Bottom, Momofuku's Pork Belly Bun
Belly and BUNS.
Growing up eating Peking duck as a special weekly treat which required ordering 24hrs in advance, our family treasures the soft, fluffy (wheat, non-paleo) bread-pillows that are used to envelope rich roasted duck accompanied by sweet plumy hoisin sauce and a hit of brightness from thinly sliced long scallions. The best duck were the ones with juicy, moist meat and a crispy, crunchy skin. My sisters and I would sometimes eat the brains from the duckhead which came with the whole roasted duck. We're Chinese, e.g. we eat everything. Head-to-toes *winky*.
Marrow, meat... feet.
Visiting Momofuku restaurant in New York is a great Paleo treat. I don't think the owner David Chang intended to have a phenomenal paleo-type restaurant but indeed that is what it kinda is. Fatty meat, pig pig pig galore and the most delicious awesome variety of fusion (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc). I've only been there once with my little bro but I am looking forward again when I go back and he gives me a bionic tooth implant/crown (being a 4th yr Columbia dental stud). Waiting in line at Momofuku (translation Japanese: 'lucky peach') is not paleo *haa* IMHO but hey it is worth the price of unforgettable FOOD. Chang's cookbook is a FANTASTIC, engrossing read. If it were not for an unprecedented failure, he would not have adapted in the micro-niche of restauranting and evolved Momofuku's, one of the best, most heralded restaurants in NYC, the city of fast live-die-restaurant cycles. He is a cardinal survivalist and evolutionist. I admire those with the skills to identify what is not working and to tweak and adjust for things to work. His restaurant also applies the liberal use of LARD, pork fat. The pork belly recipe recycles food, like all good chefs. The rendered protein and fats are collected after the roasting which is gelatinous and similar to aspic (YUM) and used in other Momofuku dishes and to flavor soups.
PHAT FAT is treasured.
Quite frankly Chang is a F*KU genius. Ancestral food + neolithic brilliance.
Prior animal pharm post on Okinawan LARD and LONGEVITY.
The book is HELLUV entertaining. Watch out, the only cookbook with a precaution for R-rated language. *haa* Richard, Paleo-King, U'd LOVE IT (LIKE ME).
Stolen recipes, courtesy NY Time Out:
Abridged: Roasted Pork Belly
--skinless pork belly, 1/4 c sugar, 1/4 c salt
--dry brine 6 to < 24 hrs in fridge
--roast 450°F 1hr; lower heat 250°F another 1hr
--rest the meat then... F-E-A-S-T
David Chang's Momofuku book was a Xmas gift to my foodie brother (which THANK YOU U.P.S. arrived afternoon of Xmas Eve, delivered as I was walking to my car by a haaawwt U.P.S. male driver, why r they all so uniformly ridiculously ROCKN-in-shorts???! Job prerequisite?).
My bro's rendition ...(sorry, picture pending my download skills which are non-existent). YUMM. Hard to screw up. Easy to eat. Effort: NONE. His 3 lb-roast served 6 adults and 2 kids for TWO MEALS. Paleo-thrifty in these economic times. Completed one of our best Christmas dinners!
Value: Immeasurable
Cost: Sacramento local asian meat market, pork belly $1.70 per lb
(anatomically, belly is the same as bacon, see below)