Once people start on appropriate doses of vitamin D... And...I am not referring to LICKING A CAPSULE, they come up to me and tell me HOW GREAT THEY FEEL.
More energy, more vitality and feeling younger.
In only o n e w e e k. Wowo.
Vitamin D is certainly a steroid precursor which has benefits for everyone. Not just athletes.
Who Frequently Needs Higher Doses?
I've broken this down to a few subgroups from my experience:
--Leaky gut (these benefit highly from the protective/healing effects of probiotics+digestive enzymes combined)
--Morbidly obese (but not necessarily)
--Again, those with leaky gut -- those still consuming WHEAT (and/or casein if sensitive)
--Genetically those who may be fast-metabolizers. Who r u? I have no idea. Ck your blood levels and if it does not respond in 6-8wks, you may be one of them. Hx Rickets? Hx Grave's? Hx Hashimoto's??
--Drugs which increase metabolism, disposal, elimination of fat-soluble drugs, xenobiotics and VITAMINS ADEK omega-3s EPA DHA -- anti-seizure drugs Valproic acid, Depakote, Carbamazepine and others incl Calcium channel blockers
--Those taking stupid drugs like Xenical or ALLI which block fat absorption (or ?Zetia as well hypothetically)
Contraindications to Vitamin D Therapy
If your blood levels of 1,25 OHD (calcitriol, one of the active metabolites) or 25-OH-D (calcidiol, another active metabolite) are fine or elevated, then you don't need supplementation.
--Plenty of sunlight exposure (esp equatorial, esp midday, esp when "your shadow is shorter than you are" per Dr. Cannell)
--Frequent naked *winky*, clothes-less, makeup-less, sunscreen-less exposure
--Dialysis patients already taking Rx Calcitriol where blood levels are optimal which they hardly ever are. Current national DOQI guidelines are to include Vitamin D supplementation and to achieve 25OHD blood concentrations appropriately.
Who should absolutely not receive supplementation?
--Sarcoidosis (already high calcitriol from inappropriate secretion secondary to autoimmune proliferative changes)
--Some weird malignant cancer where the cells are overproducing either calcitriol or calcidiol
No... 100 IU Vitamin D from a cup of casein-milk will not get anyone ANYWHERE.
Babies from Day One are advised now from the Academy of Pediatrics to receive orally 400 IU daily (this is DOUBLE from prior recommendations of 200 IU daily) either from supplementation drops, formula (1-2 cups daily? wtf), or Momma's milk (if Momma chooses to improve her baby's health to supplement herself since 99% of Momma's are ALL also deficient).
Clover Organic Farms Milk
(reduced fat, whole, or nonfat)
Vitamin D3 content = 100 IU (25% of RDA) in one cup = 8 oz
Why Milk Even Contains Vitamin D
For the treatment of rickets in the early 1900's, the U.S. mandated vitamin D 400 IU to be added to every quart of milk (4 cups).
Let's say my minimal requirement for vitamin D is 5000 IU, barring any UVB exposure where typically a human would receive 99% of vitamin D sources (food provides less than 30-100 IU per serving like dairy, fish, liver, caviar or otherwise).
I would have to drink 50 (eg, F I F T Y) cups of milk to provide what my growing (ghetto fab/PHAT/HAWT) body would need...
Milk isn't even Paleo.
Milk... Don't do it.
BTW...Casein, one of the main proteins in dairy sources, has been linked to many autoimmune disorders in susceptible folks (eg, autism, ADD, MS, Hashimoto's, RA, Sjogren's, Migraines, Type 1 Diabetes, Uveitis, IBD, Cholangitis, NASH/Liver Cirrhosis, etc). ??? CAD probably too.
Range of neurologic disorders in patients with celiac disease.
Infections, toxic chemicals and dietary peptides binding to lymphocyte receptors and tissue enzymes are major instigators of autoimmunity in autism.
Intestinal lymphocyte populations in children with regressive autism: evidence for extensive mucosal immunopathology.
Collagen disease: the enemy within.
Possible immunological disorders in autism: concomitant autoimmunity and immune tolerance.
Enterococci in milk and milk products.(and migraines)
[Cerebral calcifications: a clue for a diagnostic process in a nonspecific clinical case] (migraine)
[Primary headaches and the influence of inflammatory diseases of the CNS and their respective immunmodulatory therapy]
The neurology of gluten sensitivity: separating the wheat from the chaff.
Antibodies to bovine beta-casein in diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.
Cell-mediated immune responses to GAD and beta-casein in type 1 diabetes mellitus in Thailand.
Autoimmune uveitis and antigenic mimicry of environmental antigens.
Serum antibodies to cow's milk folate-binding protein in patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
Autoimmune cholangitis in the SJL/J mouse is antigen non-specific.
IgA antibodies to dietary antigens in liver cirrhosis.
Evolutionary distance from human homologs reflects allergenicity of animal food proteins.
Relationship between naturally occurring human antibodies to casein and autologous antiidiotypic antibodies: implications for the network theory.
Development of immune response to cow's milk proteins in infants receiving cow's milk or hydrolyzed formula.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Warrior Race (Kinda Unrelated To Cardio... Not)

Click... to... enlarge... HERE and see how candy is made (Courtesy Celebrity-Gossip.net)
Countdown for the next installment of the X-men trilogy has begun! What does this have to do with elite cardiovascular health...?
N O T H I N G . . . naught *haa*

--Paleo living
--Grain-free, low carb eating
--Weights weights weights
--Yoga stress reduction stretching strengthening
--Sporadic fasting
--Intense functional physical training (see above)
(enjoy his pretty face...masked in Avengers...can he act...? WHO CARES)
Monday, April 27, 2009
'Roid Rage: Vitamin D3 - DO IT (Part I)
Naturally, we are all mildly worried about the swine flu (the delayed 'flu' season). Taking Vitamin D will certainly provide several layers of protection for our family and hopefully avert potential complications. Studies show 36% of individuals who are Vitamin D deficient develop respiratory infections (Reader's Digest).
What Vitamin D3 dose is considered appropriate?
Interestingly Cannell has not been too incorrect in his broad dosing dictum:
~1000 IU per 25-lb body weight
Dr. Cannell in fact is perfectly right on for dosing for 80% of the people that I have personally dosed for this steroid precursor to serum concentrations [25-OH-D] = 60-80 ng/ml.
My children get 20,000 IU on average PER WEEK and they're about 75lbs (but we have not been compliant patients and failed to get blood testing yet). We're lazy and they get 2 caps of the NOW Brand 5000 IU caps twice weekly, more or less. I require approx 5000 to 8000 IU daily (I'm about 128# right now *booh*) to keep my blood 70+ ng/ml and the Doctor and asthma inhalers away. Admittedly, as an adult, I rarely stay outdoors despite being a natural sun-worshipper. I get sick quite easily (like...if... anyone sneezes in my direction... b/c I not a carrior of warrior Lp(a)).
Thank Goodness for Dr. Davis (who's been raging about Vitamin D for 5 yrs)!
And the cholesterol-derived...Vitamin D!
They've saved my lungs (+tob cessation *!I know!!...quit 18mos ago*).
My kids as well!
For intermittent asthma, they were on/off inhalers and oral prednisone tapers which would routinely stunt their growth for a few months at a time. They are completely OFF everything...unless I go on vacation...when Daddy forgets. *aha*
Vitamin D and Athletic Performance
Dr. Cannell has written about the benefits of Vitamin D and athletic performance on his non-profit Vitamin D Council website as well as a recently summarized review article. Vitamin D is pro-hormone and a potent steroid. Don't underestimate it's powers. Vitamin D actually increases testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormone and is a steroidal precursor to other sex and cholesterol hormone derivatives. It has actions in every organ, tissue and cell from the bottom of your hair follicles to the tip of your toe nails.
He has taken the time to review older German and Russian scientific literature on observations and studies on the influence of sun exposure/UV box exposure, seasonality effects on athletic performance.
Here are some of his thoughts from his website:
Is Vitamin D Supplementation PALEO?
Is... indoor-living... uhh... Paleo??
Um...hell-o . . . Supplementation provides what we cannot obtain in our daily living whether it is because we have to make a living INDOORS or we live above the 37th latitude in Northern Cal where UVB radiation is fairly negligible for nearly half the year. UVA (from tanning booths or sun, the wavelength which deeply penetrates glass and car windows and skin) does not unfortunately activate Vitamin D in the skin. My skin tone is dark in the summer therefore with sun exposure, for me, a high likelihood exists that the melanin pigmentation in fact blocks substantial UVB activation as a protective mechanism. It was not surprising to me in retrospective to find that the blood level was TOTALLY deficient at the end of Summer 2007 at 20 ng/ml, which was 400% away from the goal 80 ng/ml!
