Tuesday, July 15, 2014

REBIOSIS with Probiotics: Enterococcus faecalis

Erotic Bar Chill Out Lounge


In healing the gut, rebiosis needs to occur -- reintroduction of lost life to a dysbiotic terrain. Nearly all health conditions being studied are now emerging with correlations to intestinal dysbiosis. And as we know by fixing dysbiosis, we can resolve many health conditions from allergies to autism spectrum to hypertension.

The loss of our microbial 'limbs' in the gut can likely be attributed to 4 main factors:
(1) altered birth: mothers that lacked commensals, C-section birth, use of formula
(2) widespread use of antibiotics in healthcare
(3) sanitation (food, processed pickles, hands, water/soil, fecal contaminated drinking water, etc)
(4) pollution and toxins -- mercury, arsenic, xenoestrogens (do you have moobies?), etc

Enterococcus wiped out by Amoxicillin
Petersen, Round, 2014


From the last post, the lost of several flora strains occurs with common antibiotics such as amoxicillin, cephalexin, and ciprofloxacin. In some people these are easily replenished by consuming a fiber and RS rich diet but on a strict Paleo or VLC diet, the fuel for our probiotics are severely lacking. I think further degradation of the microbiota and health can occur. This is not measurable in modern terms unless we look to functional medicine to assess gut function using tests from Genova Diagnostics, Biohealth or Doctor's Data. Thank you to gentle readers who have sent me their results! I'll get to them and appreciate your patience.

A couple of probiotic strains, Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis, help to fill in where antibiotic damage has occurred to the gut. In Germany, we got to try to Symbioflor (red) which contains E. faecalis. My daughter had a smidgen of eczema on a cheek after stress from finals. This probiotic helped to rebalance the gut-skin axis and helped the eczema disappear completely (and being a teen, it wasn't overnight or fast lol).

The studies for E. faecalis are great. Europe is always more progressive for this type of research and development. The studies showed clinically significant improvement across the board in immunomodulatory function in tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infections, immune status, bronchitis, sinusitis, and irritable colon.
Source (p.164)

In short....

Re-biosis = re-establishment of healthy balance and harmony to microbial ecosystem 
--SEED mutualists, commensal microbial populations

--botanicals, probiotics/prebiotics
--exercise doubles butyrate

--gluten-free, dairy-free, allergen free (GMO soy, corn, egg whites, omega-6 oil) for 3-6 months
--bone broth (glycine, minerals), glutamine, poached egg yolks (vitamin A, PC, choline, folates, B12)
--glucomannan, inulin, cooked resistant starch (RS3 preferred over RS2), psyllium, pectin, etc

Fiber rich diet

Lotus root
Water chestnut
Purple potatoes
White mountain yam (3-4 kinds in Asia)
Purple sweet potatoes
Heirloom potatoes

Whole GF grains (croix, purple/red/black/brown rice, amaranth, millet, buckwheat, sorghum, oats)
Legumes (purple speckled, red, adzuki, white, fava, pea, mung,etc)
Heirloom maize
Seeds, nuts: lotus seed, almond, etc

Cellophane mung bean and sweet potato (jap chae) noodles and sheets

--minimally washed, trusted vegs
--Lactobacillus, SBOsfermented items: kraut, kimchee, natto, kombucha, kefir


  1. This seems like a question of balance and hormetic response.

    Enterococcus faecium is beneficial when balanced with other flora. When its level goes rogue beyond a certain point and becomes imbalanced with other flora dysbiosis occurs it has the potential to become pathogenic. Certainly, Enterococcal infections are bad news too.

    I am curious at what dose of Enterococcus faecium produces a beneficial effect and at what dose has the potential to create a toxic effect or imbalance

  2. "...(3) sanitation (food, processed pickles, hands, water/soil, fecal contaminated drinking water, etc)..."

    Processed pickles? Am I missing something?

  3. How useful is quinoa in terms of "feeding"?

  4. Anon,

    Quinoa is great. Like all plant babies it's probably best to soak to decease lectins and phytates in the skin. It has about 1-2 g RS3 per serving and higher in protein than grains.

