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EHP Sept 2013 (Modified) The Environment Within: Exploring the Role of the Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease |
Step #5. Exercise low-moderate intensity one hour daily continuously (10,000 steps) to move the gut/peristalsis and overcome broken myenteric musculo-neuro junctions
Dr. BG's 7-Steps Paleo* Gastro IQ SIBO Protocol
2. Ancient heirloom potatoes, tubers, roots that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity) and ancient heirloom grains, legumes, lentils/dal that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity), prepared the ancient way (soaked, fermented, etc)
3. Soil-based probiotic 1-2 daily if not severely immune compromised (Bacillus licheniformis, Clostridium butyricum, etc)
4. Two versions of 'bionic fiber' to heal the gut...
VERSION A: Green banana flour 1-3 Tbs + Raw PS (potato starch) + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water
VERSION B: Raw PS (potato starch) 1-3 Tbs + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 Tbs + high ORAC green powder (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups plenty of water
Step #5: WALK
Now, where have we heard that before. Sounds a lot like the Primal Blueprint! If anyone here doesn't know who Mark Sisson and Grok are, now is the time to meet them. Mark Sisson came up with his Primal Blueprint as a way for the average person to implement a paleo diet in a personalized way that works for anyone from beginner to elite athlete. One of the first things you will learn when you start reading the Primal Blueprint is that you don't need to kill yourself running mile after mile. Walking steadily at a slow pace is the much preferred route to health and happiness.
Grace says to walk 10,000 steps and then recommends you do it in an hour . . . hmmmmm. I think her pedometer was broken that day or she was buzzing on lattes, because 10,000 steps is 5 miles by most accounts! But that's OK, we'll give her that one! The takeaway is that you need to get up and get moving. Walk as much as you can. Don't have an hour to spare, take four 15 minute walks, three 20 minute walks, heck--take 10 six-minute walks! Just get walking. Walking is a great way to keep your intestines limber and healthy. If you have a sedentary desk job, it's even more important that you get up during the day and WALK. Tell your boss you took up smoking, then follow the smokers to the smoke shack and do laps around the parking lot while they shorten their lives.
According to this article, "As far back as the late 1950s, a study found that people with sedentary jobs (bus drivers) were twice as likely as those with active jobs (mailmen) to develop cardiovascular disease. More recently, extended daily TV watching and time on the computer-which, like desk jobs, involve long periods of time sitting still-have been linked to a greater risk of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of health problems that can lead to diabetes and heart disease."
Here is a great website for all things walking related if you need some motivation to get started, but seriously, just walk. Get some comfortable shoes and walk. If you are a busy mom chasing kids or a factory worker who is on your feet all day, you probably have the walking part covered, but still, a nice leisurely stroll can be very relaxing and a great way to get outside.
Wasn't that easy!
Are you wondering what is peristalsis and myenteric musculo-neuro junctions? Let me expand....
There are two main ways that food and mucus material in the small intestines move along the gut (1) peristalsis and (2) MMC, myenteric migrating complex. Peristalsis is the weak, wiggly movement propagated by the smooth muscle lining the intestinal tract. The myenteric migrating complex on the other hand is powerful and strong, starting from the stomach and vibrating like a heart beat or pacemaker through the small intestines in pulses throughout the day every 90 to 120 minutes. These are known as 'housekeeping waves'. It is also described as 'a band of neural excitation that travels slowly across the stomach and intestines.' The movement quickly shuttles along the contents, mucous, bacteria and fungi out of the small intestines to the large intestines when we are fasting and through out the day. Usually the MMC rhythmic contractions are painless and unnoticed, but for those with IBS or other bowel inflammation, sometimes these are uncomfortable or painful.