No wonder I felt like S H * T.
For... 2+ decades of my LIFE.
The first winter...wow... I was on Vitamin D, I had the best running and half-marathons I've ever had (less struggling, less shortness of breath, less fatigue, better times) and... no asthma. Easy wt loss. (Did I say... EASY weight loss?) No breathing difficulties. No metered-dose-inhalers (MDIs). No coughing. Annually for the prior 3 yrs, I suffered from annual bronchitis where coughing fits sorta debilitated me for 6 to 8 wks at a time. (I thought it was from getting 'old'). Turned out the synthetic contraceptive I was on likely triggered the lack of protective natural estrogen, and blah blah blah. Anyhow, the vitamin D cured my (poss iatrogenic) bronchitis. No more antibiotic courses (which didn't work anyway). No more coughing spells (which tended to... frighten patients). No more sleeping problems. No more nasty codeine.
Is uninterrupted breathing important for athletic performance?
For living?
Are albuterol, salmeterol (Serevent, Advair) and other asthma beta-adrenergic agonist treatments banned by the IOC (Int'l Olympic Committee)?
Now you know why I roar and RAGE about the D's... Davis and the steroid 'D'.
Do the . . . right 'ROID. . . V I T A M I N - D3
What Vitamin D3 dose is considered appropriate?
Interestingly Cannell has not been too incorrect in his broad dosing dictum:
~1000 IU per 25-lb body weight
Dr. Cannell in fact is perfectly right on for dosing for 80% of the people that I have personally dosed for this steroid precursor to serum concentrations [25-OH-D] = 60-80 ng/ml.
Adults (Source: courtesy of Dr. Cannell's non-profit VitaminDCouncil.com)
Require 4000 to 10,000 IU daily (or even MORE) in the AM enough to provide serum blood levels of 25(OH)D 60-80 ng/ml.
Infants and Children
Infants and children under the age of one, should obtain a total of 1,000 IU (25 mcg) per day from their formula, sun exposure, or supplements. As most breast milk contains little or no vitamin D, breast-fed babies should take 1,000 IU per day as a supplement unless they are exposed to sunlight. The only exception to this are lactating mothers who either get enough sun exposure or take enough vitamin D (usually 4,000–6,000 IU per day) to produce breast milk that is rich in vitamin D. Formula fed babies should take an extra 600 IU per day until they are weaned and then take 1,000 IU a day, as advised below.
Children over the age of 1 year, and less than 4 years of age, should take 1,500 IU vitamin D per day, depending on body weight, latitude or residence, skin pigmentation, and sun exposure.
Children over the age of 4, and less than 10 years of age, should take 2,000 IU per day, unless they get significant sun exposure. On the days they are outside in the sun, they do not need to take any; in the winter they will need to take 2,000 IU every day.
Children over the age of 10 years old should follow instructions for adults detailed above.
My children get 20,000 IU on average PER WEEK and they're about 75lbs (but we have not been compliant patients and failed to get blood testing yet). We're lazy and they get 2 caps of the NOW Brand 5000 IU caps twice weekly, more or less. I require approx 5000 to 8000 IU daily (I'm about 128# right now *booh*) to keep my blood 70+ ng/ml and the Doctor and asthma inhalers away. Admittedly, as an adult, I rarely stay outdoors despite being a natural sun-worshipper. I get sick quite easily (like...if... anyone sneezes in my direction... b/c I not a carrior of warrior Lp(a)).
Thank Goodness for Dr. Davis (who's been raging about Vitamin D for 5 yrs)!
And the cholesterol-derived...Vitamin D!
They've saved my lungs (+tob cessation *!I know!!...quit 18mos ago*).
My kids as well!
For intermittent asthma, they were on/off inhalers and oral prednisone tapers which would routinely stunt their growth for a few months at a time. They are completely OFF everything...unless I go on vacation...when Daddy forgets. *aha*
Vitamin D and Athletic Performance
Dr. Cannell has written about the benefits of Vitamin D and athletic performance on his non-profit Vitamin D Council website as well as a recently summarized review article. Vitamin D is pro-hormone and a potent steroid. Don't underestimate it's powers. Vitamin D actually increases testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormone and is a steroidal precursor to other sex and cholesterol hormone derivatives. It has actions in every organ, tissue and cell from the bottom of your hair follicles to the tip of your toe nails.
He has taken the time to review older German and Russian scientific literature on observations and studies on the influence of sun exposure/UV box exposure, seasonality effects on athletic performance.
Here are some of his thoughts from his website:
Improving Athletic Performance
"Then I remembered that several readers had written to ask me if vitamin D could possibly improve their athletic performance. They told me that after taking 2,000–5,000 IU/day for several months they seemed somewhat faster, a little stronger, with maybe better balance and timing. A pianist had written to tell me she even played a better piano, her fingers moved over the keys more effortlessly! Was vitamin D responsible for these subtle changes or was it a placebo effect? That is, did readers just think their athletic performance improved because they knew vitamin D was a steroid hormone precursor?
The active form of vitamin D is a steroid (actually a secosteroid) in the same way that testosterone is a steroid. It is also a hormone (hormone: Greek, meaning "to set in motion") in the same way that growth hormone is a hormone. Steroid hormones are substances made from cholesterol that circulate in the body and work at distant sites by setting in motion genetic protein transcription. That is, both vitamin D and testosterone set in motion your genome, the stuff of life. While testosterone is a sex steroid hormone, vitamin D is a pleomorphic steroid hormone.
All of a sudden, it didn't seem so silly. Certainly steroids can improve athletic performance—although they can be quite dangerous. In addition, few people are deficient in growth hormone or testosterone, so athletes who take sex steroids or growth hormone are cheating, or doping. The case with vitamin D is quite different because natural vitamin D levels are about 50 ng/mL and since almost no one has such levels, extra vitamin D is not doping, it's just good treatment. I decided to exhaustively research the medical literature on vitamin D and athletic performance. It took me over a year.
To my surprise, I discovered that there are five totally independent bodies of research that all converge on an inescapable conclusion: vitamin D will improve athletic performance in vitamin D deficient people (and that includes most people). Even more interesting is who published the most direct literature, and when. Are you old enough to remember when the Germans and Russians won every Olympics in the '60s and '70s? Well, it turns out that the most convincing evidence that vitamin D improves athletic performance was published in old German and Russian medical literature."
Is Vitamin D Supplementation PALEO?
Is... indoor-living... uhh... Paleo??
Um...hell-o . . . Supplementation provides what we cannot obtain in our daily living whether it is because we have to make a living INDOORS or we live above the 37th latitude in Northern Cal where UVB radiation is fairly negligible for nearly half the year. UVA (from tanning booths or sun, the wavelength which deeply penetrates glass and car windows and skin) does not unfortunately activate Vitamin D in the skin. My skin tone is dark in the summer therefore with sun exposure, for me, a high likelihood exists that the melanin pigmentation in fact blocks substantial UVB activation as a protective mechanism. It was not surprising to me in retrospective to find that the blood level was TOTALLY deficient at the end of Summer 2007 at 20 ng/ml, which was 400% away from the goal 80 ng/ml!
No wonder I felt like S H * T.
For... 2+ decades of my LIFE.
The first winter...wow... I was on Vitamin D, I had the best running and half-marathons I've ever had (less struggling, less shortness of breath, less fatigue, better times) and... no asthma. Easy wt loss. (Did I say... EASY weight loss?) No breathing difficulties. No metered-dose-inhalers (MDIs). No coughing. Annually for the prior 3 yrs, I suffered from annual bronchitis where coughing fits sorta debilitated me for 6 to 8 wks at a time. (I thought it was from getting 'old'). Turned out the synthetic contraceptive I was on likely triggered the lack of protective natural estrogen, and blah blah blah. Anyhow, the vitamin D cured my (poss iatrogenic) bronchitis. No more antibiotic courses (which didn't work anyway). No more coughing spells (which tended to... frighten patients). No more sleeping problems. No more nasty codeine.
Is uninterrupted breathing important for athletic performance?
For living?
Are albuterol, salmeterol (Serevent, Advair) and other asthma beta-adrenergic agonist treatments banned by the IOC (Int'l Olympic Committee)?
Now you know why I roar and RAGE about the D's... Davis and the steroid 'D'.
