Showing posts with label Butyric acid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butyric acid. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

Gut Microbiome Biohacking Basics; Mild Havoc? Or Unmitigated Upheaval?

Linkin Park
Roads Untraveled

Roads Untraveled?

More and more studies are pouring into our collective knowledge about the microcritters in our 'forgotten organ,' the humble gut. The latest making the rounds is a stunning article on how one of the first antibiotics created by Eli Lilly in the 1950s was used as a 'digestive aid' in livestock (like ?cocaine in COKE? or ?nicotine in tobacco once plugged by physicians or ?gliadin in modern hybridized wheat plugged by govt juggernauts) .They were used to put on fat and poundage to cattle and livestock by a 3-FOLD magnitude. In those war and post-war days, the population was skinny and desired 'fat'. In modern times, we've flipped. The majority are overweight/metabolically deranged and desire 'thin.'
Source: Big Tobacco led throat doctors to blow smoke (Stanford)

Do Antibiotics Make Us Fat?

"On the Point" with Tom Ashbrook has a new podcast that interviews the author of the new NY Times article linking agricultural use of antibiotics in animal feed decades ago with the new diabesity epidemic, Pagan Kennedy. Dr Ilseung Cho is also interviewed, gastroenterologist at NYU and gut microbiome researcher. Dr. Cho talks about the potential gut effects of antibiotics.

Dr Cho is from Marten Blaser's lab which recently concluded in their study "Infant Antibiotic Exposures and Early-Life Body Mass" that YES antibiotics are highly correlated to higher 'fatness' in babies who received antibiotics before age 6 months, and older as well but the effect was less consistent apparently after babies start to crawl around (Trasande et al 2013).

Clearly there are multiple factors that go into becoming fat. Clearly we have ignored the gut microbiome for too long. 100% of everyone that I know has had at least a single course of antibiotics if not double digits. As a child of a physician, I've had my share. For many fevers and sniffles, I got the 'pink liquid'. Partly I went into pharmacy believing that drugs were not only good, but life saving.

Can antibiotics actually be life altering and life stealing? Bringing on autoimmunity? Triggering UC, Crohn's and IBS? Ushering in the storms of autism, diabesity and allergies that are seem inescapable and epidemic? Before I had kids, I once had Shigella. It was awful and Cipro did cure it -- but did it impair my gut? Should I have taken measures to protect the commensal populations?

My oldest daughter was born ~14 years ago via emergency C-section. Despite breast feeding her, she had 2-3 months straight of inconsolable crying and colic (age ~6-9 months), endless ear infections (6-12 months), then later developing reactive asthma (1.5-10 until we started vitamin D) which required middle of the night treatments, nebulizers and urgent care visits. We have never had asthma in the 'family'. It certainly didn't appear 'genetic'. In hindsight, I suspected that her atopic hypersensitivities be related to many things not excluding the (lame gut) legacy that I handed to her, C-section birth and formula at age 6 - 18 months.
How important is the maternal microbiome bequeathed to the baby? Did my firstborn inherit a gut with major deficits secondary to the 15-20 courses of antibiotics during my life (which of course did save my life a few times, including a large third-degree burn)? In light of the new data emerging from 16S rRNA sequencing technology, all these questions are being illuminated and even answered.

ONE THE POINT PODCAST: Antibiotics and obesity. Whether it’s possible that antibiotics plump up humans the same way they do animals, livestock. American farmers commonly feed their livestock grain laced with antibiotics because it makes bigger animals. Heavier. Fatter. So what about the antibiotics we humans take – for the ear ache, the strep throat, the sinus infection. Could those make us heavier? Fatter? No one argues that diet and exercise – or lack of it – come first. But could antibiotics be a scale-tipping X-factor in American obesity?

From Tom’s Reading List
New York Times: The Fat Drug – “In the last decade, however, scrutiny of antibiotics has increased. Overuse of the drugs has led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria — salmonella in factory farms and staph infections in hospitals. Researchers have also begun to suspect that it may shed light on the obesity epidemic.”
Mother Jones: Can Antibiotics Make You Fat? –”Are we being exposed to tiny levels of antibiotics through residues in the meat we eat—and are they altering our gut flora? It turns out that the Food and Drug Administration maintains tolerance limits for antibiotic residue levels, above which meat isn’t supposed to be released to the public.”
Nature: Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and [INCREASE] adiposity – “Antibiotics administered in low doses have been widely used as growth promoters in the agricultural industry since the 1950s, yet the mechanisms for this effect are unclear. Because antimicrobial agents of different classes and varying activity are effective across several vertebrate species, we proposed that such subtherapeutic administration alters the population structure of the gut microbiome as well as its metabolic capabilities.”

Intro of our Gut Characters

Here is the line up. They originate from life -- mom, diet, foods, dust bunnies, soil exposures, pets, kissing, hugging, licking doorknobs, etc.

Source: Ch 2 The Commensal Microbiology of the GI Tract
Manson, Rauch, Gilmore 2008

Intro of Some of What Our Gut Characters Do [Caveat: If We've Got Them]

They eat and poop, and we eat their secretions (vitamins, amino acids, SCFA (short chain fatty acids)) and then poop then out. Half of our dry poop in weight is in fact them. Their DNA exceeds ours by 150-times. Basically their microbiome complements our human genome with 150-fold more genes. Our Homo sapien-derived double helixes don't alter (much, debatable here). Their's is contrastingly plastic. They can sweep up lactose digestion or antibiotic-resistant plasmids or DNA from their environment or via microbial-sex. In evolution, they appeared first and will likely appear last... "Moreover, Bacteroidetes genomes appear to be highly plastic and frequently reorganized through genetic rearrangements, gene duplications and lateral gene transfers (LGT), a feature that could have driven their adaptation to distinct ecological niches. (Thomas et al 2011)" When diet resource allocation or subpopulation neighbors shift, so do their gene expression. They shift to the diet provided. Additionally, they can control our gene expression. Bacteroidetes thetaiotamicron (one of our vital omnivorous commensal symbionts, Roberfroid et al 2010) has been shown to turn on/off over 400 genes in the host, thus altering molecular architecture and body functions (Heselmans et al 2005). Indeed, our microbes may maketh the man, woman and child (and all animals, insects, plants).

