Showing posts with label Taurine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurine. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2013

(NSFW) B**bies, B**bies, B**bies... I see..chopped off b**bies

Sunny Tales

If you know me (and this blog) you know I love racks and b**bies (incl mine).

So it is exxxtremely disheartening when I hear of individuals choosing to go through the agony of cortisol-spiking surgeries to remove their respective rack and b**bies. Now that Jolie' preventive bilateral mastectomay has hit the big news, I see chopped off b**bies and ovaries everywhere. [Cue: Sixth Sense movie music]

Sayonara b**bies

LOL. The horse and I will miss the real thang

Breasts and B**bies: Chock Full of Both Omega-3, MCT (medium chain triglycerides) and Taurine

Our breasts serve an evolutionary function as storage for all the goods things that need to be passed to the next generation, besides adipose storage and breastfeeding. Omega-3 fatty acids from seafood, grassfed game, herds, and free range poultry are selectively stored in breast, gluteal, abdominal and thigh fat. And the amount that gets stored in the breasts and other fatty tissues is governed in a dose-dependent fashion over time. The nutrients in the breast are important not only for lactation (year 1-2 for newborns) but also for gestation.  Our breasts become factories to feed the next generation all the things that nourish and grow the massive homo sapien brain and forward-gazing, stereoscopic, color vision, X-ray eyeballs, which doubles in physical size during the first 12 months of life. The contents of breast milk are super foods for newborns: MCTs (caprylic acid, lauric acid), omega-3 fatty acids (EPA + DHA), taurine, vitamin A, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, iodine, colostrum, amino acids, galactose, IgM, immunoglobulins, protective enzymes, epidermal growth factor, etc. For certain nutrients, naturally, maternal supplementation also works when the mom cannot breastfeed (hormone imbalances, anatomical issues, neonatal twisted tongue, etc).

A baby is born with inherent 'leaky gut' (intestinal permeability) for the first few months in order for some of the larger protein molecules and mom's immunity to pass directly into their blood stream for immunoprotection. Since the baby has an underdeveloped and immature immune system, there is no point in vaccinations (full of toxic aluminum or mercury) on Day 1 of life (assinine).

Many factors in breastmilk subsequently raise of the IQ of newborns who breastfeed.  In one study, the breastmilk (not necessary connected with the close maternal-baby contact, milk in tube) was associated with a 8.3 point increase in IQ testing in preterm children at age 7.5-8 years of age compared with no breastmilk.

See prior animal pharm:  MCT Oil (coconut oil, breastmilk) kick the crapola out of olive oil

Credit: Celeb*tchy
higher? harder? pointier?
Good job Kristi Funk MD

On Nursing
"Its unique recipe of fatty acids boosts brain growth and results in babies with higher I.Q.'s than their formula-slurping counterparts. Nursing babies suffer from fewer infections, hospitalizations and cases of sudden infant death syndrome. For the mother, too, breast-feeding and its delicate plumbing of hormones afford protection against breast and ovarian cancers and stress. Despite exhaustion, the in-laws and dirty laundry, every time we nurse our babies, the love hormone oxytocin courses out of our pituitaries like a warm bath. Human milk is like ice cream, Valium and Ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages."  Source:  NYT Toxic Breast Milk?

Breastfeeding: Good way to detox pesticides, metals and PCBs (flame retardants)

Unfortunately our breasts store both the good and the bad... our fatty breast tissues are magnets and reservoirs for fat-soluble toxins and heavy metals from our produce (pesticides), commercial meat (growth hormones, pesticides), marine fish and seafood, pharmaceuticals (aluminum antacids, mercury/Al from vaccines, etc), dental (mercury and other metals from amalgam and titanium dental implants), Teflon cookware and coated clothing (PFOA), and environment (flame retardants, mercury/arsenic from coal burning plants which supply 40-50% of USA energy, aluminum from municipal water, blah blah blah).  The individuals who are least likely to have the biochemical mechanisms to chaperone and eliminate these modern industrial toxins, are the individuals most highly likely to develop inflammatory conditions including cancer, autoimmune diseases and Western chronic diseases.

