Friday, October 24, 2014

The Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 03 – "Redefining Human" Movie w/ Jamie Binns

Second Episode of The Gut Guardians Podcast: "REDEFINING HUMAN" WITH JAMIE BINNS

Jamie Binns makes the 40 minute drive down to Denver to talk to Dr. Grace and Matt about Root House Studio’s newest project: Redefining Human. What better way to check out what’s going on in the gut than by looking at amazing educational videos. Thats what Root House is trying to do. But they need our help! By donating to their Kickstarter, we can help spread the word WORLDWIDE on the results being discovered via the American Gut Project.

Some topics:
   --Ethnicity influence on gut health
   --Matt and my experiences in recovering our gut health to tolerate dairy and gluten again
   --Story of an elite athlete's gut health and new onset gluten intolerances
   --Exercise and the gut; Jamie, Matt and I are all fans or fiends about exercise

This episode is jam packed with fun information about their upcoming project. Enjoy! (sorry the play button doesn't work yet, thanks for your patience!)




  1. Great podcast. I loved it! Keep it up Dr. BG. Did you receive my email by chance?

  2. Grace,

    Today I talked with someone with a background in osteopathy about gut flora.

    She told me that when the upper part of the digestive tract has some defects (like gastric acid problems, low low bile production and low enzyme secretion from the pancreas) the gut flora will never be perfect. So to get a good gut flora it is important to have the upper part of the digestive tract (stomach, small intestines) in a good state.

    So if the upper part of the digestive tract has flaws. Then the bacteria in the colon will get too much "garbage" so they can't flourish.

    As a gut-noob it sounds plausible to me. What are your thoughts about it?


  3. Loved this podcast!

    One little nitpick: Matt and you are on different stereo-channels. When I used my headphones to listen to the podcast your were in my right ear and Matt in my left.

    But again, I love your podcasts. They're packed with interesting topics! I'm eating a dandelion root everyday now and i lick some of the dirt of it to get some SBO's! Thanks for all the useful information, I really appreciate it.


  4. Another great podcast, keep them coming guys!

  5. Grace,

    do you think Yucca (roasted) is a good source of RS3?. The content of cyanogenic glycosides concerns me.

    I know purple potatos are great, but they are imposible to get for me.

    Thanks. Santiago

  6. Joe L



    Appreciate the feedback -- that is interesting info on the 2 ear outputs. Will try to work on and 'balance' it.

    Yes have you read an Dr Myhill? I completely concur with your thoughts. Dr Myhill also was the first person I've read who conjectures that the small intestines are 'carnivorous' and the large, 'herbivorous'. To degrade meats and fats in the SI, a great amount of acid, bile and enzymes are fully required. We make them. They aren't outsourced from bugs. The colon however 100% relies on gut flora for fermentation.

    In the SI (foregut) I believe that some fermentation must naturally occur but it is almost minimal compared to what occurs in the hind gut. However, as you pointed out, if digestion is anywhere impaired, then fermentation gets a bit outta hand.

  7. Santiago,

    Yucca has to be prepared the ancestral way -- best by both drying, fermentation and cooking. Evolution protects her babies so we have to respect that ahaha lol. The food processing and fermentation both remove cyano toxins and enriches with nutrients otherwise yucca consumption has been linked with B vitamin deficiencies (which cause dementia, brain damage and many other problems).

    Raw potatoes are problematic like yucca. They contain trypsin inhibitors and trypsin is one of the main meat/protein degraders in the stomach/SI.

    We never give raw potatoes to livestock -- it can cause pancreatic cysts, adenoma, hypertrophy, and cancer.

    Russet potatoes have the least RS3 on cooling, but heirloom strains have far more and contain a lot of high ORAC antioxidants as well. I hope you can diversify to consider acceptable yams, whole grains, lentils or legumes.

  8. Awesome stuff!

    If your gut doesnt have Roseburia or F. prausnitzii what can you do? Anything fermented that has these?

    Dr V

    1. Dr V

      Poop. Mud, compost and manure. Hopefully however I hope that using SBO probiotics can entrain and recruit the right DNA into the remaining species. After antibiotics and poor diets, though, really the numbers are scarce and limited for many. In a recent movie, gut researchers stated modern humans are missing 1/3 the abundance and diversity of ancestrally living folks

  9. Hey Grace,

    Great info per usual.

    A few kefir questions. When preparing either coconut, goat milk, milk kefir do you always use kefir grains? I noticed a few videos on you tube with people suggesting using probiotic capsules if you don't have grains. Is that a viable option?.....popping a few SBO's in the mix or are grains the better choice?