    In the aleurone and bran of plant babies are wonderful oligosaccharides and super fiber that explode the populations of our powerful gut sentinels. We co-evolved eating seeds from fruits and trees and later when we became bipedal we expanded our source allocation to underground carb sources,, high nitrogen legumes, and grasslike carbs for both us and our gut food.

    When there is persistent intestinal permeability and dysbiosis, people amy not tolerate grains, pseudo grains or nuts well. Once the gut lining fully heals, food intolerances should disappear completely. Same with nightshades as well.

  5. Anon,

    Processed by vinegar and sterilization prior to canning, instead of natural, raw, fermentation.

    Aerobic1, when I was in pharmacy school then post doc training at the VA on infectious disease rounds, enterococcus and bacteroides were so demonized. I would never have imagined they and e coli are actually part of our friendlies -- in fact they are our true friends with benefits unless they are 'crossed' (which as you pointed out, they unleash their pathogenicity).

    Actually most pathogenic strains are already rotten; they dont switch IMHO.

    E faecalis and E faecium are like lactobacilli. There are two kinds and healthy people are colonized with the 'good' and unhealthy the 'bad'. Currently i don't find the technology to characterize these yet however metabolome studies are rapidly revealing gut species' functional characteristics.

    For instance there is bad lacto and good lacto. Bad lacto makes people fat, fatigued, foggy, diabetic, gouty and fatty liver. Good lacto makes people lean, sexy and hawt. And the good stuff has antifungal activity. Search in pubmed 'lactobacilli antifungal'.

    I think the community trains the gut strains. A collaborative community supports and provides the functional genes to swap and beneficial activity that all can share, build and thrive together (eg Heart Life Talk). A community full of damaged DNA, dissonance and bullies tries only to take advantage of one another and lowers spirits (eg Track Your Plaque). I'm joking of course.

  6. My daughter in law has a condition called chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction and has been on TPN for over 20 years. I would love to see her condition improve. Just wondering if any one has this condition or knows of someone who has had success curing or at least improving their small intestine by following the guidelines expressed here.?
    I have only recently discovered this very informative blog. Many thanks

  7. Grace, would you mind telling me the two tests that you recommend for mysterious gut problems. i am sorry to bother you. i know they are posted somewhere here and on FTA but I can't put my finger on them and I have a
    friend who caught something in Mexico a few months ago and is still suffering when the other people he was with recovered in a few days.
    And the test his doc ran all came up negative.

    Thanks so much.


  8. Natasha v. PotatoJuly 17, 2014 9:56 PM

    Dear Grace,

    Glad you are back! I know I need to get a life...but I love your blog.

    I have been trying to implement many ideas discussed here. Trying to get the Korean red pepper paste. Can't find the one you recommend. I live in Vancouver, BC. Been to H-Mart (Han Mart - major Korean grocery)also T and T, and other pan-Asian stores. I found one that has barley malt in it instead of corn... but it is in the plastic container the same as the rest. Recommendations?

    I want it because... I am fat and getting fatter. I was maintaining weight - not losing or gaining - with LCHF. Yes, high fat did not make me gain OR lose. Disappointing. :-( With introducing RS and RS foods... I sometimes binge... and thus the weight is coming on.

    I have finally been able to take the AOR-3 pills. I have the auto-immune reaction to potato starch. I had to introduce it slowly. It has been a bad allergy season and I was getting strange reactions to plantain starch AND psyllium husk. Slowly, I am able to take them and other fibres without having a reaction.

    Question, why no gluten? I have no "sensivity" except that it does seem to trigger binge eating. :-(

    I think all my health issues came from not being breastfed. My mom had me naturally, but then the nurse took me away and wrapped me up. Told my mom, "DON"T un-wrap her. I just did her up!". My mom was hesitant but unwrapped me anyway. But, couldn't manage to breastfeed. Tried to make me healthy, gave me "good" formula - SOY. No wonder my sister and I have had horrible periods and MASSIVE fibroids. :-(

    How long should I expect my transformation to take? I spent the last two years doing low carb and not getting anywhere... then high fat and not getting anywhere. I think you, Richard and Dr. Ayers are brilliant...but this is taking so long....

    I am so frustrated that I am being to check-out people who look healthy and wonder if they would give me a fecal transplant without thinking I was totally crazy...

