Showing posts with label Ketogenic Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ketogenic Diet. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

Gut Microbiome Biohacking Basics; Mild Havoc? Or Unmitigated Upheaval?

Linkin Park
Roads Untraveled

Roads Untraveled?

More and more studies are pouring into our collective knowledge about the microcritters in our 'forgotten organ,' the humble gut. The latest making the rounds is a stunning article on how one of the first antibiotics created by Eli Lilly in the 1950s was used as a 'digestive aid' in livestock (like ?cocaine in COKE? or ?nicotine in tobacco once plugged by physicians or ?gliadin in modern hybridized wheat plugged by govt juggernauts) .They were used to put on fat and poundage to cattle and livestock by a 3-FOLD magnitude. In those war and post-war days, the population was skinny and desired 'fat'. In modern times, we've flipped. The majority are overweight/metabolically deranged and desire 'thin.'
Source: Big Tobacco led throat doctors to blow smoke (Stanford)

Do Antibiotics Make Us Fat?

"On the Point" with Tom Ashbrook has a new podcast that interviews the author of the new NY Times article linking agricultural use of antibiotics in animal feed decades ago with the new diabesity epidemic, Pagan Kennedy. Dr Ilseung Cho is also interviewed, gastroenterologist at NYU and gut microbiome researcher. Dr. Cho talks about the potential gut effects of antibiotics.

Dr Cho is from Marten Blaser's lab which recently concluded in their study "Infant Antibiotic Exposures and Early-Life Body Mass" that YES antibiotics are highly correlated to higher 'fatness' in babies who received antibiotics before age 6 months, and older as well but the effect was less consistent apparently after babies start to crawl around (Trasande et al 2013).

Clearly there are multiple factors that go into becoming fat. Clearly we have ignored the gut microbiome for too long. 100% of everyone that I know has had at least a single course of antibiotics if not double digits. As a child of a physician, I've had my share. For many fevers and sniffles, I got the 'pink liquid'. Partly I went into pharmacy believing that drugs were not only good, but life saving.

Can antibiotics actually be life altering and life stealing? Bringing on autoimmunity? Triggering UC, Crohn's and IBS? Ushering in the storms of autism, diabesity and allergies that are seem inescapable and epidemic? Before I had kids, I once had Shigella. It was awful and Cipro did cure it -- but did it impair my gut? Should I have taken measures to protect the commensal populations?

My oldest daughter was born ~14 years ago via emergency C-section. Despite breast feeding her, she had 2-3 months straight of inconsolable crying and colic (age ~6-9 months), endless ear infections (6-12 months), then later developing reactive asthma (1.5-10 until we started vitamin D) which required middle of the night treatments, nebulizers and urgent care visits. We have never had asthma in the 'family'. It certainly didn't appear 'genetic'. In hindsight, I suspected that her atopic hypersensitivities be related to many things not excluding the (lame gut) legacy that I handed to her, C-section birth and formula at age 6 - 18 months.
How important is the maternal microbiome bequeathed to the baby? Did my firstborn inherit a gut with major deficits secondary to the 15-20 courses of antibiotics during my life (which of course did save my life a few times, including a large third-degree burn)? In light of the new data emerging from 16S rRNA sequencing technology, all these questions are being illuminated and even answered.

ONE THE POINT PODCAST: Antibiotics and obesity. Whether it’s possible that antibiotics plump up humans the same way they do animals, livestock. American farmers commonly feed their livestock grain laced with antibiotics because it makes bigger animals. Heavier. Fatter. So what about the antibiotics we humans take – for the ear ache, the strep throat, the sinus infection. Could those make us heavier? Fatter? No one argues that diet and exercise – or lack of it – come first. But could antibiotics be a scale-tipping X-factor in American obesity?

From Tom’s Reading List
New York Times: The Fat Drug – “In the last decade, however, scrutiny of antibiotics has increased. Overuse of the drugs has led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria — salmonella in factory farms and staph infections in hospitals. Researchers have also begun to suspect that it may shed light on the obesity epidemic.”
Mother Jones: Can Antibiotics Make You Fat? –”Are we being exposed to tiny levels of antibiotics through residues in the meat we eat—and are they altering our gut flora? It turns out that the Food and Drug Administration maintains tolerance limits for antibiotic residue levels, above which meat isn’t supposed to be released to the public.”
Nature: Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and [INCREASE] adiposity – “Antibiotics administered in low doses have been widely used as growth promoters in the agricultural industry since the 1950s, yet the mechanisms for this effect are unclear. Because antimicrobial agents of different classes and varying activity are effective across several vertebrate species, we proposed that such subtherapeutic administration alters the population structure of the gut microbiome as well as its metabolic capabilities.”

Intro of our Gut Characters

Here is the line up. They originate from life -- mom, diet, foods, dust bunnies, soil exposures, pets, kissing, hugging, licking doorknobs, etc.

Source: Ch 2 The Commensal Microbiology of the GI Tract
Manson, Rauch, Gilmore 2008

Intro of Some of What Our Gut Characters Do [Caveat: If We've Got Them]

They eat and poop, and we eat their secretions (vitamins, amino acids, SCFA (short chain fatty acids)) and then poop then out. Half of our dry poop in weight is in fact them. Their DNA exceeds ours by 150-times. Basically their microbiome complements our human genome with 150-fold more genes. Our Homo sapien-derived double helixes don't alter (much, debatable here). Their's is contrastingly plastic. They can sweep up lactose digestion or antibiotic-resistant plasmids or DNA from their environment or via microbial-sex. In evolution, they appeared first and will likely appear last... "Moreover, Bacteroidetes genomes appear to be highly plastic and frequently reorganized through genetic rearrangements, gene duplications and lateral gene transfers (LGT), a feature that could have driven their adaptation to distinct ecological niches. (Thomas et al 2011)" When diet resource allocation or subpopulation neighbors shift, so do their gene expression. They shift to the diet provided. Additionally, they can control our gene expression. Bacteroidetes thetaiotamicron (one of our vital omnivorous commensal symbionts, Roberfroid et al 2010) has been shown to turn on/off over 400 genes in the host, thus altering molecular architecture and body functions (Heselmans et al 2005). Indeed, our microbes may maketh the man, woman and child (and all animals, insects, plants).

Your response to fiber, RS, g banana/plantain flour, potato starch, probiotics and food all depend on what is filling your zoo cages, the pre-existing microbiota. Do you have vipers or voles? Electric eels or earthworms? Is your apex predator for the ecosystem EXTINCT. Does excessive flatulence blow you to the moon and clear the room?
Source: Fermentation of non-digestible oligosaccharides by human colonic bacteria
Gibson et al, 1996


No one who lives in an industrialized country is exempt. Broad spectrum, potent, synthetic antimicrobials can permanently damage the gut characters originally present many new studies besides research from Cho and Blaser's work. Jansson et al discovered that for a single 7-day course of antibiotics, gut testing showed that even TWO YEARS OUT WTF, THE SYMBIOTIC GUT CHARACTERS WERE GONE. The former fingerprint and diversity were extinct. Diversity means resilience -- the ability to bounce back and be robust against inevitable changes, shifts and hurdles. Michael Pollan, author and eater of all things fibrous and fermented, stated that after a 'precautionary' course of amoxicillin antibiotics prior to oral dental surgery, his intestinal commensal populations plummeted. The healthy blooms disappeared (Prevotella), replaced by noxious Proteobacteria (NY Times, My Best Friends are Germs 2013). Antibiotics and their drug-resistant DNA are also found in feedlot poultry, pigs, cattle, dairy and eggs. It is hard to escape these chemicals even if your dental surgeon or pediatrician are not eager to whip out their blank Rx pads.

Why Do Antibiotics Do So Much Damage and Can Lead to SIBO/SIFO?

Here is our gut below -- the  intestines are long and when splayed open have a large surface area equivalent to a high-piled terry cloth towel as large as a tennis court. The small intestines are 6-8 meters and colon ~1.5m. The small intestines are significantly longer: 4-5-times longer than the colon. This is where disease can begin. The interface between the outside world and our immune system and blood supply are separated by a single layer of cells. Many microbes actually attach to the intestinal cells in the small intestines (eg SFB, segmented filamentous bacteria) and eat from our bodies directly. These are the same organisms recently shown to prevent or cure T1D model in rodents. Most of the other gut characters live in the interior of the tube (lumen) or in the slime (mucous) along the length of the whole intestines.