    For goat or milk kefir it seems raw is ideal if you can obtain high quality, but does pasture raised still suffice? What would be the major difference from something store bought like Redwood Hill goat milk kefir vs using raw goat milk. More abundance of probiotics, beneficial yeast and minerals if made via raw ingredients?

    Any take on yogurts or is kefir preferred? Thx!

  10. Grace,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Yesterday when I was "harvesting" some dandelion roots in a huge garden which is more like a forest than a classic garden the following came to my mind:

    When I buy carrots with some dirt still on it, the dirt is only soil (sand). But the dirt on the dandelion roots is much more diverse: it's soil and composting or already composted dirt. So I went to a huge nearby organic farmfield and did some digging. I only found sand and noting else. But in the garden the soil is filled with all kinds of composting stuff. So my guess is that the soil in the garden is much closer to ancestral soil then most farmlands and the SBO's in there are more diverse.

    Conclusion: it's better to lick a dandelion root then a carrot in this case.



    Hi Grace. Thx for reply. I see your results. Do they go into detail to see if you regained Roseburia or Akkermansia and stuff?

    Maybe you can bottle some good fermented veggies with the good guys and a start a side business :)

    Anyways following you on twitter now. How long do you think before something like Repoopulate becomes commercially available?

    Dr V

  12. Hi Grace,

    Love your blog!

    Before on the podcast (don't remember which one, sorry!) you mentioned Inulin breaks down during heat. This paper seems to dismiss that notion, stating that rather than heat the pH (lower = more breakdown) is the most important factor.

    Question: YOu almost never seem to mention pectin, is it just unimportant in feeding key species?

    Thanks! Nils

  13. Nils

    Thanks for the paper! I know in baking, acid base is needed for non-yeast baking. I wonder if the pH is above 5 for the inulin to not breakdown in baked goods with 1-2 tsp baking powder, which is what I use? If so, then probably would be fine. Wonderful!

  14. Sorry Nils -- almost forgot pectin again. Pectin is the baseline fiber in nearly every high fiber food from legumes, fruits, berries to beets. Hard to miss if you follow (7 steps) or just a high fiber diet, so I don't bother mentioning it! Thanks for bringing it up. Pectin is even found in potatoes but low amounts.

    By eating whole, unrefined foods your gut will thank you and work harder. Diversity of fiber breeds diversity of the flora, naturally. Pectin is part of NSP and if you eat whole RS3 foods then pectin is part of the fiber spectrum. RS3 feeds almost the entire gut including the ancestral core, and the add'l pectin, arabinoxylan and hemicellulose that accompany the plant structure bolster or feed the rest.

  15. DR. V

    The new testing shall show people. What I like about this is that at the species level Bifidobacteria longum and several others will be quantified. The right flora, lifestyles, diet and fiber/prebiotics will bring the composition that now is trackable, and these mimic perhaps the ancestral core. It is not difficult to bring these core strains up (IF THEY ARE THERE!)
    --heavy RS3 (no potato starch)
    --heavy inulin/fiber diet, whole foods if possible
    --probiotics to seed, +FARMACY

    This has been the key that works for many. Inulin resistance improves and body fat melts lol (if that is the desire).

    I've not heard anything on the grapevine about 're-poop-ulate' synthetic probiotics yet. It would make a great business.

    Thanks -- kraut with some poop, the vital ancestral core would be great! Great idea!! lol

  16. Grace, thanks for the clarification on Pectin. There remains a whole lot to be learned!

    - Nils

  17. im confused, why no potato starch? what if we mix with other fibers?

  18. Anon,

    This is huge spam -- someday I'll have a post but Matt and I discuss briefly on a podcast later.

    If two conditions, (1) you mix with a significant and substantial dose of other fibers that feed B longum + ancestral core and (2) B longum + core not stunted or reduced by the treatment

    (so analysis via fecal testing is required via Genova diagnostics if possible -- ubiome and amgut don't test to this level of species detail, only phyla).

    What potato starch feeds are the 'animal' species of bifido -- none of the authochthonous (native) human strains (except B lactis which is generally super low in #).

    B longum is key because it's one of the first to be depleted in illness or gastroenteritis and/or antibiotics. B longum makes about 68-75% of healthy mucosa bifido microbiota, in other words, it is truly the stalwart gut guardian!