Your response to fiber, RS, g banana/plantain flour, potato starch, probiotics and food all depend on what is filling your zoo cages, the pre-existing microbiota. Do you have vipers or voles? Electric eels or earthworms? Is your apex predator for the ecosystem EXTINCT. Does excessive flatulence blow you to the moon and clear the room?
Source: Fermentation of non-digestible oligosaccharides by human colonic bacteria
Gibson et al, 1996


No one who lives in an industrialized country is exempt. Broad spectrum, potent, synthetic antimicrobials can permanently damage the gut characters originally present many new studies besides research from Cho and Blaser's work. Jansson et al discovered that for a single 7-day course of antibiotics, gut testing showed that even TWO YEARS OUT WTF, THE SYMBIOTIC GUT CHARACTERS WERE GONE. The former fingerprint and diversity were extinct. Diversity means resilience -- the ability to bounce back and be robust against inevitable changes, shifts and hurdles. Michael Pollan, author and eater of all things fibrous and fermented, stated that after a 'precautionary' course of amoxicillin antibiotics prior to oral dental surgery, his intestinal commensal populations plummeted. The healthy blooms disappeared (Prevotella), replaced by noxious Proteobacteria (NY Times, My Best Friends are Germs 2013). Antibiotics and their drug-resistant DNA are also found in feedlot poultry, pigs, cattle, dairy and eggs. It is hard to escape these chemicals even if your dental surgeon or pediatrician are not eager to whip out their blank Rx pads.

Why Do Antibiotics Do So Much Damage and Can Lead to SIBO/SIFO?

Here is our gut below -- the  intestines are long and when splayed open have a large surface area equivalent to a high-piled terry cloth towel as large as a tennis court. The small intestines are 6-8 meters and colon ~1.5m. The small intestines are significantly longer: 4-5-times longer than the colon. This is where disease can begin. The interface between the outside world and our immune system and blood supply are separated by a single layer of cells. Many microbes actually attach to the intestinal cells in the small intestines (eg SFB, segmented filamentous bacteria) and eat from our bodies directly. These are the same organisms recently shown to prevent or cure T1D model in rodents. Most of the other gut characters live in the interior of the tube (lumen) or in the slime (mucous) along the length of the whole intestines.

Functional Ecology of the Small and Large Intestines
Source: Martin F P et al., J Proteome Res 2009;8:3464–74

The Russians have studied bugs far longer and in a more integrative manner when compared to Pasteur or other micro-phobes. Some of our best probiotics (Natren), yogurt strains and gut-healing protocols (GAPS) are from Russia. Korshunov et al has been studying how gut microbes can be protected with Bifido and Lactobacillus probiotics after chemotherapeutic induced dysbacteriosis (antibiotics). His studies revealed that SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) occurs almost instaneously. He didn't study the mycobiome but it's not unfathomable that SIFO (fungal overgrowths) occurred as well. The small intestines are vulnerable because the role of the microbes there is one of protection, immuno modulation and symbiosis. Once the ecosystem is perturbed, all health can change. Extraction of nutrients is just one single function of the small intestines. The immune system lines the entire gut from mouth to anus, and particularly in the small intestines the job is intimate and foremost. When the ecosystem is complete, our commensals + gut do the job of:
--maintaining tight junctions
--prevent permeability
--stopping breaching or bacterial/fungal translocation to other organs or blood
--allowing tolerance for other commensals (Toll receptors, toll='fantastic' in German)
--decreasing allergic reactions and hypersensitivities (asthma, eczema (Heisenbug), food intolerances (gluten/dairy -- me), sinuses (Richard N), etc)
--tagging pathogenic strains, protozoa and parasites as foreign invaders for elimination
--secreting antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) to limit the growth of unsavory characters (the commensals are the 'apex predators' of the gut ecology)
--modulating mood and behavior by facilitating neurotransmitter and hormone synthesis (HPA-thyroid-genitalia-GUT axis)
--other than the spleen and bone marrow, create immune cells necessary for host health

There are a ton of factors for dysbiosis and unbalanced microbiota -- but antibiotics seem to be at the core, like here and here. Without commensal symbionts guarding the gut due to potent pharmaceutical antibiotics, the minor population of pests and vermin strains are left alone and un-mitigated. When there is plenty of food around, they will bloom or double overnight (or sooner). Korshunov et all called this 'contamination of the small intestines,' in other words SIBO/SIFO. It is indeed a common clinical feature in modern medicine as new human gut microbiome studies are revealing, yet largely undiagnosed with no modern medical solutions. The 7 steps for the ultimate gut health restores the commensal populations to a level that allows the gut to recover stability, diversity and optimal health.
[Characteristics of experimental antibiotic-induced dysbacteriosis]. [Article in Russian]
Martynov AI, Grinevich AS, Korshunov VM, Pinegin BV. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1982 Jan;(1):48-54. 
Changes in the microflora of the large and small intestines in mice and guinea pigs after the oral administration of canamycin (a hardly absorbable antibiotic) and ampiox (an easily absorbable antibiotic) in different doses. The administration of these antibiotics in different doses (therapeutic, subtherapeutic and over therapeutic) led to an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms and the contamination of the small intestine by these organisms. These changes were also well pronounced in guinea pigs, normally having no enterobacteria. After the administration of the antibiotics was stopped, opportunistic microorganisms were gradually eliminated from the small intestine. The rate of decontamination depended on the administered dose of the antibiotic: the higher the dose was the longer the process of the decontamination of the small intestine lasted. An increase in the amount of opportunistic microbes in the large intestine and the decontamination of the small intestine occurred simultaneously with the decrease in the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in both the small and large intestines.  

OTHER MICROBIOME KILLERS = Atkin's, VLC, Ketotic, Low-Fiber Diets

There are many ways to kill your gut besides antibiotics. Dietary changes make profound changes to the gut. Diet is in fact one of the primary drivers of diversity and populations in the gut. As we know with Darwin and his finches, diet drives evolution of morphology and anatomy. The main gut characters that produce the anti-inflammatory BUTYRIC ACID and other SCFAs are also the same ones often associated with longevity in centanarians, better health and less fraility (Roseburia, F prausnitzii, Ruminococci, Bifidobacteria). The preferred diet of these butyrate-producers is fiber + RS. These 2 groups: (1) Ruminococci (Clostridium cluster IV) and (2) Roseburia (Clostridium cluster XIVa) munch on mostly RS, not inulin, other fibers or meat (eg other a bacteria eats bacteria world LOL). They do not appear too diversified in their culinary palate, yet they comprise the great majority of gut characters in healthy, disease-free, cancer-free individuals. Ruminococcus bromii assists all of the other gut inhabitants by being an enthusiastic and primary degrader of resistant starches, making carb by-products that can be utilized by others lower in the ecosystem. When these 2 groups 'bloom' in the colon, gut pathogen populations go down, gut inflammation is reduced and even horrific diseases completely and 100% reverse in new research trials (C diff antibiotic-induced colitis, UC, IBS, autism, etc).

Butyrate drops precipitously with a low-carbohydrate, low fiber/RS diet in a study by Duncan et al 2007. The anti-inflammatory gut species took nosedives (see below) -- Roseburia, F prausnitzii, Ruminococci, and Bifidobacteria. Subsequently, butyrate in the stools became only 1/5 to 1/4 of the maintenance diet amount. Butyrate trended with Roseburia (Clostridium cluster XIVa) populations. The prime fuel (70-80%) for colonocytes is butyrate from microbial fermentation (the next best is glutamine from skeletal muscle, then glucose). An energy crisis occurs when they are not supplied well.

