work just as well for people born in New Zealand, so much for the Vit D hypothesis. Animals can navigate by electromagnetic fields (think of a turtle returning to the beach and date of its birth, or an eel) the sun's EMF affects earth's EMF, the main planets (venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, plus the moon) affect the sun's EMF and/or its influence on Earth's EMF. This is all hard, quantifiable science.
    It is hypothesised that the fetus/unborn is exquisitely receptive to EMF because of few sensory distractions. Once born it is "deafened" to EMF but seems to be imprinted with the last EMF pattern it "heard" (relating directly to time and place), just as we remember the last song we heard once the radio is turned off, even if we were not listening to it while it was on, and it plays through our head until we hear another song.
    I don't pretend to understand how this influences moods, emotion, ambition, etc, but I am sure that the science exists for a real, non-occult influence of these 7 stars, and it will be understood better as time goes on.
    The movements of these planets are predetermined, without surprises, so their place in the zodiac and relationships at any time later on is really just a simple matter of time-keeping.

  17. Anyone who eats cheese to control intestinal motility (flatulence or diarrhea) is using these opioids just like someone else might use codiene or lomotil. (It should be "would you give your kids smack?"). Cheese doesn't produce significant amounts of BCM-7, so this is some other, perhaps more benign exorphin. Some protein foods may contain benevolent exorphins - fish and chicken would be my best bets.

  18. Hey Hopeful Geranium,

    Thank you for your comments. Exactly -- I hear that all the time that dairy is 'constipating' (just like narcotics and other opioids).

    I never believed EMFs but since they are implicated in cancer (living near powerlines, wearing cellphones, police holding radar speed detctors) the science is definitely growing.


  19. I have a book written by a radioastronomer called "Astrology - the Evidence of Science" by Percy Seymour. The angles of the 4 major planets plus sun and moon cause significant fluctuations in the earth's electromagnetic field at angles that equate to the trine, square, opposition and conjunction of the astrologers.
    Many arguments used against astrology are only semi-scientific at best. The progression of the equinoxes, for example, Astrologers throughout history have revised the traditions whenever their study of their human subjects is at variance. In Crowley's Book of Thoth you can see this process at work; he is just drawing character portraits if his friends and enemies! No astrologer today uses mediaeval or even Elizabethan references.
    Another argument is that the gravitational pull of the doctor that delivers a baby is greater than that of the planets. But everyone knows that gravity is the weakest physical force (it takes the whole of the earth just to hold you down, and many creatures fly); electromagnetic energy is exponentially more powerful.
    If astrology is a science, then it can be done badly, well, or innovatively well. I could "prove" that nuclear science is nonsense by asking a baseball team to design a reactor, or by asking a nucear physicist to construct a nuclear anti-gravity device. It is only the reasonable claims of a good astrologer that need testing. And as these lie mainly in the field of psychology, itself largely a pseudo-science today, scientific validation is not going to be a simple process.

    Charles Darwin is my candidate for an historical celiac.

  20. "Just at the tides of the Moon in the upper atmosphere of Earth cause the measured lunar daily magnetic variation, so the tides of the planets in the magnetosphere, amplified by magnetic bays and estuaries [of the Sun] cause some of the variations of the magnetic filed that have already been detected but not yet studied in any detail. I propose that these variations [are] linked to...particular lines of force of the geomagnetic field that are 'in tune' with a particular planet...acting on the nervous system of individuals with the inherited characteristics associated with that particular planet...This, then, explains the Gauquelin planetary heredity effects." [p. 147]. Thus the author offers us a falsifiable scientific theory of neo-Astrology. To help appreciate this feat, remember the electromagnetic basis of our nervous system and the statistical association of high-tension lines (or cell phones) with cancer incidence.
    - from an Amazon review of Astrology - the scientific evidence

  21. People who've not been addicted to opiates may not understand how exorphins make us feel bad as well as good. The endorphin receptor is dynamic; it functions differently with differrent ligands. Endorphins and enkephalins are the prefered ligands. An exorphin or morphine pushes endorphin out of the receptor and switches it on in a subtly different way, because its shape is not exactly the same, so the receptor conforms differently. This may be pleasant to people whose endorphin is already low, and very unpleasant to a healthy person; many people's first experience of morphine is horrible; many people become chronically addicted to opiates that actually make them feel terrible most of the time; it becomes an obsessive - compulsive disease. If it was pleasant, no-one would want to stop. Also, I have known many people who become classically hyperactive on opiates, myself included (and animal tests show increased muscular activity) so the link between gluten and ADHD makes sense to me. Opiates may be sedating in the presence of pain and especially shock, when one does sleep it is deeper because of the respiratory changes, and addicts are often very tired, but for a great many addicts the effect is not really "narcotic" at all. Perhaps people get addicted to opiate drugs in the first place if the effect is more pleasant than that of the exorphins like gluten that they are already hooked on.
    If they have endorphin instead of exorphin in their receptors, opiates are not so pleasant in comparison and they are less likely to persist.
    Just an idea.

