I am glad that I am not the only one who frequently reflects on sex, origins of death and the divine. Dr. Donald Miller is the author of 'Heart in Hand' and is a cardiac surgeon and academian at the University of Washington in Seattle with a wealth of rich insights. He's also evo/paleo, low carb high sat fat. He published articles and posts them here at his website: donaldmiller.com
Thank you O Primitivo for posting on him!
Quote is from Miller's essay The Two Pole's of Life's Magnet: Sex and Death
Fairy Stories and health myths that he debunks:
o [Grant Whores] The Government Grant System: Inhibitor of Truth and Innovation
o Fluoride Follies
o Mercury on the Mind
o Moon Goddess' Role in Health (selenium's role)
o Extrathyroidal Benefits of Iodine
o Health Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Saturated Fat Diet
o Adaptive Innovations in Health: Vitamin D, Iodine, Selenium (slides on nuclear receptors, nutrigenomics, evolutionary perspective and dosing of Vitamin D, Iodine and Selenium supplementation)
His list of Top 10 critical supplements for optimal health and why they are cheaper than healthcare HERE. And YES he is for nuclear power as I am... screw Gore.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Art is the last defense against death..."
Teresa Teng
Fave song to hear when we're playing M.J. (mah jongggg!)
(courtesy youtube.com)
"Art is the last defense against death..."
Teresa Teng
Fave song to hear when we're playing M.J. (mah jongggg!)
(courtesy youtube.com)
Dr. Miller is another good example of the artisan scientist generalist. I hope his wishes for butter to once again be viewed as health food get some more time in the sun!
Exactly. He is also an example of a example of another fine EPISTEMOCRAT that I happen to know :)
*hee* I am getting all my Indian friends into GHEE again... They miss it SOOO MUCH. It's not hard to convince -- I ask them how healthy are your parents and grandparents? And why? Oh. It's the GHEE. Of course their parents and grandparents want them to stop using vegetable oil and just use Ghee... And eat REAL FOOD.
Hi G,
Nice work.
A friend of mine is from India originally, and he too is back on the GHEE Train and beaming happily.
Ancestral wisdom strikes again (and tastes good too: a tough combo to compete with, I think!).
YES! Ancestral wisdom ROCKS.
Oh, here comes the nihilist/ pessimist. If there is no loving relationship you're left with intellectual curiosity/need to make sense of the world and art appreciation/need for aesthetic pleasure as transcending, which sometimes appear pointless too. I suppose a good way to spend your time though before you die.
Ah, anyone who mentions Vitamin D, selenium and iodine at the same protocol totally rocks!
Btw, I'm reading now Vitamin D and Cholesterol by David Grimes, can you comment on that ? Some great newer information on Vit D and reflects many TYP revelations as well. I can refer it a bit here if U don't mind.
Another keeper is Staffan Lindeberg's (the guy who pwned Mediterranean Diet in MD versus paleo trial a few years ago) new book Food and Western Disease. Some anti-safa propaganda here and there yet full of cool insights! Stephan likes it too!
I'm so glad you liked Cunnane so much - me too!
Some questions though, what do think of DHEA precursor 7-keto, any idea ?
hey lightcan!
I think Miller embraces and strong advocates loving deep relationships! Is that pessimism? I dunno...?
He had a depression time in his early 40s (divorce, episode of cancer, malignant melanoma which typically kills at early ages). Like Armstrong and other cancer survivors that I have read, Miller appears really positive to me because of the life experiences that occur with facing early mortality.
That's actually why I trust what he says.
Hi Neo!
Yes I appreciate so much Cunnane's book and his thoughts. It is a WONDERFUL, insightfully thorough book that appears to unite EVERYTHING I understand about our evolutionary health, medicine and our ancestral heritage. :) You are a sweetie to forward.
Did not know that Grimes had a book! He has put forth great info regarding marginal benefits of statins attributed to HEEEYGE increases in serum vitamin D 25OHD. Thank goodness for his observations! Crestor apparently raises vitamin D the most, and any improvements in CRP are likely related to that fact alone. Otherwise Crestor raises insulin, insulin resistance, diabetes and risk of diabetic complications -- renal failure, proteinuria, rhabdomyolysis and hepatitis.
I know some athletes like 7-keto -- it is a precursor so there are individiuals who cannot produce DHEA -- PCBs? plastics? endocrine disruptors? high carb, cortisol? B-vitamini deficiencies? mineral deficiencies? omega-3 vitamin D thyroid deficiencies?