Some of the identified genetic variants are MTHFR (Amy Myers MD), GSTM1 (Mark Hyman MD), COMT, ApoE4, CBS, GSTT, BRCA1/2, and several other emerging ones. A functional medicine doctor and dietician, Dr. Elizabeth Boham MD talks about how she developed breast cancer in her 30's despite 'doing all the right things' eating low fat, exercising regularly, etc HERE. She talks about how to identify and remove toxins in our food, lifestyles and environment.  A functional medicine and SNP case study: 'George'. To see more on SNPs and diverse associated human diseases, go into OMIN (online Mendelian inheritance in man), and PrometheASE.

Who has pesticides and PCBs in their toxome?  Apparently everyone -- adults and newborns before even their first breath of air according to CDC, NHANES and EWG studies. Even the President's Panel reported so in 2008.

In the '80s and '90s apparently Europe cracked down and starting banning dousing all home furnishings and clothing products with flame retardants (PCB and its cogener, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PCBEs). Not the case in the USA.  In California for several decades, PCBs were required on pajamas, pillows, mattresses, couches, etc and thus many other states (and China) have followed suit.  PCBs end up in the ocean and rivers and marine life especially large predators bioaccumulate PCBs, mercury, dioxins, and pesticides. Cats and other indoor pets (and children) inadvertently consume dust and lick their fur, subsequently becoming exposed to PCBs.  All of our cats unfortunately developed endocrine disorders and I can never be certain that it was not secondary to the PCBs in their seafood/tunafish soft food that we 'treated' them with (combined with BPA-lining of the catfood cans).  They were all healthy and fine until 3-9 months after introducing them to seafood canned catfood....

In 'A retrospective study of PBDEs and PCBs in human milk from the Faroe Islands' the authors tested and tracked flame retardants in the milk from women who live on the Faroe Islands. They concluded 'Although remote from pollution sources, the Faroe Islands show high concentrations of POPs in human milk, particularly PCBs, but also PBDEs. The PBDEs show increasing concentrations over time.'

From Dr. Pizzorno in Is Toxin Exposure Relevant?
We know that considering the effect of one chemical at a time is no longer suficient. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published data on the levels of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) – a category of toxins which includes dioxins, phthalates, PDBEs, PCBs, etc. – and found that among a representative sample of the US population, some toxins were present in essentially every individual over the age of 12, including, for example, p,p’-DDE and hexachlorobenzene.5 An analysis of NHANES data found up to a 38-fold adjusted increase in risk for diabetes prevalence in those with the highest levels of 6 POPs,6 and increased risk has also been documented for cardiovascular disease,7 insulin resistance, impaired neurological development, learning and attention deicit disorders, endometriosis, and deficits in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis8,9,10,11 (Figure 1 shows the increasing concentration of PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) in breast milk).12 While very little data for humans is available, current evidence suggests that PDBEs are likely to be developmental neurotoxins, and are likely to have synergistic effects with similar chemicals.13

In addition to exogenous toxins such as POPs and heavy metals, a number of endogenous substances also require efficient functioning of detoxification enzymes to prevent a build-up of harmful metabolites. For example, endotoxins from bowel flora have been associated with depression, chronic fatigue, inflammatory bowel disease, and atherosclerosis, effects partly influenced both by bacterial species as well as intestinal permeability.14,15,16,17,18 Also, catechol estrogens and estrogen quinones are estrogen derivatives associated with oxidative damage and reproductive tissue cancers, which accumulate due to alterations in enzymatic activity.19,20 Other examples are the build-up of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine - both metabolic by-products known to have vascular, renal, and neurological toxicity, consequences of genetic susceptibility and poor B vitamin status.21,22,23,24

What Can We Do?

