Friday, August 20, 2010

The Price of a Gallon of Gasoline

'I didn't grow up in Louisiana, and I can imagine those who did are even more passionate about cleaning up this mess than the rest of us. I grew up in Canada, where we have a similar tragedy being carried out right now: the ancient boreal forest in Northern Alberta is being destroyed to collect dirty tar sands oil. Oil that generates three times the global warming pollution as regular crude. As a result, entire ecosystems and indigenous communities are being devastated.'

Ryan Reynolds, Activist, Actor (and ridiculously fine male specimen)
HuffPo blog

Prior post: Provoking Envy


  1. Oh, there are men much better than that city-boy! Just have a look at this beauty;) -

  2. Cute *winky*

    Personally I think all EVO/PALEO folks are ridiculously FINE and shwingtastically FOXY...!!!

  3. Nothing stopping Americans from buying their oil from Uncle Chávez or the mullahs in the middle east (perhaps to help pay for the contruction of a certain building.)

    The fact is, the oil is there, and unless someone comes up with a better idea to power the world, that world will beat a path to Alberta's door to get it.

  4. Anonymous,

    UR right on.

    Let's put a muzzle on Gore and go for NUCLEAR like Eurasia and many parts of the US?


  5. Come on, now. Without that oil what will fund all of the big government in Canada? Federal workers need 93 percent paid maternity leaves and money does not grow on trees. You will never see any Canadian govt shut down the oil sands since they know where their bread is buttered.

  6. Come on, now. Without that oil what will fund all of the big government in Canada? Federal workers need 93 percent paid maternity leaves and money does not grow on trees. You will never see any Canadian govt shut down the oil sands since they know where their bread is buttered.