The above are all factors that inhibit steroidal genesis.
That is great Stephan reviews Lindeberg's new work -- I value his scientific inquiries and conclusions the MOST out of all the bloggers out there!
Hopefully people continue to 'evolve' their anti-SFA fears...*aaah haaa*! Time yields many things.
Oh, no, it's me who's the pessimist/depressive but reading you makes me feel better.:)
We're more alike than you think!
A few weeks ago during a routine yearly visit to my cardiologist I told him I wanted to get my vitamin D checked. Previously I had gotten my vitamin D checked with home test kits. The Dr. wrote me a prescription which said "Vita D level". He allowed that he needed to get his vitamin D checked someday.
When I got the results I realized that the lab had tested for 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D, not 25-hydroxy vitamin D. I wrote the Dr. a note telling him of the error. When I stopped at his office a week later I found out he was on vacation, so I tried to get prescription for serum D3 through the nurse of the backup cardiologist. After some back and forth the nurse finally came out with a prescription that said "Vita D level", same as original prescription.
I knew that the prescription would not get me what I wanted but I thought maybe I could talk the labs techs into testing me for D3. The lab techs confirmed that the prescription as written would get only 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D, but they were very helpful and agreed to test my for D3 after I signed a bunch of papers.
I finally got the results for D3, 51. I need to increase my vitamin D intake a bit and teach my cardiologist how to write a prescription for D3.
It's not bad to get a 1,25 OH baseline -- in some genotypes and sarcoidosis it is high.
We ALL need education at some time, hopefully your cardiologist will be open minded!
Hi Grace,
I see what you mean about the large increase in Vitamin D3 that results from Crestor. One study (PMID 19543962) found an increase of serum D3 from 14 up to 36.3 which, as you said, is huge. In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (PMID 18541825), an increase of this magnitude resulted in a 50% decrease in the risk of myocardial infarction. In a study in Germany (PMID 18682515) such an increase in vitamin D3 reduced mortality from heart failure and sudden cardiac death by more than 50%.
I have a sense that the reduced risk in mortality brought about by statins is due largely to the reduced inflammation and the increased vitamin D caused by
statins, but, because of the adverse effects of statins,is less than would result from increasing vitamin D intake and improving diet to reduce inflammation.
Regarding my previous post, I have been seeing the cardiologist for six years during which time he has never mentioned vitamin D. To reinforce my request for a D3 test I brought him a copy of pertinent data from the aforementioned Health Professionals Follow-up Study which found that only 23% of the 18,000 "health professionals" had vitamin D levels greater than 30 ng/ml, the lower limit of Vitamin D3 sufficiency. The study further found that the risk of heart attack among those with D3 greater than 30 ng/ml was 60% less than the risk of those with D3 less than 30 ng/ml. Maybe the article will prompt him to get his serum vitamin D checked.
I have been searching the net for info about the book by Dr. Grimes on Cholesterol and vitamin D. There are as yet no reviews on Amazon. I did find the prologue to the book which did not reveal much.
Hi Jack C,
Thank you for the 2 other links. I wonder too if the marginal HDL increase from Crestor is also secondary to the downstream effects of vitamin D on HDL? My HDL increased exponential from 60s to 89 with vitamin D (no change exercise, diet, stress, etc). Perhaps this is related to the other anti-inflammatory, immunity and cardioprotective benefits of vitamin D, supplements and sunlight exposures?
Thanks! Would love to hear how your cardiologist responds later!
Hi Grace,
That is quite a boost in serum HDL-C from increasing vitamin D. What was your increase in vitamin D intake that brought about such and increase in HDL?
In the Health Professionals vitamin D study I mentioned (PMID 18541825) Table 2 shows an increase of HDL from 42.0 to 49.4 and a decrease in TG from 155 129 when serum vitamin D3 increased from 12 to 35.5. In my opinion, these modest changes are the result of decreased inflammation due to higher vitamin D intake.
Have you followed the development of information concerning endothelial lipase (EL)? It appears that endothelial lipase, which is the only lipase synthesized and expressed by endothelial cells, is THE major factor that causes low HDL-C by hydrolyzing HDL phospholipid (PD) thereby interfering with the synthesis of HDL-C. Over-expression of El decreases HDL cholesterol levels whereas blocking its action increases concentration of HDL. Pro-inflammatory cytokines suppress plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations by enhancing the activity of EL. On the other hand, physical exercise and fish oil (DHA and EPA) suppress the activity of EL and this enhances concentrations of HDL cholesterol.
