Showing posts with label PODCASTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PODCASTS. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Heal Yourself Radio EP 002 - FROM DRUGS TO BUGS

Heal Yourself Radio with chiropracter and hawt Crossfit athlete, Dr Jonathan Chung DC


On this week’s episode of Heal Yourself Radio we’re talking to Dr. Grace Liu, a functional medicine expert with a doctorate in pharmacy. Her area of expertise involves the clinical applications of one of the hottest topics in science and medicine, the gut micro biome. This interview is full of great information about the importance of your gut bacteria, what foods to use to support it, and what to do if you’ve been on antibiotics. We also had a lot of fun talking about poop, whose poop Dr. Grace wants inside of her, and what might make my feces so interesting. It was a really fun interview, and I think you are all in for a little treat.

Save 10% on any uBiome kit or product with Dr.Chung's referral code #microbiome

Monday, March 30, 2015

Gut Guardians Postcast: Episode 16 – (Part 2) Thyroid Help with Robin Treasure

Gut Guardians Postcast: Episode 16 – (Part 2) Thyroid Help with Robin Treasure

Robin Treasure in Part 2 offers her insights on how our guts might play a role in our thyroid health. She advises on the proper testings to diagnose a potential leaky gut causing poor adrenals. Yet another reason to keep your gut sealed up nice and tight.
Be sure to check out Robin Treasures new program ‘Restore!’ to help build and nurture a healthier lifestyle.

Don’t forget to leave any comments or suggestions!

Show Notes:
Klaire Probiotics

Friday, March 27, 2015

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 17- Gut-Brain Axis w Dr. Richard Matthews

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 17- Gut-Brain Axis w Dr. Richard Matthews

Functional Neurologist and author of The Symbiont Factor, Dr. Richard Matthews, joins in on the microbial fun. In this episode Dr. Matthews talks about the gut brain axis and multiple conditions that stem from the gut. Did we mention zombies? Matt and Grace had fun exchanging ideas on gut health and mental health.
(Note: I had technical challenges, very sorry for the poor quality on my end. You’re not missing anything -- please enjoy Dr. Matthews and Matt).
Thoughts on the Gut-Brain and parasitic gut zombies?

Show Notes:
Amazon: Book 'The Symbiont Factor'
Twitter: @symbionthealth

Excerpts from The Symbiont Factor

“The Bacterial Ethernet
“Bacteria living within a colony are able to form interconnections between cells in a network, using very small microtubules that have been termed nanotubes (Dubey, Yehuda). These nanotubes allow bacteria to share information, which can take several forms. In one example, demonstrated by Ben-Jacob, bacterial colonies will self-organize into elaborate shapes to optimize their survival and will form complex networks of nanotubes where they share plasmids (small pieces of DNA) as well as other molecules from their cell.”

“Providing a sustainable environment in the gut where good bacteria can flourish takes more work and lifestyle change than that and is one of the subjects of the rest of this book. Expecting the growth of beneficial bacteria without eating fruits, vegetables and fiber-containing grains is like scattering tomato seeds in a parking lot. Even though a few seeds might find some earth and germinate, you probably won’t get tomatoes unless you provide dirt, fertilizer, compost and water! Likewise, trying to get the good symbiont bacteria to grow without making improvements in your stress, diet and lifestyle is like trying to grow those seeds in the dark or on a parking lot.”

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Podcast With Nourish Balance Thrive, Christopher Kelley: Have you checked your gut for the keystone species?

Have you checked your gut for the keystone species? 

New podcast with elite pro mountain biker, Christopher Kelley of Nourish Balance Thrive and me (aka )

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 15 – Gut Healing w Robin Treasure

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 15 – Gut Healing w Robin Treasure

Wellness specialist Robin Treasure joins the Gut Guardian Podcast to bring her expertise on healing the gut. Robin shares her best tips on which certain foods to avoid and which ones to add into the diet to help alleviate inflammation and heal the gut. She also gives warnings for those who may experience symptoms of a histamine intolerance when supplementing with probiotics.

Don’t forget to leave any comments or suggestions! Enjoy!