    How do I get more "good lacto"?
    What do you mean that "exercise doubles butyrate"?


  9. N.

    What are the major challenges? Good luck! Consider a good ND in Canada to help you out with the gut rehabing soon.


    Long term TPN has many problems. That is TUFF. Hang in there. Any of the soluble and if possible the insoluble fibers have benefit in increasing gut function. What probiotics have helped so far?


    No prob -- these tests tell what is in the gut and what's coming OUT of the gut. I like them because they are accessible, comprehensive and affordable. H pylori and add'l tests need to be added on the 2nd one.

  10. Like aerobic1 I'm wondering when Enterococcus faecium is still beneficial. Natasha Trenev has said that they can turn against the body under certain conditions. Are you implying that it is only when the community is relatively healthy that E faecium should be introduced?

    I've also been wondering about your recommendation of AOR 3 probiotic. My very limited understanding based on the manufacturers statement is that the three strains within it promote the growth of the beneficial Bifidobacterium. Why not just take Bifido instead? Rather than take a product which could potentially cause complications if you have serious dybiosis and unhealthy flora? I see that the AOR has Streptococcus faecalis, which I believe is the same as E faecalis.
    I'm very new to this so trying to understand the rationale.

  11. Also, I am wondering how reliable stool tests actually are. Others seem to view them as highly unreliable, however you seem quite confident as to their accuracy.

    Finally I am also wondering about Natasha Trenev's assertion that there is little point putting multiple strains of bacteria in the same formula as they will compete with each other. All the probiotics you recommend are multi rather than single.
    And whilst I realise that Trenev is a manufacturer and would naturally favour her own products, I don't see why a manufacturer would go to the lengths that Natren does in their Trinity product unless there was a very good reason to.

  12. Do you reckon multi day fasts are detrimental to the gut, e.g 25 days?


  13. Anon,

    Taking an E faecalis probiotic is helpful because if the strain is a symbiont, it will train 'bad' strains that are being commonly being harbored in a modern, broken gut. Sometimes multi strain is better because it emulates nature and ancestral 'loads'. We were never living so sterile or sanitized until the last 2-3 decades. If homemade yogurt is made, not only are 300-500 strains found but a single serving may have 100 billion cfu, not the measle millions cfu in modern 1-2 strain industrial yogurts.


    Fasts are double edged. For a broken gut it may 'starve' pathobionts (if it doesn't worsen adrenal /thyroid function and create yo-yo dieting insulin resistance, etc). However at the same time, the beneficial guards of the gut will decrease in population naturally as well. Each person has different 'tipping points' before health improves or worsens with fasting.

    VLC diets or low fiber/starch Paleo diets can have the same effect. Long term, these diets and their potential negative effects on gut health need to be weighed. Also genetically, some individuals require more fiber to sustain healthy gut mucosa. These diets would not provide and may create gaps that may lead to autoimmunity, cancer or IBD.

    I find that testing, not guessing is best.

  14. There are a number of opportunistic pathogens that can be part of the normal heavy flora of humans. These so called “bad” pathogens, C. Difficile for one, can live peacefully and happily in one’s gut (symbiosis). C. Diff is said to be in 3 to 7% or people but they do not even know it exists. What throws C. Diff into a virulent rampage (dysbiosis) are antibiotics. Those antibiotics kill of beneficial other bacteria that hold C. Diff in-check. Symbiosis can elevate ones immune repose since it is said that 90% of our immunities come from our gut bacteria.


  15. My daughter in law on TPN is trying Prescript Assist and AOR Probiotic 3. She also takes one her Specialist prescribes but I think it is dairy based. She tried Gaps but upset her system too much. All this since January but unfortunately she's has been give more antibiotics, steroids and a new anti inflammatory.

  16. Aerobic1,

    Thanks for your thoughts and link. It's like good v evil. Need the evil to appreciate the good. Life is always bifurcated, as one of my friends always says.


    Please let me know how it goes with TPN and gut rehap. It is uncharted territory but I suspect not the moon.


    I love Shant/Heisenbug! But he is young and unexperienced.

    Testing for parasites, yeasts and pathogenic bacteria yields many diagnostic clues. Of course it's imperfect at this time but you I bet you'll find treasure with a map.