  22. hopeful geranium,

    Thank you for your thoughts. 'electromagnetic energy is exponentially more powerful' YES. I'd agree. We probably don't entirely have the technology to harness or understand. I think yogi's and Qi experts in asia do. Some healers utilize EMF especially in neurotoxin protocols I've come across.

    The lunar cycle explains why we get the 'crazies' in the pharmacy when the moon is full *haa!*

    Opiates cause dysphoria as well as you described, some synthetics more than others. Your experiences are interesting.

    I think you are dead on about Darwin *smile*. I'm reading his biography -- his morbidly obese father was probably celiac as well. Darwin suffered from abdominal migraines -- migraines are silent celiac disorders -- yet was perfectly in a state of excellent health while living amongst the hunter-gatherers in South America... nice thoughts and thank you, G

  23. I mean, for 10 cents you can buy a tiny magnet that is nonetheless powerful enough to outperform the Earth's gravitation pull at its surface, where the pull is strongest!
    You might be interested in this research into cellphone radiation

    the evidence is that cellphones can treat and prevent alzheimers disease! The only obvious difference that might exist between the mouse and the human is the mouse can synthesise ascorbic acid, which might play a role in modulating the effect of the radiation. However, the existence of AD itself seems proof of the essential similarity between the species.
    That is interesting about Darwin. I came across something similar in a biography of W.S. Gilbert; he was dying of asthma, gout and angina when, on a trip to Egypt, someone recommended a paleo diet - fish, fruit and raw veg - which completely turned his health around. The gout indicates too much red meat and port as well.

  24. I've just read a book "the molecules of emotion" by Candace B. Pert, who discovered the endorphin receptor. Her description of the receptors and ligands helps to explain how opiates and exorphins interfere with both mood and digestion. If the body is flooded with exorphins (and prolamines are longer-lasting that endorphins because of the proline bonds), over time the receptors get smaller, and fewer are made, because they need to become less sensitive. It is a similar process to insulin resistance. Now, receptors (and endorphins) are made from protein, so a high-protein diet will help rstore normality; this is how low-dose naltrexone works too, by stimulating the creation of more receptors and more endorphins.
    Perhaps LDN is just acting as an antidote to exorphins when it helps to cure auto-immune dieasses and cancers?
    The book also explains in detail, from the inside, why so many good scientific findings never become medical reality. It's certainly not an evidence-based process.

  25. hopeful geranium,

    I've wondered about radiation, cell phones and microwaves... That's a nice link.

    Do you think our brains are hard-wired for endorphins for survival? Enkephalins play a large survival role in hibernating animals. We as humans seem to have really mixed up our cannabinoid and endodorphin systems! Our bodies are built to have complex positive and controlling negative feedback loops. It never surprises me now that resistance at the receptor levels occurs to shut or blunt hormone cascades and pathways. Thank you for your insightful comments and thoughts!


  26. If you think that the hormone receptors are meant to run on the "real deal" chemicals and, in the case of insulin, a given supply of substrate, then introducing floods of "counterfeit goods" undermines the economy; the "genuine goods" factory has to reduce production in the face of unfair competition.
    But we're talking about pharmaceuticals, not fashion items, and using the counterfeits comes with a price. The negative, downregulation effect is the same as for an excess of a real hormone, but the positive, agonist effect is not comparable, and the receptor functions in a subtly different way. In the case of insulin, it's the excess of the sugar substrate that distorts hormone levels and receptor numbers. I guess this applies to cannabis and anandamide receptors too.
    I recommend "Molecules of Emotion" by Candace B. Pert, about her work on endorphin receptors; she explains how opioids come to disrupt mood and behaviour by first flooding, then downregulating and shrinking receptors. She has a great insight - "The body is the unconscious mind".
    I think that gluten exorphins have this effect on various nutrient receptors, causing imbalance and deficiency of various amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The exact nutrients affected probably depends on genetics. But magnesium seems to be universal.

    2 more famous celiacs - Nathan Leopold (of Leopold and Loeb); Clayton Weatherston (murderer famous in NZ.). Finding Celiacs in criminal history is like shooting fish in a barrel.

  27. There is an exorphin in colostrum, a polyproline peptide similar to those from gluten, which helps to regulate the newborn's immunity. This is why breastfed babies are less prone to allergies.
    This peptide was previously known as transfer factor; extracted from bovine colostrum, it is currently being marketed as a cure for conditions, like autoimmunity and low immunity, which gluten is known to cause. So it seems we are hardwired to respond to exorphins, which is why gluten peptides are so devastating.
    The most basic lifeforms have endorphin receptors.