The presence of food actually temporarily decreases the MMC propulsive action because the gut needs to slow down for food to be thoroughly digested and absorbed in the small intestine, no? So it is no wonder that high-bolus insulin doses (which mimic eating) will stop the MMC. Guess what subgroup has poor functioning guts, SIBO and MMC? Type 2 diabetes and obese individuals where the MMC is less functional secondary to high insulin levels. Additionally when the BG (blood glucoses) have been pathologically elevated for decades, damage to the nerves that regulate the small intestines can happen and this is known as autonomic neuropathy. The result is abnormal peristalsis, spontaneous contractions, and reduced tightness of the sphincters which grip and prevent intestinal contents from escaping to places they shouldn't (like backward in heartburn/stomach contents or with feces). Part of the charm of exercise is that all of these gut motility issues can be improved or even reversed with routine, regular exercise which improves insulin sensitivity, strengthens smooth muscle, improves the pacemakers of all of organs and calms the nervous system that regulates every organ.
Did you know our small intestines are innervated by 100 million neurons, as many as the spinal cord (Gershon 'The Second Brain')? Therefore innervations to the small intestines can become 'broken' from various conditions which will lead to higher degrees of small intestinal bacterial/fungal overgrowth (aka SIBO/SIFO -- hat tip Keith Bell). Additionally hormone changes and structural tissue damage may also 'break' the sweeping motions that naturally occur in the small intestines leading to pseudoobstructions and SIBO (see HERE for complete list including hypothyroidism, diabetes, autoimmune diseases (celiac), viral damage (CMV, Epstein Barr, herpes zoster), drugs (verapamil, diltiazem)).
Exercise may not entirely erase damage to our second brain in the our guts but it can potently improve inflammation at the intestinal level and condition and strengthen the smooth muscle that control the contractions of the gut (peristalsis, MMC).
When I had CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and nearly bed-bound, I couldn't walk a block, let alone 5 miles. If you haven't the capability to walk or jog far, start low and go slow. Consider starting with hydrotherapy or swimming (no gravity) gently at first for only 10 minutes daily and gradually build to tolerance.
Gut microbiota composition in male rat models under different nutritional status and physical activity and its association with serum leptin and ghrelin levels.
Queipo-Ortuño MI, et al.
PLoS One. 2013 May 28;8(5):e65465.
Habitual exercise program protects murine intestinal, skeletal, and cardiac muscles against aging.
Rosa EF, Silva AC, Ihara SS, Mora OA, Aboulafia J, Nouailhetas VL.
J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Oct;99(4):1569-75.
Freewheel training decreases pro- and increases anti-inflammatory cytokine expression in mouse intestinal lymphocytes.
Hoffman-Goetz L, Pervaiz N, Packer N, Guan J.
Brain Behav Immun. 2010 Oct;24(7):1105-15.
Exercise attenuates PCB-induced changes in the mouse gut microbiome.
Choi JJ, Eum SY, Rampersaud E, Daunert S, Abreu MT, Toborek M.
Environ Health Perspect. 2013 Jun;121(6):725-30.
Reflux oesophagitis in adult coeliac disease: beneficial effect of a gluten free diet.
Cuomo A, Romano M, Rocco A, Budillon G, Del Vecchio Blanco C, Nardone G.
Gut. 2003 Apr;52(4):514-7.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: a comprehensive review.
Dukowicz AC, Lacy BE, Levine GM.
Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2007 Feb;3(2):112-22.
Gut peristalsis is governed by a multitude of cooperating mechanisms.
Huizinga JD, Lammers WJ.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009 Jan;296(1):G1-8.
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction: assessment and management.
Connor FL, Di Lorenzo C.
Gastroenterology. 2006 Feb;130(2 Suppl 1):S29-36.
Fascinating stuff, thanks. That you say "low-moderate intensity" seems key, since acute exercise is counterintuitively known to cause leaky gut. A lot of athletes report gastrointestinal disturbances. I don't really understand the mechanism, but think it has to due with limited resources, meaning blood is drawn away from the intestines and used in muscles during intensive training. This damages flora.
I like the pH construct in examining relationship of gut health and exercise (and in general, pH rules, especially in gut-brain connection). There are studies showing bicarbonate enhancing exercise performance, credence for people supplementing with baking soda.