  17. Anon, RE: AOR 3 or other probiotics, you have great questions but shifting populations in the gut is highly individual I've found. Some need high dose, some need baby doses and others need other gut approaches. I hope in the future studies help to elucidate further how to rehab the gut efficiently and without adverse effects but for now I find the 7 steps helps 1/4 to 1/2 of people and the others need intensified approaches. Essentially the 7 steps won't be enough for long term health due to modern gut disruption.

    Here you can see many people are clueless and it's still a nascent 'field'

  18. Ok, thanks for answering my questions re testing and E faecium!
    I have one more... I assume that your family has been taking all the probiotics you recommend for a little while, including the AOR3. Do you have any idea why your daughter's eczema reacted well to the Symbioflor ??

  19. Anon,

    Symbioflor worked because it combated candida overgrowths. It likely worked synergistically with everything else she was doing (L plantarum, Lacto probiotics, SBOs, green banana flour, inulin, stress reduction, applying GBF extract topically, etc).

    I was talking with Shant/Heisenbug about L plantarum and found it helped on/off but we found it didn't completely remove it permanently. Heisenbug has fantastic solutions on his blog and detailed explorations and inquiries about the science.

    My daughter was C section though breastfed until 6-8mos plus endless ear infections in daycare which prompted millions of course of antibiotics. I didn't know the harmful effects or that the infections were a result of absent allies (SBOs and good lacto/enterococcus). Antibiotics likely wiped out Enterococci and beneficial lacto. Her stool testing shows overgrowths including (bad) lacto and yeasts which were addressed but didn't trigger full gut rehab.

    I think good lacto can rebalance but it's not enuf for super damaged guts. My daughter doesn't eat much kraut which is one of the best sources of ancestral lacto, either.

    Symbioflor/E faecalis help battle and control yeast overgrowths and tightens the gut junctions, much like L plantarum.

    Med Mycol J. 2014;55(1):E9-E19.
    Protection of mice from oral Candidiasis by heat-killed enterococcus faecalis, possibly through its direct binding to Candida albicans.

    Infect Immun. 2013 Jan;81(1):189-200.
    Enterococcus faecalis inhibits hyphal morphogenesis and virulence of Candida albicans.

    Gut Microbes. 2013 Sep-Oct;4(5):409-15.
    Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis in the gut: synergy in commensalism?

  20. uBIome is a lousy gut test imho. Like AMGut it completely misses the important clues and pathogens found in modern un-resolvable disorders

  21. Thanks aerobic1! Yes Emily and videos!!

  22. Dr. B G,

    The relationship between amoxacillin and enterococcus faecium really hits home for me.

    I've been trying to get my gut to recover after being given rounds of 10 and then 28 days of Augmentin (amoxicillin) over a 2 month period for a severe sinus infection about a year ago. Afterwards it exacerbated existing digestive issues and caused a severe case of oral thrush.

    I've been taking Culturelle, Prescript-Assist, and saccharomyces boulardii since then in an effort to clear up the digestive and yeast issues. They improved them but did not resolve them.

    About two weeks ago I started with a low dose of AOR Probiotic-3 (1 pill every other day for 2 weeks). After two weeks I had die-off symptoms strong enough I stopped all probiotics for the following week. Despite all the other probiotics I was taking previously, the AOR must have seeded something that I lost when I was on the antibiotics.

    Thanks for providing such a valuable resource for those of us struggling with gut microbiome issues.


  23. Thanks again Grace. That is really wonderful about your daughter. Unfortunately I have a broken gut. Too many antibiotics when a child and teen. Chronic fatigue on and off and then got really bad a few years ago. Would lie in bed for days waiting for the body to produce enough ATP to have a shower or something. Much better but still a long way to go. Trying to go as quickly as possible with the resistant starch though the die-off slows me down.

    I guess I was wondering why the E faecium worked in the Symbioflor, but not in the AOR3 ?? Looks like l may have to try both.
    Building a little list here! Just added a little bit of L plantarum and lots of discomfort -- hmmm must be uber broken in there!
    Will look into the gut tests. Problem is that I don't know a decent doctor. Most doctors are still catching up, or too entrenched.
    Thanks again for everything, it is seriously exciting. I can taste health!