(Lifted from PMID 15664301, 16498510, 17110602, 18212282)
EL also promotes uptake of native LDL by macrophages (PMID 17726294, 17822686) thereby increasing risk of atherosclerosis.
What I take from all this is that plasma HDL cholesterol level is a very strong measure of inflammation. Low HDL is due to EL activity caused by inflammation. High HDL is the result of EL suppression by suppression of inflammation. In your case it seems to me that the high level of vitamin D3 you took really suppressed inflammation and allowed HDL to increase.
Vitamin D3 may be at the top of the list as far as suppressing inflammation, but other factors, such as CoQ10, can aid in suppressing inflammation and will result in some increase in HDL-C.
I hope there is something in all of the foregoing that will be of interest to you.
Jack C.
It's time to pause and take a deep breath on Vit D and look for the harmony of the middle way. Dr. Miller's advocacy moves toward the extreme, however popular and fashionable at the moment. See Chris Masterjohn's piece on the subject here:
More thoughts on HDL cholesterol and endothelial lipase.
About four years ago I found out that I have a bicuspid aortic valve, meaning the valve has two leaves instead of three and tends to narrow after sixty or seventy years putting an extra burden on the heart. The condition is found in less than 1% of the population, mostly men, but accounts for more than 50% of aortic valve replacements.
When the heart works harder it requires more CoQ10 for energy production, so I started dosing myself with 300 mcg/day of Q10. I contacted Dr. Peter Langsjoen, a cardiologist in Tyler, Texas who has done a lot of research on Q10 and has one of the few testing labs that can accurately determine serum Q10. He suggested I increase the Q10 to 450 mcg/d and get the Q10 level tested after a couple of weeks at the higher dose. The test showed my Q10 level to be 240 mcg/ml which is quite high but Dr. Langsjoen said that level was great for me.
Echocardiograms showed significant improvement in heart function from taking the high Q10 doses, but, alas,it was only temporary. Two years later I got my defective aortic valve replaced with a pig valve which works great, whereupon I lowered my Q10 intake to 100 mcg/day.
My HDL cholesterol increased from about 85 to 110 after I started taking the high doses of Q10. I was only taking about 1100 IU day of vitamin D3 at the time. When I suggested to Dr. Langsjoen that the jump in HDL was due to my high level of Q10 he disagreed (mildly) but I now think I was right, for after I lowered my Q10 dose my HDL decreased.
It makes sense that CoQ10, a very strong antioxidant, would decrease inflammation thereby lowering endothelial lipase (EL) and allowing HDL to increase. I have seen a number of studies where modest CoQ10 supplements resulted in a modest increase in HDL-C.
People with inflammatory autoimmune disease such as asthma and arthritis have very low CoQ10 levels due to increase utilization of Q10. CoQ10 supplements would therefore decrease inflammation, decrease EL, and increase HDL-C.
It is my opinion, today anyway, that anything that decreases inflammation will decrease EL thereby increasing HDL-C.
In keeping with that thought, it seems to me that the ratio TG/HDL-C is an excellent measure of inflammation. I intend to lay that idea on Dr. Art Ayers on his Cooling Inflammation blog and see if he has a better measure of inflammation.
Jack C.
Dr. Miller seems rather keen on recommending supplements.
I try to do a whole-foods approach to "supplementation" after having been "burned" repeatedly over the years by disturbing qualifying facts constantly being revealed as to how isolated substances in capsules don't do what they are supposed to do. (The absence or synergistic compounds, absorption issues, problems with exogenous pre-formed vitamins, etc.)
What's your take?
Jack C,
I appreciate all your concise thoughts on HDL which I've been giving a lot more thought to lately. Initially when I took vitamin D it did not agree with me, similarly as I found many supplements as well. A low dose and gradually slow titration worked. I started with 1000 IU every couple of days to prevent a metallic taste and feeling 'weird'. My vit D doubled from 20 to 40s and the HDLs increased quite substantially. I believe I was deficient since age 10-11.