Human gut characters prefer and need indigestible carbohydrates. Indigestible to Homo sapien but digestible to microbial amylases and a consortium of enzymes that break down all configurations of fiber and RS starches down. These butyrate-producers are not as carnivorous as other species (Bacteroidetes). This is likely from millions or perhaps I suspect billions of years of co-evolution where our gut species took advantage of the environmental bounty and abundance of plant fibers. The biomass of earth is 75% plant carbohydrates;  microbes blanket the earth, air and water.


Source: Karen Scott PhD ROWETT SLIDES
Duncan et al (2007) AEM 73; 1073-1078

Monday, November 18, 2013

HOW TO CURE SIBO, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth: Step #4 Eat BIONIC FIBER

Cooked Resistant Starch Type 3 From Rice, Roots, Beans,
Lentils, GF Ancient Grains = BIONIC FIBER
Credit: Harry Flint et al, Nature, 2012.

Dr. Grace's Bionic Fiber for Your Gut:  
Step #4

VERSION A: Inulin-FOS 1-2 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups water

VERSION B [Fat-Blaster]:  Inulin-FOS 1-2 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS (or Green banana flour 1 TBS) + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water

VERSION C [Amped Up Bionic Fiber]:  INULIN-FOS 1 TBS + ACACIA FIBER 1 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS  +  high ORAC green powder (I like Amazing Grass or Raw Reserve) in 2 cups of plenty water

Optional, add 1 tsp of one or several of below (rotate for variety and diversity):

  • Pectin
  • Modified Citrus Pectin
  • Chorella
  • Arabinogalactan
  • Glucomannan (MAX: 1/4 to 1/2 tsp with 2 cups water)
  • Oat Bran (Trader Joe's; Bob's Red Mill)
  • GOS (UK Bimuno)
  • FOS-rich Organic Yacon Syrup
  • Green Banana Flour (oligos-inulin+RS2), Green Plantain Flour (oligos-inulin+RS2)
  • fresh ground Flaxseed
  • Baobab Hadza Fruit fiber

Resistant Starch Type III: Cooked-Crystallized Starch Is Evolutionarily Correct

The best, ancestral resistant starch for long-term health, leanness and modern, disruptive lifestyles is RS3, cooked-cooled resistant starch. The crystals that form upon cooling make up a dense, DNA-like configuration that our gut flora love; they have adored and have specialized preference for RS3 for millions of years since our hominid ancestors discovered FIRE. In epidemiological studies, RS3 in ancestrally prepared food protects against diabetes, inflammation, diseases of aging and colorectal cancer. 

Read more about the legumes, roasted heirloom tubers and gluten-free grains that are rich in RS3. A broad spectrum of fiber produces the best diversity and robustness in our gut flora populations:

Whole Real Food

100g = ~ ½ cup

Inulin-Oligosaccharide Content

RS3 Content
Chicory root
Jerusalem artichoke
Dandelion greens
Onion (raw)
Yacon syrup, 2 TBS
Garlic (raw)
Cowpea, White Lupin
Lentils, Chickpeas, Hummus
Pinto Beans (cooked/cooled)
Purple Potato (roasted/cooled)
Yams (boiled/cooled)
Potato (boiled/cooled)
Rice (cooked/cooled)
Long grain Rice (cooked/cool)
Sushi Rice (cooked/cool)




Wednesday, November 13, 2013

HOW TO CURE SIBO, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth: Step #2 Eat Resistant-Starch-Rich Tubers, Grains, Legumes and Pulses

The second step in Dr. BG's 7-Steps Paleo* Gastro IQ SIBO Protocol is:

"Ancient heirloom potatoes, tubers, roots that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity) and ancient heirloom grains, legumes, lentils/dal that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity), prepared the ancient way (soaked, fermented, etc)"

Potatoes, tubers, roots, grains, legumes, and lentils have been alongside man throughout our evolutionary past. Eating these foods is very important in keeping our gut microflora in top-notch condition. You saw in the Fat Burning Beast blogpost that a digestive system starved of carbohydrates, fermentable fiber, and butyrate leads to a high risk of colon cancer, but it also leads to a dysfunctional and less prolific gut microbiome.

The Standard Western Diet leads to a Standard Western Microbiome, one that has been starved of healthy, fermentable fibers, flooded with antibiotics, and allowed to proliferate with pathogenic bacteria. This leads to inflammation, metabolic syndrome, and auto-immunity. On the other hand, A paleo diet, with near complete avoidance of refined sugars, flours, gluten, and vegetable oils and plenty of starchy, fibrous plant matter will produce a functional microbiome, replete with beneficial bacteria, flooded with short-chain fatty acids, and ensure immune system homeostasis, glucose regulation, vitamin and mineral uptake, and production of vital hormones and neurotransmitters.

Often times when starting a paleo diet, one restricts carbs. This is an effective strategy for weight loss and may help eliminate unhealthy sugar cravings, but in the long run carb restriction will most certainly lead to a dysfunctional gut microbiome.  Both the Perfect Health Diet or Mark's Daily Apple Diet outline the optimal amount of starch that one should include in their diet. A daily food intake that is roughly half plant matter, including up to one pound of starchy foods is highly recommended.

[Grace~~ Dispelling fairy tales: I love Paul and Mark. (Particularly Mark's pectorals and gluteals and how he recognizes a good thing like RESISTANT STARCH for the gut microbiota and insulin metabolism) We have all evolved but I'm not certain if their respective diets entirely have.

What I like about PHD is the 150 grams per day advice for adrenal dysregulation because ketosis/VLC will instigate susceptible adrenals into hypercortisolism, and subsequent low adrenal and low T3 thyroid syndromes. PHD can heal this. However, the reliance on white rice and not the whole grains, whole legumes and RS-rich tubers will lead to gut dysbiosis for those who are vulnerable. Adding these back in are thus imperative. If I consumed 150 grams of high GI (glycemic index) white rice daily, I'd be T2DM within two seconds.  But if I consumed 150-200 grams of low glycemic index carbohydrates that included RS-rich starches, grains, and tubers, ME AND MY MICROBIOTA ARE GOLD *wink wink*.  And the net carbs are 75-100 grams/day.