  24. Dr. Grace,

    You say to seed with "minimally washed, trusted vegetables".

    I make my sauerkraut with cabbage purchased from the supermarket--only source available. This has probably been irradiated or washed with who knows what. Is the sauerkraut produced from this cabbage worth eating?

  25. Hi Dr. Lui,

    My PCR synovial tissue test is positive for c. trachomatis. I have full blown spondyloarthropy which was "triggered" by the same bacteria.


    Is there any way around the 6 month course of abx?

    Of way lesser importance, you said on the bulletproof podcast that you don't recommend psylium but have continued to rec it in your 7 steps and in your Rebiosis article. Is it still ok to use with RS etc for most people?

  26. My daughter also has a little patch of recurrent eczema on her face. We're working on your 7 steps but wondering, what is GBF extract (that you used topically)? Also, our doctor suspects yeast - he ordered a CDSA and awaiting results. Should we still do fermented foods in the interim? Thanks!

  27. BadgerChris,

    Certainly in this modern age, candida is the looming culprit between many signs and symptoms that plague people (addictions, mood changes, fatigue, fogginess, fat, etc) as a result of poor diets, altered births and ANTIBIOTICS. You will be doing the gut many favors by focusing on anti candida strategies which are essentially the whole 7 steps for optimal gut health. The bionic fiber formula was updated because both GBF and inulin are more antifungal than raw potato starch. RPS may actually potentially feed candida. There is a risk-benefit using RPS particularly high doses > 1 Tbs (~12 grams) imho.


    Step #4. Two versions of 'bionic fiber' (resistant starch + non-starch fiber) to heal the gut

    VERSION A: Green banana flour 1-2 Tbs + Inulin 1 Tbs + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water

    VERSION B: Raw PS (potato starch) 1-2 Tbs + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 Tbs + high ORAC green powder (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups of plenty water

  28. Anon,

    "Would lie in bed for days waiting for the body to produce enough ATP to have a shower or something." I love your wit. Sorry you are going through CFS -- it is a bummer, hang in there, been there.

    For me charcoal did wonders to absorb all the nasties and poisons that the gut microbes were secreting.

    E faecalis works in both -- we didn't purchase AOR for a while (problems at first with delivering to China) but it is one of our maintenance probiotics.

    LUV LUV LUV Sarkis!

    For sauerkraut, obviously organic and non-irradiated will probably harbor the more optimum spectrum of healthy organisms. The key is 'healthy organisms' because we are what we eat including the herbicide, pesticide and synthetic pheromone covered dirt on conventional grocery store shelves. What I did in China because all produce was suspect despite a 'organic' sticker labeling the plastic wrap was to tip a bit of SBO probiotics into my kraut. Sorry -- left that out the recipe lol! I was trying to flush out and select more of the beneficial plant and soil microbes to ferment and grow. If you have a L plantarum probiotic which is one of the main microbes in kraut, you consider seeding it that way if you suspect some rotten organisms may be selected from the way the cabbage was grown.

    Chlamydia responds to probiotics. Asymptomatic carriage in pigs was reduced from 85% to 60% with E faecium probiotics.

    Effects of a probiotic strain of Enterococcus faecium on the rate of natural chlamydia infection in swine.
    Pollmann M, Nordhoff M, Pospischil A, Tedin K, Wieler LH.
    Infect Immun. 2005 Jul;73(7):4346-53.

    Recently a doctor 'cured' Shigella using SBO probiotics, some (not much) dietary sources of inulin and bionic fiber.

    In autoimmune arthritis, the small intestines are broken and allowing enteric microbes (Klebsiella, Chlamydia, Proteus, etc) and undigested food into circulation. Focusing on healing the gut will reverse arthritis.

    Green bananas are commonly used in infectious colitis, diarrhea and ulcers in South America and around the world. She had an infection then asymptomatic carriage. RS in GBF or RPS won't bind shigella or most pathogens. If it works, it bridges lost butyrate and creates the regeneration of the gut lining. Green bananas have botanicals that provide wound healing.

