Moeller et al PNAS 2014 'Rapid changes in the gut microbiome during human evolution'
Fig 1. Compositional changes in the gut microbiome during African ape diversification. Shifts in relative abundances of microbial genera within the gut microbiome were inferred for each branch of the host phylogeny. Genera whose relative abundances increased or decreased are listed above or below each branch within blue-shaded or yellow-shaded boxes, respectively.
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Moeller et al PNAS 2014 Ancestral Core: Roseburia, F. prausnitzii, BIFIDOBACTERIA, Bacteroides, Clostridium |
Ancestral Core:
Roseburia, F. prausnitzii, BIFIDOBACTERIA, Bacteroides, Clostridium
The ancestral core made us human. These are enriched 2 to 5-fold in humans through deep evolutionary time compared to our wild African chimp and ape cousins. These gut flora eat a range of plant polysaccharides but the more immunoprotective, the more they are likely to consume breastmilk-like oligosaccharides (inulin type fructans, GOS, raffinose family oligosaccharides) and inulin. Roseburia, F. prausnitzii, BIFIDOBACTERIA and Clostridium thrive and crossfeed on RS3 and inulin/oligosaccharides, but not raw starches/RS2.
"Changes in the composition of the microbiome accrued steadily as African apes diversified, but human microbiomes have diverged at an accelerated pace ow- ing to a dramatic loss of ancestral microbial diversity. These results suggest that the human microbiome has undergone a substantial transformation since the human–chimpanzee split."
"For instance, the relative abundances of Prevotella and Bacteriodes were negatively correlated within each host population." Prevotella are high grain-eaters, seen high in Burkina Faso children and those consuming whole-grain-based diets. Bacteroides are versatile -- they consume everything: carbs/grains, fats, andmeat/protein.
"Relative abundances of Bacteroides were always positively correlated with those of Ruminococcus and Parabacteroides." Bacteroides again are big meat-and-potatoes fans.
"We identified 35 instances in which the relative abundance of a microbial taxon shifted since the divergences of the extant species of African ape (Fig. 1), 17 of which occurred in humans since the divergence of Homo and Pan. Several of these changes in the composition of the human microbiome have functional implications for host nutrition." The introduction of diverse, high-fiber, high-RS3 cooked starches changed many things for humans including the evolution of their gut flora: seeds (lotus, quinoa, fenugreek, buckwheat, etc), legumes, lentils, roasted tubers-rhizomes, whole soaked nuts, ground nut flours (tigernut 'cakes', acorn 'pancakes'), maize (porridges, tortilla), whole grains (oats, millet, maize, sorghum, teff, amaranth, black/red/brown/purple rices), etc.
Humans Expanded Their Food and Ecological Niches By Taming Fire
Whole Real Food
100g = ~ ½ cup
Inulin-Oligosaccharide Content
RS3 Content
Chicory root
Jerusalem artichoke
Dandelion greens
Onion (raw or cooked)
Garlic (raw or cooked)
Cowpea, White Lupin
Lentils, Chickpeas, Hummus
Pinto Beans (cooked/cooled)
Purple Potato (roasted/cooled)
Yams (boiled/cooled)
Potato (boiled/cooled)
Rice (cooked/cooled)
Long grain Rice (cooked/cool)
Sushi Rice (cooked/cool)
Other Highlights
"The relative abundance of Bacteroides, which has been positively associated with diets rich in animal fat and protein (9), has increased in relative abundance more than fivefold in humans. Conversely, the archaeon Methanobrevibacter, which promotes the degradation of complex plant polysaccharides by using the end products of fermentation for methanogenesis (10), has undergone a more than fivefold reduction within humans."
"Fossil and genetic evidence in- dicate that the divergence times for African apes range from 5 to 13 mya for the chimpanzee–human split and from 8 to 16 mya for the human–gorilla split (12, 13)."
"Despite the clock-like nature of microbiome diversification in African apes, the gut microbiomes of US humans have undergone an accelerated rate of change and are more different from those of each wild ape population than expected based on the evolutionary time separating Homo from Pan and Gorilla. Based on genus-level BCD, the microbiomes of US humans are more different from those of Malawi humans than the gut microbiomes of Malawi humans are from those of bonobos." We started cooking and routine control of fire. Hunting, fishing and broad spectrum foraging allowed us to travel and massively change our diets and ecosystem roles and niches. As apex predators, we took over the globe.