MDA has two (ancient) popular posts which offend my gut ;) and the microbiota... (1) The Primal Carb Continuum and (2) All Grains are Unhealthy.  Fiber IS INDEED good for us (and Mark says so HERE).  They feed your microbiota and heal SIBO and promote gut longevity, proper processing requires soaking and fermentation of whole grains, legumes and pulses to make them edible.  So Mat Lalonde has already banished the lectin myths. Please see his AHS 'Invalid Inferences'...  How to make our legumes and whole grains work for us? Soak, soak, soak which ferments the starches. Soaking brings alive the microbes that reside on the grain or legume/pulse.  If Gluten Small Grass Grains and unsoaked legumes wiped out the Neanderthals, then it is perhaps food technology that brought Anatomically Modern Humans to the Great Leap Forward 40,000 to 50,000 years ago.]

If 'carb restriction' means eliminating gluten, industrially processed flour, and refined sugars, that is perfect! If it means eliminating potatoes, rice, and most other whole, starchy foods that's a problem.

The purpose of this blog is to teach you how to chose and prepare starchy, fibrous food in a way that will lead to a high Paleo* Gastro IQ.

Everyone knows potatoes and rice, but there is a whole host of other foods that fit the bill for exceptional gut health and getting a variety of these foods is extra-important when healing a broken gut. It would be a very wise move on anyone's part to seek out some of these:

Green Bananas
Mt Uncle's Raw Ladyfinger-Banana Flour (high resistant starch content)
Jobs tears/Adlay/croix
Brown rice
Purple rice
Red rice
Black rice
Fermentation/Soaking Tips
Journal Source: HERE
Basmati white rice
Basmati red rice
Mung beans
Green beans
Red beans
Kidney, black, fava, navy, etc beans
Steel cut oats
Chana dal
Okinawan purple potatoes
Andean purple potatoes
Nagaimo (Chinese white mountain yams)
Raw or Roasted Potatoes

The list goes on and on, but you get the picture--no need to rely only on potatoes and rice! Each different variety packs a different punch. Beans and lentils are often frowned upon in paleo circles, but when properly prepared, they are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

When it comes to grains and legumes, one of the biggest problems is phytates. An exceptional write-up on phytates and how to remove them can be found here. "...phytic acid does indeed bind with minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. If you depend on grains and legumes for a high portion of your diet, then those phytates (phytic acid) could lead to mineral deficiences." Fortunately our ancestors found ways to remove phytates and these methods can be used today to make these evolutionary important foods safe. It would be of great benefit for you to learn the techniques of sprouting and fermenting to increase your range of healthy foods.

A very interesting grain known as Job's Tears, Chinese Pearl Barley, or Adlay has some remarkable properties including effectively alleviating osteoporosis, leukemia, and rheumatism. Oats are an interesting topic of much debate, and don't let a Gluten-Free label fool you! Dr. BG said of Gluten- Free foods in 2010:

"Personally I believe gluten-free is not enough for an ultimately optimal lifespan and health. Gluten-free products often still are refined, vastly processed and full of high carbohydrates and problem oils (oxidized, pesticide-laden crops of omega-6 canola, safflower, cottonseed, etc) which spike and increase blood glucoses (BG) and promote silent inflammation. Chronic silent inflammation leads to cancer, obesity, fibromyalgia, mood disorders, arithritis, weight gain, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

Gluten free however alone improves stomach and GI symptoms including bloating, constipation, bloody stools, iron deficiency anemia, chronic fatigue, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and gut dysbiosis."

The best advice we can give you is to include plenty of starchy carbs in your daily menu planning and learn to broaden your horizon. The more variety in your diet, the better profile your gut microbiome will develop.

If you have any questions or concerns about our food list or want to see any added, please comment!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Phytanic Acid (Red Meat, Dairy, Seafood): Binds PPAR-α and RXR

'...Like all things come from the sun'
referencing all the food at the table,
daughter Natalie
ATB Sunset Girl

Food, Sunlight and Nuclear Receptors

I've discussed RXR/RAR (carotenoids/ vitamin A receptor), VDR (vitamin D receptor) and PPAR-α (saturated fat/omega-3 receptor). These are a constellation of receptors found in the nucleus of all cells which control growth, maturation, reproduction, proliferation, apoptosis (cell suicide), autophagy (cell re-cycling) and inflammation.  Bioactive components of our food and hormone vitamin D from sunlight exposure (or organ meat consumption) bind and control nuclear receptors.

See prior posts:
PPAR -- Dagger in the Heart of CAD and all Chronic Conditions
Benefits of Grassfed Butter

Phytanic Acid Generates Carnitine

A recent study looked at the level of phytanic acid (PA), a
fatty acid found in red meat, dairy fat, and seafood which has activity on receptors known to control and regulate cancer, inflammation, triglycerides/cholesterol and even energy status in skeletal muscles. It may have several mechanisms for health regulation. One mechanism found is that phytanic acid is an agonist for several nuclear receptors including RXR and PPAR-α. I would not be surprised if it has affinity and binds other receptors as well.

We don't synthesize phytanic acid on our own; we can only source from food (animal based). Phytanic acid and its metabolite pristanic acid contribute to the activation of carnitine in peroxisomes which are later transported to mitochondria for fatty acid oxidation (burning and synthesis of energy, ATP). A lack of carnitine has been shown to lower mitochondrial processes and is significant factor in disease. Like phytanic acid, carnitine can mainly be sourced only from MEAT and seafood, not vegetables. We produce it but not very well. Many factors affect carnitine levels (kidney function, ACTH/cortisol, thyroid and diet. French authors write 'L-carnitine ensures regeneration of coenzyme A and is thus involved in energy metabolism. L-carnitine also ensures elimination of xenobiotic substances. Carnitine deficiencies are common.'  Photo credit: [1].

Do butter and bison do a body good?


Chlorophyll Is Biotransformed into Phytanic Acid by Fish and Mammals

Apparently the chlorophyll content of the meat, seafood or dairy is what determines the amount of this important fatty acid, phytanic acid. 'PA (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid) is a branched-chain fatty acid generated by the oxidation of the phytol side chain of chlorophyll in mammals. Because humans cannot release phytol from chlorophyll, PA in the human body comes from dairy products and ruminant fats in the diet' [2]. Shore-based food such as fish, salmon, molluscs, snails and krill have significant levels too since these consume smaller fish which consume chlorophyll from algae and green phytoplankton. Phytanic acid is also found in menhaden oils. There is a vague association with prostate cancer and levels of phytanic acid however the below authors discuss "the available data do not support a general causal link between circulating phytanic acid and prostate cancer risk." Phytanic acid is metabolized in peroxisomes -- little fatty storage droplets where enzymes breakdown and metabolize fatty acids. Many of the metabolic breakdown products then go to the mitochondria to provide energy, intermediaries for the respiratory and energy producing complexes, and/or to absorb and quench ROS (reactive oxygen species, aka POLLUTION generated from energy production). If mitochondria are working awry, I suspect phytanic acid accumulation occurs because it is not being appropriately metabolized which could be genomic or post-genomic (Refsum syndrome).