We must do much.  The statistics for lifetime sporadic cancer risk is currently 1:3 and will exponentially increase to 1:2 by 2020 according to WHO statistics.  I believe it.  Our toxome is excessive and unfortunately no diet (even paleo or ancestral diets) frees us from the pollution and the body burden accumulated over generations (our mothers, their grandmothers and, particularly, this current one).  We can thank the World Wars which ushered in technology (nitrogen fertilizers, Agent Orange).  It is rather wicked and ironic that the best green for liver support and thus elimination of pesticides, metals and PCBs is dandelion greens (e.g. a weed) introduced to the Americas by the British.

Good luck as we shall all need it.

See other animal pharm:
BRCA 1/2 Myths and Measuring Oxidative DNA Damage, 8-OHdG
USA Cancer Management: 50 Shades of F%$*# UP

Other resources:
Our Feel-Good War on Breast Cancer
Dr. Cate, BRCA Testing: Are the Medical Options Sensible
Mercury: How to Get This Lethal Poison Out of Your Body
How to Rid Your Body of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals: A Three-Step Plan To Recover Your Health
Kaayla Daniel and Galen Knight (WAPF) -- Oral Chelation and Mercury/metal-free Living (How to Avoid Toxic Metals and Clear Them From The Body)
Soy Recovery: The Toxic Metal Component
The Little Known Soy Gluten Connection
WAPF -- Environmental Toxins (comprehensive list of Wise Tradition articles)
Toxic Ignorance and Right-To-Know Biomonitoring

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Benefits of High-Saturated Fat Diets (Part V): The Traditional Okinawans

Goya Chanpuru dish courtesy of TastyIsland

According to Dr. Willcox, Principal Investor for the Okinawa Centenarian Study that started in 1975, "Among the entire population, which takes a sparing approach to food, there is 90 percent less coronary artery disease than in the wider world, a third less incidence of cancer, and breast cancer is virtually unheard of." HERE. In long-living Okinawan and Japanese, their dietary intake as surveyed in the 1970s was higher in both protein and dietary saturated fatty acids (see below abstract) compared to their shorter-lived peers at that time. When Okinawans move away (like to Brazil) heart disease risk factors appear (see last abstract). Diet is 80-90% of our health I believe because our bodies are designed to express what is dictated by our environment and food macro- micronutrients (foraging/hunting v. lounging; fecundity v. fasting). (These are the PPAR alpha gamma and delta receptors; their role is to 'sense nutrients' and to 'sense energy demand' in order to ultimately balance our energy needs). To me, the observations from blue zones and centenarian data always seem to reinforce that the physically active, low carb mod-high fat Paleo/TYP approach is the most optimal at this time, as it was for centenarians studied in the 1970s.

Protein and Fats?

Dietary Protein and Fatty Acids activate PPAR alpha gamma delta. (Like drugs but no adverse effects and gosh so yummy...)
(a) PPAR Delta: Omega-3 PUFAs, Fish Oil, Grassfed Beef
(b) PPAR Delta: Dagger in the Heart of CAD
(c) PPAR Delta: Prevent Sarcopenia, Poverty of the Flesh
(d) PPAR Delta: Saturated Fatty Acids Are Anti-Atherogenic

Okinawan culture not only embraces one of the most heart-healthy diets (high seafood, animal meat, milk, eggs, saturated fats, high minerals and low carb) but also a very physically active lifestyle. Additionally, like other long-living societies, they display a distinct community spirit and lifestyle that values every members' contributions including elders, daily prayer, frequent festivals honoring ancestral spirits, playing/dancing (Bali, Polynesian style) regularly, exercising/tai chi together, working diligently until the day they pass away, hot baths (sweat out toxins) daily, avid music listening, folkmusic singing, instrument playing (sanshin) and is tied around all generations of extended families yet promotes self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Traditional Okinawan livelihoods and common activities are still farming, fishing and gardening.