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Men's Health 2014 (current issue) Sexxxy Guts for a special EvMed reader Hamster? Homo sapien? Pan GUTS??? |
Even Neanderthals harvested small seed grains and used fire routinely to cook on hearths. I suspect however they didn't adapt to the gluten ones well and may have had genetics like HLA DQ2.2, DQ2/8 that are related to higher gluten damage and gut devastation with raw or unfermented gluten grains (eg sourdough, lacto fermented porridges, etc). Neanderthals reigned for tens of thousands of years but with agrarian dominance and reliance on gluten containing spelt, emmer, barley and rye, I believe it took a toll on Neanderthal guts. Their numbers gradually dwindled from 50,000 years to 25-40 thousand years ago. Modern humans may be seeing similar gut devastation: slow disease and debilitation; epidemic infertility; mental illness and cognitive decline. Modern skeletons are shrinking, craniums de-evolving.
One thing in common tubers, roots, seeds, nuts, grains and legumes have are the fact that they are all 'plant babies' and thus share many common nutrients - protein, storage carbohydrates and protection from cold/frost/mechanical stressors. These translate to better nutrients for those that consume them as well if the anti-nutrients don't get them first. Resistant starch, inulin and oligosaccharides are the signaling molecules which buffer and aid plants to survive the rough elements from weather or wind.
Not everyone can consume grains which are high carb and gluten-damaging. Most can eat high fiber, heirloom potatoes and yams which are how many current ancestral societies still thrive. Legumes and non-gluten grains (millet, maize, rice, teff, oats) which are low glycemic index (not impact blood sugars) are also typically well tolerated. Notable cultures that follow traditions ferment, soak and cook these as their staples.
Copies of AMY1, Apo E2, FUT2 secretor status, and non-MTHFR genes may regulate who CAN versus who CANNOT tolerate the abundance from the fertile crescent and heavy agrarian societies.
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Adaptive Drool in the Gene Pool: AMY1 Novembre et al Nature 2007 Low AMY1 Copy (High Starch Intolerant) v. High AMY1 Copy |
Bernstein et al (Nutrients 2013) examined the fiber spectrum in whole seeds and grains -- certain populations on earth get a lot of variety of fiber and RS from whole grains, including inulin, inulin-type fructans (ITF; short ones = oligosaccharides), gums, arabinoxylan (like psyllium), glucomannan, beta-glucan, hemicellulose, lignins and cellulose. For our ancestors who consumed these foods, their guts likely became adapted and diversified to an enormous range of gut flora that would breakdown and make useful such an assortment of soluble and insoluble fiber/RS3.
Beans and lentils look a lot like below too. These are seeds of legumes. They are rich in GOS (galactooligosaccharides) which specifically feeds our omnipotent Bifidobacteria longum, as well as nearly every character in the ancestral core. GOS is like breastmilk -- immunoprotective and pushes stubborn pathogens off epithelial sites. GOS are also known as RFOs, raffinose family oligosaccharides.
Oligosaccharides and inulin type fructans behave like anti-freeze, protecting Evolution's plant babies from the intermittent Ice Ages, frosty seasons and deep aridity of desert storms. They are widespread on earth -- the second most abundant plant carbohydrate in existence. Your gut flora love them! Please don't starve and torture them.
Non-bean/grain OS and inulin rich foods: artichokes, asparagus, dandelion roots, chicory roots, sunchoke/Jerusalem artichokes, Dandy drink, onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cactus, etc (YES THESE ARE FODMAPS: alert).
ALL the gut species that make us human as discussed in the Journal Club eat inulin and oligos.
- B longum and all the bifidobacteria
- Roseburia
- F. prausnitizii
- Akkermansia
- Bacteroides
- Clostridium
Dr. Bill Lagakos PhD writes often about GOS and B longum, one of his FAVORITE gut creatures: Calories Proper, Guts 'n GOS, Opus 142
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Bernstein with Dr M. Roizen/OZ TEAM et al |
Seriously great post!
Maybe even better than...the next one! Learned a lot $$$$
THx Mr. F!
Hi Grace - I've sent you an email about gut testing, but I'm wondering if maybe it was the wrong email address? I used ramaramax - please let me know. All the doctor's I've contacted about the stool & urine testing you recommend have been unwilling to order it for me.
Rob Anderson
Rob, there are a number of online places you can order tests from directly - direct is one, Forrest Health and others. Most Dr's don't understand the tests and can't be bothered to learn to interpret them. The interpretation guides which come with the results are pretty user-friendly.
It took a while for me to figure it out, but in addition to gluten being a problem, I also found that I could not tolerate a1 casein in cow dairy as well.