Functional Ecology of the Small and Large Intestines
Source: Martin F P et al., J Proteome Res 2009;8:3464–74

The Russians have studied bugs far longer and in a more integrative manner when compared to Pasteur or other micro-phobes. Some of our best probiotics (Natren), yogurt strains and gut-healing protocols (GAPS) are from Russia. Korshunov et al has been studying how gut microbes can be protected with Bifido and Lactobacillus probiotics after chemotherapeutic induced dysbacteriosis (antibiotics). His studies revealed that SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) occurs almost instaneously. He didn't study the mycobiome but it's not unfathomable that SIFO (fungal overgrowths) occurred as well. The small intestines are vulnerable because the role of the microbes there is one of protection, immuno modulation and symbiosis. Once the ecosystem is perturbed, all health can change. Extraction of nutrients is just one single function of the small intestines. The immune system lines the entire gut from mouth to anus, and particularly in the small intestines the job is intimate and foremost. When the ecosystem is complete, our commensals + gut do the job of:
--maintaining tight junctions
--prevent permeability
--stopping breaching or bacterial/fungal translocation to other organs or blood
--allowing tolerance for other commensals (Toll receptors, toll='fantastic' in German)
--decreasing allergic reactions and hypersensitivities (asthma, eczema (Heisenbug), food intolerances (gluten/dairy -- me), sinuses (Richard N), etc)
--tagging pathogenic strains, protozoa and parasites as foreign invaders for elimination
--secreting antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) to limit the growth of unsavory characters (the commensals are the 'apex predators' of the gut ecology)
--modulating mood and behavior by facilitating neurotransmitter and hormone synthesis (HPA-thyroid-genitalia-GUT axis)
--other than the spleen and bone marrow, create immune cells necessary for host health

There are a ton of factors for dysbiosis and unbalanced microbiota -- but antibiotics seem to be at the core, like here and here. Without commensal symbionts guarding the gut due to potent pharmaceutical antibiotics, the minor population of pests and vermin strains are left alone and un-mitigated. When there is plenty of food around, they will bloom or double overnight (or sooner). Korshunov et all called this 'contamination of the small intestines,' in other words SIBO/SIFO. It is indeed a common clinical feature in modern medicine as new human gut microbiome studies are revealing, yet largely undiagnosed with no modern medical solutions. The 7 steps for the ultimate gut health restores the commensal populations to a level that allows the gut to recover stability, diversity and optimal health.
[Characteristics of experimental antibiotic-induced dysbacteriosis]. [Article in Russian]
Martynov AI, Grinevich AS, Korshunov VM, Pinegin BV. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1982 Jan;(1):48-54. 
Changes in the microflora of the large and small intestines in mice and guinea pigs after the oral administration of canamycin (a hardly absorbable antibiotic) and ampiox (an easily absorbable antibiotic) in different doses. The administration of these antibiotics in different doses (therapeutic, subtherapeutic and over therapeutic) led to an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms and the contamination of the small intestine by these organisms. These changes were also well pronounced in guinea pigs, normally having no enterobacteria. After the administration of the antibiotics was stopped, opportunistic microorganisms were gradually eliminated from the small intestine. The rate of decontamination depended on the administered dose of the antibiotic: the higher the dose was the longer the process of the decontamination of the small intestine lasted. An increase in the amount of opportunistic microbes in the large intestine and the decontamination of the small intestine occurred simultaneously with the decrease in the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in both the small and large intestines.  

OTHER MICROBIOME KILLERS = Atkin's, VLC, Ketotic, Low-Fiber Diets

There are many ways to kill your gut besides antibiotics. Dietary changes make profound changes to the gut. Diet is in fact one of the primary drivers of diversity and populations in the gut. As we know with Darwin and his finches, diet drives evolution of morphology and anatomy. The main gut characters that produce the anti-inflammatory BUTYRIC ACID and other SCFAs are also the same ones often associated with longevity in centanarians, better health and less fraility (Roseburia, F prausnitzii, Ruminococci, Bifidobacteria). The preferred diet of these butyrate-producers is fiber + RS. These 2 groups: (1) Ruminococci (Clostridium cluster IV) and (2) Roseburia (Clostridium cluster XIVa) munch on mostly RS, not inulin, other fibers or meat (eg other a bacteria eats bacteria world LOL). They do not appear too diversified in their culinary palate, yet they comprise the great majority of gut characters in healthy, disease-free, cancer-free individuals. Ruminococcus bromii assists all of the other gut inhabitants by being an enthusiastic and primary degrader of resistant starches, making carb by-products that can be utilized by others lower in the ecosystem. When these 2 groups 'bloom' in the colon, gut pathogen populations go down, gut inflammation is reduced and even horrific diseases completely and 100% reverse in new research trials (C diff antibiotic-induced colitis, UC, IBS, autism, etc).

Butyrate drops precipitously with a low-carbohydrate, low fiber/RS diet in a study by Duncan et al 2007. The anti-inflammatory gut species took nosedives (see below) -- Roseburia, F prausnitzii, Ruminococci, and Bifidobacteria. Subsequently, butyrate in the stools became only 1/5 to 1/4 of the maintenance diet amount. Butyrate trended with Roseburia (Clostridium cluster XIVa) populations. The prime fuel (70-80%) for colonocytes is butyrate from microbial fermentation (the next best is glutamine from skeletal muscle, then glucose). An energy crisis occurs when they are not supplied well.

Human gut characters prefer and need indigestible carbohydrates. Indigestible to Homo sapien but digestible to microbial amylases and a consortium of enzymes that break down all configurations of fiber and RS starches down. These butyrate-producers are not as carnivorous as other species (Bacteroidetes). This is likely from millions or perhaps I suspect billions of years of co-evolution where our gut species took advantage of the environmental bounty and abundance of plant fibers. The biomass of earth is 75% plant carbohydrates;  microbes blanket the earth, air and water.


Source: Karen Scott PhD ROWETT SLIDES
Duncan et al (2007) AEM 73; 1073-1078

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cancer: 50 Shades of F-cked Up?

Galena Officinalis (French Lilac or Goat's Rue)
Ancient remedy for polyuria
(sign of diabetes mellitus, frequent urine and sugar in the urine)

Original source of chemical that
was tweaked and patented into diabetes drug known as
metformin, which is emerging as the newest cancer drug
Photo Credit: Agro Semena

Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance: New Metabolic Markers for Cancer ?

I've talked a lot about insulin as it relates to disease but recently it is being discussed as a marker for cancer [1].  Though elevated blood insulin and insulin resistance (calculated HOMA) are emerging as new correlated factors for cancer and tumour progression, modern conventional medicine still has little solutions for either 'identifying' or 'treating' hyperinsulinemia other than two classes of drugs (PPAR agonists and biguanides/metformin). BTW be aware Crestor (rosuvastatin) and other statins can cause diabetes, higher blood glucoses (BG) and insulin resistance. Photo credit: modified [2].

Hyperinsulinemia? Insulin resistance (IR)?

How to recognize signs of hyperinsulinemia and IR?

Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are associated with the initiation and growth of:

--central abdominal adiposity

--intraorgan adiposity (fatty liver, fatty pancreas, fatty gallbladder, fatty heart, fatty coronary/renal/peripheral arteries, fatty ovaries (e.g. PCOS and ensuing infertility), fatty muscles/sarcopenia)

--fatty liver (on ultrasound or reliable predictor: elevated liver test, ALT)

--skin tags


--acanthosis nigricans (darkening in armpits, behind knees, neck)

--melasma (skin darkening from insulin resistance induced by hormone imbalance by birth control, pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy)

--benign tumours

--malignant cancers, leukemias and lymphomas

--fatty brain degeneration, Alzheimer's ('Type 3 Diabetes Mellitus')

Pervasive Refined, Pesticide-Coated Monsanto-Grains, the S.A.D. and Other Nonsense

For many decades, like heart disease and stroke, cancer had high rates of association with diabetes and obesity. But recently the stats changed. I can agree with higher rates of insulin-related problems being secondary to macronutrient overnutrition of carbohydrates derived from refined sources (wheat, cereals, sugar, white monospecies potatoes, etc) however with the advent of pesticide technology since the Vietnam War and introduction of GMO crops in the 1990s, I believe that our burden of toxicants and insidious intestinal perturbation from GMO Bt crops are having subtle but immense influences on the growing rates of excessive insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.

Prior Animal Pharm: Pesticides Cause Insulin Resistance and Obesity
Photo credit: Oberlin Thesis [3]

This is concerning...Before embolic diseases were #1 and #3 for mortality in the U.S.A. (heart disease, strokes, respectively) however, a few years ago, mortality from cancer eclipsed heart disease death as the #1 killer for the first time. Are Americans smoking more (no)? Is the GMO Bt corn/wheat(gluten) based Food Pyramid more engrained than ever in dietary, medical and public school education (yes YES and yes...)?

What are Americans doing differently compared to 5-10 yrs ago? Are they getting more influenza, swine flu, whooping cough, HPV and other mercury-laden or aluminum-laden vaccines (metals can contribute to insulin resistance and hypothyroidism)...? Is our diet and lifestyles more devoid of nutrients, saturated fat, and vitamins (choline, n-3 pufa, methyl donors like animal sourced-folates, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and animal sourced-retinol, etc)?

Why has the cancer rate suddenly jumped? What other factors are behind the story? Is it toxin related, lifestyle related, stress related, epigenetic related?  I believe all have a factor... and like hypertension, heart disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome, migraines, and autism, I think it's 50 shades of f-cked up... [ref Twilight fan fiction]

* 2.6-fold increase prostate CA at highest insulin quartiles (J Natl Cancer Inst. 2009 Sep 16;101(18):1272-9. Serum insulin, glucose, indices of insulin resistance, and risk of prostate cancer.)

* 2.2-fold increase breast CA at highest waist-to-hip ratio (Cancer Causes Control. 2000 Sep;11(8):721-30. Markers of insulin resistance and sex steroid hormone activity in relation to breast cancer risk: a prospective analysis of abdominal adiposity, sebum production, and hirsutism (Italy).)