Internet? I am not sure if it would be embraced by these happy, busy, peaceful inhabitants of this subtropical semi-Paleo-fantasy island... They are too busy LIVING. *ahaa*

Carbohydrate intake (less than mainland Japan, ALL GLUTEN-LESS):
--sweet potato
--mochi (sticky rice dessert)
--buckwheat noodles
--raw goat milk (alkaline, more similar casein profile to human milk)

Here are some 'secret' foods from this ancient society:
--goya (twice the vitamin C as citrus) Okinawan version of Chinese bitter melon known to lower blood glucoses and inflammation; the above pictured dish goya chanpuru is a staple (goya, eggs, pork, lard, bonita shaved taurine/fish)
--nigari (more Magnesium and Calcium than trad'l tofu)
--sweet potatoes (anti-inflammatory, rich in carotenoids and hormone precursors)
--fish fish fish seafood seafood seafood (taurine, iodine, omega-3s, carotenoids, krill oil, astaxanthin)
--goat meat: stewed, stir fried
--raw goat sashimi which is considered a delicacy (taurine, omega-3s, CLA, and other muscle building/fat-burning fatty acids)
--raw goat milk (plant sterols, short and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, CLA)
--LARD LARD LARD (anti-inflammatory, lowers sdLDL-particles and %-sdLDL, increases particle buoyancy like other saturated fatty acids like lauric acid)
--BOAR PORK BOAR PORK BOAR PORK (pork belly, stews, stock, etc)
--miso (centenarian Okinawans have ME-SO-PRETTY skin and coronary arteries! ..."source of vitamin E, saponin, isoflavones, lecithin, choline, and dietary fiber from soybeans; vitamin B2 from koji mold; and vitamin B12 from lactic or propionic acid bacteria" ...fermented foods and probiotics that promote longevity are staples Japanese food)
--fermented fish sauce (source of vitamins B12, K2, MKs) Ishiru/squid, Ishiru/sardine, Shozzuru (pickled juices of mackerel-sardines-anchovies)--red tofu (fermented source of vitamin K2 MKs)
--seaweed (iodine, marine minerals and antioxidants like FUCOIDAN/ fucoxanthin)

Nutrition for the Japanese elderly.
Shibata H et al Nutr Health. 1992;8(2-3):165-75.

The present paper examines the relationship of nutritional status to further life expectancy and health status in the Japanese elderly based on 3 epidemiological studies.

1. Nutrient intakes in 94 Japanese centenarians investigated between 1972 and 1973 showed a higher proportion of ANIMAL PROTEIN to total proteins than in contemporary average Japanese.

2. High intakes of MILK and FATS and OILS had favorable effects on 10-year (1976-1986) survivorship in 422 urban residents aged 69-71. The survivors revealed a longitudinal INCREASE in intakes of ANIMAL foods such as EGGS, MILK, FISH and MEAT over the 10 years.

3. Nutrient intakes were compared, based on 24-hour dietary records, between a sample from OKINAWA Prefecture where life expectancies at birth and 65 were the LONGEST in Japan, and a sample from Akita Prefecture where the life expectancies were much shorter. Intakes of Ca, Fe, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and the proportion of energy from PROTEINS and FATS were SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER in the former than in the latter. Intakes of CARBOHYDRATES and NaCl were LOWER.

PMID: 1407826

Impact of diet on the cardiovascular risk profile of Japanese immigrants living in Brazil: contributions of World Health Organization CARDIAC and MONALISA studies.
Moriguchi EH et al. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2004 Dec;31 Suppl 2:S5-7.

1. Japanese immigrants from Okinawa living in Brazil have a higher mortality from cardiovascular diseases and have their mean life expectancy shortened compared with their counterparts living in Japan.

2. A cross-sectional study comparing Okinawans living in Okinawa (OO) and Okinawan immigrants living in Brazil (OB) was designed to characterize the dietary factors that could interfere with the profile of cardiovascular risk factors and with this reduction on the life expectancy when Okinawans emigrate to Brazil.