Your thoughts on EL are quite on target. I had not thought of it in the light you have but that makes incredible sense and logic! I appreciate all the abstracts. HDLs certainly reflect inflammatory status for many. Pharmaceuticals may raise them but I don't believe they are high quality or functional HDLs. Diet, sunlight/vitamin D, hormones relaxation, exercise are more potent effectors. I have typically seen HDLs increase from 30-40s in men and women go to 60-80s in 6 months on a lower carb, higher sat fat diet + slo-niacin 500-1500mg + vitamin D 4000 IU + omega-3 mod to high dose + no/low statin. No statins or pharmaceuticals are best -- they appear to impair HDLs somehow and studies show large buoyant LDL particles fail to grow. Large LDL are actually antioxidants.
HDLs are like an investment and appear to grow with age... *haa*
I've read is that HDL is like a mini-brain -- including sphingomyelin and phosphaditylcholine and other components similar to brain tissue. HDL even participates in cell-to-cell communication and affects the size of gap junctions.
Jack C,
CoQ10 is amazing. Many factors deplete it including inflammatory conditions AND pharmaceuticals (e.g. statins, beta blockers, diuretics, etc). Dietary sources are organ meats obviously which many cultures consume readily, except in the U.S.
Perhaps taking CoQ10 prolonged the vitality of the anatomically faulty valve? HDL may be one of the carriers for CoQ10 as well.
TG/HDL ratios are useful however since our HDL baseline and thresholds are somewhat determined by apoE, any standards will not be applicable across the board. E2 has the lowest HDLs; E4 highest. TG are determined somewhat by apoB and again TG standards don't always predict inflammatory status, I have found. I agree it has utility but unfortunately it's not perfect (yes i've tried).
Thank you for your story and insights!
Hi Christian,
Personally I've found utility in a range of supplements that are well researched but like you I've used some with no worth to me. Since every person is unique and dynamic, identifying any potentially missing micronutrient or co-factor becomes the challenge. In certain disease states, knowing what are missing micronutrients is easy (e.g. Diabetes -- magnesium, o-3, vitamin D, taurine, etc; CHF -- magnesium, o-3, vitamin D, taurine, CoQ10, thyroid, etc). Sometimes these are correctable with diet/exercise, other times it is just easier to fix with targeted nutrients then taper off later... or not. Even B-vitamins can be harmful as you mentioned when they are synthetic or not aligned to our DNA (folic acid versus activated forms from food -- THF, folinic acid, etc)
What are your goals? Optimal DNA and protein expression with minimal DNA damage? Lowest amounts of glycation and optimal organ function? Sometimes I am divided because I can't take any pill/supp DAILY (yeah just the reluctant pharmacist in me). The evo girl in me likes 'randomness' as I think that is how our genes evolved...
Anyway, yes I totally believe in supplements to fill in gaps to achieve optimal DNA and protein expression and for chronic condition reversal. Food is wonderful but there is no way I rely on food/lifestyles alone (if I had more time this would be a different answer). Better living achieved through science...
Dear G,
My mother just came home from the heart valve surgery and I was wondering what supplements she should consider taking ? Taurine ? Vit D is already on the list, should she take Q10 as well ? I'm her primary caretaker now for a couple of months during the healing.
She also is 60 lbs overweight, on simvastatin and varfarin.
Just interested in your thoughts, not playing a doctor here. ^^
How about tocotrienols ?
Please share your thoughts !
Having had heart valve I have a few opinions regarding some worthwhile supplements. I know nothing about taurine, however, so perhaps someone else can address that subject.
Anyone taking statins should absolutely take CoQ10 because statins always decrease CoQ10 synthesis which is the source of the vast majority (circa 95%)of CoQ10. Very little CoQ10 comes from food. CoQ10 is required almost all energy production by the body. Because she is on statins I suggest starting with 300 mg/day with no more that 150 mg, the most that can be absorbed, at any meal. The foregoing is based on information from Dr. Peter Langsjoen, Md., a cardiologist in Tyler, Texas who has one of the few labs in the country that can test serum CoQ10 levels. It would be well to get serum Q10 tested after supplementing for a few weeks.
Regarding Warfarin: If your mother has a mechanical valve, she needs to take Warfarin. If she has a pig valve, as I do, SHE DOES NOT NEED WARFARIN.
After my heart valve surgery I was given Warfarin in spite of the fact that I had been told it was not necessary for those with a pig valve. When I asked about it I was glibly told that it was just for a few months. When I got home I researched the subject and found four studies that basically said that taking Warfarin with a pig valve was of no value whatsoever, and I did not find a single study that supported use of Warfarin with pig valves. I showed the studies to my surgeon and asked him why I was prescribed Warfarin. His response was "don't take it then."