* Higher quartiles of insulin were predictive in non-diabetic breast CA women of 'poorer outcomes, consistent with the existence of a prognostic effect of insulin across broad categories of body weight.' Goodwin et al. J Clin Oncol 2001;20:42-51.

Aging, Cancer, IR -- AMPK Downregulated and NFkB/Inflammation Ramped Up

Tumor cells can initiate and grow with neolithic, post-agriculture, high/refined carbohydrate, grain-dominant diets as a result of constant and incessant switching to glucose-burning cell metabolism instead of energy efficient fat-burning fluxes. Environmental and food toxicants, stress, lack of exercise, 'iSolation' (excess electronics, less face-to-face contact), deficiency of micronutrients and vitamins (including choline and methyl donors from liver, organ meats and egg yolks) and broken sun-dark circadian rhythms merely add to these heavy metabolic disturbances.

Photo credit: [4]

Insulin and AMPK

Most cancers may take 10-20 years to initiate, progress and amass to recognizable sizes in the prostate, breast, colon, brain, abdominal or other areas [4]. What triggers oncogenes and mutations to occur? To promote diversity of our genes and accelerated evolution to climactic changes in ecological microniches, it is natural for our genes to accumulate DNA mutations and changes. Just as developing abdominal fat and a 'summer mode' of adiposity is protective short term, humans and other lifeforms are built for these changes. Plasticity of DNA expression gives us the benefit of longevity and reverting to forms more adaptable to diverse conditions, environments and shifting situations. Photo credit: modified [5].

Insulin is an ancient growth hormone and mitogenic; its function is to grow tissue. It's essential for life. Type 1 Diabetes individuals have none and, without insulin, may go into diabetic comas within 24-36 hours. Often Type 1 Diabetes patients have a sarcopenic, low muscle phenotype because adequate and correctly timed insulin spikes with meals are necessary for appropriate muscle growth and maintenance. All animals require low basal amounts of insulin for metabolism and energy however the consequences of high, constant and postprandial (aftermeal) insulin levels are activation of mTOR to grow tissues, inflammation, increased ROS and the inability of the mitochondria to phosphorylate ATP for metabolic energy.

AMPK is among many networked pathways known to regulate whole organism and single cell energetics [2, 4-8]. AMPK is found in all eukaryotes and is considered a highly conserved, master metabolic switch by some to coordinate growth, metabolism, food intake, body weight, autophagy, mitophagy, mitochondrial biogenesis and inflammation. AMPK fluxes on and off depending on fasting v. feeding states and energetic demands.  In mammals, AMPK is turned on under situations of perceived low cellular energy, e.g. low ATP which occur whilst exercise demands increase, periodic starvation and long-term starvation. Feeding, hyperglycemia (high BG), insulin spikes and other situations temporarily shut off AMPK. This makes sense, no? The body is accumulating energy, storing for the future, and replenishing depleted reserves. Under normal situations, the pattern is intermittent.  Unfortunately, AMPK can be shut off chronically instead of following a pattern of periodic flux. This is associated and observed in conditions such as clinical hyperinsulinemia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, aging and cancer [5-8]. Metformin  is an indirect stimulator of AMPK.  It is a diabetes drug, that can improve BG control, insulin resistance and shown to reduce both diabetic microvascular complications and cardiac events (macrovascular). Photo credit [7].

Metformin Appears to Desist Cancer Growth

Apparently in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC; negative for estrogen, progesterone, and the type II tyrosine kinase (RTK) HER-2 receptor), effects of metformin are showing promise in vitro and human prospective studies are underway.  In a 2012 retrospective chart review, metformin combined with adjuvant chemotherapy in triple negative breast cancer was associated with reduced incidence of distant metastatic disease (p=0.06), however no significant differences in survival rates were observed [10].

Other observational studies show significant 25-62% relative risk reduction of colorectal, liver, pancreatic, breast, endometrial/uterine, and other cancers in metformin users versus non-users in Type 2 Diabetes trials. By the way, research shows that diabetes treatments with insulin and/or sulfonylureas (mechanism: increase endogenous insulin secretion) are associated with 500% and 250% SIGNIFICANTLY MORE CANCER, respectively, over other therapies or metformin in a comprehensive, non-industry funded U of T M.D. Anderson retrospective study that shook up the the Big Pharma world [11]. Really?

Yes. Again, many many many shades of f-cked up...

Hold your breath. More exciting research is coming... since there are no 'textbook' neoplasm solutions (besides hack, irradiate, chemo).  Treatment and therapeutics are lacking IMHO just as prevention and treatment for clinical hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and other insulin-related consequences are woefully inadequate [12,13].

Metformin: Drug That Lowers Insulin and Insulin Resistance (But Prevents Exercise-induced Muscle Growth and VO2 Max Benefits)

The effectiveness of metformin goes without fanfare. It is the #1 firstline medication for diabetes and the only diabetic drug that has been shown to lower cardiac mortality.  Other diabetic medications like PPAR-gamma agonists (Actos, Avandia) display marginal reductions in mortality but this is negated or even trumped by the associated increased prevalence of drug-associated sudden death, heart disease, heart failure, peripheral edema and heart failure mortality in the published clinical trials [Why? PPAR-gamma increases insulin sensitivity in the brown and subcutaneous white fat, exactly WHERE WE DO NOT WANT IT i.e. epicardial adipose depots ('fatty heart')].

Until recently the mechanism of action of metformin was unknown. Recent studies suggest that metformin affects LKB1 which activates and increases AMPK activity. We have discussed earlier AMPK as it's role is important in conserving proliferation and growth per demand and for the purpose of energy production. Simply put, AMPK increases fat uptake into peripheral cells, fat burning, and mitochondrial biogenesis in muscles upon energetic demands (e.g. when ATP goes down at the cellular level). When I used to counsel patients on metformin, I added sometimes that metformin is like 'exercise in a pill' -- it results in lower glucoses, lower insulin resistance, reduction in adiposity, lowering of inflammation, and weight loss.  Unlike starvation and exercise, however, metformin generally does not induce eventual hunger (in fact it can induce nausea and anorexia). Metformin apparently has no hypothalamus AMPK effects,  and this is perhaps why hunger does not ensue despite weight loss associated with metformin.  Other notable effects of metformin are -- GI upset, nausea, diarrhea, unpredicted 'explosive' diarrhea (as several patients have complained to me), abdominal cramping, intestinal dysbiosis leading to clinical vitamin B12 deficiency and related cognitive deficits over time. Photo credit: [9].

New research from Braun and his brainiac research group showed that metformin actually does mimic exercise yet when combined with exercise, metformin (2000 mg/day) appears to negate the complete, skeletal muscle benefits of exercise in prediabetic individuals [14,15]. Braun and his lab have done fantastic work on elucidating how our bodies utilize varied macronutrient substrates, handle energy deficits/surpluses and teasing out how metformin fits into the metabolic picture IMHO.  Unlike exercise or periodic starvation which typically leads to muscle gains and growth (e.g. protein synthesis) upon refeeding, when the synthetic drug, metformin, is added to an exercise program, the lean mass growth and increases of expected VO2 max benefits are BLUNTED. The exercise program was 12 weeks, 3 times weekly, of 60-75 cycling (45 min, 70% of pretraining max) and progressive resistance training including chest press, leg press, and latissimus pull-downs. Protein synthesis appeared blocked -- the FFM (fat-free mass, proxy for lean body mass) decreased significantly in the span of the 12-week experiment in both drug groups: metformin alone (M-alone, lost 1.7 kg) and metformin+exercise (EM, lost 0.5 kg), whereas the pure exercise group significantly gained 2.0 kg of lean, fat-free mass.

AMPK activation which may be devoid of natural on-off fluxes appears to be ultimately associated with sacrifice of protein and muscle construction post-exercise stimulus. When AMPK is turned-on, the function is to increase net energy (ATP). The metabolic pathways are shunted toward producing energy for IMMEDIATE demands and shunted toward eliminating short-term energy-sucking processes, like pancreatic insulin secretion, liver gluconeogenesis, and growing nice musculature, physiques and hot bodies. Makes sense, no? Yes, it does improve the metrics of conventional diabetes medicine (BG, HgbA1c), but at what cost? Is 'metabolic flexibility' over-compensated and lost without natural AMPK rhythms [16]?  Exercise obviously improves the balance between dysfunctional carbohydrate oxidation and lipid oxidation, yet synthetically knocking out carbohydrate oxidation via constant AMPK appears to induce sarcopenia and hinder the full insulin-sensitizing, anti-inflammatory benefits of exercise. Actually it is no surprise that exercise trumps metformin drug use in cases where insulin resistance may be reversible, as it seems.

Other negatives of metformin are that higher blood lactate may result (build up from anaerobic or hypoxic glucose/carb metabolism). One risk with metformin use is lactic acidosis from toxic accumulation of lactate which can be ~~50% fatal. The danger for this adverse effect is higher in kidney- and liver-compromised states such as dehydration, binge/chronic alcohol use, kidney disease, liver disease, heart failure, elderly, and co-adminstration with kidney-toxic drugs -- therefore use is contraindicated.