  29. Anon -- also psyllium is a great source of AX, arabinoxylans, which are found in seeds and whole grains. I've changed it out because it swells quite a bit in water and may abrade the gut surface if there is not enough mucous, I suspect. Food is best but these bridge well until the gut is healed completely. The purpose of psyllium is to provide insoluble fiber which helps to provide bulk to stools otherwise transit times can be extended and too long (increasing contact with fecal carcinogens).

    There are better bionic fiber compared with potato starch and psyllium -- but more expensive to do green banana flour. Soluble fiber (psyllium, pectin, gums, inulin, etc) have more benefits over RS for hard endpoints -- and not a lot is needed compared to dietary RS.

    GBF is green banana flour and the extract was a gift. Later Rob at Mt Uncle's green banana farm in Australia may offer. It heals burns and wounds very fast! Yes I believe artisanally made fermented foods are good for us for longevity or fungal infections. For some, the yeasts in fermented foods can tip the balance and either cause die-off or reactions to the yeasts. In these scenarios, going slow and carefully is prudent until the fungi is better controlled and weeded imho.

  30. Despite my own life in the dirt(organic livestock and veggie farming), and my daughter 3 years breast fed and childhood as semi-pro mudpie champ,we both have very bad SIBO. She collapsed as teen after antibiotics for strep and kidney infection. She is 20 and has spent 5 years in sickness,I have spent 40 years in sickness and fatigue.
    I'm not sure too much sanitation is related. There is more to the picture, maybe more than just antibiotics too.

  31. mucky,

    Did your daughter (two daughters?) receive the standard neonatal vaccinations?

    My children and I have COMT and other methylation issues, thus problems with detox'ing mercury and other heavy metals. A titanium implant (combined with the DPT vaccine) gave me chronic fatigue syndrome, SIBO and metal Ig reactions.

  32. Kathy PrincessJuly 22, 2014 9:51 AM

    Thank you for this very informative and comprehensive post. I am determined to have a healthy microbiome after 15 years of steadily worsening food intolerances. My theory is that my digestive system has very little flora of any kind, and what's there is up to no good. Pro- and prebiotics and fermented food have never had a noticeable effect, except that I think sauerkraut (the naturally fermented kind) causes bleeding. Potato starch brought things to a screeching halt. I would like to try your protocol, but at this point my insides will need some gentle lessons about how to tolerate any of the foods you suggest. I already do not eat gluten, soy, or omega 6 oil. I'm wondering if I should slowly implement one or two of your suggestions and build on that? Can you recommend a good starting point? Thanks so much!

  33. Re: Chlamydia/psylium

    Thank you for your response.

    I'm awaiting results from my gdx2200. I have a org acids urine test coming soon as well. You are one of very few people(that I know of) who's opinion I respect. Do you do phone/skype consults?

  34. Anon,

    My practice will open soon, after settling down. Keep in touch.


    Kraut caused bleeding? RPS constipation? Yes you've passed the litmus test for poor, suboptimal gut function. It sounds like your microbiota is slightly amputated and lobotomized!

    You've done a great start by avoiding the main gut disruptors -- soy, gluten and nasty n-6 oils. Try #5 and 6 then build up more.

    I'm always shocked how some guts bounce back so fast and others are persistently stable and slow to budge. All the modern disruption accumulate I think and makes things quite tenuous. A great deal of gut imprinting occurs in the early months according to the literature, but being connected to the earth, its abundance and fruits and soil overcomes the damage imho.

  35. re;My practice will open soon, after settling down. Keep in touch.

    Nice! Will do, thanks.

  36. hey guys, now you mention Symbioflor, have you seen the new product from same company - Symbiointest? It is actually RS3 powder, in 10 gram sachets, 30 sachets a pack. Price is about 25$. Would this together with PS, inulin and some superfood powder mix, together with SBO's be a viable start at fixing SIBO, if one is afraid that starches might feed bacteria in small intestine? I'm thinking a week or 2, and then introduce RS3 starches (cooled potatoes, rice etc)

  37. Kathy PrincessJuly 25, 2014 6:23 AM

    Thank you so much, Dr. B.G. You confirmed my suspicions. I've been looking for answers for 15 years.

    About the hour of exercise: I easily get an hour of exercise per day, but it's broken up into segments.