Do the . . . right 'ROID. . . V I T A M I N - D3
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Paleo and PPAR For Max Longevity
Mitochondria, DNA and Our Hearts
Nick Lane (author, Power Sex Suicide) also discussed how a small cost exists for the mitochondria to each contain, replicate, and maintain their own set of mtDNA. The costs must be worth the expense and final outcomes for cellular energetics, survival and, ultimately, longevity.
All day everyday 24/7 our bodies are correcting DNA damage, mutations and breakage in mitochondria and in the prime control center, the nucleus. DNA repair requires optimal functioning of crucial enzymes, critical hormone pathways, the presence of co-factors, and the absence of ROS and other oxidative stressors.
We employ ALL of these strategies at TYP for optimum regression of obstructive heart disease as detected, identified and calculated on EBT calcium scoring.
The TYP Program includes:
--Paleo eating (Read Dr.Davis' Cordain interview for TYP: HERE)
--Paleo exercise (eg, functional hypertrophy)
--Lp(a) identification and correction (17-25% of population carries)
--Homocysteine identification and correction
--Small dense LDL particle quantification and correction
--Hormone dysregulation and optimization to youthful levels (Vitamin D, Thyroid, INSULIN, DHEA, Melatonin, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, etc)
--Antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties: High dose Omega-3, Niacin Vitamin B3 1-2 g/day, Vitamins ADE K1 K2 MK-7 MK-4, Vitamin C, Phosphatidylcholine, B-vitamins, Minerals Mg Zn Se etc, etc
Everyone who correctly identifies the 'problem' and correctly fixes the 'problem' achieves reductions in calcium scores in 1-3yrs. The side effects reported are: better senses (seeing, smelling, balance, reflexes), vitality, energy, weight loss, lower BP/glucose/resting pulse, improved cholesterol, glowing skin/hair/nails, etc. Besides plaque regression/stabilization and long-term heart protection (statins, optional *WINK*)... Oh BTW ... Maximum longevity, cancer protection, easy weight loss, body fat recomposition...looking H-A-W-T and Paleo-appealing *HA*, obesity-resistance, and being idiot-proof (ok... j/k!) are additionally guaranteed.
...Who doesn't desire a degree of that?
Pimp Your PPARs! For Obesity Resistance
The family of PPAR nuclear receptors (NRs) are one of the ultimate controllers of inflammation, growth, proliferation, nutrient sensing, metabolism, and most importantly energy homeostasis. Remember, energy IN does not equal energy OUT. G-Flux post.
The medical literature only recently in the last 10-15 yrs exploded with information about these regulators of life. One of the newest elucidated pieces of the puzzle is that PPAR-Delta controls mitochondrial metabolism (uncoupling) in brown fat (our 'good' storage fat...keeps us warm when we shiver and many MANY other good things). The authors from the east coast remark, "Interestingly, the nuclear receptor PPARdelta not only mediates the actions of PGC-1alpha but also regulates twist-1 expression, suggesting a negative-feedback regulatory mechanism... In vivo, transgenic mice expressing twist-1 in the adipose tissue are prone to high-fat-diet-induced obesity, whereas twist-1 heterozygous knockout mice are obesity resistant. These phenotypes are attributed to their altered mitochondrial metabolism in the brown fat. " Pan D et al. Cell. 2009 Apr 3;137(1):73-86.
Significance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in the cardiovascular system in health and disease.
Robinson E, Grieve DJ.
Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Mar 24.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): nuclear receptors at the crossroads between lipid metabolism and inflammation.
Chinetti G, Fruchart JC, Staels B.
Inflamm Res. 2000 Oct;49(10):497-505. Review.
Novel approach to treat insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome: simultaneous activation of PPARalpha, PPARgamma, and PPARdelta.
Evans JL, Lin JJ, Goldfine ID.
Curr Diabetes Rev. 2005 Aug;1(3):299-307. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and the control of inflammation.
Cabrero A, Laguna JC, Vázquez M.
Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy. 2002 Sep;1(3):243-8. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in vascular biology-molecular mechanisms and clinical implications.
Touyz RM, Schiffrin EL.
Vascul Pharmacol. 2006 Jul;45(1):19-28. Epub 2006 Jun 16. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and atherogenesis: regulators of gene expression in vascular cells.
Marx N, Duez H, Fruchart JC, Staels B.
Circ Res. 2004 May 14;94(9):1168-78. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor family and its relationship to renal complications of the metabolic syndrome.
Guan Y.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004 Nov;15(11):2801-15. Review.
Peroxisome proliferators and peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) as regulators of lipid metabolism.
Latruffe N, Vamecq J.
Biochimie. 1997 Feb-Mar;79(2-3):81-94. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) and athero-sclerosis.
Gouni-Berthold I, Krone W.
Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord. 2005 Dec;5(6):513-23. Review.
Pleiotropic actions of PPAR gamma activators thiazolidinediones in cardiovascular diseases.
Takano H, Hasegawa H, Zou Y, Komuro I.
Curr Pharm Des. 2004;10(22):2779-86. Review.
Nick Lane (author, Power Sex Suicide) also discussed how a small cost exists for the mitochondria to each contain, replicate, and maintain their own set of mtDNA. The costs must be worth the expense and final outcomes for cellular energetics, survival and, ultimately, longevity.
All day everyday 24/7 our bodies are correcting DNA damage, mutations and breakage in mitochondria and in the prime control center, the nucleus. DNA repair requires optimal functioning of crucial enzymes, critical hormone pathways, the presence of co-factors, and the absence of ROS and other oxidative stressors.
We employ ALL of these strategies at TYP for optimum regression of obstructive heart disease as detected, identified and calculated on EBT calcium scoring.
The TYP Program includes:
--Paleo eating (Read Dr.Davis' Cordain interview for TYP: HERE)
--Paleo exercise (eg, functional hypertrophy)
--Lp(a) identification and correction (17-25% of population carries)
--Homocysteine identification and correction
--Small dense LDL particle quantification and correction
--Hormone dysregulation and optimization to youthful levels (Vitamin D, Thyroid, INSULIN, DHEA, Melatonin, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, etc)
--Antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties: High dose Omega-3, Niacin Vitamin B3 1-2 g/day, Vitamins ADE K1 K2 MK-7 MK-4, Vitamin C, Phosphatidylcholine, B-vitamins, Minerals Mg Zn Se etc, etc
Everyone who correctly identifies the 'problem' and correctly fixes the 'problem' achieves reductions in calcium scores in 1-3yrs. The side effects reported are: better senses (seeing, smelling, balance, reflexes), vitality, energy, weight loss, lower BP/glucose/resting pulse, improved cholesterol, glowing skin/hair/nails, etc. Besides plaque regression/stabilization and long-term heart protection (statins, optional *WINK*)... Oh BTW ... Maximum longevity, cancer protection, easy weight loss, body fat recomposition...looking H-A-W-T and Paleo-appealing *HA*, obesity-resistance, and being idiot-proof (ok... j/k!) are additionally guaranteed.
...Who doesn't desire a degree of that?
- Mitochondria in the human heart.
Lemieux H, Hoppel CL. J Bioenerg Biomembr. 2009 Apr 8.
Center for Mitochondrial Disease, Department of Pharmacology and Medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
The heart relies mainly on mitochondrial metabolism to provide the energy needed for pumping blood to oxygenate the organs of the body. The study of mitochondrial function in the human heart faces many obstacles and elucidation of the role of mitochondria in cardiac diseases has relied mainly on studies with animal models. Cardiac diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide. With the emergence of new therapies to treat and prevent heart disease, some aiming at metabolic modulation, a need for acquiring a better understanding of mitochondrial function in the human heart becomes apparent. Our review is aimed at specific evaluation of the human heart in terms of
(1) methods to understand mitochondrial function, with particular emphasis on integrated function,
(2) data on the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease, and
(3) possible applications of this knowledge in the treatment of patients with cardiac disease.
PMID: 19353253 - Mitochondrial dysfunction as an initiating event in atherogenesis: a plausible hypothesis.
Puddu P, Muscari A et al. Cardiology. 2005;103(3):137-41.
It is now widely accepted that oxidant stress and the ensuing endothelial dysfunction play a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The mitochondrial respiratory chain is the major source of reactive oxygen species as byproducts of normal cell respiration. Mitochondria may also be important targets for reactive oxygen species, which may damage mitochondrial lipids, enzymes and DNA with following mitochondrial dysfunction. Free cholesterol, oxidized low-density lipoprotein and glycated high-density lipoprotein are further possible causes of mitochondrial dysfunction and/or apoptosis. Moreover, in patients with mitochondrial diseases, vascular complications are commonly observed at an early age, often in the absence of traditional risk factors for atherosclerosis. We propose that mitochondrial dysfunction, besides endothelial dysfunction, represents an important early step in the chain of events leading to atherosclerotic disease. - Mitochondrial integrity and function in atherogenesis.