    The problem is that PS lowers B longum which is the main bifido in healthy humans. Instead PS highly and selectively feeds animal species -- animalis, lactis, pseudolongum, etc. See Fig S3 in supplemental.

    "Bifidobacterium animalis was specifically enriched in mice fed 36% HAM-RS2, and this species was previously shown to degrade certain RS formulations with greater efficiencies than species pseudolongum and breve (Wronkowska et al., 2008). Overall, these results support the concept of concentration-dependent effects of dietary substrates on the gut microbiota and the importance of consuming RS and prebiotics in concentrations that induce optimal levels of intestinal fermentation and host-microbe cell signaling (Davis et al., 2010)."

    (i don't like mice studies -- this doesn't one fails to translate either -- humans do not increase Akkermansia with RS2; I don't see it on testing and the below n=1 did not either)

    PS also lowers nearly ALL THE ANCESTRAL CORE.

    If you exam data from RS2 animal studies, all fail to translate to human improvements in human disease states. I like RS2 -- it has a place but for guts that are missing vital strains, it skews toward a hamster profile which I find unacceptable if one is trying to optimize the barrier function, leanness, insulin sensitivity and longevity.

    Lastly, here is an n=1 and though diet was 10-20 g RS3 (cooked cooled) PHD style 150 grams/day starch diet with vegetables/fiber, a profile that was low on the butyrate factories (XIVa) and Akkermansia was evoked. Again, failure to translate.

  19. Hi, Dr BG :)

    Grace, what’s your opinion on Bacillus Subtilis genetically modified to produce human interferon alpha 2? It’s available in my country and advertised as highly effective for lot’s of conditions...

  20. I’m fine with RS3, garlic and onions (i absolutely adore garlic), but chicory drink caused a flare-up of candida, that seemed pretty much under control :( So i stepped back, reintroduced coconut oil and Bacillus Subtilis and explore locally available probiotic options (SBO). Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is definitely on the list and i’m a bit doubtful about enterococcus faecium (bad reaction to streptococcus thermophilus) and this interferon-producing Bacillus.

  21. Esha,

    The GMOs probiotics (many out there and particularly in the yogurts Activia, etc) really creep me out. Several cancers already have high levels of IFN, TNF or IL10. More is not better.

    Soon however there will be strains that are better for different conditions. They are like people -- different talents, strengths and weaknesses. They like other people -- to form communities. So I believe there will later be very intense systems biology to 'match' certain probiotics to the baseline gut composition to speed gut recovery. I believe we will get there in the next 10 years.

    Have you checked out ways to lower candida? Have you addressed mercury? Don't overlook 'secret' reservoirs of candida -- bladder, vagina, sinuses and brain. Sinuses respond well to olive leaf extract and Argentyn nasal rinses. I believe this will aid the brain-gut.

  22. Grace, thank you for your answer and the link!

    It’s not mercury, but tons and tons of antibiotics since early childhood... babyhood even. I’m going slow with candida as nearly all anti-candida stuff makes me awfully constipated. On the other hand Bacillus subtilis (an ordinary strain, not the interferon-producer) and bidobacteria lactis help to keep it at bay and peristalsis is ok. Now I’m getting more aggressive and add coconut oil, garlic and spices and sometimes clay but i’m always careful not to overdo the killing... Die-off constipation is too much for me and the only way out is to take yogurts with LGG or l. casei. They help the gut but ironically... worsen candida!! Plus my sinusitis reacts to l. bulgaricus, acidophilus, streptococcus and these strains are everywhere. It’s like a vicious circle: candida – antifungals – constipation – yogurts (in bad cases + flaxseeds + raw potatoes) – constipation resolved – candida + brain fog + stuffy nose...

    I plan to try more SBO probiotics, even for animals, perhaps... it’s cheaper that way and easier to get... and little by little incorporate antifungals...

  23. You mentioned hidden candida in bladder and vagina . What do you recommend to address these areas without damaging the good gut flora we are trying to establish? I need to address stubborn infections in these areas without killing out the god guys.

  24. Oops. I mean the good guys!

  25. Grace,

    I’m reading the link, about humates. It’s shocking perhaps... but my favorite Bacillus subtilis (i use 2 strains) comes from a fertilizer... It consists only of humates and Bacillus subtilis spores. I use it for flowers and once on an impulse i licked it and ate a little... thought i was going to get sick or something, but it turned out that my body loved it much more than Bacillus subtilis for humans. Dirt cheap and helps a lot, but i was very uneasy about humates and tried to find something equally effective among regular probiotics. It looks like i do address mercury after all...