Controlling Insulin and Insulin Resistance With Paleo-Ancestral Eating: Frasetto et al

In PCOS women, metformin has some success at improving fertility. What about diet and exercise? At Crossfit and, numerous stories of *cough cough* unintended pregnancies in (previously) infertile couples abound! Exercise +paleo/ancestral eating reverse infertility more effectively than pharmaceuticals and current reproductive technology IMHO as it appears from stories in paleo-land.

Frasetto et al (EJCN 2009) 68% Decrease Insulin and 72% Improvement on Insulin Resistance on Hunter-Gatherer 7-Day Paleolithic Diet

In the 10-day experiment, Frasetto et al demonstrated that basal insulin in overweight men and women age 18 to 50 could be lowered by 68% from 69 mol/L to 21 pmol/L on a grain-free, legume-free, dairy-free (~220 grams carbs/day, Low Glycemic Index) diet that simulated our evolutionary roots. Additionally, HOMA, a measure of insulin resistance, dramatically decreased from 3.2 to 1.0 by 72%. Elevated blood pressure and weight naturally decreased. The study aimed for neutral weight (no change) and required higher caloric intake to offset the weight loss in the Paleo group.

This experiment was indeed short. Most of us in the evo/ancestral/paleo/primal community hear of similar success stories of health reversal on this type of timeline all the time.

Why? Because perhaps the evolutionary-based diet is aligned with older DNA and optimal expression of insulin sensitivity?

Ketones Appear to Desist Cancer Growth

Ketones are generated by either consuming MCT oil/coconut oil or a low or no carbohydrate diet. Ketones are the metabolic currency of the (a)  fasting or starving energetic state and (b) when physical training is fat burning (25-70% max heart rate) and extended.

The brain runs naturally well on ketones (granted the adrenals are healthy; ketone generation requires cortisol and adrenaline). We are built to intermittently fast and run on ketones when required (postnatal, extended chronic aerobic exercise, intermittent or chronic starvation).

Several studies show the surprisingly positive benefits of MCT oil, ketotic diets or infusion of ketones for treating cancer [17,18,19]. Why? Ketones are the opposite of IR-promoting, refined, high-carb, grain-intensive diets.

In our evolutionary fitness and paleo communities, it is popular to practice periodic starvation of 18-36 hours several times during a month (granted healthy adrenals and good deep rest/sleep). The practice elicits many health promoting effects as it increases ketone bodies to utilize as fuel for the brain and muscles, synthesized from visceral and subcutaneous fat stores.

[**  FYI... I rarely do intermittent fasting (IF) now since my adrenal glands are borderline-frail. As an individual experiment to combat body fat increases (15 lbs) due to the Mirena IUD (18 months of synthetic progestin toxicity), I did try frequent IF but found it further deteriorated adrenal function. So I'd caution anyone with  un-compensated, frail or marginal adrenal function to consider the value of avoidance of IF and consider the merit of varied, low glycemic index carbs in adrenal exhaustion protocols (100 - 150 grams daily --nonallergenic starches and whole foods) like Dr. Lam's adrenal optimization protocol. **]

Ketones and Metformin are Epigenetic HDAC-Inhibitors

Bioactive components of our food have epigenetic influence on potentical cancer profiles and insulin/IR signatures. We live now in the post-genomic DNA world. DNA may be the text and chromatin, the words, of our chapters, but epigenetic modifications are the punctuation, paragraphs and grammar that give words life and context. Researchers Shaw and Mihaylova at the Salk Institute in San Diego studied the effects of metformin and AMPK and elucidated one of the core mechanisms of metformin and AMPK's action for reversing chronic insulin resistance defects [8]. AMPK activation stimulates downstream inhibition of an enzyme, histone deacetylase (HDAC), that blocks 'punctuation', or in other words, normal chromatin DNA 'editing.'  HDAC inhibition leads to activation of intracellular antioxidant pathways and resumption of normal DNA chromatin form and function.

It turns out that ketones and metformin have similar epigenetic molecular mechanisms; both are HDAC inhibitors [8,20]. This is believed to be how they may elicit some of their powerful effects in insulin resistant conditions. Many spices, herbs, vegetables, animal products, fermented dairy products (phenylbutyrate), royal jelly (phenylbutyrate) and polyphenol-rich foods contain bioactive components that behave by editing and providing clarity/context to our DNA blueprint via inhibition of HDAC [21]. Photo credit [21].

How About An Evolutionary Medicine Based Approach to Cancer Treatment and Prevention?

Radiation, chemotherapy and treatment of cancer take a toll on pediatric, adult and elderly patients. Some of the long term effects including cardiotoxicity, nerve ending and brain damage and even increased risk for other cancers. Many cancer treatments fail with 5- and 10-year survival rates of 25-50% or less. The monetary costs of cancer treatment can add up and may eventually bankrupt Medicare and current health insurances provided by large and small businesses. Can we afford to continue and ignore the misalignment between government sanctioned dietary advice (whole unprocessed lectins, Rockefeller-wheat-gluten-galore, GMO-corn-soy-everything, low fat, high refined carbs, n-6 pufa overload) and the chronic and acute diseases including cancer? How best for modern conventional medicine to mutate, re-align, evolve and provide healthcare from the perspective of evolution?

I have no answers but would be interested in your thoughts...

Evolutionary Bloggers:

Robb Wolf: Sept 2007 post and his interview with Dr. Seyfried 'Cancer and ketosis' [18]

Dr. Eades: Metabolism and Ketones


1. Obesity related hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia and cancer development.
Becker S, Dossus L, Kaaks R.
Arch Physiol Biochem. 2009 May;115(2):86-96.

2. AMPK and the biochemistry of exercise: implications for human health and disease.
Richter EA, Ruderman NB.
Biochem J. 2009 Mar 1;418(2):261-75.

3.  Mechanisms linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Kahn SE, Hull RL, Utzschneider KM.
Nature. 2006 Dec 14;444(7121):840-6.

4.  Targeting inflammatory pathways by triterpenoids for prevention and treatment of cancer.
Yadav VR, Prasad S, Sung B, Kannappan R, Aggarwal BB.
Toxins (Basel). 2010 Oct;2(10):2428-66.

5.  AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) controls the aging process via an integrated signaling network.
Salminen A, Kaarniranta K.
Ageing Res Rev. 2012 Apr;11(2):230-41.

6 . An energetic tale of AMPK-independent effects of metformin.
Miller RA, Birnbaum MJ.
J Clin Invest. 2010 Jul 1;120(7):2267-70.

7. AMPK: a metabolic gauge regulating whole-body energy homeostasis.
Lage R, Diéguez C, Vidal-Puig A, López M.
Trends Mol Med. 2008 Dec;14(12):539-49.

8.  The AMPK signalling pathway coordinates cell growth, autophagy and metabolism.
Mihaylova MM, Shaw RJ.
Nat Cell Biol. 2011 Sep 2;13(9):1016-23.

9 . Understanding the benefit of metformin use in cancer treatment.
Dowling RJ, Goodwin PJ, Stambolic V.
BMC Med. 2011 Apr 6;9:33.

10. Effect of metformin on survival outcomes in diabetic patients with triple receptor-negative breast cancer.
Bayraktar S, Hernadez-Aya LF, Lei X, Meric-Bernstam F, Litton JK, Hsu L, Hortobagyi GN, Gonzalez-Angulo AM.
Cancer. 2012 Mar 1;118(5):1202-11.

11. Antidiabetic therapies affect risk of pancreatic cancer.
Li D, Yeung SC, Hassan MM, Konopleva M, Abbruzzese JL.
Gastroenterology. 2009 Aug;137(2):482-8.

12. Dietary energy availability affects primary and metastatic breast cancer and metformin efficacy.
Phoenix KN, Vumbaca F, Fox MM, Evans R, Claffey KP. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Nov 22.

13. Expanding the arsenal: metformin for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer?
Jiralerspong S, Gonzalez-Angulo AM, Hung MC.Cell Cycle. 2009 Sep 1;8(17):2681.

14. Independent and combined effects of exercise training and metformin on insulin sensitivity in individuals with prediabetes.
Malin SK, Gerber R, Chipkin SR, Braun B.
Diabetes Care. 2012 Jan;35(1):131-6.

15. Combining short-term metformin treatment and one bout of exercise does not increase insulin action in insulin-resistant individuals.
Sharoff CG, Hagobian TA, Malin SK, Chipkin SR, Yu H, Hirshman MF, Goodyear LJ, Braun B.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Apr;298(4):E815-23.

16.  Metabolic flexibility in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: effects of lifestyle.  [Free PDF -- click]
Corpeleijn E, Saris WH, Blaak EE.
Obes Rev. 2009 Mar;10(2):178-93.

17. Effects of a ketogenic diet on tumor metabolism and nutritional status in pediatric oncology patients: two case reports.
Nebeling LC, Miraldi F, Shurin SB, Lerner E.
J Am Coll Nutr. 1995 Apr;14(2):202-8.

18. Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer through calorie restriction and the ketogenic diet.
Seyfried BT, Kiebish M, Marsh J, Mukherjee P.
J Cancer Res Ther. 2009 Sep;5 Suppl 1:S7-15. Review.