So, what this implies may be an alkalizing diet is key to healing, especially since gastric acid is likely too low for proper digestion anyway. This may not mean people should abstain from meat as some demand of gastric acid is also key to balancing flora. (Side note: can't make gastric acid without zinc as it fuels the required enzyme, carbonic anhydrase. Zinc deficiency is huge, but you can't absorb it with a compromised small intestine, a vicious circle making supplementation necessary.)
So when your acid is pumping you're simultaneously producing bicarbonate released into the bloodstream, alkalizing blood for optimal exercise performance.
Where it gets really interesting is inverse relationships in pH, i.e. metabolic pH (blood) is inversely related to intracellular pH, so if your blood is a healthy alkaline, then cells will be a healthy acidic:
Then your cells need to be able to dump acid waste and that's where sulfur is key (OptiMSM as supplement) to make cell walls more permeable allowing acid waste out and good things like insulin/glucose and antimicrobial peptides in to balance intracellular organisms. Who's doing the backstroke in cytosol of your cells, screwing with your genes while making you attack your mitochondria, missing the target? Shut down the invaders. Take a nice walk. And stop shitting in water.
Tim, btw, love your profile pic and recognize it from the new NPR story:
I registered at NPR just to be able to comment on that story about vaccination and basically wallpapered it.
awesome. Love this blog .. So happy when a new post arrives!..
Tim. I would love to hear your story.. I'm also a chronic Fatigue girl, well Adrenal burnout is the best that I know.. So would love to here where you came from and how you discovered this if you are open to telling us.
=) I love background. It gives me context
Kieth Bell,
What is the difference between MSM and OptiMSM? I have read great things about MSM but not sure if its the same as OptiMSM
UR SO FUNNY. It wasn't crude, you cited Mark Sisson! Pedometer is fantastic. Personally I would never use Moves because of the radiation/EMF from the phone. Heard of too many personal cases of cancer for younger people toting their phones everywhere.
ABSOLUTELY!! Thank you for all of your comments! I will digest all of them in the next wk but I agree alkalinity is probably missing from modern diets. When I met Frassetto the author of the paleo diet study, she disclosed she didn't stop all grains (or even pasta). This struck me. She is also a big fan of alkalinity as a renal doctor. Deep, huh? She's done the studies!
I have a couple of triathlete clients and it is challenging keeping their guts healthier and optimal. Thank goodness for Tim, potato starch, and SBO probiotics (readily available here in China)!
ZINC-- i totally concur. Vicous circle. For me, the instant I started taking the SBO probiotics I no longer required eating high doses of salt, mag and zinc (otherwise I'd get severe adrenal issues and hypotension/dizziness -- yes I'm blond but defective adrenals UGH). Healthy flora and health microvilli are mandatory for mineral needs and absorption. You brought up very interesting points also how the pathogenic flora scavenge and eat up zinc and other minerals. Ferritin -- many pathogens scavenge our iron for their own uses.
"Then your cells need to be able to dump acid waste and that's where sulfur is key (OptiMSM as supplement) to make cell walls more permeable allowing acid waste out and good things like insulin/glucose and antimicrobial peptides in to balance intracellular organisms. Who's doing the backstroke in cytosol of your cells, screwing with your genes while making you attack your mitochondria, missing the target? Shut down the invaders. Take a nice walk. And stop shitting in water."
I dunno. Hopefully Keith can clarify?
LOVE LOVE LOVE U. Thanks for your astute comments!
YES -- we'd like to know more about the mysterious Mr. Timothy Steele, no? Master gut engineer and whisperer from the forest and gardens of the glaciers.
Great idea. UR GORGEOUS PIP.
OptiMSM is a pure form of MSM made via distillation. It's sold under many labels. I like it in powder form mixed with water. Water is a clear liquid which comes out of your faucet.
Hey~!! SsssssssHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh....
Ha ha you guys crack me up =)
Thanks Grace. I've been feeling a lot more . I'm not sure if this is all part of the journey but I seem to be in a grieving process. No resistance happening.. started a week ago. And I'm welcoming it in. I will retes my hair in 3 months I am so excited to see what happens to my minerals and absorption with this .. So far so good.. Thanks Grace again.. You rock !!