  26. i seem to tolerate larch arabinogalactan very well. what's the smartest way to use this? what other fiber supplements will complement it best to help foster a more diverse and healthy biome?

    thanks in advance!

  27. Dr BG, I've just ordered some neem leaf and looking forward to seeing how it goes. A little question though, do you think it would be a bad thing to take regularly, could I inadvertently over-weed?

  28. Esha

    Sounds like a great plan -- antibiotics really are the factor for our current mass (gut) extinctions. So to combat, heavy probiotics and healthy soil/plant/environmental exposures (FARM-ACY) is really the only solutions until little poo pills come along!

    Isn't that ABSOLUTELY WILD? I love your humate/probiotic combo. That is similiar in concept but diff strains as the prescript assist.

    Have you considered non-dairy probiotics? Until the gut is fully healed, diary is one of the top 5 worse food allergens. Stopping until at least until the gut is properly seeded/weeded usually yields results 10 to 20-fold faster. no joke

  29. Anon

    To adequately address the satellite organs, the full body FARM-acy approach and heavy probiotic dosing is key I believe. Let me know what works for you.

    Stephen, Larch AG is great. Which brand are you using? What do you notice? better brain-gut? better bristols? Larch seems to enable better immunity. Have you done testing? What is your gut missing? Which 'fingerprint' did you fit into?

    Part 1: Don't Take Resistant Starch Alone and Other Precautions; RS2 Needs to Be Taken With Other Fiber To Spread Fermentation Completely Across the Entire Colon
    Part 2: Real Food Resistant Starch (RS3) Trumps High-Dose Potato Starch Diet To Expand the Lean and Immunoprotective Core Microbiota (Roseburia, Eubacteria, F. prausnitzii, Bifidobacteria)
    Part 3: Don't Take Resistant Starch If You Have Moderate to Severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Temporarily
    Part 4: Don't Eat Raw Resistant Starch (RS2) If Pre-Cancerous or Cancerous for Colorectal Cancer, Temporarily
    Part 5: Don't Take Raw Potato Starch (RPS) Temporarily If You Have an Autoimmune Disorder

    Anon, Yes overweeding needs to be balanced and not happen lol if possible. If one is properly seeding all along, I doubt it will happen but certain botanicals certainly will affect tender bifido and soil probiotic populations.

  30. Sound drops out too much. Record audio locally at both ends and mix it together.


    With the whole 'cooking lead to our bigger brains' thing, does that also make it the start of the Human/RS3 love story? RS2 alone = Ape brain!

  31. Thanks for the reply re neem and over-weeding. Will certainly make sure to keep up the probiotics!

    Sorry one more, do you think Olive Leaf can potentially over-weed too? There is something in it which kills something that nothing else seems to touch. Whenever I haven't taken it for a little while, as soon as I have it there is a little bit of die-off. I can't get to whatever the root cause is and kill it off for good.
    Hoping that this use of it doesn't over-weed though.

  32. Guttural

    Definitely -- Bryan suggested we try Audacity. May double record on iphone too. Thanks for the tips!

    I love your supposition on the ancient pivot point on the human/R3 love story. What makes us human? hearts? empathy? dreaming/scheming? love? ahaha UR ON TO SOMETHING

    I deeply concur: "RS2 alone = Ape brain"

  33. Anon,

    Some populations that are dwindling may easily become extinct so absolutely over-weeding is a concern. Here is an example -- one course of antibiotics in babies EXTINGUISHES ALL DETECTABLE Bifidobacteria adolescentis. This happens all the time sadly.

    "However, amoxicillin treatment induced a complete disappearance of Bifidobacterium adolescentis species (occurrence rate of 0% versus 36.4% in healthy group, P < 0.001), a significant decrease in the occurrence rate of Bifidobacterium bifidum (23% versus 54.5% in healthy group, P < 0.05)"

    Low bifido and soil probiotics are found in nearly every Western civ pathology. Trying to bring up all our native ancestral gut species is the end game because this is how we are set up. They protect and exclude pathogens but can only do so when there are enuf of them and in a collection that helps them thrive. They don't work alone -- they need each other, work collaboratively and crossfeed. If some are missing, others die.

    Yes so overweeding is as bad as antibiotics... as bad as single high dose RS2 or low fiber diets for diversity of the flora. Olive leaf has both antifungal and antimicrobial effects. Are you targeting just fungi because if so you may narrow the spectrum by using only antifungals (prescription ones). These may affect the liver but if indicated, they're more narrow in spectrum.