Hey BG,
Great info as always.
Lots of recent talk in the comment section about bile and the liver which I'm currently working at getting flowing. While tweaking the SIBO steps and increasing various forms of starch alongside probiotics digestion improves, but currently getting liver aches that resonate down the right side, thus must not be detoxing properly. I mix in ACV, EVOO, Beets, Kraut, herbs to support the liver etc., but don't eat any fruit/fructose. Any thoughts on liver detoxification/bile production and fruit/juice/honey?
Hi Grace - What type of diet do you recommend during the weeding phase?
Hi Grace,
What are your thoughts on a green juice fasting with the addition of ORAC powder for one week, ie. no solid food. I have done many fasts over the years and feel amazing after a week on juice, but now I'm worried about starving my gut biome, but with the addition of ORAC this might solve the problem, what do you think?
The guy in photo kind of reminds me of the geico cave man
Isn't 'maize' the same as corn?
Is the trend here to get away from using supplemental potato starch?
Yes that is my believe based on evidence of n=1 and the studies here.
I love RPS but it's value is in a healthy gut that has not been compromised, eg healthy = ancestral core that make us HUMANS NOT HAMSTERS. Sadly, what I observe is vast compromised guts on RPS at the high doses recommended by internet gurus ;) (yes including me -- so the 7 steps and 'bionic fiber' formula have all had RPS taken out).
What prompted this is many observations of poor gut-brain or gut-autoimmunity despite varied fiber sources (eg 7 Steps) and what is happening is the RPS selects only certain strains, which most people already have. RPS fails to feed the 'missing' gut allies and ultimate gut 'guardians' that Matt and I are discussing in depth on the podcasts. These are the bifido and soil probiotics.
Soil probiotics are highly versatile -- no worries -- they degrade everything since they have co-evolved with us for millions of years.
What made us human are these strains that the latest PNAS highlight for us that we grow abundantly 2-5-fold higher than chimps and hamsters.
--B longum
--F prausnitzii
You will notice none are high and in fact raw potato starch suppresses each of these on Tim Steele's wonderful n=1
He corrected partly with later with a whole food, no potato starch diet. Sadly it was an inulin-deficient diet and Akkermansia was still limited.
Tim appears healthy but had a bout of tender fatty liver and elevated liver tests occurred between these n=1. I think the gut profile is inter-related of course. Fatty liver = SIBO/sifo.
All the B longum probiotics prevents or cures fatty liver, both human and animal studies. High dose potato starch starves B longum because it consumes or co-feeds from whole food RS3 containing sources, and is apparently suppressed by RPS. We have several examples now. We need human gut flora, not #hamstergutbrains.
You are getting the right message
Thank you VERY MUCH for taking the time to give such a detailed answer.
I love this website and your podcasts with Matt P
Looks like the top two probiotic choices for B.Longum are either Renew Life's Ultimate Flora Critical Colon or Floramend by Thorne.
Renew Life is refrigerated and does not list the amount of B.longum, but is packed with other strains of Bifido and LB. It does not include any prebiotic fiber.
Floramend is shelf stable, shows the exact amount of B.Longum and is more concentrated alongside just two other strains with potato starch as the prebiotic.
In Floramend it's interesting that potato starch is the prebiotic fiber if it does not feed Bifido and LB. Is that a useless and possibly harmful prebiotic additive or is it negligible in that minute of an amount? (I've had the same thoughts when taking AOR3).
Any research on the effectiveness between these two choices and their delivery methods? In Matt's case (from the podcast) it sounds like success with Renew Life and Grace found success starting with Floramend, making both viable options. I assume it will depend on the state of your gut and (of course) which probiotic has the best ability to colonize.
*Primal Defense Ultra also contains B.Longum, but seems to have the least amount.
SBO's Prescript Assist and AOR3 both seem beneficial for building diversity of flora potetially contributing (if I have this correct) to cross-feeding of RB, FB and Akkermansia. Prescript Assist does not include prebiotic fiber and AOR3 includes potato starch.
Thought from anyone on this?
Thank you enjoying the show -- please give us more feedbakc! Love ya!!
PS, rice flour and tapioca starch are all used as fillers because they serve as buffers. Soil probiotics do eat them (not B longum) but soil probiotics are versatile like US OMNIVORES. For food science purposes, in a capsule, preservation is maintained.