Evolutionary Medicine: Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Many of our chronic diseases are a result of mitochondrial dysfunction -- our tiny nuclear power plants are on the 'blink'...often preferring glycolytic combustion over superior fatty-acid burning.  Mitochondria provide awesome power but can wreak untold destruction as well.

--compromised controls, directions and regulation for proper nuclear plant functioning (AMPK, cAMP)
--lacking power grid efficiency (leptin, insulin, cortisol, SIRT1, adiponectin, secretin, fertuin-A)
--malfunctioning or missing power plant cogs and parts (minerals, carnitine, AcCoA/pantothenic acid, omega-3)
--deficiency of buffering, recycling and containment of nuclear waste (coenzyme Q10/ ubiquinol)
--lacking managers and communicators (cell membrane stability and communication: omega-3 vitamins A B D E K2 thyroid cortisol estrogen progesterone DHEA pregnenolone testosterone saturated fat etc)
--excessive disruptions (high carb diets, endocrine disruptors, PCBs, heavy metals)

From Bacteria 4.5+ bya To Mitochondria

Other strategies to keep mitochondria free of breakdowns -- lifestyles and diet aligned with our evolutionary past from 4.5+ Billion Years Ago:

--lowish carbish (~150 grams or less net effective carbs I like...varying on goals, gut, adrenals, etc)
--saturated fat (~20% or more -- dietary or butt-sourced)
--low fructose
--low omega-6
--high omega-3
--high phytanic acid *wink*
--organic shore-based and grassfed/pasture-based fat and protein
--organic mineral rich plants, berries, nuts, meat/fish/fowl
--intermittent feast v. fast (seasonality)
--optimal hormesis status
--low pollution (air, water, mind)
--enjoyment of culture, music, arts, spiritual enlightenment
--engaging in community and social networks
--movement: rapid intense and languid continuous (yeah S*X counts)

Prior animal pharm:
You are only as strong as your weakest mitochondria...

Health and Food Connection

When I consume ghee (clarified butter), egg yolks, veggies, adequate starches and adequate grassfed beef, pork and lamb, I notice more and easy weight maintenance and improved muscle composition. Mental and physical performance are pretty excellent too. How do you break down food and its effects on mitochondria? Researchers are trying and it's a good thing....
Phytanic acid--an overlooked bioactive fatty acid in dairy fat?

Hellgren LI.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010 Mar;1190(1):42-9.

Phytanic acid is a multibranched fatty acid with reported retinoid X receptor (RXR) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-alpha) agonist activity, which have been suggested to have preventive effects on metabolic dysfunctions. Serum level in man is strongly correlated to the intake of red meat and dairy products and the concentration in these products is strongly correlated to the chlorophyll content in the feed of the cattle. Available data suggest that phytanic acid is a natural agonist for RXR at physiological concentrations, while it is more likely that it is the metabolite pristanic acid, rather than phytanic acid itself, that acts as PPAR-alpha agonist. Animal studies show increased expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation, after intake of phytol, the metabolic precursor of phytanic acid, but it is at present not possible to deduce whether phytanic acid is useful in the prevention of ectopic lipid deposition. Phytanic acid is an efficient inducer of the expression of uncoupler protein 1 (UCP1). UCP1 is expressed in human skeletal muscles, were it might be important for the total energy balance. Therefore, phytanic acid may be able to stimulate energy dissipation in skeletal muscles. Phytanic acid levels in serum are associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, but the available data do not support a general causal link between circulating phytanic acid and prostate cancer risk. However, certain individuals, with specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene for the enzyme alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase, might be susceptible to raised phytanic acid levels. PMID: 20388135

Phytanic Acid (Cheese, Butter) Human RCT

How does phytanic acid perform as a drug? In a tiny Denmark RCT, this was tested.  The control group however also received phytanic acid therefore the results were substantially diluted out IMHO. Methods: In a double-blind, randomized, 4 wk, parallel intervention study 14 healthy young subjects were given 45 g milk fat/d from test butter and cheese with 0.24 wt% phytanic acid or a control diet with 0.13 wt% phytanic acid. The outcomes were positive and associate with metrics that indicate improved mitochondrial functioning (better insulin sensitivity, more fat oxidation, decreased glycolysis).   The lipoprotein changes were impressive but unfortunately the study was too small for meaningful stats. HDL-cholesterol increased by 10% in only one month.  No drug achieves this... or without killing patients or raising BG and diabetes (particularly Crestor).  Is it all phytanic acid?  I dunno...  The researchers enriched the test dairy products by feeding the cows more green material. Subsequently the omega-3 to omega-6 profile in test butter and cheese also improved. They discussed, 'The test butter with the highest content of phytanic acid, also had the highest content of α-linolenic acid [omega-3] and a lower n-6:n-3 ratio of about 1.8. This is in agreement with the higher proportion of clover and grass in the green feeding regime.'   Notwithstanding the beneficial numbers, butter and cheese have other proven bioactive food components which improve heart health, inflammation, insulin resistance and cancer risks, principally, cholesterol, vitamin A/retinol, saturated fatty acids including butyrate, omega-3, taurine (if raw), stigmasterol (if raw; Wulzen factor), folate (5-MTHF) and vitamin K2 (menaquinones).

(a) HDL increase 10% 
(b) Insulin reduction 15%
(c) TG reduction 22% 


1.Verhoeven NM et al. Phytanic acid and pristanic acid are oxidized by sequential peroxisomal and mitochondrial reactions in cultured fibroblasts. The Journal of Lipid Research, Vol. 39, 66-74, January 1998. [Free PDF here]

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7. Connecting the Dots: Molecular and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Type 2 Diabetes.
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8. Fetal programming of atherosclerosis: possible role of the mitochondria.
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9. Spinal cord repair in MS: does mitochondrial metabolism play a role?
Ciccarelli O, Altmann DR, McLean MA, Wheeler-Kingshott CA, Wimpey K, Miller DH, Thompson AJ.
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10. Antibacterial free fatty acids: activities, mechanisms of action and biotechnological potential.
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11. Eating, exercise, and "thrifty" genotypes: connecting the dots toward an evolutionary understanding of modern chronic diseases.
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12. Glycolysis: a bioenergetic or a survival pathway?
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13. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and the evolutionary paradox of the polycystic ovary syndrome: a fertility first hypothesis.
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19. Phytanic acid--an overlooked bioactive fatty acid in dairy fat?
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20. Effect of dairy fat on plasma phytanic acid in healthy volunteers - a randomized controlled study.  [Free PDF here.]
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Cardio Controversies: Lp(a) Dangerous at ANY Value

What the heck...?

Can Lp(a) create more damage than we previously thought?