Not sure that Resistant Starch is great for SIBO :
Dear All,
Some miscellaneous thoughts that have been percolating.
Many have mentioned bone broth as an important part of combatting SIBO and healing the gut. I assume it has calories—yet it was suggested as being consumed during a fast by someone. What is the caloric content? Wouldn’t it “break” a fast?
One of the posts mentioned legumes properly soaked and prepared, but I have heard that there is still enough toxins even after soaking and that it can induce leaky gut… What is the take here?
Also, in regards to malabsorption, I am sooooo starved that I meet the criteria for a starvation wasting disease and am thinner than some Holocaust survivors. Conventional doctors just say to eat more and more and more…. But are there dangers of overfeeding? What is overfeeding when one is not digesting properly and malabsorbing? Is it better to try to eat more in hopes of absorbing more, or does that backfire and create too much gastric stress? Is it better to try to eat normal and when hungry (although what is hunger? I’ve been stuffing myself so long and my stomach hurts so much and seems to digest so poorly, what is hunger?) or to try to push as much food down me as I can?
I’ve heard of some benefits of intermittent fasting, namely provoking autophagy which sounds like it would be helpful for SIBO? Is there a benefit to limiting food intake to an 8 hour window each day in order to try to induce autophagy (the Jaminets in Perfect Health Diet suggest 16 hours as the ideal to induce autophagy)?
I have been fighting this way too long and am seeking some hope. And yes, I am under a doctor’s care.
OK Tim, thank.
But do you agree that RS (potatoes starch) is a good idea for SIBO or not ?
You walked straight into that one, Jean! There's not much going on anywhere on the internet about RS that I'm not a part of.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and Grace may completely disagree, but I think that when one has SIBO, RS is KEY to curing it.
1. RS has the proven ability to 'mop up' stray bacteria--good and bad.
2. It takes upwards of 4 hours for RS eating bacteria to begin digesting (fermenting) RS. Food does not stay in the small intestine that long.
3. The digestion (fermentation) of RS is a 2 or 3 step process involving several different bacteria, the chance that all of these different co-feeders are present in the small intestine is improbable.
4. SIBO is a problem of total gut dysfunction more so than simply a bit of bacteria growing out of place. By the time SIBO can occur, lots of damage has been done. Step 1 needs to be overall healing, not removing the one thing (RS) that offers a complete recovery.
When I started supplementing potato starch 10 months ago, I no doubt had SIBO, though undiagnosed. I had bouts of heartburn and indigestion I self-treated with low-carb and Tums. The potato starch caused me absolutely no discomfort and I now eat lots of carbs with no problems. I have not had any indigestion or heartburn pretty much since day 1 of supplementing potato starch.
Anonymous, your situation doesn't seem to fit the SIBO/SIFO construct, but seems more extreme. Have you had the comprehensive Metametrix stool testing or the Organic Acid urine test to know what you may be missing? You may want to research fecal transplant (even DIY as most doctors will likely only perform FMT in cases of C. diff), probiotic enemas and the new pills made from human feces to repopulate the gut:
@anonymous Byron Richards just answered a question on his podcast about a girl with an inflamed stomach. Maybe it would help. It starts around 25 minutes. http://www.wellnessresources.com/audio/podcast/2013/podcast_112713.mp3
To all.... Grace, in the post you mentioned (1) peristalsis and (2) MMC, myenteric migrating complex. What is the best eating schedule to accomodate that? I have long heard that it is best to eat 5-6 small meals a day, and recently read some things contradicting that. What do you think?
Also, how important is autophagy to cure SIBO? SHould fasting for 16+ hours be part of a daily regimene? Once a week? Not at all? And does the fast have to be more than 16 hours to induce autophagy? Or is 12 hours sufficient?
I have severe, severe constipation and malabsorption and hypoglycemic (which seems related, hm....) and no doubt SIBO. Would love any advice....