I don't have evidence but yes the soil probiotic enhance or serve the community which includes (for HUMANS, not hamsters) RB, FB and Akk. THESE ARE VITAL FOR OUR GUT-BRAIN and GUT-ADIPOSE axes.
nice thoughts!! keep them coming
incredibly well-timed post for me. I've commented before about my gut biome, and I think this is a particularly important topic for me since I have MS and my uBiome results suggested that my Faecalibacterium were INSANELY low.
From what I understand in your article above, can you confirm that my best bet to get those numbers up and balance me out is??
Eat RS3 cooked-cooled starch,
Keep taking my Primal Defense Ultra to increase B.Longum and other diversity (Can you suggest another probiotic for this specific purpose? I've taken probiotic 3 and prescript assist, but stopped those two for now)
Take an FOS supplement of Inulin from NOW Foods
Dr B G
Do you have any real world recommendations for nutrition tracking software and for curating the vast amounts of information. My glucose meter provides easy confirmation to how food experiments affect my blood glucose but I want to go beyond that narrow focus to track what I eat,exercise, test results, etc. Thanks
Functional medicine testing is the best I believe -- you are missing the bigger pict without markers of organic acids, gut dysbiosis/yeasts, vitamins/minerals, cancer markers (8OHdG), lipid peroxides, etc. BG is very one dimensional -- though I love it.
Bristol 4s are wonderful -- but again one dimensional. You can have Bristol 4 and end up with colorectal cancer. See? Fast forward please to the 21st century! lol ALso ancestry and nutrigenomics are the waves of the future because we all are individual and unique how we handle 'food/fiber' and other environmental inputs (stress: dopamine, cortisol, adrenaline, etc).
Thx for your comments and thoughts! Are you tracking any antibodies specific for MS? Are these improving over time? What are your health goals?
The ancestral is just a template -- the next post (sorry -- hectic) will show that even the Hadza and Burkino Faso kids have them all in place. The Hadza and BK kids have no MS, cancer, autoimmunity, inflammatory heart/joint diseases or mental disorders. We have a ton to learn from them!
But the start is the ancestral core -- balanced by little or no known opportunistic pathogens. They have treponema but these are associated with the grub and termites, respectively, that these inhabitants consume for fat/protein.
The good thing about the Morinaga bioclinic longum strain is it specifies
"bb536" which has been used in human trials.
I wonder what it prefers to dine on and
whether it might overgrow at very high amounts?
how much of high ORAC green powder (AG) in ver.A and B?
Tim steele seems to have all the ancestral core species that you speak of, just maybe not in the right proportions, is that what you are saying? How do us that don't have them to begin with go about getting them?
That strain is in the only probiotic that Dr Lagakos would advise if need be advised, found in Jarrows Bifidus with FOS
The goal is B LONGUM and it's overgrowth to protect us from disease ;) nice point and questions
One scoop. It helps to provide antioxidants and tightens junctions for inflamed barriers
The ancestral B LONGUM was indectable. On a future testing, B longum 0.0021% and Tim developed fatty liver/NASH. High dose potato starch suppresses utilization of other fiber and selects only bacteroides and hamster bifido.
To grow human bifido: consider stopping all RS2, consume its favorite foods -- oligos and inulin. Consuming no RS2 will naturally let B LONGUM reclaim some ecological niches, but it may be contentious and challenging for those with high bifido and hamster guts IMHO. Those with low baseline bifido are likely to see the greatest gains of 10-100 fold increases, studies seem to show. Please let me know what works. Do you raw taxa data on B LONGUM or the Genova test?
Thank you so much for the response.
Well, I can't get any tests done because I'm still waiting on health insurance coverage.
I did run into some horrible gas yesterday with the inulin supplement, so I'm more concerned with SIBO again. Now i'm worried I better get the SIBO taken care of with low FODMAP diet first so I'm not feeding the bad guys and some sort of herbal treatments.
Which herbal should I start with first?? Your post about SIBO mentions them, but it seems difficult to choose one without having tests done.
Jarrows Bifidus can't be shipped overseas, because it needs to be kept refridgerated, are there any other options? BIFIDO GI BALANCE
Of course!
sorry for being a Bifido boofhead, but is that Jarrow Brand? I can only find Life Extension 'Bifido GI Balance' on I-Herb.
In How to cure SIBO, Step 3, it is written
"If you are severely immune-compromised, do not take any probiotics. They are alive or spores (except for the killed ones). Like a live (attenuated) vaccine, probiotics are contraindicated in a severely immune-compromised individual, someone on or after chemo/radiation, low WBC or suppressed bone marrow."
My question is that does immune compromised include AutoImmune disorders also. e.g., RA? So if I have RA etc, should I be avoiding pro-biotics etc?