Ballinger SW, Runge MS et al.
Circulation. 2002 Jul 30;106(5):544-9. - The role of mitochondria in ischemic heart disease.
Ferrari R.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1996;28 Suppl 1:S1-10. Review.
Pimp Your PPARs! For Obesity Resistance
The family of PPAR nuclear receptors (NRs) are one of the ultimate controllers of inflammation, growth, proliferation, nutrient sensing, metabolism, and most importantly energy homeostasis. Remember, energy IN does not equal energy OUT. G-Flux post.
The medical literature only recently in the last 10-15 yrs exploded with information about these regulators of life. One of the newest elucidated pieces of the puzzle is that PPAR-Delta controls mitochondrial metabolism (uncoupling) in brown fat (our 'good' storage fat...keeps us warm when we shiver and many MANY other good things). The authors from the east coast remark, "Interestingly, the nuclear receptor PPARdelta not only mediates the actions of PGC-1alpha but also regulates twist-1 expression, suggesting a negative-feedback regulatory mechanism... In vivo, transgenic mice expressing twist-1 in the adipose tissue are prone to high-fat-diet-induced obesity, whereas twist-1 heterozygous knockout mice are obesity resistant. These phenotypes are attributed to their altered mitochondrial metabolism in the brown fat. " Pan D et al. Cell. 2009 Apr 3;137(1):73-86.
Significance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in the cardiovascular system in health and disease.
Robinson E, Grieve DJ.
Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Mar 24.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs): nuclear receptors at the crossroads between lipid metabolism and inflammation.
Chinetti G, Fruchart JC, Staels B.
Inflamm Res. 2000 Oct;49(10):497-505. Review.
Novel approach to treat insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome: simultaneous activation of PPARalpha, PPARgamma, and PPARdelta.
Evans JL, Lin JJ, Goldfine ID.
Curr Diabetes Rev. 2005 Aug;1(3):299-307. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and the control of inflammation.
Cabrero A, Laguna JC, Vázquez M.
Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy. 2002 Sep;1(3):243-8. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in vascular biology-molecular mechanisms and clinical implications.
Touyz RM, Schiffrin EL.
Vascul Pharmacol. 2006 Jul;45(1):19-28. Epub 2006 Jun 16. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and atherogenesis: regulators of gene expression in vascular cells.
Marx N, Duez H, Fruchart JC, Staels B.
Circ Res. 2004 May 14;94(9):1168-78. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor family and its relationship to renal complications of the metabolic syndrome.
Guan Y.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004 Nov;15(11):2801-15. Review.
Peroxisome proliferators and peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) as regulators of lipid metabolism.
Latruffe N, Vamecq J.
Biochimie. 1997 Feb-Mar;79(2-3):81-94. Review.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) and athero-sclerosis.
Gouni-Berthold I, Krone W.
Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord. 2005 Dec;5(6):513-23. Review.
Pleiotropic actions of PPAR gamma activators thiazolidinediones in cardiovascular diseases.
Takano H, Hasegawa H, Zou Y, Komuro I.
Curr Pharm Des. 2004;10(22):2779-86. Review.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gene-Environment Interaction: Get Into My Genes, Part 2
The latest book I've been slogging through is Nick Lane's Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life (Oxford University Press, 2005).
I *heart* mitochondria.
Our silent ancestral roots can be traced through mitochondrial DNA (as can coyotes -- see previous post). Mitochondrial DNA are vastly different from our nuclear DNA which carried down from our parents. We hyper-produce mitochondria in response to anoxia, exercise and high intensity/heavy resistance strength training. Multiply your mitochondria...(and keep them happy)... and you will multiply your lifespan. SUPER power and SUPER endurance... SUPER antioxidant capacities... and SUPER longevity. It's all in the mitochondria baby.
And... We're only as strong as our weakest mitochondrial link.
With that said, is it possible to improve the DNA from our parents via our mitochondria? We are already aware the gene expression can be altered very simply from good Paleo eating, appropriate movement, consumption of antioxidants (EPA DHA omega-3s, GLA, flavonoids/carotenoids, vitamins, enzymatic cofactors, vitamin D, saturated fatty acids MCTs, etc) and avoidance of toxic macro- and micronutrients (high carbs/wheat, refined veggie omega-6 oils, toxins, pesticides, heavy metal poisons, etc).
Prior Posts on Mitochondria:
G-Flux: E ≠ MC2 (power up your mitochondria with power exercises)
Dr.Mao...the brain and mitochondrial disorders
CoQ10 and the Ubiquinone System (last energy step in mitochondria for ATP (energy-packet) generation)
PPAR-Delta Dagger in the Heart of CAD -- mitochondrial biogenesis and PPAR-Delta
Gene Transfer: Our Genes Are Not Permanently Programmed as Previously Believed
Our genetic programming are not immutable. Our genes can and do change. It's not a revolutionary idea. In Drosphilia over ten years ago, gene transfer from mitochondria to the nucleus was discovered. Also daily we have genetic mutations occurring on the single base-pair level. Dr. Bruce Ames PhD has shown that a deficiency in almost any essential micronutrient can lead to DNA damage equivalent to that induced by radiation damage.
Just as nations, 3rd world countries, businesses, conglomerates, Microsoft, big Pharma merge/coalesce to dominate, our DNA is looking out for itself whether you pro-actively are or not. It appears that mitochondrial DNA can insert itself into the bigger nuclear DNA picture, so to speak, and in fact can stay there silently or not so silently.
Nuclear gene control are primarily affected by nuclear receptors... This is the boss of us. these are nearly ALL cholesterol-derived sex steroid receptors. Why do I talk about S-E-X all the time. Now you are starting to GET IT. *SMILE*
--Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, GI Lining: PPAR, FXR, LXR, VDR (vitamin D), RXR/RAR (carotenoids, vitamin A), TR (thyroid), PTH
--Thyroid, A.Pituitary: TR (thyroid), VDR, PPAR, RXR, RAR, ROR/RZR, PTH, ER (estrogen), AR (testosterone)
--Muscles, Heart, Bone, Vasculature, Kidneys: PPAR, VDR, RXR/RAR, TR (thyroid), PTH, Testosterone (AR androgen receptor), ER (estrogen)
--Sex Glands: AR (testosterone), ER (estrogen), PR (pregnane), Progesterone, TR (thyroid), VDR, PPAR, RXR/RAR
--Brain, Nervous System, Skin/Hair/Nails/Teeth, Breasts: VDR, PPAR, RXR/RAR, Testosterone (AR), ER (estrogen), Progesterone, TR (thyroid)
--Adrenals, P.Pituitary: GR (glucocorticoid receptor Cortisol), SF-1, PTH, VDR, TR (thyroid)
Is a pattern emerging?
(At TYP we love Vitamin D. VDRs (vitamin D receptors) are found everywhere.)
NRs control everything. Some NRs can be activated even in the absence of hormone. Synergism as well as surrogate control appears to exist.
The fact that medicine is subdivided by organ specialities (eg, Endocrinology, Gastro/Hepatic, Neurology, Derm, Card, etc) belies that fact that organ systems are all intimately related, not independent entities. NRs may have tissue-specific roles but they also share regulatory functions.
Though the major players are listed above, there are still many 'orphan' NRs (nuclear receptors) that are uncharacterized and their respective binding agonists are unknown.
Dr. Davis deserves a Nobel!
At Track Your Plaque, Dr. Davis advises control, management and optimization of every nuclear receptor.
--Vitamin D, potent pro-hormone
--Estrogen, Testosterone
--Insulin (low carb, gluten-free, PALEO diet)
--Cortisol (stress reduction, rest, recovery, relaxation, sleep)
--Melatonin (binds ROR/RZR in the pituitary; J of Pineal Research
18(4), Pages 171 - 178.)
--PPAR (fiber, SCFAs, omega-3, ALA, grassfed/wild protein)
--RXR, RAR (carotenoids, vit A, Paleo diet)
--LXR, FXR (fiber, oat bran, Taurine)
Evolutionary Meaning of our Embryonic Tissue Origins
Genes are elaborate on/off by switches controlled by environment, lighting, food, and the subsequent expression of hormones and their respective feedback loops. As elegant as the most brilliant piece of genius software programming or symphonic composition, things can go awry when... let's say a loop goes out of whack (a non-sense line of code or an entire orchestral string group disappearing for a bathroom break).