Dear All,
Some miscellaneous thoughts that have been percolating.
1) Bone broth - Many have mentioned bone broth as an important part of combatting SIBO and healing the gut. I assume it has calories—yet it was suggested as being consumed during a fast by someone. What is the caloric content? Wouldn’t it “break” a fast?
One of the posts mentioned legumes properly soaked and prepared, but I have heard that there is still enough toxins even after soaking and that it can induce leaky gut… What is the take here?
2) Overfeeding? - Also, in regards to malabsorption, I am sooooo starved that I meet the criteria for a starvation wasting disease and am thinner than some Holocaust survivors. Conventional doctors just say to eat more and more and more…. But are there dangers of overfeeding? What is overfeeding when one is not digesting properly and malabsorbing? Is it better to try to eat more in hopes of absorbing more, or does that backfire and create too much gastric stress? Is it better to try to eat normal and when hungry (although what is hunger? I’ve been stuffing myself so long and my stomach hurts so much and seems to digest so poorly, what is hunger?) or to try to push as much food down me as I can?
3) Resistant starch - Would arrowroot starch do the same thing as potato starch?
4) Resistant starch again - If I am following the conversation correctly, resistant starch is essential to fight SIBO? My doctor (who is alternative, paleo-friendly) has me on a starch free diet, pretty much, in order to kill/fight/starve bacteria in my gut. I eat plenty of onions for prebiotics; have a little bit of sweet potato (cooked and then eaten cold after sitting for 24 hours for the resistant starch). But no white potato as the form of starch is different, no fruit, no yucca or taipioca. Is the onion and sweet potato sufficient? Is there wisdom in no starches at all for some time to starve the bacteria?
Finally, would the psylium husk be too irritating to an already inflammed unhappy digestive system? I have heard it is too rough and abrasive.
5) IF and autophagy - I’ve heard of some benefits of intermittent fasting, namely provoking autophagy which sounds like it would be helpful for SIBO? Is there a benefit to limiting food intake to an 8 hour window each day in order to try to induce autophagy (the Jaminets in Perfect Health Diet suggest 16 hours as the ideal to induce autophagy)? Is autophagy essential to combat SIBO? Does the fast need to be 16 plus hours, or is 12 hours sufficient?
I have been fighting this way too long and am seeking some hope. And yes, I am under a doctor’s care.
@Gillian - Are you the same person as 'anonymous' above on Nov 28th? Or am I misinterpreting your response? I answered a lot of those questions on Nov 29...
Grace is out goofing off but should be back any day. She will get to these other questions when she gets time!
Oops. Tim, my bad. Yes, I am the same person. I am still learning to navigate the comment system and didn't think my post had been posted, and I thought I had asked for email updates and didn't get any response. I apologize.
Gillian - no problem. I talked Grace into letting comments go through without her having to approve them first, and I was afraid we were getting spammed. That seems to be a common tactic, just reposting earlier stuff to get you to click a link or something.
Grace should be back on-line soon, unless she ate too much at Thanksgiving and exploded.
May I kindly kidnap you?
Thanks for the link -- will check out soon!
All questions answered? Are you still confused?
Hey GORGEOUS. We must have a continuous continuum between us~! ahhaa LOL Grieving processes are not bad -- they're transformative to let go of the old and to be grateful what we do have. Since my brain came back online (after being off-line for 3years) I feel actually mourning for old habits and lifestyles.
Tim has such spectacular responses. Did he track you down you? LOL
As you know I don't give advice but there are several thoughts you should consider exploring.
Adrenal health -- our little bitty adrenal glands which regulate stress and adrenaline and testosterone/progesterone get super unhappy when you are tired, fasting or fatigued excessively. If you read on the internet, hoardes of paleo VLC folks entered into adrenal failure, including myself. If you have been on the SAD since childhood and for several decades like myself, doing VLC or IF is therapeutic for a few months to straighten things out or to decrease yeast or to lose the last 10lbs, but for long term, I believe it places excess strain on an organ already dysregulated by the damage of poor diet.