19. Growth of human gastric cancer cells in nude mice is delayed by a ketogenic diet supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids and medium-chain triglycerides.
Otto C, Kaemmerer U, Illert B, Muehling B, Pfetzer N, Wittig R, Voelker HU, Thiede A, Coy JF.
BMC Cancer. 2008 Apr 30;8:122.

20. From natural products to small molecule ketone histone deacetylase inhibitors: development of new class specific agents.
Jones P, Steinkühler C.
Curr Pharm Des. 2008;14(6):545-61.

21. Epigenetic impact of dietary polyphenols in cancer chemoprevention: lifelong remodeling of our epigenomes.
Vanden Berghe W.
Pharmacol Res. 2012 Jun;65(6):565-76.

[Re-tweaked old Nephropal(eo) post]

Monday, December 5, 2011

Adrenal Fatigue and Jimmy Moore's LLVLC Podcast

Beautiful People

Jimmy's Moore's LLVLC Podcast!

I did Jimmy Moore's podcast! And joined the beautiful people... We initially had some technical (cough cough Chinese (?saturated broadband/censorship)) difficulties which required EIGHT ATTEMPTS, but it's complete. I think Jimmy let out a BIG gentlemanly sigh of relief. Jimmy talked also about his latest and pending labs, the idea for the next epic post on sustainable, local farming/livestock and his thoughts on heavy metal chelation, which I am really REALLY into.

I was/am Jimmy, hormonally. Like Jimmy I have been stubbornly challenged with regaining and relosing 10-20% of my body weight in the last few years after the initial epic loss of 50 lbs (Jimmy, ~180 lbs).(!!!!frustr-WTF-ating!!!!)

At the worst, my hormone signatures might resemble what Jimmy reported (if I actually measured):
-- high rT3, unstable cortisol, leptin resistance, insulin resistance
-- estrogen dominance
-- wacko FSH/LH (like a menopausal 'menopot')
-- testosterone/thyroid/adrenal deficiencies

Massive Endocrine Disruption (x3), Weight Re-Gains and Reversal

I wish that the Paleolithic Diet was enough. It's not. Paleo is emphatically not enough for decades of neolethal disease and accumulated damages on our biochemical pathways, adipose storage and mitochondrial health (modern toxins -- omega-6, seed oils, pharmaceuticals, dental amalgams, AMA sanctioned mercury laden vaccines, industrial solvents, new house and carpeting 'gas off', bromide antifungals on food, in California ubiquitous flame retardants, etc).

My problem was 5-10 lbs yo-yo wt gains and yo-yo losses over the last few years after the initial 50 lb loss, which I attribute to MASSIVE endocrine disruptions (three times). The first hormone dyscrasia involved the Mirena IUD (levonorgestrel, a potent fake/mimicker of progesterone), then followed by adrenal fatigue with the popular intermittent fasting and ketosis, and lastly gut dysbiosis with mercury and metal toxicity (tetanus shot, accumulation of annual flu shots/vaccines, and a drilled on titanium dental implant). What helped me after multiple episodes of adrenal fatigue including one after moving to Shanghai, China was a high carb (150-200 g/day) non-paleo 'adrenal reset' modeled by Diana Schwarzbein MD in her book 'The Schwarzbein Principle II'.

It worked.

My daily consumption of low and high GI foods went up (rice, meat/vegs, ice cream, chocolate) and carbs totalled 150-200 grams daily, most days. It worked; I gained 8-10 lbs of fat and my adrenals stabilized. More importantly the serum insulin ECLIPSED the serum cortisol which was high/inappropriate due to various factors (stress from transcontinental moving, circadian shifts from jet lag, gut dysbiosis, metal toxicity, etc). Similar plans are in the blogosphere (high carb Bulletproof, PHD, Masterjohn, Kresser, high carb MDA, high carb GAPS (fruit+honey), Ray Peat, high carb Archevore, 4-Hour Body Slow Carb, Matt Stone). Many individuals have kevlar adrenals and perfectly execute IF/ketosis whilst hiking twenty mountain tops sans food, fasting. NEARLY BAREFOOT. (Asclepius and J. Stanton) But the rest of us are mere mortals.

Successful ketosis requires adequately timed and sufficiently secreted (and appropriately down-regulated) cortisol and adrenaline (NE, EPI).

Someday... I'll re-grow my kevlar and bulletproof organs... *haa ahaaa!*

However after getting tired (and frustrated) with the 8-10 lbs of weight gain, I finished the Schwarzbein 'adrenal reset' and easily transitioned to a high carb Kruse 'leptin reset'. I did attempt the Kruse leptin reset with 100g/day (50 g carbs in the morning) but it didn't work the first few times until AFTER I had gained 8-10 lbs on the Schwarzbein 'reset'. I dunno why this was the case. Recently I returned to a stable LC (paleo) + rice + workouts (which worked for my initial 50 lbs fat loss; 50-100 grams carbs/day) and lost a few kilograms in the last month and half.

Adrenal Resets are Leptin Resets IMHO And Vice Versa

The beauty of the Kruse 'reset' is that imho it is also an 'adrenal reset' (and vice versa). Notwithstanding, I believe for many who are adrenally challenged and severely metabolically damaged (like in cases of metal toxicity, environmental toxicity or former vegetarians, yo-yo dieters, over-trainers, under-eaters, etc), the value of an extreme high carb reset (150-200 g/day) with (or without) fat gain may be inconceivable and controversial but UNQUESTIONABLY HIGH if all else fails... Per Schwarzbein, she reports for some extremely metabolically damaged folks two years on the program are mandatory. For me apparently 2 months was ok and sufficient. To safeguard, FYI I still avoid all ketosis, VLC (very low carb) and IF'ing (intermittent fasting). I continue to consume 1/4 to 1/2 tsp Real salt (Utah Redmonds) and maximally play/nap/laugh as much as I can. Adaptogens, liver/GI support, getting morning sunlight, slow BSS/burn, and 'oxygenizing' (employing slow-twitch muscles) without driving excessive cortisol squirts are unbelievably key to staying on track for me. Also my carbs are substantially higher on workout days (100-150 grams wholly based on glycolytic activity and stress) and the weight is still going down without triggering the adrenals.

Heavy Metal Toxicity and Chelation

Jimmy and I talked about chelation and our thoughts; my family and I are still chelating as it requires a minimum of 6-12 months time. I don't endorse many products but this is one I exceptionally fancy because I find it to be safe, gentle, and gradual; the product has been used for over 10 years in physician and practitioners' offices: ExtendedHealth's oral chelator.

More info on Adrenal 'Resets' and Hormones (T, E1 E2 E3, DHEA-S, Preg, P, Cortisol, Leptin, FT4 FT3 rT3):

The LLVLC Show (Episode 520): Jeff O’Connell’s ‘Sugar Nation’ And ‘Animal Pharm’ Blogger Dr. B G

The topics in our e-coffeetalk (from Jimmy's site)...

• The infectiousness of her e-mail writing style
• Her work in a plant biology lab that showed she hated research
• The love/hate relationship she has with the USDA
• The one-year residency she did working in geriatrics
• The certified diabetes education that she pursued
• Her hesitancy to start blogging with so many great bloggers
• Her contributions to the web site
• The “chronic cardio” she believes is right for her
• The slow rate of weight loss she experienced (50 pounds in 5 years)
• How Keith Norris has a “Zen-like charm” about him
• What her experience was like at the Ancestral Health Symposium
• The important message of Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt in Sweden
• How Aaron Blaisdell and Brent Pottenger are changing the world
• Recollections of past interviews with Gary Taubes
• The positive contributions Taubes has made to the low-carb cause
• How the Dietary Guidelines are making Americans sicker
• The autoimmune issues she and her siblings dealt with growing up
• How even some grass-fed beef can taste a little “off”
• The “scary” nature of finding real food in China
• Whether America would have been successful without carbs
• Her take on the “safe starches” debate that’s happening right now
• The great admiration she has for Dr. Robert Su
• How there are plenty of Asians who get “sick” eating white rice
• How she “completely burned out my adrenals” on intermittent fasting
• Why some people have issues that make it more difficult to get healthy
• The high-carb adrenal resets that need to have for many people
• Why you have to have balance with all of your hormones
• Her weight gain from heavy metal toxicity
• What the future of her “Animal Pharm” concept is
• The book she is writing with her sister on gut health with recipes
• Why she wants to open up a gluten-free cafe to teach cooking
• Her desire for us to outsource the Low-Carb Cruise to China

Friday, October 16, 2009

Body Fat Loss: Saturated Fat Kicks the Cr*pola Out Of Olive Oil

Loren Cordain Is Getting Into Coconut Oil

Yes. It is true.


C O U R S E . . .

From Robb, "Cordain likes coconut oil, just as a mix to a standards paleo approach. " (adrenal post) Robb cracks me up.

Recall Dr. Cordain's recent publication with the history-making conclusion: 'In general, experimental evidence do not support a robust link between SFA [saturated fatty acid] intake and CHD [coronary heart disease] risk.' PDF click HERE Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med; 2009;11:289-301. I just had to repeat that. It's like... *haa* the SOUND OF MUSIC... [the hills are alive... *big winky*]

The Thing About Fat...