Not only does optimizing mitochondria in every cell in our body produce excellent health, targeting the evolutionary source tissue improves all tissues which are derived from that particular germ layer and embryonic tissue. For instance, for the vascular and circulatory system 'rejuvenation' and healing, all things 'work' that work for the other Mesoderm-originated tissue. Help your skeletal bones...and ur b*ne-r... You'll help your 'bone' (eg, inappropriate calcifications) in the plaque of your blood vessels (excuse my inappropriate French terminology).
Muscle, bone, cartilage, collagen, bone marrow
Vasculature, lymphatic system, blood
Kidneys, gonads (ovaries, uterus, testes, prostate) and reproductive ducts
Dermis (middle layer of the skin)
PPAR Nuclear Receptors, Ultimate Anti-Aging Switches
PPAR receptors are the NRs ubiquitous and abundant in the mammalian body, not excluding the entire circulatory system and the major coronary arteries (LAD, LCx, RCA) .
The best activators in nature for PPAR are:
--ketones, intermittent fasting, carb-restriction, insulin-control, muscle-building activities, all things anti-inflammatory
--omega-3 fatty acids
--dietary protein (Leucine, etc) via the mTOR pathway
--short-chain saturated fatty acids (butyrate produced by our micro flora/fauna (eg, gut bacteria fermenting dietary fiber/Paleo plant material) or grassfed dairy, etc)
--medium-chain saturated fatty acids (coconut oil, sat fats in nuts like almonds, fish/seafood/fowl/meat, etc)
--monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil)
--activation of other NRs (estrogen, thyroid, testosterone, cortisol-reduction, insulin-control)
See Get Into My Genes (Part 1) -- my 50 lbs weight loss story via eliminating rice (2cups/d WOW 90g/d and juice 30g/day carbs + high carb foods), cardio/wt lifting/yoga/day-spa's/IF'ing and my love/addiction for half-marathons.
Get in My Genes (Part 2)
So... are my genes permanently improving, perfecting and modifying...?
Can we remodel our mitochondria as we have been shown that we can remodel our vasculature and regress atherosclerotic plaque? Can we spontaneously revert mitochondrial DNA mutations and nuclear DNA mutations?
I would count on it.
I *heart* mitochondria.
Our silent ancestral roots can be traced through mitochondrial DNA (as can coyotes -- see previous post). Mitochondrial DNA are vastly different from our nuclear DNA which carried down from our parents. We hyper-produce mitochondria in response to anoxia, exercise and high intensity/heavy resistance strength training. Multiply your mitochondria...(and keep them happy)... and you will multiply your lifespan. SUPER power and SUPER endurance... SUPER antioxidant capacities... and SUPER longevity. It's all in the mitochondria baby.
And... We're only as strong as our weakest mitochondrial link.
With that said, is it possible to improve the DNA from our parents via our mitochondria? We are already aware the gene expression can be altered very simply from good Paleo eating, appropriate movement, consumption of antioxidants (EPA DHA omega-3s, GLA, flavonoids/carotenoids, vitamins, enzymatic cofactors, vitamin D, saturated fatty acids MCTs, etc) and avoidance of toxic macro- and micronutrients (high carbs/wheat, refined veggie omega-6 oils, toxins, pesticides, heavy metal poisons, etc).
Prior Posts on Mitochondria:
G-Flux: E ≠ MC2 (power up your mitochondria with power exercises)
Dr.Mao...the brain and mitochondrial disorders
CoQ10 and the Ubiquinone System (last energy step in mitochondria for ATP (energy-packet) generation)
PPAR-Delta Dagger in the Heart of CAD -- mitochondrial biogenesis and PPAR-Delta
Gene Transfer: Our Genes Are Not Permanently Programmed as Previously Believed
Our genetic programming are not immutable. Our genes can and do change. It's not a revolutionary idea. In Drosphilia over ten years ago, gene transfer from mitochondria to the nucleus was discovered. Also daily we have genetic mutations occurring on the single base-pair level. Dr. Bruce Ames PhD has shown that a deficiency in almost any essential micronutrient can lead to DNA damage equivalent to that induced by radiation damage.
Nick Lane writes "For those not familiar with the 'stickiness' and resilience of DNA, it may seem akin to a conjuring trick for genes for the mitochondria to suddently appear in the nucleus, like a rabbit produced from a top hat. How on earth did they do that? In fact such gene hopping is commonplace among bacteria (hence high rates of multidrug resistance in TB, and now we're seeing record community-acquired skin strep infections that are resistant to EVERY known antibiotic). We have already noted that lateral gene transfer is widespread, and that bacteria routinely take up genes from their environment. Although we normally think of the 'environment' as outside the cell, acquiring spare genes from inside the cell is even easier.' (p. 131)
'Gene transfer continues today, occasionally making itself noticed. For example, in 2003, Clesson Turner, then at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, and collaborators, showed that a spontaneous transfer of mitochondrial DNA to the nucleus was responsible for causing the rare genetic disease Pallister-Hall syndrome in one unfortunate patient. How common such genetic transers are in the pantheon of inherited disease is unknown.' (p. 133)
' Gene transers occur predominantly in one direction. Think back again to the first chimeric eukaryote. If the host cell were to die, it would release its symbionts, the proto-mitochondria, back into the environment, where they may or may not perish-- but regardless of their fate, the environment in chimeric co-existence would certainly have perished. On the other hand, if a single mitochondrion were to die, but a second viable mitochondrion survived in the host cell, then the chimera as a whole would still be viable. To get back to square one, the surviving mitochondrion would just have to divide. Each time a mitochondrion died, the genes released into the host cell could potentially be integrated into its chromosome by normal genetic recombination. This means there is a GENE RATCHET, favouring the transfer of genes from the mitochondria to the host cell, but not the other way around.' (p. 133)
Just as nations, 3rd world countries, businesses, conglomerates, Microsoft, big Pharma merge/coalesce to dominate, our DNA is looking out for itself whether you pro-actively are or not. It appears that mitochondrial DNA can insert itself into the bigger nuclear DNA picture, so to speak, and in fact can stay there silently or not so silently.
Nuclear gene control are primarily affected by nuclear receptors... This is the boss of us. these are nearly ALL cholesterol-derived sex steroid receptors. Why do I talk about S-E-X all the time. Now you are starting to GET IT. *SMILE*
--Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, GI Lining: PPAR, FXR, LXR, VDR (vitamin D), RXR/RAR (carotenoids, vitamin A), TR (thyroid), PTH
--Thyroid, A.Pituitary: TR (thyroid), VDR, PPAR, RXR, RAR, ROR/RZR, PTH, ER (estrogen), AR (testosterone)
--Muscles, Heart, Bone, Vasculature, Kidneys: PPAR, VDR, RXR/RAR, TR (thyroid), PTH, Testosterone (AR androgen receptor), ER (estrogen)
--Sex Glands: AR (testosterone), ER (estrogen), PR (pregnane), Progesterone, TR (thyroid), VDR, PPAR, RXR/RAR
--Brain, Nervous System, Skin/Hair/Nails/Teeth, Breasts: VDR, PPAR, RXR/RAR, Testosterone (AR), ER (estrogen), Progesterone, TR (thyroid)
--Adrenals, P.Pituitary: GR (glucocorticoid receptor Cortisol), SF-1, PTH, VDR, TR (thyroid)
Is a pattern emerging?
(At TYP we love Vitamin D. VDRs (vitamin D receptors) are found everywhere.)
NRs control everything. Some NRs can be activated even in the absence of hormone. Synergism as well as surrogate control appears to exist.
The fact that medicine is subdivided by organ specialities (eg, Endocrinology, Gastro/Hepatic, Neurology, Derm, Card, etc) belies that fact that organ systems are all intimately related, not independent entities. NRs may have tissue-specific roles but they also share regulatory functions.
Though the major players are listed above, there are still many 'orphan' NRs (nuclear receptors) that are uncharacterized and their respective binding agonists are unknown.
Dr. Davis deserves a Nobel!
At Track Your Plaque, Dr. Davis advises control, management and optimization of every nuclear receptor.
--Vitamin D, potent pro-hormone
--Estrogen, Testosterone
--Insulin (low carb, gluten-free, PALEO diet)
--Cortisol (stress reduction, rest, recovery, relaxation, sleep)
--Melatonin (binds ROR/RZR in the pituitary; J of Pineal Research
18(4), Pages 171 - 178.)