Dr. Hecht has apparently showed it with his examination of lipoprotein, cardiac and metabolic parameter comparisons with the real measure of heart disease risk: EBCT-determined plaque burden. Lp(a) was 3rd after HDL and LDL particle diameter in being highly associated with coronary calcifications. See below. Free PDF HERE. Normally at TrackYourPlaque we consider Lp(a) greater than 20 mg/dl as a high contributor toward accelerated plaque burden. When I look at Dr. Hecht's graphs, what I notice is that indeed this may not be true.

It appears to my observations that at ANY Lp(a) value, plaque burden is quite high reaching even 97th, 98th or 99th calcium percentile for CAD risk (of population norms) at severely low Lp(a) levels of 5 mg/dl or 10 mg/dl.

OK...what the heck?

I can make the same observations for my CAD (heart), PVD (peripheral), or CVD (stroke) patients and individuals with extensive diabetic complications. At any Lp(a), the extent of disease can still be quite pronounced.

What other factors are correlated to vascular damage?

1. Low HDL2b

2. High small dense LDL.

These THREE factors determine almost entirely the extent of disease. Both visionaries Dr. Davis and Dr. Hecht focus on these predominantly to control and halt the progression of calcifications.

How are these 3 metabolic parameters created in the first place?
--low fat SAD AHA low cholesterol low saturated fat diet
--saturated fat deficiency
--excessive carbs (>10 g/d, >20 g/d, >50 g/d, >100 g/d -- depending on a person's insulin and insulin sensitivity and pancreas/adipose/hormone status)
--inflammation (excessive omega-6 oils)

Not... necessarily... a Slo-niacin or Niaspan deficiency...

Saturated Fats Like Butter Beat the Cr*pola Out of Canola in Lowering Lp(a)

We've discussed Dr. Mozaffarian earlier in Part IV Benefits of High-Saturated Fat Diets where he showed higher sat fat (> 12.0%), lower n-6 PUFA and lower carb were associated with less coronary artery stenosis; in fact in the quartile of the highest sat fat dietary intake, regression of coronary artery stenosis was signficantly observed. No other parameter was correlated to regression. Right...! ONLY higher dietary saturated fat consumption... (this quartile also was found to smoke more and took less pharmaceuticals).

Is Krauss in the house?? OK, Dr. Mozaffarian at Harvard has come through again (sort of). He did the right study again (though... 'wrong' conclusions). In his most recent publication Mozaffarian showed that after switching human subjects off of various concentrations of dietary trans fats to different fats (saturated and n-6), dramatic changes in cardiac parameters were noticed (Mozaffarian D, Clarke R. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 May;63 Suppl 2:S22-33. Free PDF HERE. ) Butter and other saturated fats were shown to lower the baseline Lp(a) to greater degrees than n-6 PUFAs like soybean, cottonseed, or canola oil.

Butter, palm oil and lard beat canola and other n-6 PUFA oils by 3-4-fold.

Mechanism of Action of: B U T T E R

Butter is comprised of part monounsaturated fats and part saturated fatty acids with one of the predominant acids being BUTYRIC ACID, a 4-carbon chain entity. It turns out that ALL the saturated fatty acids behave much like the omega-3 PUFAs that we enjoy for their plaque-regression, lipoprotein improving, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 PUFAS bind the whole-pan-PPAR receptor family to shift to LDL larger particles and increase HDL2b. Saturated fats bind most strongly to PPAR-gamma which raises HDLs and and lowers both Lp(a) and Small Dense LDL (particularly LDL-IVb, the 'death band'). They bind weakly to PPAR-delta but sufficiently to paradoxically and P-O-T-E-N-T-L-Y lower inflammation (NFkB, TNF-alpha).

Recall: PPAR-Delta is the Dagger in the Heart of CAD

Saturated fatty acids in fact behave like hormones and bind like steroid nuclear hormones to the PPAR family of receptors (like vitamin-D-to-VDR, carotenoids-to-RXR, vitamin-A-to-RAR, thyroid-to-TR, estrogen-to-ER, etc). This research was done many years ago by Glaxo researchers Eric Xu and others (Molecular Cell, Vol. 3, 397–403, March, 1999). See below. Other researchers defined further the benefits of butyric acid (butyrate) by elucidating its binding activity of PPAR convincingly.

Our b*tt is made out of saturated fats and we eat saturated fats (almonds, coconuts, olives, fatty fish, grassfed beef, free-range eggs/fowl, wild duck, etc). Our body creates, metabolizes and burns saturated fats all day (recall: palmitic acid) esp when we are between meals, intermittent fasting, carb restricting, ketotic, exercising or starving.

Do we make butyrate??

Make Butter (Butyrate) In Your B*TT

Just kidding... North of the rectum (e.g. b*tt), in the colon , short-chain fatty acids like butyric acid (butyrate) one of the fatty acids found in butter, cream and cheeses is produced via anaerobic fermentation of dietary fiber. Our friendly happy gut flora actually produces butyrate (not us). We either consume it or we absorb it from our intestines from bacterial production.

Yes... *haaa* make BUTTER in your colon from vegetable fibers...

Butyrate Protects Against Colon Cancer by Lowering NFkB by Binding PPAR

Furthermore, butyrate has been shown in trials to be anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating. Deficiencies in luminal butyrate synthesis are associated with chronic bowel inflammation. Schwab M et al state:

"Previously, we have demonstrated that the nuclear hormone erceptors Peroxisome-Proliferator-Activated-Receptor (PPAR) and the vitamin D receptor (VDR), transcription factors with anti-inflammatory capacities, are up-regulated and activated by butyrate (Gaschott and Stein, 2003; Gaschott et al., 2001; Schwab et al., 2006;Wachtershauser et al., 2000). PPAR and VDR are highly expressed in the colonic epithelium indicating that both receptors are important agents in the physiology of the human colon (Desvergne and Wahli, 1999; Nagpal et al., 2005). Ligands for both receptors have been shown to interfere with the activity of NFkB and to influence the ability of olonocytes to express immune-modulatory cytokines (Segain et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2006)."

Independently in two labs in 2007, butyrate was found to control NFkB, one of the most potent pro-inflammatory cytokines of our immune system implicated in ALL chronic and acute diseases known to man, including colon cancer and coronary artery disease (Schwab M et al. Molecular Immunology 2007;44: 3625–3632.; Usame M et al. Nutr Res 2008;28:321–328. See end.) The anti-inflammatory power of lauric acid from coconut and palm oil and butyric acid from butter originates from their ability to bind and activiate PPAR-gamma as shown by these studies. PPAR, like the vitamin D receptor (VDR), is one of the master controllers of inflammation. Schwab shows in several publications that butyrate does in fact configure, bind, and activate PPAR receptors. Butyrate is like a DRUG. It binds the most potent receptor for energy balance, immunomodulation, control of lipids (Lp(a), HDL2b, sdLDL), and inflammation! End result... it knocks out NFkB. For the heart, this translates to kicking the cr*pola out of canola in terms of shifting to Pattern 'A', increasing HDL-2b, annihilating small dense LDL and Lp(a) and eradication of vascular atherosclersis.