Yes that's the one. You may search iherb using 'BB536' to capture the other products. This is a good product, by LEF.
You asked: 'My question is that does immune compromised include AutoImmune disorders also. e.g., RA? So if I have RA etc, should I be avoiding pro-biotics etc?'
Yes if you suspect immunocompromised state, no soil probiotics.
Bifido longum on the other hand is very safe and effective. It is even used in NICU babies (those with zero immune systems). Our purpose is to have B longum 'overgrowths' in the gut where they belong and where Evolution intended.
Because of the massive 5 extinctions that have occurred in the gut, we don't have these naturally where they belong, on the mucosa epithelia.
My biggest contention now is to temporarily remove all potato starch -- it outselects all the non-longum strains (even with inulin being fed) and further compromises guts that are already damaged by SAD and low fiber diets like VLC and Paleo and SCD/GAPS.
In RA and all western conditions, the target is yeasts along with upgrading digestion. You won't go wrong by focusing on these. Would love to hear what works for you soon!
can anyone suggest a remedy for egg smelling farts? I have done tons of weeding, seeding, feeding, stopped PS - but any time I take S Boulardii or SBO 6 to 12 hours later my farts smell horrible anytime I eat carbs/sugars incl fruit. I want to take SBO's but it's really bad.
also, I've had a gut test - Metametrix - and it checked out fine. no yeast, no bad bugs, no parasites, good levels.. just stinky gas!
Send me ur test
Hi All,
Here's a whole kitchen sink product with 5 billion b. longum.
Regards, Regina
Hi Dr. BG,
First, thank you for your blog. I've been reading every word of it for many months and it's awesomely educational and entertaining too.
I've had a recent Metametrix test that showed I was low-ish in bifido and lacto but quite high in several usually-good bacteria. It also showed a lot of inflammation (high SIgA, and calprotectin) which was no surprise, given that I have loose stools and have tested positive for multiple helminths in the past. I also have relatively high acetate and low butryate.
Although the metametrix test keeps coming up negative for helminths, I definitely still have them, despite many courses of anti-parasitic drugs. (I've seen them in my stool on several occasions and many of my symptoms abate temporarily when I take anti-parasitics, so I'm inclined to believe they're still there).
I eat ancestrally but not low carb. Beans, and most FODMAPS give me some gas within a couple of hours of eating. (SIBO?) RPS gave me instant TMI. I've been on various SBOs for a while but none seem to have any impact.
I've also got a few weird symptoms:
-massive appetite. massive. I eat for three, as it's hard to stop once I start. I should probably enter an eating contest. But I can't gain weight (5'10", 140)
-never, ever thirsty, never sweat. (only after 30 minutes in a sauna)
-My hands and feet are always cold.
-eating high-fat meals makes my extremities even colder and stool looser (I'm assuming due to bile/ intestinal irritation due to SIBO?).
-poor energy, no joie de vivre, poor sleep (max 4-5 hours)
I'm at a loss about how to proceed...I think the worms and I are at a stalemate, and I'd like to focus on rebalancing my bacteria.
I have a few questions perhaps only you can answer, if you don't mind:
-given my coldness (body temp ranges 95-97 thru the day), should I completely avoid even cooked goitrogenic foods? I love brussels and cabbage. (free T3=1.9 pg/mL)
-Do you think I can up my thyroid activity and perhaps improve my sleep by altering my bacteria, or should I consider taking armour or such? (I dread the idea tho).
-my stomach is hypersensitive after an ill-advised foray into taking HCL with meals (worked great til it fried my stomach). Most antimicrobials irritate my stomach (anything pungent or energetically cold). Any thoughts on gentler anti-sibo herbs?
Thanks a million.
PS I've taken the metametrix stool test 4 times in the past few years and it's fascinating to watch the bugs change over time!
Thats an awesome one~!!! Thanks!!!
You said ' Beans, and most FODMAPS give me some gas within a couple of hours of eating. (SIBO?) RPS gave me instant TMI.' YES. All fiber is fodmaps right now.
Helminths/parasites and lack of bifido/soil probiotics generally equivalates to yeasts in the upper gut. Sorry. Try to focus on bifido, getting rid of yeasts and hormones.
Did you see step#7 on adrenals. Thx for your kind words. HOpe to hear about massive improvements soon!!
Hi Grace,
"All fiber is FODMAPS right now."
That's brilliantly put. Although I knew I should limit my FODMAPS, when you put it that way, it gets my prirorities in line. Thank you.