--PPAR (fiber, SCFAs, omega-3, ALA, grassfed/wild protein)
--RXR, RAR (carotenoids, vit A, Paleo diet)
--LXR, FXR (fiber, oat bran, Taurine)
Evolutionary Meaning of our Embryonic Tissue Origins
Genes are elaborate on/off by switches controlled by environment, lighting, food, and the subsequent expression of hormones and their respective feedback loops. As elegant as the most brilliant piece of genius software programming or symphonic composition, things can go awry when... let's say a loop goes out of whack (a non-sense line of code or an entire orchestral string group disappearing for a bathroom break).
Not only does optimizing mitochondria in every cell in our body produce excellent health, targeting the evolutionary source tissue improves all tissues which are derived from that particular germ layer and embryonic tissue. For instance, for the vascular and circulatory system 'rejuvenation' and healing, all things 'work' that work for the other Mesoderm-originated tissue. Help your skeletal bones...and ur b*ne-r... You'll help your 'bone' (eg, inappropriate calcifications) in the plaque of your blood vessels (excuse my inappropriate French terminology).
Muscle, bone, cartilage, collagen, bone marrow
Vasculature, lymphatic system, blood
Kidneys, gonads (ovaries, uterus, testes, prostate) and reproductive ducts
Dermis (middle layer of the skin)
PPAR Nuclear Receptors, Ultimate Anti-Aging Switches
PPAR receptors are the NRs ubiquitous and abundant in the mammalian body, not excluding the entire circulatory system and the major coronary arteries (LAD, LCx, RCA) .
The best activators in nature for PPAR are:
--ketones, intermittent fasting, carb-restriction, insulin-control, muscle-building activities, all things anti-inflammatory
--omega-3 fatty acids
--dietary protein (Leucine, etc) via the mTOR pathway
--short-chain saturated fatty acids (butyrate produced by our micro flora/fauna (eg, gut bacteria fermenting dietary fiber/Paleo plant material) or grassfed dairy, etc)
--medium-chain saturated fatty acids (coconut oil, sat fats in nuts like almonds, fish/seafood/fowl/meat, etc)
--monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil)
--activation of other NRs (estrogen, thyroid, testosterone, cortisol-reduction, insulin-control)
See Get Into My Genes (Part 1) -- my 50 lbs weight loss story via eliminating rice (2cups/d WOW 90g/d and juice 30g/day carbs + high carb foods), cardio/wt lifting/yoga/day-spa's/IF'ing and my love/addiction for half-marathons.
Get in My Genes (Part 2)
So... are my genes permanently improving, perfecting and modifying...?
Can we remodel our mitochondria as we have been shown that we can remodel our vasculature and regress atherosclerotic plaque? Can we spontaneously revert mitochondrial DNA mutations and nuclear DNA mutations?
I would count on it.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Lats ('Wings'), Gluts... Hypertrophy YEAA!

Then . . there is the . . . T-i-g-e-r . . . Like my nieces, an elite hybrid of Asian and contemporary American genetics/culture. Coming off a long break (read: rehab'd knee) (and now with 2 cutey little children) looking FINER than evah...bro. Has he intensified his training with his Navy Seal buddies in San Diego? Check out the (still) narrow hips, beautific wide strong lats (Latissimus Dorsi, 'wings' ANGEL WINGS as my sister 'M' calls them on her former-Marines hubby), biceps/pects/traps...
Oh yeah... his golf game aint too bad either *wink* ROAR Tiger! Baby catch up :)

At Crossfit we have a few coaches who are fans of the longer Navy Seal type formats. Unfortunately I did bring my bro-in-law to one of these training days (and he has yet to come back *bummer*). To say the least, these Xfit days are memorable workouts... I recall, we did 8-6-4-2-1 rounds for time of: 20 pullups, 20 burpees, 20 boxjumps, 400m-sprints. Yeah. Fun. For 30+++ mins. Esp for... mere mortals. I should've looked at the white board first...then gone home :) j/k. This is about the only workout I remember w/any degree of clarity... Not just because pain imprints on the brain... But for its extreme length and ferocious intensity... And for its phenomenal and frightening overnight-producing results on muscular !!hypertrophy!!. My sister 'M' noted that within 24hrs, her hubby grew WINGS. *haa* Lats that she hasn't seen since their first child was born (like, she is now 9yo). The hypertrophic growth I noticed was in biceps 1 inch incr in upper arm circumferences overnight unbelievably, no joke (no angel wings...because I can't do pullups...and still struggle wtf now). Just buff She-Woman arms. And gluts... as you know I'm Asian. And you are not incorrect in your suppositions of the standard Asian connotations for planar-dimension-geometry of the hind-posterior views. But naught now - - thanks to Xfit.
"Body by Crossfit..." Nice logo? THANK GOD I discovered HIIT/Tabata/Crossfit. Because otherwise I would never NEVER in a million years ever EVER subject myself to the torture, pain, shin-literal-splits, and callouses I routinely undergo now (please please don't fear... it's really NOT that bad). My *ss is addicted. To the FANTASTIC results. I sometimes even do it at home now! The coaches/trainers at Xfit sometimes like to spur the females on by yelling... uuh... I mean ENCOURAGING to go lower, b*tt to the ball, during squatting or wall-balls...'YOU WANT A BIGGER B*TT, R I G H T . . ? ! ! ! ' Well...actually, no I can't really afford another $100+ pair of designer Sevens to highlight my new *ss... and no...as the thighs and b*tt are ALREADY bursting out...(though waist zero, kudos to Paleo + Xfit + cardio).
Many muscle mags have crossed my threshold in the past year... 'research' in the name of elite cardiovascular health and this healthful-minded blog of entertaining educational edification...! ohyeah . . . BTW the articles are... E X C E L L E N T . . . Right... Actually, one of the best for women is Oxygen and the latest issue is devoted to G-L-U-T-S. *wink* I have to say all the gals at my Xfit Shed are HAWWWT and their gluts... are even HOTTER (and most humble)... Again, Xfit doesn't hurt. For an ideal posture, core and power-elliciting movement (eg, jumping, hill-running, anything), gluts and lats are two of the top 10 muscles to recruit, maintain, and focus on modifying. Add'l great tips of course at T-nation: HERE.
In Oxygen some of the best figure models and coaches give their personal advice.
- Jen Hendershott, 'Great glutes are a product of a balanced meal plan, good training and consistent cardio. Your bum says a lot about how hard you train." (Ok now turn around and let me see your sexyback, clinically and scientifically speaking, let's track how you are training) Two-time Ms. Olympia has butt building down to a science, Oxygen states. Her Drill: 8-12 exercises per workout, 15 reps of 4 sets, once a week. Her top three tricks:
(1) JUMP SQUATS (yea!! I concur)
(2) Slow and intense cardio (eg walking on a treadmill at an incline of 10 for 20-30min with dumbbells on shoulders)
(3) Lateral lunges (p.87) - Annette Milbers, "Glutes training actually changes the shape of your body and it's the best ANTI-AGING TOOL out there!" Annete ranks legs day as her favorite and beats boredem by changing her workouts eveyr 6-8wks (I totally concur, randomness is good and very EVO/paleo). Her Drill: Eight exercises per workout, 18-20 reps for 4 sets, once a week. Her top 3 tricks:
(1) S-Q-U-A-T-S (see a pattern?)
(2) Hamstring curls
(3) Walking lunges (p.88) - Gina Lombardi, author Deadline Fitness (Wiley, 2008), "PLYOMETRICS can turn your pancakes into melon halves in no time." Suggested drill: jump 12-20 reps onto 18" plyo box (beginners) and add weights 8-10 # dumbbells (advanced). At Xfit, we do 24-30" box-jumps for time or for counts. Some of best advice I've rec'd was from Carry, MILFy Xfitter, "rest at the top, when you land on the ground, get back on top as fast as you can." Haven't looked back since I started taking that advice. Thanks Girl! That advice has also saved my shins! Before, I'd periodically leave half my BL**DY shin on the edges of the boxes... (p.92)
- My personal advice: boxjumps, thrusters (squat, lift dumbbell 45-65# to straightened arms), and sprints (100-200m-run+rows)
Related medical literature:
- "Gains in maximal muscle strength were essentially similar between groups, whereas muscle P-O-W-E-R increased almost exclusively with PT (PLYOMETRIC) training."
Muscle adaptations to plyometric vs. resistance training in untrained young men. Aagaard P et al. J Strength Cond Res. 2008 Nov;22(6):1799-810. - Mitochondrial improvements, again mitochrondria=predicts aging . . .