Show Notes:RobinTreasure.comRobin’s ‘Restore’ ProgramMatt’s source for making his bone brothKlaire Probiotics

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 14 – Genetics & Low Carb, SBO’s, and The Upper Gut w/ John Brisson

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 14 – Genetics, Low Carb, SBO’s, and The Upper Gut w/ John Brisson

This is a wonderful gem, just like John Brisson!

The Finale of the 3 part series with John Brisson of In this episode, John talks with Grace and Matt about the Perfect Health Diet, Raw Milk, Genes and Low Carb Diets, SBO’s and much more! Don’t forget to check out John’s book, which is a great resource for anybody who would love to learn more about the gut and resolving gut troubles.

Enjoy the episode!

Show Notes:

FixYourGut Book on Amazon

Perfect Health Diet

Friday, February 20, 2015

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 12 &13 – Probiotics, MAPS, and Ancestral Core; Flora Disruptors w John Brisson

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 13 – Flora Disruptors w John Brisson’s John Brisson joins Matt and Dr. Grace on the GG podcast. In part 2 of the 3 part series, John and Grace talks about certain strains that are both detrimental and beneficial for proper gut function. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

FixYourGut Book on Amazon

Gut Guardians Podcast: Episode 12 – Probiotics, MAPS, and Ancestral Core with John Brisson’s John Brisson joins Matt and Dr. Grace on the GG podcast. In part 1 of the 3 part series, John brings his insights and precautions on using certain probiotics. He also explains how he has had success treating clients with Crohns/Ulcerative Colitis. Dr. Grace and John also talk about their differences on what they believe to be “ancestral”. Don’t forget to rate and review the podcast. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

FixYourGut Book on Amazon

MAP’s Study

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gut Guardians DOUBLE Podcast Episodes: Diabetes, Fiber Diversity and the Gut Microbiota w/ Dr. Tim Gerstmar, Parts I and II

Diabetes and the Gut Microbiota (Part 1) With Dr Tim Gerstmar ND

The Gut Guardians Podcast welcomes Dr. Tim Gerstmar (@DrTimGerstmarND) onto the show. He shares his insights on how he is treating his patients with diabetes and also gives us his take on the most recent findings that show the relationship between the gut microbiota and diabetes. Dr. Grace and Matt had a lot of fun chatting with Dr. Tim, as he brings his expansive knowledge to the show.  


The conversation continues on the Gut Guardian Podcast with Dr. Tim Gerstmar. He gives both Dr. Grace and Matt a look inside of his “secret” jars. Well, looks like they aren’t going to be much of a secret after listening to this podcast! Inside the jars are Dr. Gerstmar’s special blend of fibers which range from FOS to glucomannan. Get your mason jars ready! Dr. Tim and Dr. Grace go back to the discussion on the mismatch between the modern human and the environments surrounding in and around us. And be sure to listen to the end, where Dr. Tim sums up what all of us should do to lead a happy, healthy life. 


Show Notes

Dr. Tim Gerstmar’s Site Aspire Natural Health

@DrGerstmarND and on Facebook 


Lack of translation between refined RS2 and RS3 animal studies to human trials:

Sorry. Resistant Starch is Unlikely to Miraculously Cause Weight Loss and Body Fat Loss

  • Low (15g) and high dose (30g) RS2 for 4 weeks didn't induce fat loss either but mildly improved insulin resistance in obese men, not women (Maki et al, 2012).
  • Neither did 25 grams refined RS3 supplementation (Novelose330), but high-protein/40% carbs resulted in all body fat parameters pivoting: improved insulin sensitivity, body fat loss and weight loss in human subjects with metabolic syndrome (Lobley et al, 2013).
  • Neither did 40 grams RS2 supplementation for 12 weeks in T2 diabetes (Bodinham et al, 2014). Worsening in body fat mass, BMI, fatty organs such as fatty pancreas, also higher insulin secretion observed.
  • GREEN BANANA FLOUR: However, a whole food supplement which contains a broad spectrum of microbial superfoods, native banana starch flour (NBS) 24 g/day induced 1.2 kg weight loss, improved waist-hip ratios and insulin sensitization in T2 diabetic, obese females after 4 weeks, contained only 8 grams RS2 (Ble-Castillo, 2010). Version B of BIONIC FIBER in the 7 steps. Green banana and plantains have been shown to heal ulcers and infectious colitis.