Vitamin K1 causes the blood to clot and Warfarin works by interfering with vitamin K. Warfarin also interferes with vitamin K2 which puts calcium in bones where it belongs. Warfarin therefore causes bone loss, so there is good reason not to take it when it is not needed.
If a person needs to take Warfarin, vitamin K supplements might be advisable, but this would have to be worked out with the doctor as vitamin K interferes with Warfarin and dose adjustments would be needed.
That is the extent of the advice I feel qualified to give. Jack C.
I must clarify my statement about those with pig valves not needing warfarin. I mean there is no need for a person to take warfarin simply because they had a pig valve put in as happened in my case. Those with pig valves may have other reasons for taking warfarin.
It seems to be standard practice at the hospital where I had my valve job to give heart patient like me warfarin whether they need it or not. Bad idea as the side effects are not good. Are they just trying to keep their warfarin clinic busy? I don't know.
I was quite interested to hear about your sensitivity to vitamin D as Pat, my wife, has mentioned that she thought that vitamin D made her feel strange. What was the form of the vitamin D that gave you problems, or was it all kinds? (liquid, gelcaps etc). How long did it take for you to get used to the vitamin D? Pat has not yet established regular intake of D3.
I think the temporary improvement in heart function that followed CoQ10 supplementation was due to repletion of Q10 levels that had been depleted by the burden that my stenotic heart valve put on my heart.
Hyperthyroid folks have low CoQ10 because Q10 is depleted by the high metabolic rate. CoQ10 levels normalize after thyroid function is corrected.
Our geriatric cat, Alfred, had seizures for several years until an astute vet figured out that Alfred was hyperthyroid and gave him medication to normalize thyroid function. I believe the seizures were caused by Q10 depletion due to the hyperthyroid condition, and that seizures stopped after CoQ10 normalized when thyroid function was corrected.
Your mom is so luck to have you overseeing her recovery and recuperation! I hope she has a speedy healing process :)
I'd advise you to consider the value of addressing the deficiencies that you might suspect:
What type of valve? Is she on warfarin indefinitely (e.g. is it a metal or synthetic)? As Jack C mentions porcine (pig) typically does not require mandatory anticoagulation for life. I think there are biosynthetic valves now as well which do not promote thrombi/emboli now.
Simvastatin depletes CoQ10 -- everyone on a statin needs CoQ10.
Warfarin blocks K1 and K2 actions. Everyone on warfarin should d/w their provider the value of stablizing INR with K1 K2 supplements and to prevent K2 deficiency (e.g. bone loss, coronary calcifications, peripheral calcifications, etc).
Omega-3? (after bleeding stops)
Vitamin D3?
Evo/paleo Finland food??
Good luck!
Hope that helps!
Jack C,
Thank you for your thoughts again!
I had to titrate vitamin D3 incredibly slow and I've met several other people with similiar side effects -- dizzy, metallic taste, etc.
Personally I suspect we have calcified stone changes in the gel of the inner ear and disruption of calcium out of the stones (like ? remodelling) affects perception of movement.
Actually I took about 2000 IU 1-2x/wk for 2-4wks then gradually titrated up to 4000 IU daily.
Neo recently posted a vit D trial at hyperlipid. 5000 IU vitamin D3 took about 6 months to raise post-meno ladies vitamin D from ~ 16 ng/ml to 48 ng/ml (BMD increases trump bisphosphonates, which are nasty drugs that cause afib and probably valvular damage). The effects are apparently slower to raise vitamin D and checking levels at 3 months may be premature in some cases.
Digestion of fatty acids and production of bile acids affects vitamin D absorption from the gut. This may be why the elderly post-meno women took so long as well to raise their levels. Their guts probably had to heal with vitamin D first. Vitamin D has a high receptor concentration in the intestines -- it's one of the first line immuno defenses as the gut is our 'eyes' to the primary world... and other than skin, first contact.
Thanks for sharing your experience in increasing your tolerance for vitamin D. I suspect that Pat's low vitamin D level is partly the cause of her poor absorption and low tolerance of vitamin D. We will try the go very slow approach.
Thank to Jack C and Grace for a lot of insights here! ^^
Whew, I had to pound the dictionary a bit.