Brief intense interval exercise activates AMPK and p38 MAPK signaling and increases the expression of PGC-1alpha in human skeletal muscle. Gibala MJ, Hargreaves M et al. J Appl Physiol. 2009 Mar;106(3):929-34. - Age and Gender do make a difference.
I still have to do my low-moderate intensity chronic cardio 4-6 hrs/wk to maintain metabolism + 2-3 Xfit 30-min sessions/wk (otherwise I gain weight when I watch water...*smile* no JOKE).
"ST (heavy resistance strength training) resulted in increased CSA (cross-sectional area) of type I, IIa and IIx muscle fibres in the trained leg of young men, type I and IIa fibres in young women, type IIa fibres (only fast-twitch) in older men, and type IIx fibres in older women (again, only fast-twitch; that's why my Chronic Cardio is MANDATORY for maintenance/growth of slow-twitch type I muscle...like the H E A R T) (all P less than 0.05)."
Age and sex affect human muscle fibre adaptations to heavy-resistance strength training. Martel GF, Rogers MA et al. Exp Physiol. 2006 Mar;91(2):457-64. - Explanation of Type I v. II (eg, slow/endurance v. fast/power twitch muscle fibers): HERE
Related posts:
--Beautiful Things: Sexyback
--Don't Be Sarcopenic
G-Radio: beautiful music, beautiful New Zealand singer... Bic Runga
Good Morning Baby, Precious Things
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Coyotes and Shooting Stars
My offspring have been enjoying this Maple Story about a mother's love for her child (see end). Exactly... it's big tear-jerker. We love this story. (Wonderful music as well.)
Why are mammals primed to protect and sacrifice for offspring? Preservation and survival of the young are so deeply rooted and ancestral in the most highest functioning species. Remember hunting-with-implement dolphins?
Coyotes have been on my mind (!!sighted one in my neighborhood 1-2 mos ago *veryCOOL* Don't worry...my children are too big for them to attack/hunt... Our cat... on the other hand would make a nice meal). Are humans like coyotes... or domesticated dogs...? Does civilization makes us soft... like dogs (sorry, dog-lovers)?
BTW... wild coyotes have integrated dog mitochondrial DNA... In forensic medicine (eg, CSI stuff), analyzing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is employed to identify human tissue and remains.
"Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region from 112 southeastern US coyotes (Canis latrans) revealed 12 individuals with a haplotype closely related to those in domestic dogs. Phylogenetic analyses grouped this new haplotype in the dog/grey wolf (Canis familiaris/Canis lupus) clade with 98% bootstrap support." These researchers in Idaho however conclude that "The introgression of domestic dog genes into the southeastern coyote population does not appear to have substantially affected the coyote's genetic, morphological, or behavioural integrity. (Waits LP. Mol Ecol. 2003 Feb;12(2):541-6.)" Really...?
Happy Easter :)
My Eye: Maple Story
Kristine Mirelle - Magic
No Secrets - I'll Remember
Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You
Why are mammals primed to protect and sacrifice for offspring? Preservation and survival of the young are so deeply rooted and ancestral in the most highest functioning species. Remember hunting-with-implement dolphins?
Coyotes have been on my mind (!!sighted one in my neighborhood 1-2 mos ago *veryCOOL* Don't worry...my children are too big for them to attack/hunt... Our cat... on the other hand would make a nice meal). Are humans like coyotes... or domesticated dogs...? Does civilization makes us soft... like dogs (sorry, dog-lovers)?
- "Coyotes (like other wild Canis species) have a complex and unusual mating strategy not often found in mammals; they are socially and perennially monogamous, and males assist in pup-rearing.... Coyotes maintain an evolved mating strategy that is uncommon among mammals (and absent in dogs in particular)." Quoted from the REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF THE COYOTE (CANIS LATRANS): INTEGRATION OF BEHAVIOR AND PHYSIOLOGY (click HERE) by Debra A. Carlson for her PhD degree in Wildlife Biology in Utah examined wild coyote reproductive behavior. An entire 'village' of coyotes support the rearing, feeding and growth of the pups born to the dominant male and dominant female of pack. "Among wild canines, it is thought that the strategic role of pseudopregnancy may facilitate the alloparental care given to pups by subordinate adult females residing with the parents (Asa 1997; Asa and Valdespino 1998; Kreeger et al. 1991; Mech 1970). Helper females bring food back to the den and defend the offspring of the dominant female; but more remarkably, in some species, they also have the capacity to suckle the infant young (coyote: Camenzind 1978; dwarf mongoose: Creel 1996)."
BTW... wild coyotes have integrated dog mitochondrial DNA... In forensic medicine (eg, CSI stuff), analyzing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is employed to identify human tissue and remains.
"Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region from 112 southeastern US coyotes (Canis latrans) revealed 12 individuals with a haplotype closely related to those in domestic dogs. Phylogenetic analyses grouped this new haplotype in the dog/grey wolf (Canis familiaris/Canis lupus) clade with 98% bootstrap support." These researchers in Idaho however conclude that "The introgression of domestic dog genes into the southeastern coyote population does not appear to have substantially affected the coyote's genetic, morphological, or behavioural integrity. (Waits LP. Mol Ecol. 2003 Feb;12(2):541-6.)" Really...?
Happy Easter :)
My Eye: Maple Story
Kristine Mirelle - Magic
No Secrets - I'll Remember
Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Lp(a) and Women's Heart Risks
For women with high Lp(a) and high CAC scores, estrogen (including natural, fake and the horsey-hormones) has been shown to in fact be beneficial in controlling CAD risk, events and reduction in Lp(a). Does this translate to men... *ha* I believe it may -- that is why alcohol-extracted soy protein, phytoestrogens and even... BEER help men with Lp(a) and reduce CAD.
With that said, controlling Lp(a) in post-menopausal women has enormous benefits for heart disease. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is safe, convenient and promotes longevity and optimal heart health. Plus people report better well-being, sharper minds and unrelenting energy. (They say sex is better too.)
Bioidentical HRT and monitoring via salivary/blood testing is the ONLY way to go, according to my personal research.
Uzzi Reiss MD, Michael Colgan PhD, Suzanne Somers, Cheryle Hart MD (hormonesbyhart.com) are all excellent resources.
Each one of the above authors stress an insulin-controlled diet in conjunction with optimizing all 10 hormones (they forgot vit D -- but one of my pts sees Dr. Hart and she normalizes vitamin D [25-hydroxy-D] now).
1. Melatonin
3. Pregnenolone
4. Estrogen (we have 3 types floating around -- E3 is the best and shown to be cancer protective; avoid E1, higher cancer rates)
5. Progesterone (Dr. John Lee MD obgyn is a good read esp for insulin, promotes avoidance of plastic/pesticides/poisons, etc)
6. Testosterone (yes for women this is very VERY good too -- and reduces Lp(a))
7. Insulin
8. Cortisol
9. Vitamin D
10. Thyroid
Control of Lp(a) is reviewed in great detail in our Part 3 TYP Diet, TYP Lp(a) reports 1 and 2.
Critical components of a successful Lp(a) reduction program at TYP are:
--control of all the above hormones -- ALL TEN
--good adequate sleep (for cortisol reduction and immune system optimization), rest, relaxation, recovery, etc
--exercise -- to reduce belly fat -- including resistance training which grows lean body mass, muscles
--low carb diet -- no wheat or gluten or grains or legumes; minimal fruit
--moderate diversely-colored nonstarchy veggies
--adequate high quality protein (including organic organ meats)
--avoidance of things which set off the immune system -- excessive cardio, excessive endurance training, infections, excessive mental or physical stress, sleep deprivation, etc
--antioxidants: astaxanthin, krill oil, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine, NAC, flavonoids, pycnogenol, mushroom extracts, et cetera -- they are all EXCELLENT
--saturated fatty acids: unrefined coconut oil, MCT oil, fat on grassfed meat/wild game/free range fowl/wild seafood, egg yolks, butter oil (greenpasture.org), (if not casein-sensitive) raw fermented dairy, high-quality 70+% chocolate, organic lard, etc
--ultra high dose EPA DHA fish oil 6-8.5 grams daily (higher quantity, if inflammation is present)
--avoidance of all omega-6 refined veggie oils: sunflower, safflower, peanut, soybean, canola, etc
--intermittent fasting (this replicates the effects of NIACIN combined with all the above strategies)
--niacin 1-2 grams daily
--avoidance of low-fat diets (eg, the AHA low-fat-diabetogenic-kill-ya diet)
If elevated Homocysteine (greater than 8.0) occurs despite all the above strategies, consider adding high doses of B-vitamins
--Folic acid, 1 - 5 mg daily
--Vitamin B12, 1000 mcg daily (adenosyl- and/or methylated cobalamin) sublingual is the best absorbed form
--Vitamin B6, 50 mg daily
--Trimethylglycine (Betaine) 1.5 - 3 mg daily
Sure sounds like... the optimal Paleo warrior diet/lifestyle, right?