I don't think there is an 'ideal' meal frequency. Everyone is individual and depending on the health goal, meal frequency is a great tool to achieve health. For adrenal health, I favor 4-5 small meals particularly for people who have hypoglycemia and to avoid all fasting other than 8-10hrs sleep each night. Autophagy will happen natural with all the gut and glands are all coordinated and synchronized in harmony. Make sense?
Have you considered probiotics? Here's a SIBO review (which isnt completely stupid)
'Probiotics are another potential treatment for SIBO; however, there are only pilot studies addressing their use. One
open-labelled pilot study assessed the effect of Lactobacillus casei Shirota on SIBO patients, where SIBO was
demonstrated by an early rise in breath H2 after lactulose.[101] Following the 6-week intervention (65 billion bacteria/day),
64% of patients no longer had a positive breath test, but there was no significant improvement in abdominal symptoms.
In another pilot study, patients were randomised to receive either a probiotic or metronidazole as treatment for SIBO.[102]
The probiotic contained Lactobacillus casei,Lactobacillus plantarum,Streptococcus faecalis and Bifidobacterium brevis.
A statistically significant difference in symptomatic response favoured the use of the probiotic over the antibiotic (P =
I found that SBO (soil based probiotics) fix nearly all gut problems -- including severe constipation. Are you dairy-free and gluten-free? Are you sugar-free?
If you still suffer, make your conventional doc collaborate with shiny new functional medicine practitioner (like me) to target exactly what is going on in your gut. Consider the value of assessing
--modern toxins, mercury, pesticide load
--gut health and gut parasites, protozoa, worms, and pathogenic overgrowths
Just to finish some of your inquiries.
Bone broth is bionic food -- contains amino acids that the gut uses to rebuild (glycine) and contains minerals that are easy to digest and assimilate.
Malabsorption can be several things. SIBO/SIFO (small intestinal bacterial/fungal overgrowth) can destroy the integrity of the absorptive surface in the small intestines. The stomach also may secrete less gastric acid either from SIBO/SIFO damage or broken nerve messages. I like assessing exactly that is present in the gut because protozoa, parasites, worms and overgrowths all do all the above. You may drink all the bone broth under the sun and starve all the critters your naturopath thinks you're starving, but in the end the protozoa, parasites, worms and overgrowths can still fester and swarm.
Whilst starving, you can lose inordinate amounts of zinc and magnesium (as burning fat and ketones exclusively will do that) and hopefully not develop a heart arrhythmia or brain seizure from mag or zinc deficiencies.
Dr. Grace,
Thank you so incredibly much for taking the time to respond.
I have been on adrenal support stuff through my doctor—they were way messed up but seem to be a little more regulated now.
I was vegetarian until January of last year when I switched to the Perfect Health Diet/Paleo out of desperation.
4-5 small meals—for the MMC to work properly, is it necessary to space them out every 3-5 hours?
And I’m on probiotics, dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free, corn-free, soy-free, sugar-free, you name it free practically…. Only eating home-prepared meat and veggies, simple. I’ve been detoxed (I did have EXTREME aluminum toxicity and other toxicity), had Lyme’s disease pathogens and others killed…. And still so tired, live on a laxative because otherwise nothing moves, still pain in the stomach. But we’re working on it, and I have hopes that God will continue to heal me through doctors. But searching out wisdom from others as well, especially since my conventional doctor and the paleo-friendly doctor offer very different advice.
Again, I so appreciate your taking time to respond. It is encouraging to hear an affirmation of what I am/did do, and to hear encouragement and answers.
I'm glad you can find encouragement here.
What you said explains a lot now. How many antibiotics did you take for Lyme?
What adrenal support are you on? Is it pharmaceutical or hydrocortisone or botanical?
As a vegetarian do you think you consumed a great deal of GMO corn and soy products?