See Prior Posts:

Trying to Target Butter-Receptors: How About Grassfed GHEE??

"There is increasing evidence that the expression and activity of PPARg and VDR are under the control of butyrate implying that the receptors may participate in butyrate-mediated suppression of NFB activation (Gaschott and Stein, 2003; Gaschott et al., 2001; Schwab et al., 2006; Wachtershauser et al., 2000). PPARg and VDR are both ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family and participate in a variety of immune processes (Tirona and Kim, 2005). VDR is widely expressed in epithelial tissues, cells of the immune system and several cancer cell lines including colorectal cancer cells (Giuliano et al., 1991; Segaert and Bouillon, 1998). PPARg is activated by natural ligands such as fatty acids and eicosanoids and is highly expressed in colonic epithelium, indicating an important role of the receptor in the physiology of the human colon (Desvergne and Wahli, 1999). All these characteristics make both receptors potential targets in butyrate-mediated inhibition of NFkB signalling."

In Vivo (Live Humans) High Intake of Butter Associated with Reduced Colon Cancer

Of course Swedish researchers examined their nutrition data registry for the Swedish Mammagraphy Cohort and lo and behold found distinct correlations between high dairy intake and low colon cancer (Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Oct;82(4):894-900.) Those in the upper 2 quartiles of CLA consumption and > 4 servings daily of high-fat dairy was highly associated with reduced colon cancer risk. The author's conclusions were: These prospective data suggest that high intakes of high-fat dairy foods and CLA may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Diary Fat Potential Anti-Carcinogenic Agents

Parodi reviews the literature and reports that... "About one third of all milk triacylglycerols contain one molecule of butyric acid, a potent inhibitor of proliferation and inducer of differentiation and apoptosis in a wide range of neoplastic cell lines. Although butyrate produced by colonic fermentation is considered important for colon cancer protection, an animal study suggests dietary butyrate may inhibit mammary tumorigenesis. The dairy cow also has the ability to extract other potential anticarcinogenic agents such as beta-carotene, beta-ionone and gossypol from its feed and transfer them to milk (J Nutr. 1997 Jun;127(6):1055-60. Free PDF HERE). Grassfed cheese, cultured milk, yogurt, ghee, and butter also contain CLA. Parodi discusses that, "Recent research shows that milk fat contains a number of potential anticarcinogenic components including conjugated linoleic acid, sphingomyelin, butyric acid and ether lipids. Conjugated linoleic acid inhibited proliferation of human malignant melanoma, colorectal, breast and lung cancer cell lines. In animals, it reduced the incidence of chemically induced mouse epidermal tumors, mouse forestomach neoplasia and aberrant crypt foci in the rat colon. In a number of studies, conjugated linoleic acid, at near-physiological concentrations, inhibited mammary tumorigenesis independently of the amount and type of fat in the diet."

Beef Tallow SYNERGISTICALLY Beats the Cr*pola Out of Corn Oil (n-6 PUFA)

In another interesting animal study (mice), beef tallow (25% palmitic acid; 50% oleic acid) increased the potency of CLA in decreasing mouse mammary tumor metastasis. (J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1):88-93.) "Linoleic, oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids, either did not change or enhanced the cytolytic effects of CLA isomers on mouse mammary tumor cells in culture." The authors found that oleic + palmitic enhanced cytolytic CLA-derived tumor cell death, whereas n-6 PUFAs (linoleic acid) were associated with dose-dependent increases in tumorigenesis and blocking CLA-benefits.

See Prior Post:
Happy Cows and CLA (CLA is found in grassfed beef, dairy, lamb, pastured pork)

Rat Study: ONLY Olive Oil and n-6 PUFAs Associated with Cancer Model in High-Fat Diets

Rats are not humans but they have no gall bladders... so they are not unlike 80% of the individuals that I see who fail to have functioning gallbladders. Anyhow in this one study 4 high fat diets (corn, lard, beef tallow and coconut oil) and 1 low fat corn oil were used in 5 rat groups (Chan PC et al. Cancer Res. 1983 Mar;43(3):1079-83.). Mammary tumors were induced with N-nitrosomethylurea. Incidence of tumors in the high-fat groups was the lowest in the coconut oil group. Upon further analyses (these researchers were GOOD), they concluded, " the total oleic and linoleic acid intake in the five groups of rats correlated positively (r = 0.95) with mammary tumor incidence."

Role of Oliv-ola (Canola+Olive oil) Induced Colon Carcinogenesis:
Coconut Oil Beats the Cr*pola Out of OLIVOLA

Nair J et al in Germany have been conducting research in DNA damage associated with oils (Nair J et al. Mutat Res. 2007 Nov 1;624(1-2):71-9.) They tested LA (linoleic acid, n-6 PUFA), oleic acid and coconut oil in rats by lavaging them for 30day, sacrificing, then measuring etheno-DNA adducts in the organs. Etheno-DNA adducts are associated with j*cked up gene expression, mutations and carcinogenesis. They are produced by oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Their research showed that n-6 PUFAs have gender-specific toxicity and other surprising results. Not unlike the Israeli 'Paradox' (see below), female LA-treated rats showed increases in etheno-DNA adducts in the DNA of their circulating immune cells, the all important WBC (white blood cells). For both genders, colon was the target for stress-derived DNA-adducts in omega-6-PUFA treated rats, which supports the role for omega-6 induced colon cancer, the authors concluded.

'Unexpectedly, olive oil treatment enhanced entheno-adduct levels in prostate 3-9-fold' the researchers observed.

What... the... H E C K ?

So... olive oil (n-9 monounsaturated) is highly implicated in TWO studies with cancer: mammary and prostate. Is this only seen in certain situations?

Lame-o retard-o dietary fat composition?

Saturated fatty acid deficiencies?

Omega-3 deficiencies?

Most lab rats are vitamin D deficient as well...

Here is other provocative (ok, not really) research showing the same thing in more in vivo animal cancer model studies:
--coconut oil beats the cr*pola out of n-6 PUFAs
--MCT oil (50% of coconut oil) beats the cr*pola out of n-6 PUFAs
--the lower the rat cholesterol, the higher the incidence of mammary tumorogenesis... in other words (switch around), the larger the LDL particles induced by saturated fatty acids which results in a higher total cholesterol, the lower the risk of breast cancer in rats. Applies to humans too.

Dietary fat and mammary cancer. II. Modulation of serum and tumor lipid composition and tumor prostaglandins by different dietary fats: association with tumor incidence patterns.
Cohen LA, Thompson DO, Choi K, Karmali RA, Rose DP.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1986 Jul;77(1):43-51.

