Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Shrinkage 101 (With Vitamin D)

Here is a post...tongue-in-cheek from our wonderful community on the Track Your Plaque forum from about a year ago (when I joined). How is shrinkage desirable on many levels? Vitamin D assists on reducing many things pertinent to plaque:
--coronary atherosclerotic plaque (and elsewhere, like the penile vasculature)
--belly fat, WAT (white adipose tissue)
--small dense LDL (atherogenic particles)
--small dense HDL (atherogenic particles)
--hypertensive tension in the circulation (perfect BP: 115/75 according to TYP)
--systemic inflammation
--autoimmune-related hypersensitivity

Just a note about the TYP Forum...Several categories exist with threads on-going. I believe there is a utility for a 'Newbie's Corner' for all the new members joining us. TYP is rather overwhelming in the beginning. Right? Please don't hesitate to inquire for any help. There are many helping hands!

**General Discussion
This forum is for topics of all types for all members.

**What Else is New? Interesting Finds from Other Places
This is the place to post interesting heart health news that you wish to share with other Members.
**Track Your Plaque 101 - Basic Q&AThis is the forum for basic questions about the Track Your Plaque Program and heart disease prevention and reversal. Questions should be short, specific, and of a nature that can be answered quickly so that our staff can address as many as possible. Questions will be prioritized on this basis. Please keep in mind that it is illegal to diagnose or prescribe treatment over the Internet. Replies are designed to be of a general nature and not meant to treat a specific individual or replace the advice of your physician.

**Advanced Discussion Forum
This forum exists to collect input and questions on advanced topics about heart disease, lipoproteins, prevention and regression. This forum is monitored for items of interest for upcoming articles and developing the Track Your Plaque program. Questions are typically not answered directly but may be answered generally if there is common interest among contributing members.

**Emerging Medicine
This is the forum for discussions and information on new and experimental heart disease theories and treatments. It was added by Member request to relieve the burden on the Advanced Discussion Forum and to provide easy access to posts on what the future may hold for heart disease prevention, detection, reversal, and cures.
**Who do you trust?Unfortunately, trusted sources of reliable heart health information can be darn hard to come by. Tell other Track Your Plaque Members about the doctors, scan centers, and other sources of information, products, and services that you've come to trust and have been helpful to your plaque control program.

**Tell us your story
Tell us about your successes, failures, horror stories, or come here to just converse with other Track Your Plaque Members. We love your testimonials!
**Recipe RepositoryMembers have asked for a place to share their favorite heart healthy recipes. This is it! In order to maintain uniformity please use the following format. Recipe Name, Short Description, Ingredient List (amount, unit of measure, description), preparation instructions, comments. Bon Appetite!

ggglll Posted: 1/26/2008 9:48:00 AM


I love classic Seinfeld...

Do you 'member the episode with George and shrinkage??!
(the accidental full Monty... and cold... *HEEEE HEEEE*)

Women are in the same boat, we have shrinkage as well... Sadly... and it has to do with vitamin D!
Accelerated Mammary Gland Development during Pregnancy and Delayed Postlactational Involution in Vitamin D3 Receptor Null Mice

Gals, recall after breastfeeding when the mammary glands (ie, b**bies -- can I say that here?) minimized from obscene-XXX sizes to negative(-)A's?

VDRs (vitamin D receptor and vit D) return them to non-lactating form (and rather hanging to the knees, shriveled like raisins; no one is upset... or in need of plastic surgery).

Of course, here on TYP, SHRINKAGE is the optimal outcome!!! PLAQUE shrinkage is a G-O-O-D thing (as well as colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer).

(another D E E P thought...)
(from the shallowest-thinking member)

DR. Davis' Comment
Posted: 1/27/2008 9:58:00 AM


Hi, G-- I believe that the authors' comment that vitamin D "is best known for its role in maintenance of calcium homeostasis, 1,25-(OH)2D also regulates epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis" is most telling. I remain very excited about the plaque-regressing, calcium-normalizing, and cancer-preventing properties of this fascinating hormone/nutrient.
----------------- Dr. William Davis Author, Track Your Plaque

Anonymous Posted: 1/28/2008 4:22:00 PM

g It shrinks? "YES, like a frightened turtle!" I don't know how you guys walk around with those things! Good luck with the vitamin D. Wonder if that's what Pamela Anderson used, and if so how many IU's of D per day

2009 update on the uummm mammaries...thanks to vitamin ADEK/TYP/hyperlipid/Paleo diet there is sustainable growth without unwanted shrinkage I'm glad to report (I suspect the synergy betw Vitamin D and Vitamin A and mod/high-fat-diet has improved my ummm...34-24-34 numbers the most).

Incidentally, the HDLs are up from 84 to 89 now (27% incr from 70 baseline) and body fat down to 19.5% (from 22%) (despite hormone issues and mild vit D insufficiency [25(OH)D]). I'm trying to beat Richard *hee* here at Free the Animal (HDL 104) and Stephan here at Whole Health Source (!! wow !! HDL 111). What brilliant beasts! OMG... wtf how amazing are these measurements... Of course these lab values (incl mine) are all Freidewald calculations -- and thus liable for some miscalculations and inaccuracies by ~10% or more (the lower the HDL, the more inaccurate, imo; the larger, too? I dunno?).

I'll show you how the new TYP tracking graphics work in a few are beautific and will blow your mind... (after more shrinkage *ah haa* and better ABS and labs) !


  1. OMG, todays title had me so worried that I almost ran to dump my bottle of vitamin D supplements--I'm so glad that I continued reading first!

    "(another D E E P thought...)
    (from the shallowest-thinking member)" READ:Another SHALLOW thought from one DEEP-thinking Blogger :)

    G- your blog gets my vote-- not only for the always G-intelligent main dishes, but also for the clever & amusing sides too!

  2. C--

    Thank you kindly! I'm glad you liked the vintage re-post (eg, recycling/conservatism/lazism *ha*).

    Merry Xmas to you in Alaska! Yes, keep the vitamin D around a little longer!