And... not unlike a diet/lifestyle of wolves...?
With that said, controlling Lp(a) in post-menopausal women has enormous benefits for heart disease. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is safe, convenient and promotes longevity and optimal heart health. Plus people report better well-being, sharper minds and unrelenting energy. (They say sex is better too.)
Bioidentical HRT and monitoring via salivary/blood testing is the ONLY way to go, according to my personal research.
Uzzi Reiss MD, Michael Colgan PhD, Suzanne Somers, Cheryle Hart MD (hormonesbyhart.com) are all excellent resources.
Each one of the above authors stress an insulin-controlled diet in conjunction with optimizing all 10 hormones (they forgot vit D -- but one of my pts sees Dr. Hart and she normalizes vitamin D [25-hydroxy-D] now).
1. Melatonin
3. Pregnenolone
4. Estrogen (we have 3 types floating around -- E3 is the best and shown to be cancer protective; avoid E1, higher cancer rates)
5. Progesterone (Dr. John Lee MD obgyn is a good read esp for insulin, promotes avoidance of plastic/pesticides/poisons, etc)
6. Testosterone (yes for women this is very VERY good too -- and reduces Lp(a))
7. Insulin
8. Cortisol
9. Vitamin D
10. Thyroid
Control of Lp(a) is reviewed in great detail in our Part 3 TYP Diet, TYP Lp(a) reports 1 and 2.
Critical components of a successful Lp(a) reduction program at TYP are:
--control of all the above hormones -- ALL TEN
--good adequate sleep (for cortisol reduction and immune system optimization), rest, relaxation, recovery, etc
--exercise -- to reduce belly fat -- including resistance training which grows lean body mass, muscles
--low carb diet -- no wheat or gluten or grains or legumes; minimal fruit
--moderate diversely-colored nonstarchy veggies
--adequate high quality protein (including organic organ meats)
--avoidance of things which set off the immune system -- excessive cardio, excessive endurance training, infections, excessive mental or physical stress, sleep deprivation, etc
--antioxidants: astaxanthin, krill oil, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine, NAC, flavonoids, pycnogenol, mushroom extracts, et cetera -- they are all EXCELLENT
--saturated fatty acids: unrefined coconut oil, MCT oil, fat on grassfed meat/wild game/free range fowl/wild seafood, egg yolks, butter oil (greenpasture.org), (if not casein-sensitive) raw fermented dairy, high-quality 70+% chocolate, organic lard, etc
--ultra high dose EPA DHA fish oil 6-8.5 grams daily (higher quantity, if inflammation is present)
--avoidance of all omega-6 refined veggie oils: sunflower, safflower, peanut, soybean, canola, etc
--intermittent fasting (this replicates the effects of NIACIN combined with all the above strategies)
--niacin 1-2 grams daily
--avoidance of low-fat diets (eg, the AHA low-fat-diabetogenic-kill-ya diet)
If elevated Homocysteine (greater than 8.0) occurs despite all the above strategies, consider adding high doses of B-vitamins
--Folic acid, 1 - 5 mg daily
--Vitamin B12, 1000 mcg daily (adenosyl- and/or methylated cobalamin) sublingual is the best absorbed form
--Vitamin B6, 50 mg daily
--Trimethylglycine (Betaine) 1.5 - 3 mg daily
Sure sounds like... the optimal Paleo warrior diet/lifestyle, right?
And... not unlike a diet/lifestyle of wolves...?
Bioidentical HRT,
Warrior Race
Sunday, April 5, 2009
PALEO for Optimal Heart Health: The No-Doctor Diet
Dr. Davis recently wrote about how healthcare is shifting toward consumer directed care. We are tired of being sick, fat, and tired. Care is transforming toward the no-doctor directed care.
Dr. Davis Blog: Self-Directed At Home Lab Testing
Q: How to achieve optimal heart health in today's current neolithic healthcare environment?
ANSWER: The no-doctor approach using low-tech paleolithic eating and living combined with high-tech neolithic self-ordered lab and NMR/VAP testing (atherotech.com) particle analysis and EBCT coronary calcification scoring.
Dr. Davis Blog: Self-Directed At Home Lab Testing
Q: How to achieve optimal heart health in today's current neolithic healthcare environment?
ANSWER: The no-doctor approach using low-tech paleolithic eating and living combined with high-tech neolithic self-ordered lab and NMR/VAP testing (atherotech.com) particle analysis and EBCT coronary calcification scoring.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My Sister 'M's Chocolate Chip (gluten-free) Recipe Won!
My sister 'M' is brilliant, funny, great mother/wife/friend/sister, and a former-converted-wheat-flour-baker. Some of my best advanced nutritional information comes from her. She's the BEST. She has been perfecting this recipe using her favorite ingredient on earth. Her kids would bathe in it if she had it her way. They already eat it everyday! She submitted her recipe recently and WON! Congratulations 'M'!!!! Here is how she told ('spammed') the good news to us and all her friends...
"My recipe for Coconut-Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies was chosen to be published on the Tropical Traditions website. Please check it out!! I attached a picture of the final product.
'M's Gluten-Free Coconut Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies
(click on title for recipe: Tropical Traditions)
4 eggs
2 tablespoons coconut oil
3/4 cup raw honey OR 1 cup organic sugar
16 oz. (2 cups) Coconut Cream Concentrate
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate chips, optional
1 cup walnuts or pecans, optional
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1. Beat oil and sugar (or honey) together (5 min), then add eggs, one at a time until completely incorporated, then mix for another 2-3 min.
Recipe should be: beat oil and sugar together (5 min), then add eggs, one at a time until completely incorporated, then mix for another 2-3 min. Then add the rest of the ingredients.
2. Add coconut cream concentrate, vanilla and baking soda, mix 3 minutes until well combined and no specks of coconut cream concentrate are noticeable (completely incorporated).
3. Add optional ingredients of your choice. Bake in large spoonfuls (ice cream scoop-size) for 15 min, or small spoonfuls for 8-10 min.
4. ENJOY! Yum!
Note: For a "chunkier" cookie omit the 2 tablespoons coconut oil. The oil is necessary for "spreadability."
The "coconut cream of concentrate" can be substituted for any nut butter (my favorite is almond butter - it makes a crunchier cookie).
Looks like a "regular" cookie, or scone, huh? Our whole family has been gluten-free (gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye and barley) for 6 months. And it has been a battle! Wheat is in almost everything - just yesterday I was spring-cleaning underneath the sink, and the hair gel we use had "wheat protein" listed in its ingredients. Hair gel!
Wheat is insidious. It feels impossible to get away from it! Here are 2 links that I just love. The first one is written by a brilliant doctorate candidate in neurobiology. He found the research that shows that most Americans have a genetic predisposition to having some level of gluten-insensitivity. (For our kids - all 4 of them!! - they get a double whammy b/c it's on both Trent and my side) The second link is written by Dr. J. Mercola, and he discusses the way flour is processed, and how it's different now then 60 years ago, and how the current methodology creates a compound (Alloxan) that is used to induce diabetes in lab rats (in order to conduct diabetes testing).
Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease
(Stephan's Whole Health Source blog)
Dangers of Alloxan and Chlorine Gas -- Little Known Secrets about Bleached Flour
(Dr.Mercola's blog)
It connects the dots as far as the increased consumption of wheat products and our current epidemic of children developing "adult-onset" Type 2 Diabetes. They've actually had to rename T2D and drop the "adult-onset" b/c children were getting it at such an alarming number!
I won 2 quarts of organic, virgin coconut oil (VCO) for my recipe. To me, this is gold. It's worth more than the $40 it costs. I love coconut oil, especially this company's way of making it and doing business. Their coconut oil has high levels of caprylic and lauric acid, mid-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCT's are what they feed preemies in the hospital. It has really brought us a step closer to optimal health.
I fully endorse the way this company does business. Everything we've received from them (from a personal call to ensure we weren't victims of internet scandal - I had a very large order once! - to the high quality product, to the expediency from ordering to receiving) has been highly professional with a personal touch. If you decide to buy anything from them, I urge you to use the referral program - only b/c I get 2 free qts of VCO, and as I said earlier, this is like gold to me! My user ID is 4755518."
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