Dietary fat and mammary cancer. I. Promoting effects of different dietary fats on N-nitrosomethylurea-induced rat mammary tumorigenesis.
Cohen LA, Thompson DO, Maeura Y, Choi K, Blank ME, Rose DP.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1986 Jul;77(1):33-42.

Influence of dietary medium-chain triglycerides on the development of N-methylnitrosourea-induced rat mammary tumors.
Cohen LA, Thompson DO, Maeura Y, Weisburger JH.
Cancer Res. 1984 Nov;44(11):5023-8.
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) in aging and arteriosclerosis.
Kaunitz H.
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1986 Mar-Apr;6(3-4):115-21.

So I've digressed... let's get back to the heart of the matter...

n-6 PUFAs Shrink LDL-Particles... To Pattern B (BAD)

Shrinkage... Not. Good. The rest of the Mozaffarian and Clarke's conclusions are not so justified by the medical literature. They further try to discuss the cardiac benefits of the n-6 vegetable oils without acknowledging the metabolic parameters that Drs. Hecht, Krauss, Superko and Davis support as the factors that are most highly correlated to plaque burden: LDL particle size, HDL2b and Lp(a). Unfortunately I find their so-called cardiac assertions kinda b-u-n-k-y. They employ parameters (TC/HDL ratio, apoB/AI ratio, CRP) that are not borne out to be associated with coronary calcium plaque burden or serial plaque progression according to Hecht's 2003 publication.

n-6 PUFA and olive oil are necessarily heart healthy?? No. In a study with rapeseed, olive oil or sunflower oil, LDL particles significantly (p=0.012) shifted to smaller, dense particles with all the oils tested, after a switch from a two-week saturated fat diet. BUNKY!!! See below.

Dietary mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids similarly affect LDL size in healthy men and women.

Kratz M, et al. J Nutr. 2002 Apr;132(4):715-8.

The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the dietary fat composition on LDL peak particle diameter. Therefore, we measured LDL size by gradient gel electrophoresis in 56 (30 men, 26 women) healthy participants in a controlled dietary study. First, all participants received a baseline diet rich in saturated fat for 2 wk; they were then randomly assigned to one of three dietary treatments, which contained refined olive oil [rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), n = 18], rapeseed oil [rich in MUFA and (n-3)-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), n = 18], or sunflower oil [rich in (n-6)-PUFA, n = 20] as the principal source of fat for 4 wk. Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a small, but significant reduction in LDL size during the oil diet phase (-0.36 nm, P = 0.012), which did not differ significantly among the three groups (P = 0.384). Furthermore, affiliation with one of the three diet groups did not contribute significantly to the observed variation in LDL size (P = 0.690). In conclusion, our data indicate that dietary unsaturated fat similarly R E D U C E S LDL size relative to saturated fat. However, the small magnitude of this reduction also suggests that the composition of dietary fat is not a major factor affecting LDL size.
PMID: 11925466

n-6 PUFAs Cause Inflammation and Cancer: Israeli Experience

Shapiri discusses how changing from traditional oils (saturated fats like schmaltz (rendered goose or chicken fat w/onions) or beef tallow) to a high consumption of n-6 PUFA oil is postulated to have lead to the astronomic rise in cancer in Israeli Jewish women (Eur J Cancer Prev. 2007 Oct;16(5):486-94.)

It is discussed HERE as well.

Wanna CUPPA of CANCER? Increase your n-6 PUFAs, reduce your saturated fatty acids.

Small Dense LDL, OxLDL and Lp(a) SYNERGISTICALLY Grow Plaque

Why is Lp(a) so extremely toxic and an accelerant for all damage whether it is diabetic complications (microvascular: eyes - kidney - nerves - penile - brain (e.g. Type 3.0 Diabetes)) or atherosclerotic disease (macrovascular: heart, carotid, peripheral)? Apparently Lp(a) binds oxidized phospholipids of apoB 100 which is attached to all LDL, including Lp(a). What is Lp(a)? It is just LDL + apo(a) combined. Large LDL are rarely oxidized -- they are protected by size, buoyancy, high cholesterol content (yes, cholesterol is an 'antioxidant') and a high content of vitamins and fat-soluble antioxidants (ubiquinols, carotenoids, menaquinones (vitamin K2s), tocopherols, tocotrienols) and apo E (carriers of minerals and other vital micronutrients).

A novel function of lipoprotein [a] as a preferential carrier of oxidized phospholipids in human plasma.

Bergmark C, et al. J Lipid Res. 2008 Oct;49(10):2230-9. Free PDF HERE.

Oxidized phospholipids (OxPLs) on apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) particles are strongly associated with lipoprotein [a] (Lp[a]). In this study, we evaluated whether Lp[a] is preferentially the carrier of OxPL in human plasma. The content of OxPL on apoB-100 particles was measured with monoclonal antibody E06, which recognizes the phosphocholine (PC) headgroup of oxidized but not native phospholipids. To assess whether OxPLs were preferentially bound by Lp[a] as opposed to other lipoproteins, immunoprecipitation and ultracentrifugation experiments, in vitro transfer studies, and chemiluminescent ELISAs were performed. Immunoprecipitation of Lp[a] from human plasma with an apolipoprotein [a] (apo[a])-specific antibody demonstrated that more than 85% of E06 reactivity (i.e., OxPL) coimmunoprecipitated with Lp[a]. Ultracentrifugation experiments showed that nearly all OxPLs were found in fractions containing apo[a], as opposed to other apolipoproteins. In vitro transfer studies showed that oxidized LDL preferentially donates OxPLs to Lp[a], as opposed to LDL, in a time- and temperature-dependent manner, even in aqueous buffer. Approximately 50% of E06 immunoreactivity could be extracted from isolated Lp[a] following exposure of plasma to various lipid solvents. These data demonstrate that Lp[a] is the preferential carrier of PC-containing OxPL in human plasma. This unique property of Lp[a] suggests novel insights into its physiological function and mechanisms of atherogenicity.

Butyrate NFkB References

Involvement of different nuclear hormone receptors in butyrate-mediated inhibition of inducible NF kappa B signalling.
Schwab M, Reynders V, Loitsch S, Steinhilber D, Stein J, Schröder O.
Mol Immunol. 2007 Jul;44(15):3625-32. Epub 2007 May 22.

Role of nuclear hormone receptors in butyrate-mediated up-regulation of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin in epithelial colorectal cells.
Schwab M, Reynders V, Shastri Y, Loitsch S, Stein J, Schröder O.
Mol Immunol. 2007 Mar;44(8):2107-14. Epub 2006 Oct 19.

PPARgamma is a key target of butyrate-induced caspase-3 activation in the colorectal cancer cell line Caco-2.
Schwab M, Reynders V, Ulrich S, Zahn N, Stein J, Schröder O.
Apoptosis. 2006 Oct;11(10):1801-11.