    1. In the morning: 3 mile fast walk or exercise video (weight training)on alternating days with a run thrown in on Saturdays. Each of these take 45 minutes.

    2. Lunchtime walk of two miles on weekdays. (30 min)

    3. Several trips up nine flights of stairs on weekdays.

    Would I be better off extending the morning workouts another 15 minutes so it would be a continuous hour?

    Are the weight training videos going to help in terms of gut function? I'll still do them, but I'm motivated enough to walk for an hour on top of that.

    Maybe the best answer is n=1 and see if it makes a difference.

  38. Princess

    Your exercise is great -- it stimulates the motor units in the gut to improve the waves of movement in the small intestines and smooth muscles of the glands. Good for you. 45 min is enough for most I've found and keeping it not strenuous (which triggers cortisol).

  39. Slava,

    Tim STeele had read the rice studies wrong. They are a high glycemic index food with little RS even after repeated cycles of cook/cool. Parboiled is GI 70 (in PCB/plastic pouches?), brown rice 80-90, white 100. Long grain and other varieties have slightly more amylose and RS but not very much. Industrially produced RS4 that is chemically modified is typically made from more abundant amylose sources like maize.

    Aaaahh... you've hit on the secret sauce. RS3 trumps RS2.

    Thanks for the Symbio info. I love their theme 'healing with bacteria' lol. Please let me know how your plan works for you!

    Retrograded (RS3) but not uncooked (RS2) resistant starch lowers fecal ammonia concentrations in healthy men.

    Consumption of retrograded (RS3) but not uncooked (RS2) resistant starch shifts nitrogen excretion from urine to feces in cannulated piglets.

    Preventive effect of resistant starch on activated carbon-induced constipation in mice. [RS3 trumps RS2 RS4 and bisacodyl]

    Fermentation of resistant starches: influence of in vitro models on colon carcinogenesis. [RS2 batch-fermened had no anti-genotoxic protection; RS3 trumps RS2]

    Effect of consumption of uncooked (RS2) and retrograded (RS3) resistant starch on apparent absorption of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in pigs. [RS3 trumps RS2 on mag mineral absorption]

  40. Unfortunately RS3 comes with carbs and this impacts particularly those with insulin resistance or low thyroid/adrenals or don't exercise routinely. Whole foods are best so the Symbio product is great but probably not ideal long term. Crutches serve purposes (just like my bionic fiber lol).

  41. That's exactly why i want to use Symbiointest (pure RS3) to begin with. I have suprailiac and abdominal fat storage, both pegging towards insulin and cortisol issues.
    Question is - is 10 gram a day enough, or should I go for 20 gram, with 40-60 gram PS and 20-30 gram inulin. PS and inulin are split in 3 servings a day, all 3 with probiotics (AOR Probiotic-3, GOL Primal defense Ultra, Prescript Assist, Bacillus Coagulans from Thorne, Pro-Symbioflor (Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli)). I eat primarly grass feed lamb and wild boar (400 gram a day), green beans and 1 serving of GOL Raw Meal a day.

  42. That's all wonderful Slava but where's the BEEF?? Lol! In the gut the backbone for health is the combo RS3 and insoluble/viscous fiber that provide the scaffolding and foundation to mechanically propel soft stool forward distally, no? Is your diet in accordance to steps # 1-4?

  43. In Africa where the rate of colorectal cancer is zilch, RS3 intake is 40-60 g daily and fecal pH impressively low among children and adults 5.5-6. You've got it switched but I'd be interested to hear your results. Can you report changes in GDX results and stool pH?

  44. Living in Denmark, it is difficult to get such lab tests, but I'll see what I can do!

  45. Why not use bacillus coagulans (lactobacillus sporogenes) instead of enterococcus faecalis? It seems they both produce lactic acid. Is it because enterococcus faecalis is more easily fed with resistant starch and that it is more often found as part of normal gut flora?

  46. Anon

    YES. ' Is it because enterococcus faecalis is more easily fed with resistant starch and that it is more often found as part of normal gut flora?'

    It eats starches and RS3 and inulin and others. There is actually 'good' E faecalis and 'bad' E faecalis. Have to train and feed properly the good ones

  47. Thank you for your reply regarding Enteroccocus faecalis and bacillus coagulans. Now I understand.