3. In total, 234 OO and 160 OB (aged 45-59 years) were recruited to the present study to undergo medical and dietary history, blood pressure measurement, electrocardiograph (ECG), blood tests and 24 h food/urine collection.

4. In the present study, OO subjects presented with 37% less obesity and 50% less systemic hypertension than OB. The OB subjects used threefold more antihypertensive medication than OO. Meat intake was 34% higher in OB than OO, whereas fish intake was sevenfold higher in OO than OB. Serum potassium levels were 10% higher in OO than OB. Urinary TAURINE (an index of seafood intake) was 43% HIGHER in OO than OB. Urinary isoflavones (an index of the intake of soy products) were significantly lower in OB than in OO. Of (OMEGA-3 PUFAs) acid (20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) were TWO- TO THREE-FOLD HIGHER in OO than OB, respectively.

5. The rate of ischaemic ECG changes in OO subjects was only 50% of that of OB subjects.

6. There were no differences in the smoking rate between OO and OB subjects.

7. The results of the present study suggest that coronary risk factors and cardiovascular health are not only regulated by genetic factors, but that the impact of LIFESTYLE (MAINLY DIET) can be large enough to modulate the EXPRESSION OF GENES.

PMID: 18254187

The Food of Paradise: Exploring Hawaii's Culinary Heritage

By Rachel Laudan (Kolowalu Books, 1996) HERE

Read more about Okinawan food, culture and lifestyles:

Diary of Local Okinawan TASTY Dishes *YUMM* Goat sashimi, boiled testicles with miso and vinegar, slow cooked stews (fatty pork), goya chanpuru
Children of Heaven Interview: Live SLOW Live LONG
Okinawan 'Lard' Recipes *ahhhha*
The Way of ChoJu: Consuming Longevity in a Rural Japanese Village (Masters Thesis by J. Busch)
Mashed Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Recipe (americanized)
Goat Meat and Milk Productivity in Subtropical Okinawa for last 80-130+ years
Goat Meat and Pig Rearing in Okinawa Prefecture
Traditional Yagi (Goat) Dishes and changes in modern Okinawan youth -- Yagi-jiru Goat soup, stir-fried goat, raw yagi-sashi goat sashimi, etc
Raw Grassfed Goat Milk in an Okinawa Study Tolerated due to different type of non-allergenic beta-A2 casein and better saturated fatty acid profile (butyric, propionic, lauric, caprylic, etc)
Okinawan Goat Milk
Traditional Japanese Condiments: shoyu, miso, ishiru, preparations
Truth About Saturated Fats by M. Enig and S. Fallon: "In Okinawa, where the average life span for women is 84 years—longer than in Japan—the inhabitants eat generous amounts of pork and seafood and do all their cooking in LARD (Franklyn D, Health, September 1996, 57-63 .)" This is not apparently the case currently... as canola and other refined omega-6 oils which oxidize super rapidly increased to predominant use after the 1980-90's; canola is not great but less omega-6 compared with corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, grapeseed, or peanut oils.
Okinawa Centenarian Study and Genetics
Ex-Pats in Okinawa and Crossfit Asia/Okinawa
Bizarre Food's Andrew Zimmern checks out: traditional Okinawan sea snake soup, raw goat ball and testicles, yako-gai (giant sea snail), squid ink soup, and giant tuna eyeballs, stewed in mirin, garlic, ginger, and brown sugar
"Blue Zone Okinawans formed moais to support each other in good times and bad" HHhmmmmm.... sounds like... our TYP forum? our Paleo blogoshere? our Xfit gym networks?
Goat's Milk, Blue Zones and Longevity: "Goat's milk - 80 percent of all people over 90 have consumed goat’s milk many times per week throughout their life. It is rich in blood-pressure lowering tryptophan and antibacterial compounds."
Blue Zone concordance: Ikaria, Greece similar to Okinawa, Japan in lifestyles, hot baths (?Magnesium, Iodine), raw goat milk consumption, wild greens, tea-drinking, relaxing, embracing community and family closely, etc