Let me quote another expert, Jeff Volek (see his testosterone study at end), "The Fate of Fat: You are not what you eat; you are what you do with what you eat. Eat fat with carbs you get fat, but eat fat with low-carbs and you get LEAN — and insulin is the switch that controls the fate of fat.

— Jeff Volek, The New Low-Carb Guru

This is true if you are eating olive oil, monounsaturated fats, omega-3 oil, canola oil, coconut oil or MCT oil. Cut out carbs. Esp GRAINS, LEGUMES and FRUCTOSE. FRUC F*CTOSE, the nastiest carb of them all. (If you are gonna have limited carbs... yams, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and wild berries (higher in oils, lower in sugar) are slightly more acceptable.).
This holds especially true for those who are insulin resistant (HYPOTHYROID (e.g. FT4 and FT3 s*ck), lacking other major steroid hormones (adrenals, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, adiponectin, vitamin D, and the previously or currently overweight/obese... like me, I used to be 50 lbs fatter *wink*).

Medium Chain Sat Fats and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is ~100% saturated fatty acids.

No industrial toxic omega-6. No industrial trans-fats.

There are civilizations which consume high, ULTRA-high saturated fat diets (40-56%) of coconut oil with no elevated associations of cancer, heart disease, dental disease or chronic conditions (Tokelau, Sri Lanka).

Coconut oil and MCT Oil are thermogenic and produce ketones despite consuming carbohydrates.

Coconut oil is predominantly medium-chain triglycerides (only 28-30% long-chain). Coconut oil is 1:1:6 (C8:C10:C12). MCT Oil is ~1:1 (NOW brand) or 2:1 (MCT Gold); no lauric acid, C12.

Butter is ~1:2:2. (70% saturated, 20% monounsaturated)

Medium Chain Sat Fats and Breastmilk

Human breastmilk is 40+% saturated fatty acids and high in cholesterol. The role of medium chain saturated fatty acids in the early survival of babies cannot be overstated. Medium chain sat fats are anti-microbial and anti-fungal and promote ketosis which is anti-inflammatory. Lauric acid (C12) exhibits POTENT PROTECTIVE properties. I discussed earlier here (californication post). Colostrum medium-chain ratios are 1:10:60; HEEEYYYYGE GINORMOUS quantities of protective lauric acid. Mature breastmilk, as well, 1:10:40 (Gibson RA et al Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 34: 252-257, 1981.). Baby infant formulae contain negligible lauric acid (C12), omega-3 fatty acids or cholesterol (Giovanni et al Acta Pæd 83(s402):59 - 62). F*Q. Does that explain anything healthwise? Was not 'in fashion' to breastfeed in the 1970s (at least not in Nebraska). Commercial infant formulae actually contain a lot of TOXIC omega-6 LA (Oveisi et al Acta Medica Iranica, 44(4): 225-229; 2006.) The omega-6 LA is soybean and/or peanut oil (WTF?) (p.97, Natural toxicants in food By David H. Watson).


How does Slo-Niacin (vitamin B3) work?

It hits the ketone receptors which is anti-inflammatory and subsequently leads to lower sdLDL, annihilation of the 'death band' LDL-IVb (the most dense and lethal), and raises the HDLs OUT OF THE ROOF.

Again, how do we produce ketones?
--low low low carb diet
--low low carb diet
--low carb diet
--physical low-moderate intensity activity > 1-2 hours (max HR 50-60%)
--fasting > 5-6 hours
--intermittent fasting 12-36 hour fasts (we all do this in the Paleo blogosphere, Crossfit, evolutionary lifestyles)
--drink human breastmilk (just kidding)
--eat a lot of medium chain SATURATED fatty acids (coconut oil, coconut butter, MCT oil, coconut milk/meat, grassfed goat cheese/milk, grassfed butter oil (, grassfed butter/ghee/cream, etc)

Apparently eating saturated fats 12% in the form of MCT Oil can double the body fat loss compared with equal portions of olive oil in near-obese (BMI ~29) men and women on a muffin diet. (Yes, high carb muffin diet.) These studmuffins still somehow lost body fat -- visceral and subcutaneous.

P H A T ! ! !

Saturated Fatty Acids Bind PPAR-Receptors

Saturated fatty acids are hormonal in action. They bind the potent PPAR series of steroidal nuclear hormone receptors (that drugs bind like Actos for diabetes and Tricor for low HDLs, high TGs). Food is our medicine. Recall saturated fats bind PPAR: prior post Lp(a) Dangerous At Any Level. Dietary carbohydates, on the other hand, degrade the PPAR receptors and raise Lp(a), inflammation, insulin and plaque progression.
Remember... medium chain saturated fatty acids are anti-aging (because they bind and activate PPAR and promote anti-inflammatory ketones)... it is a frequent component of the diets of many centenarian and long-living communities (Okinawan, Sardinian, Cretan, Belgium -- from goat milk and dairy products). Check this out again: Kaunitz. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) in aging and arteriosclerosis. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1986 Mar-Apr;6(3-4):115-21.

In upcoming posts, my buddy NephroPal Dr. T will be reviewing the PPAR receptors. WOOO y-e-a-h !!

MCT Oil Kicks the Cr*pola Out of Olive Oil
St-Onge MP et al conducted a double-blind RCT comparing a low calorie, 'free living', 12% saturated fat/MCT Oil diet (medium-chain triglycerides, 50% of coconut oil) versus 12% olive oil diet for weight loss (Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):621-6). Free PDF click HERE. This is the only head-to-head trial I have found comparing MCT Oil and Olive Oil (another one used 24% saturated fat, 40% fat Canadian diet + 3% unesterified plant sterols + flaxseed oil which showed Pattern A 25.85 nm shifting versus 24% Olive Oil Pattern B mean peak LDL 25.45 nm in only 28 days; PDF click HERE, St-Onge MP et al 2003)
The MCT Oil and Olive oil diets were low-fat (naturally HIGH CARB) muffin diets.
The results were surprising.
Body fat recomposition.
Reductions in both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat which is highly associated with PLAQUE and heart disease.

One tablespoon of MCT Oil or coconut oil is ~ 15 grams of pure saturated fat. MCT Oil is liquid and can be heated (like olive oil) to a degree (though I wouldn't heat either). The participants in this study consumed about 1-2 tablespoons daily in a 4-month weight loss program, in the form of a muffin (10 grams) and cooking oil (8 or 14 grams).
DESIGN: Forty-nine overweight men and women, aged 19-50 y, consumed either 18 or 24 g/d (women or men, respectively) of MCT oil or olive oil as part of a weight-loss program for 16 wk. Subjects received weekly group weight-loss counseling. Body weight and waist circumference were measured weekly. Adipose tissue distribution was assessed at baseline and at the endpoint by use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and computed tomography.

As part of the weight-loss program, the subjects were counseled to reduce their caloric intakes to 1500 kcal/d forwomen and 1800 kcal/d for men. Within this diet, all subjects received study muffins (either cranberry or blueberry; Krusteaz, Seattle, WA) that contained 10 g of their assigned oil and 8 or 14 g of liquid oil, for women and men, respectively, to incorporate into their foods during cooking. Therefore, all subjects received 12% of theirprescribed weight-loss energy requirements in the form of thestudy oil (18 g for women and 24 g for men). This level of oil was chosen because it was found to produce significant increases in energy expenditure (8). The subjects, along with the dietitian and clinical coordinator, were unaware of the oil each person was consuming. Muffins were given to the clinical coordinator in bags labeled with the subject’s study ID code and A or B to designate group. Oil was provided in opaque plastic containers, which were also labeled with the subject’s study ID code and A or B

High Saturated 12% Fat for Weight Loss

High Sat Fat 12% Diet: 1.7 kg (~4 lbs) More Weight Loss After 4 MonthsThe authors showed a significant trend in body fat recomposition with employing MCT Oil as the primary fat in a free-living weight loss program. It is unknown what precisely the carb, protein or total fat intakes were other than ' low calorie'. This is a major limitation of this little trial. On the other hand one of the strengths was the use of technology (DEXA and CT scans) to accurately assess body fat. Few studies examine body fat recomposition with diet.

(1) both olive and MCT oil produced average 2.4-2.5 cm waist circumference loss (p=0.0001)
(2) MCT oil produced more body fat reduction 1.46% BF decreases v. 0.58% BF (p=0.0037)
(3) MCT oil produced more pronounced weight loss 3.2 kg (7 lbs) v. 1.4 kg (3lbs) (p=0.001)
(4) Visceral fat loss (intraabdom) 6.7-fold more (MCT oil: 8.85 cm2, NS, n=14 heavy drop outs)
(5) Subcutaneous fat loss (abdominal) 2.2-fold more (MCT oil: 24.76 cm2, NS, n=14 only due heavy drop out rate)

Higher Saturated Fat and Higher Fat Intake Associated With Higher Testosterone

See below diagram discussed earlier HERE. Volek JS et al has already showed that higher baseline testosterone has been highly associated with appropriate total fat (30+%) , protein intake (15%), saturated fat and fat composition (low LOW omega-6, saturated to monounsaturated ~50:50) (J Appl Phys 1997).