My mum had a surgery of aortic valve stenosis after about a two year waiting period. I didn't even figure out how serious this condition seems to be(?). She has also recently started asthma meds because of concurrent symptoms. (I guess a possible D3 connection...)
I think she had a scan of the arteries with gadolinium and they were fine - only valve surgery so far! I think it's a metal valve - though the papers are still on a way... she talked about it more only rather recently though.
I think she is on varfarine indefinitely because she started it years ago because of several CVD risk factors - her BMI is around 38 (yet about 45 pounds less than when I was little), though BP has always been quite OK. She has DM2, no insulin shots though. She's on glibenclamide (had metformin before) and on selective beta blocker (for arrhytmia - she already has a pacemaker as well). Tens of years of shift work took it's toll apparently...
She started to get heavy when got me - had no other children to worry though. ^^
She also has/had a bad obstructive apnea (has a machine and sleeps now like a log!) and hip pains. Has taken oxybutynin ages for urge incontinence.
Her simvastatin dose is 40 mg/day - have Q10 on a way and I feel like stupid I didn't get it sooner...
Regarding K1/L2 supplements, I have no good ideas at the moment. What dose/titaring period you suggest ? Because of direct effect on INR value I'm interested - she seems to get small hematomas rather easily.
Just listened Robb Wolf's newer podcast and he seems to be militant on getting people of warfarin by slowly chaingin to fish oil. Mom tried fish oil ie years ago and got hematomas r-e-a-l-l-y easily. I couldn't believe it. And had a real bad headache from carnosine (a single 150 mg!). She even got dizzied from 1000 IU of D3!
I got D3 dizziness as well, but got it on control by titrating slower just like U did. I didn't mind it much since it lowered my mild hypertension too. My only personal obvious CVD risk factor I think...
I took some magn glycinate from my flat and hope she doesn't get hematomas/headache/whatever from it. Have Nature's Calm too. ^^
Evo food in Finland ? We have only A1 milk, highest Seven Study correlation with SaFas, bread is a religion and salt owns potassium everywhere. Okay, there are about 55 000 lakes with fishes here, so I think I start there. You couldn't believe how cheap german moose (from NZ!!!) is here! I already try to get her into coconut, which I totally love. :-)
Thanks for the paper Dr G, I'll read it tomorrow !
Hey G,
I have to ask regarding HDL, Lindeberg (2010) had a collection of references that seem to indicate that many hunter-gatherers had no higher HDL's than westernized populations. Kitavans are his own example, but of course they eat 69% carbs (yet 17% safas).
Any thoughts ?
You also said,
"Vitamin D has a high receptor concentration in the intestines -- it's one of the first line immuno defenses as the gut is our 'eyes' to the primary world... and other than skin, first contact."
Yes! A recent small RCT had with Crohn's disease over 50% more remissions than plasebo with a minuscule 30 µg a day. Base levels were pretty good FOR Crohn's patients as well (> 70 nmol/l if I recall). I've heard Crohn's people with < 10 nmol/l many times. They also have invariably been a mess - part of it certainly is from weak absorption & taking cortisone extensively.
For me D3 worked like charm (bloating, insanely numerous food intolerances) BUT I got some bad symptoms again after colonoscopy last autumn. Until Chmas I was fine again (with D3 all the time) and even better until late february when I ceased to see how it goes. No progression of symptoms.
Right now I trust sun, everyday. ^^
I read a paper a while ago which proposed that D3:n effect on Crohn may be because antibiotic effects, not just anti-inflammatory. I think it's rather plausible, considering my experiences.
I must stress again that D3 (+ gradual grain/potato/milk cessation) totally owned my nasty Crohn's and at last made it possible for me to go bloodletting - I always wanted to do that! My gums got a lot better when compared to being on azathioprine (an annoying immunosuppressant) too and I'm sure my apparent immunity to flu is an extra as well. You wouldn't believe how ATROCIOUS gum diseases seem to get in many IBD patients! Teeth fall and all. It makes me MAD!!!
I've seen some impressive anecdotal reports also on Colitis ulcerosa - which I did NOT expect. CU's etiology is rather different regarding immunity which points again towards antibiotic theory - who knows ? Crohn's got epidemiological evidence on latitude prevalence, while CU has not. There are studies that show CU may be extremely treatable by feces transplantation. Just like Clostridium difficile.
No meds at all now for over a year, hahaHAHA and at last a RCT to show to my bone headed gastroenterologist.
Have a nice summer, everyone!!! :-D
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