Like Tim, I disagree with the starch free approach. It can be therapeutic initially however after 2-4 wks, the microvilli should grow back sufficiently to allow digestion of starches again. I find that it's helpful to supplement Betaine and pancreatic enzymes if it's not enough. The root causes of sibo/sifo need to be assessed and determined. Vegetarians also probably get higher exposure I believe to parasites, protozoa, works etc via raw salads.
Dr. Grace--again, thank you. I did NOT take antiobiotics for Lyme, luckily. I have never had antibiotics in my life, actually. I treated Lyme with natural supplements and RIFE.
Adrenal --I was recommended Adrenal Tone by Energetix, an alternative supplement.
Luckily, I grew up on a farm and so we had lots of fresh, organic veggies growing up, little processed foods (but grains and gluten) but we did eat lots of soy. I began losing weight at 16, and have never been able to regain. At that point I was hospitalized, and they crammed soda, twinkies, and ice cream and microwave dinners down us (seriosly, that was all we had... nothing fresh). I was there for about 2 months and absolutely miserable in pain with constipation. Never regained strength since then, but things went downhill. I spent some time overseas and picked up some parasites which have been addressed by my functional doctor (never found by conventional parasitologists).
I continue to grow weaker, though, so we are still looking for answers. At 25, it is hard to climb stairs. There must be life somewhere....
The conventional doctors still say "just eat more, cram it all down, even if you feel sick." I am not sure if that creates more gastric stress and thus hindering healing, and creating more feeding for SIBO.
So that is probably more than you want to know.
Hi, Gillian - Could you give us a somewhat detailed look at how you eat now and what meds/supplements you are on?
Also a bit of family history, ie. brothers, sisters, parents--how is their health? Are you a stand-out in your family with poor health?
Tim and Dr. Grace—I am grateful for your encouragement and interest; I hope I am not monopolizing the blog. But maybe others can learn as well…
How I eat now:
• Veggies: steamed veggies (not organic unfortunately; I avoid the dirty dozen the EWG lists)
• Protein: meat (wild caught salmon; lots of grass fed beef; lots of pasture-raised eggs; some canned sardines; some canned salmon; lots of Pollock/walleye)
• Starches: some sweet potato, chilled to create resistant starch
• Fats: 50-60% of my diet is from fat, mostly coconut oil other than what I get in the meat/eggs … some nuts
• NO: sugar, table salt, corn, dextrose, dairy, legumes, grains, vegetable oils
I did take the Cyrex Array 4 which indicated nightshades and eggs were okay—although buckwheat and coffee, gluten, whey, hemp, sesame, etc. was out.
Through all of that, I try to get 2,500+ calories daily on a 70 lb., 5 foot 6 inch frame. I should be putting weight on at that….. Spread out in 6 small meals from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Supplements vary, right now a lot of energetix chem-cord (detox), thyro-cord (thyroid), rhenotone (kidney), drainage tone (detox), rehydration (cleansing); thymus support; and aloe laxatives up the wazoo.
Family history: history of constipation; my father has had chronic pain/tendonitis. He switched to paleo and went off pain killers for the first time in 20 years. : ) But other than that, uniquely healthy and strong. My grandma is 87 and still going; she has larger muscles than most men. Seriously.
There may be some autoimmune issues going on, as well—I have an undifferentiated connective tissue disorder. No one has been able to link it to my digestive issues. I also struggle with depression, but anyone who has done some research on SIBO and gut disorders knows the two go hand in hand. I had chronic insomnia (0-2 hours of sleep for 3 months straight; I was dead) but the adrenal support helped that immensely. So take Dr. Grace’s advice on that seriously!
So, lyme’s, and some parasites and insomnia have been tackled. I still am ridden with depression, anxiety, insomnia, extremely low T-3 but normal levels o T-4, severe anemia, chronic inflammation, chronic immune stress, low white blood count, messed up triglycerides…. And the conventional doctors ignore it and just say eat more; the two functional doctors off the beaten path I have seen have helped identify the Lyme’s and parasites but are unsure of what is causing the inflammation and immune stress, etc. Someone recommended live blood analysis. Is that a valid testing procedure? Something you recommend?