Higher the testosterone when:
--higher the saturated fat intake
--higher the overall fat intake
--protein not exceeding 15% (when carbs high)
--lower the PUFA/sat fat ratio, e.g. lower the PUFA, higher saturated fat intake
--lower the PUFA (e.g. canola oil, soy, saff, sunflower, peanut)

Grassfed Australian meat is 'balanced' -- whether it is mutton, lamb, beef or veal -- the fatty acid profile is ~50/50 for saturated to monounsaturated fatty acid ratios. Please see Table 4 (at the very end). Click HERE for PDF. Muscle meat is only 5-8% fat whereas 'fat meat' is about 40-60% fat (rest is collagen, water, proteins).

Eat meat. ALL of it. Fat meat and muscle meat.


Testosterone: Male Fountain of Youth

We use testostosterone (topical cream and gels) for correcting lipoproteins and regression of plaque. Testosterone is great STUFF. Pound some saturated fats and do resistance training... the best way to naturally produce testosterone. I love Xfit. We do saturated fats + lifting/power exercises = Big 'T'. Testosterone is everywhere... I could lick it off the walls... *haaa*

Next Post:
Body Fat Loss: MCT Oil Kicks the Cr*pola Out Of Canola

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr.Mao, Brain Foods, Autism, And Alzheimer's Prevention

I like Dr. Mao for his quickie Yahoo tidbits... His advice is great! And very aligned to TrackYourPlaque and longevity as well. Sometimes I wonder what's more important...our brain or our heart? Or the vasculature which is what we 'track' at TYP...? I'm grateful actually that ALL in fact improve exponentially with the same program.

How w o n d e r f u l can life be?!?

G-radio:Mraz 'Wonderful Life' *wink*

All the foods and nutrients listed below are inherent ingredients to our TYP heart reversal stories, "essential amino acids, omega oils, minerals and vitamins":
--Taurine from wild seafood and grassfed meat (not found in veggies)
--Other proteins: Leucine, BCAA, L-Carnitine, etc
--Omega-3 fatty acids: EPA DHA (grassfed meat, seafood); ALA (almonds, flax)
--Omega-6 fatty acids: GLA (sesame oil, borage, primrose, hemp)
--Minerals: Magnesium, Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Boron, Sulfur, etc
--Vitamins: Vitamin D (calcidiol), Vitamin A, Vitamin E (tocotrienols), Vitamin K1 K2 (esp MK7), methylated folic acid, B-vitamins, Niacin (B3), B6/B12/folate/TMG (homocysteine control), acetylated a-Lipoic Acid, etc
--Antioxidant Flavanoids: blueberries, green tea, pycnogenol, red wine, bilberry, et cetera

8 Foods to Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy

By Dr. Maoshing Ni - Posted on Mon, Aug 11, 2008, 1:42 pm PDT
Senility, Alzheimer's, and age-related memory loss: these conditions of mental decline that come with aging can be delayed or even prevented. Besides engaging in daily activities that work out your brain, a regular and balanced diet rich with essential amino acids, omega oils, minerals and vitamins will ensure a vibrant and sharp memory. Eat these foods to give your brain the nutrition it needs.

1. Fish
Protein, an important component in the making of neurotransmitters, is essential to improve mental performance. Aside from being an excellent source of high quality protein, fish are packed with essential oils, such as Omega-3, which protect the brain and supports its development and functioning. Deep sea fish have the highest amounts of fatty acids, and they include salmon, sea bass, halibut, mackerel, and sardines.

2. Blueberries
These delicious berries are full of powerful
antioxidants, which eliminate free-radical damage that causes aging, and they also possess neuroprotective properties that can delay the onset of age-related memory loss by guarding brain cells from damage caused by chemicals, plaque, or trauma. And they combat inflammation, the other factor in aging. 3. Nuts and SeedsNuts and seeds are wonder foods for your brain. Packed with protein and essential fatty acids, nuts and seeds are also chock full of the amino arginine, which stimulates the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to release growth hormone, a substance that declines quickly after age 35; this is a real anti-aging boon to your brain! Whip up a batch of my "Anti-aging brain mix" to bring with you anywhere and eat a small handful in between meals as a daily snack. It will nourish and support your brain. Pack in sealed container or zip-lock bag to preserve freshness.
1 cup walnut
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup of dried goji berries (also known as lycium berry, and easily found in health food stores)
1/2 cup dried apricots

4. Cruciferous Vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are all rich in choline, an essential nutrient for memory and brain health. Choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which contributes to healthy and efficient brain processes. As we age, our body's natural choline output declines, and its neurochemical action weakens. You can eat choline-rich foods to increase your production of acetylcholine, which will improve your brain power. Other sources of choline include: eggs, soybeans, peanuts, cabbage, black beans, and kidney beans.

5. Oil: Monounsaturated Fats
Monounsaturated fats contain essential fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which are crucial for brain development and function, among many other excellent benefits for your health. Olive oil, sesame oil, canola oil, almond oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oil are rich in monounsaturated fats and are good choices for brain health. Population studies show that people with a diet that is high in unsaturated, unhydrogenated fats may have a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, whereas those with a diet that is higher in saturated fats and trans fats have an increased risk.

6. L-carnitine Foods
Age-related memory problems are many times caused by plaque buildup and diminished blood supply to the brain, compromising the delivery of nutrients and oxygen. L-carnitine, an amino acid manufactured in your liver, increases circulation in the brain — among a myriad of powerful benefits for your health. Also, because it prevents fat oxidation in the brain, L-carnitine shows some promise in preventing Alzheimer's disease. Good sources of L-carnitine include: meats, fish, poultry, wheat, avocado, milk, and fermented soybeans.

7. Microalgae
Microalgaes from the ocean and uncontaminated lakes, including blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, seaweed, and kelp are easy-to-digest, high protein and high-energy supplements-and contain over a hundred trace minerals! Available in your health food store, microalgae are simple to incorporate into your diet to ensure a good, strong brain function. Look for powders you dissolve in juice or flakes you can sprinkle on your food.

8. Green Tea
Green tea prevents an enzyme found in Alzheimer's disease and is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent premature brain aging. Drink two cups a day to get the brain benefits. To decaf tea, steep for 45 seconds and pour out the water, add fresh hot water to the leaves or tea bag — 95% of caffeine will be eliminated.

Ketogenic Diet for Alzheimer's and other Neuro-degenerative/Vascular Diseases

Why is a ketogenic diet effective for neurodegenerative and vascular diseases (like CAD)? I've wondered this since Atkin's became so popular. I've also wondered why such extreme improvements are noticed short- and long-term with Niacin (Vitamin B3; we use either Slo-Niacin or Niaspan at TYP). This one incredible addition to any heart program evolves dramatic plaque remodelling, heart disease reversal, lipoprotein turn-arounds and large ranges of CAC score regressions. In the HATS trial in post-MI patients, Niacin + simvastatin 40mg/d brought about a 90% reduction in mortality and CAD events in ~3yrs compared with placebo. That is quite dramatic. The results are unheard of for conventional, pharmaceutical-derived therapies. Statin-monotherapy brings about only 20-30% depending on the study...which again as the latest WSJ article what? These days when individuals carry belly fat and have elevated insulin, heart attacks and coronary surgical interventions are more de rigueur than NAUGHT... despite statins being placed in the water by health care insurances and people's demands.

What is niacin? Niacin mimics 2 things: starvation (living off your body fat/rearend) and ketosis. Niacin binds the ketone body receptor known as PUMA-G. Ketones are generated under many circumstances for instance:
--first 2 weeks of an infant's life -- baby is living on 60-80% brown fat because momma has not produced enough milk yet (as time is required for those lactative n*pples to so-called 'callous up' -- yeah, men out there that is JUST LIKE running a marathon without bandaids on your b**bies *haaa ah* seriously... bloody...d*
--starvation (think, Survivorman or Bear)
--intermittent fasting (2-4x/wk 18 to 36 hour fasts)
--12-hour fasts (like for the doctor-ordered cholesterol lab testing)
--physical training beyond 40-60min (eg, sex typically does not count)
--low carb diet
--no carb diet
--moderate to high fat (low carb) diet
--moderate to high protein (low carb) diet
--Paleo + IF (intermittent fasting) + exercise

Don't confuse ketosis with Type 1 diabetes DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) which is highly fatal. Many doctors and other healthcare professionals do this. It is like comparing normal wear-tear like a shopping cart scratching your car versus a 20-car wreck involving multiple fatalities. Ketosis is in fact normal and part of evolution. Humans and other predators up on the food pyramid of life do it all the time. Ketosis is necessary for survival.

The situation known as DKA occurs because the individual has ZERO insulin. Don't worry -- unless Type 1 or 1.5 (LADA) Diabetes is present, we all make plenty of insulin to 100% prevent this. In fact most people produce far too much insulin which raises blood pressure, causes body fat weight gain, TGs, small dense LDL and other inflammatory markers. Too much insulin also hinders proper muscle development (hard-gainers) with resistance and weight training. (DKA may occur but is VERY very rare in Type 2 diabetes -- unless the person has an infection or sepsis.)

Ketones Fix Our Brain

Altered lipid metabolism in brain injury and disorders.
Adibhatla RM, Hatcher JF.
Subcell Biochem. 2008;49:241-68. Review.
Department of Neurological Surgery, Cardiovascular Research Center, Neuroscience Training Program, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI., William S. Middleton Veterans Affairs Hospital, Madison, WI 53792, USA.