So, again, probably more info than you wanted. But perhaps it can help others searching for something called life, instead of just barely gasping through each day.
I forgot to say I have been on probiotics (prescript assist and dr. ohhira's) but my body is rejecting those right now.
I will show my doctor the articles on resistant starch and try to incorporate more fermented veggies. : ) And I comply with step #6 and try to get at least a 1/2 hour walk in, even if I don't feel I have the energy.
Tim--Thank you so much. And thank you for the reminder to all of the link between depression and gut disorder. The gut produces just as much serotonin as the brain does, thus the incredible link between the two. I have an MA in Counseling, ironically, but I will never think about mental issues apart from physical; I firmly believe the two interact.
I will definitely look at the book Potatoes not Prozac.
I apologize if I missed a thread of comments elsewhere... I am very interested to hear whether people have found it better to take resistant starch (therapeutic supplemental doses, like your recommended potato starch/psyllium husk/ORAC greens) on an empty stomach, or with food? As a single dose, or spread throughout the day (and at what time(s))?
I'm wondering whether there would be superior blood sugar control with a spread-out-dose, but keep feeling like if I take starch with food...then the Farts Will Come.
I'm grateful for any thoughts on these matters. :)
I have a question for those doing both RS (plantain flour) and SBOs. I have been doing RS with plantain flour for about three weeks. So far no letup on the gas, but the gas from the RS is usually lower, colon mostly, I think. Just the plantain flour by itself has never given me painful gas, or the kind that makes me feel sick. I started Primal Defense Ultra a week ago, and was feeling good and noticing better digestion, especially of fats, and my unmentionables have gone from floaters to sinkers within the week. This really suggests to me that something is improving my fat digestion.
Both yesterday and today, however, I have begun to have really painful gas in my stomach and small intestine area (middle of gut, just above my belly button) building to a feeling that my stomach is going to have to explode to relieve the pain within about two hours after eating. I haven't eaten anything out of normal for me either day, and I don't remember EVER having stomach gas this bad before in my life. Since the gas was lower and different with the RS, I can only wonder if this is caused by the Primal Defense.
Has anyone else here experienced horrible gas and bloating that commenced after beginning the SBOs? Did it pass, or did you have to stop taking them? I don't want to have to stop taking them, but if this doesn't pass it won't be something that will be worth it for me to live with to improve my gut flora. That would seem like a bargain not worth the price.
I took some charcoal in water about a half hour ago, and seem to be feeling some relief, so I'm thinking it's definitely gas of some sort.
Tim - yes had the GI Effects 2100 - nothing too extraordinary, but SigA very low, and questionable fat digestion. Also low in all commensal bacteria, with the exception of fusobacteria, which was high. Acetate was 72, butyrate was10, propionate was 16, and vale rate was 1.5 - those are percentages. Low in lactobacillus, no opportunistic bacteria. No significant amounts of yeast/fungi. No ova or parasites seen. No inflammation. Ph was high at 6.9.
No campylobactor, c diff, shiga toxin e. Coli, and no h. pylori.
Does any of this suggest an obvious problem to you?
My functional med doctor said it was pretty classic patterning in a chronically stressed person, which I am. I have been the primary caregiver to my sixteen year old son who is profoundly disabled with cp. He has never slept well, so I haven't either.
I do have leaky gut, and have developed a lot of food sensitivities over the past year. Just started adding yogurt, kefir, and raw sauerkraut back in, all homemade, about three weeks ago, and tapioca flour last week. No problems until yesterday.
Should I leave off the Primal Defense as well for a couple of days?
I'm just confused about why I would start getting such violent gas in an area I don't usually have it. Could this be the flora shifting balance?
Thanks Tim!
Tim - are you guys planning to have a venue where those of us who have test results can post them?
Also, wondering if anyone is familiar with "Theralac" probiotic? It says it has five strains of colonizing bacteria, yet I'm reading everywhere that we should not be relying on probiotic supps for gut repopulation, and should instead be eating fermented foods. I find this really confusing. If they are colonizing strains, aren't they expected to colonize?
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