Deregulated lipid metabolism may be of particular importance for CNS injuries and disorders, as this organ has the highest lipid concentration next to adipose tissue. Atherosclerosis (a risk factor for ischemic stroke) results from accumulation of LDL-derived lipids in the arterial wall. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-1), secretory phospholipase A2 IIA and lipoprotein-PLA2 are implicated in vascular inflammation. These inflammatory responses promote atherosclerotic plaques, formation and release of the blood clot that can induce ischemic stroke. TNF-alpha and IL-1 alter lipid metabolism and stimulate production of eicosanoids, ceramide, and reactive oxygen species that potentiate CNS injuries and certain neurological disorders. Cholesterol is an important regulator of lipid organization and the precursor for neurosteroid biosynthesis. Low levels of neurosteroids were related to poor outcome in many brain pathologies. Apolipoprotein E is the principal cholesterol carrier protein in the brain, and the gene encoding the variant Apolipoprotein E4 is a significant risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Parkinson's disease is to some degree caused by lipid peroxidation due to phospholipases activation. Niemann-Pick diseases A and B are due to acidic sphingomyelinase deficiency, resulting in sphingomyelin accumulation, while Niemann-Pick disease C is due to mutations in either the NPC1 or NPC2 genes, resulting in defective cholesterol transport and cholesterol accumulation. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating condition of the CNS. Inhibiting phospholipase A2 attenuated the onset and progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. The endocannabinoid system is hypoactive in Huntington's disease. Ethyl-eicosapetaenoate showed promise in clinical trials. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis causes loss of motorneurons. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition reduced spinal neurodegeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenic mice. Eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation provided improvement in schizophrenia patients, while the combination of (eicosapentaenoic acid + docosahexaenoic acid) provided benefit in bipolar disorders. The ketogenic diet where >90% of calories are derived from fat is an effective treatment for epilepsy. Understanding cytokine-induced changes in lipid metabolism will promote novel concepts and steer towards bench-to-bedside transition for therapies.
PMID: 18751914

Ketogenic Diet Appears to be Neuroprotective For Alzheimer's

The below authors state that "the Ketogenic diet appears neuroprotective, promoting enhanced mitochondrial function and rescuing adenosine triphosphate production" and suggest the value for broad range applications including not just neurovascular conditions but also cancer. We worry about mitochondrial function at TrackYourPlaque (at least I do anyway :) but many others are getting keen to this disorder). Mitochondria are our little nuclear powerhouses that produce our energy currency, e.g. energy packets known as ATP. Mitochondrial dysfunction is what distinguishes many diseases including how gets mercury/aluminum-toxic/brain-damaged from vaccines in children. Read opinions by Seth Roberts PhD HERE (author of the Shangri-La diet, UCB Psychology professor emeritus). Dr.Roberts shares his insightful thoughts and n=1 experiments on brain function and many other topics, including the benefits of fermentation/probiotics. Many TYP members have tried the SLD (not... 'LSD') and lost significant weight with extra light virgin olive oil. It will be very fascinating to see what conclusions will result from examining probiotics. Short-chain saturated fatty acids (SCSFAs: butyrate, propionate, etc) are binders and activators of PPAR-delta, a potent inflammatory and immunomodulatory switch. SCSFAs are produced by anaerobic fermentation and perhaps may be the ingredients that exert the health and longevity benefits of cheese, natto, stinky tofu, yogurt, etc (Nilssen N dissertation). (interestingly...monounsaturated fatty acids in EVO in fact bind PPAR-delta and other PPAR receptors; ketones=beta-hydroxybutyrate indirectly also activates PPAR-delta).
The ketogenic diet: uses in epilepsy and other neurologic illnesses.
The neuropharmacology of the ketogenic diet.
The ketogenic diet and epilepsy. This therapy has been around 80++ yrs.
Progress in neuroprotective strategies for preventing epilepsy.
From clinical evidence to molecular mechanisms underlying neuroprotection afforded by estrogens.

Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet.
Hartman AL et al. Behav Pharmacol. 2006 Sep;17(5-6):431-9. Review. Free PDF
Below Excerpt

Alzheimer’s disease
Recent studies have raised the possibility that the ketogenic diet could provide symptomatic benefit and might even be disease modifying in Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, Reger et al. (2004) found that acute administration of medium-chain triglycerides improves memory performance in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Further, the degree of memory improvement was positively correlated with plasma levels of β-hydroxybutyrate produced by oxidation of the medium-chain triglycerides. If β-hydroxybutyrate is responsible for the memory improvement, then the ketogenic diet, which results in elevated β-hydroxybutyrate levels, would also be expected to improve memory function. When a patient is treated for epilepsy with the ketogenic diet, a high carbohydrate meal can rapidly reverse the antiseizure effect of the diet (Huttenlocher, 1976). It is therefore of interest that high carbohydrate intake worsens cognitive performance and behavior in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Henderson, 2004; Young et al., 2005).

It is also possible that the ketogenic diet could ameliorate Alzheimer’s disease by providing greater amounts of essential fatty acids than normal or high carbohydrate diets (Cunnane et al., 2002; Henderson, 2004). This is because consumption of foods or artificial supplements rich in essential fatty acids may decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (Ruitenberg et al., 2001; Barberger-Gateau et al., 2002; Morris et al., 2003a, b)...

Carbohydrate restriction as a protective mechanism

A key aspect of the ketogenic diet is carbohydrate restriction. The role of decreased carbohydrates in neuroprotection has been investigated through the use of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG), a glucose analog that is not metabolized by glycolysis. Lee et al. (1999) found that administration of 2-DG to adult rats at a nontoxic dose (200 mg/kg) for 7 consecutive days produced dramatic protection against hippocampal damage and functional neurological deficits induced by the seizure-inducing excitotoxin kainate. In addition, 2-DG was protective against glutamate-induced and oxidative stress-induced neuronal death in cell culture. The authors also found that reduced glucose availability induces stress proteins, including GRP78 and HSP70, which they proposed act to suppress ROS production, stabilize intracellular calcium, and maintain mitochondrial function..

Why this approach fixes and protects our brain...Cellular mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective activity of the ketogenic diet:
--Reverses damage on energy metabolism
--Reduced glutamate-mediated toxicity
--Normalization effects on γ-aminobutyric acid systems
--Enhances antioxidant mechanisms
--Protects against programmed cell death
--Carb restriction as a protective mechanism and less ROS

Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Heart Disease, and Autism

The Hannah Poling story is quite frankly riveting. This could have been our child. Or your child. After her 19-month vaccination series, Hannah started developing the signs and symptoms for autism, she stopped interacting with her world. Her father Dr. Jon Poling being an MD/PhD Neurologist is now trying to find solutions for not only his own daughter's recovery but also a whole legion of children of this Pharma vaccine-generation. Apparently Hannah exhibits a mitochondrial dysfunction which may be one of several factors (likely vitamin ADEK deficiency, wheat/gluten intoxication, omega-6 overdose and omega-3/saturated fatty acid insufficiency are all factors as well, imho, I'm not an autism expert yet).
Subpopulation of Mitochondrial Autism -- Autism Vox Blog
Jon S. Poling, MD, PhD (2006) -- Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism. Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 21, No. 2, 170-172.

Interestingly, Heart Disease is implicated on the 'spectrum' of mitochondrial disorders. A statement from the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation on the connection between mitochondrial disease and autism: “Recent published reports about the potential links between mitochondrial disorders and autism demonstrate the urgent need for more research into mitochondrial disease, a devastating and often fatal illness. Mitochondrial dysfunction has also been implicated in Alzheimer’s Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Heart Disease and Diabetes." It is not surprising to me. Individuals with heart disease often present themselves or their children with clinical autism or other conditions on the autistic spectrum: ADD, bipolar, major depression, schizophrenia. Perhaps mitochrondrial conditions are in fact woefully underdiagnosed. Aren't we all a little on the spectrum...?? I know I am not... the only one.

We Are Only As Strong as Our Weakest Mitochrondria

Mitochondria reside in all our alive cells (not hair or nails). They provide the energy needed for all energetic, metabolic and cellular processes. Honestly, if your car had no engine or an improperly functioning engine, how far do you think you will drive? Or at all?

Like our weakest link, sick mitochrondria bring us down.

How do we keep mitochrondria happy? Provide it the fuels it prefers. Give it the parts that need to be replaced upon damage/use. Don't throw cogs in its machinery.
--Fatty acids (mono-, saturated-, omega-3 long chained pufa, short-chained-saturated, medium- chained-saturated-, etc)
--Complex carbs (eg, vegetables)
--Coenzyme Q10 (involved in very last stop of ATP production)
--Alpha lipoic acid, Carnitine
--Vitamin D (incorporated in the phospholipid membranes and prevents lipid peroxidation)
--Avoid toxins: wheat/gluten/grains/x-s-fruit-fructose/legumes/lectins (which GLOM on and/or generate mitochrondria-auto-antibodies), heavy metals (lead, mercury, aluminum, etc), pesticides, synthetic hormones/horsey-hormones/progestins, drugs/pharmaceuticals (eg, statins for MANY), bisphenol, plastics, acrylate (used in enteric-coating of pharmaceuticals, e.g. Costco 'high potency' fish oil)