In April, the MM stool test said my yeast was a "3" (PCR) and then in September my test had the yeast done by culture (cheapskates!), and it said "1". After seeing that I loosened up on my carb consumption but now I realize that the culture test was probably not too accurate. I wish they'd stuck to the PCR for yeast.
Yes, my adrenals are a mess. I will focus more on them.
Thanks again.
I'm someone with CFS and obvious gut issues who jumped right in and started taking 2 tablespoons raw potato starch per day.
I had fevers which gradually diminished but I've been left with a massively worsened gut situation as well as increased pain and brain fog.
I appreciate your posting the "fix" to your seven steps Grace. I'm really not at all well and struggling with cognitive function but I will figure out how to get myself out of this mess yet!
I'm finding your latest blogs illuminating to say the least. (Light at the end of the tunnel!)
Thanks for writing. Every gut is different but what I see is that we are all missing the same things -- the ancient gut allies (see my AHS14 talk and slides) and secondary to antibiotics, yeasts and strong opportunistic bacteria or even parasites.
What I think Tim forgot to tell people is that he has been weeding his guy for Y E A R S with a antifungal/antiparasitic botanical. I have also done several rounds of probiotics and antiparasitics and ANTIFUNGALS. Actually I was on fluconazole for 1.5 yrs during the height of the CFS. Not great for the liver! But at the time I had one foot in the pharmacy and the other still exploring Functional medicine. Actually I had tried everything -- nothing worked. Oregano oil, coconuy ooi, probiotics, homeopathy, etc
If you can find the root problem, you'll figure things out so my faster! Looking at genetic vulnerabilities is excellent too
Thx Big Bean -- don't give up! I wish they stuck to PCR too! But they have added much more functionality such as quantification of all the gut symbionts (or pathobionts -- depends on the individual gut)
Bifidobacteria LONGUM
Fusobacteria -- frequently overgrown in the uppergut (linked strongly to colorectal cancer)
Prevotella -- frequently overgrown in the uppergut and implicated in every western disease
And dozens others
Hope the show helped with how to consider approaches to yeasts and other opportunistic growths! Basically stress is cortisol and it breaks the gut. Calming activities, getting outdoors, seeing friends and laughter (Seinfeld re-runs lol!! No joke), yoga and neuro feedback are all great. Matt has talked about flotation tanks -- super relaxing it sounds. Asprey is a fan of them
Hello, just wondering if it is possible to get Bifido Longum from home made fermented vegetables?
And in general, can home made fermented food replace various probiotic products mentioned here?
Thank you
Hi Doctor B G,
I love your post, and follow with interest your posts.
I am intrigued about your comments on resistant starch. I just started 10 days ago, with two teaspoons per day. It took about a week to see any changes, but my acid reflux is lower now.
I personally trust traditional eating, and your findings about raw potato starch are confirmed by eating traditions. Raw potato starch is nowhere in the eating habits, except as a folks medicine, (raw potato flower).
Hey Dorian
That is great!! That's how I would do it -- keep the RPS low relative to other fibers in the diet. Every gut is different; because of damage from grain eating, most damaged guts have the starch eaters dominating the upper gut (small intestines). GERD is sibo/sifo. Have you done other changes, 7 steps, exercise, probiotics? These all shift the flora toward eliminating GERD (and take time). Probiotics in pregnant women with GERD reduced symptoms by 3-fold. The flora and acidity of the uppergut determine GERD (for me, a starch eater apparently). I think for others it can be non-starch eaters like Roseburia or similar species that crawl up there to cause havoc.
I appreciate your blog -- that's awesome. Often folk medicine is deeply rooted in phenomena that we cannot fully understand.
What are your thoughts on soil and probiotics from the soil? I like daily RPS but only after substantial seeding/weeding and dosages that don't overpower native gut flora that are extinct/endangered.
I'd love to see bifido-fermented vegetables. There was one study I came across that tried to inoculate bifido into kim chee but there were challenges like acidity and salt. I think the epidemic of lost bifido is related to the lack of oligo/inulin based foods in the modern diet and lack of vertical transmission. Most americans have great bifido longum from wheat sadly -- 3-5 grams of inulin daily! Removing wheat actually has detrimental effects on the gut by lowering bifido, lacto and other soil probiotics some studies show. wtf, right? We can keep our mother-transferred through a variety of ways but most aren't acceptable now (high inulin diets and fecal transfers, eg no toilet paper! lol)
In homes with babies/toddlers, you will know what I mean. Gerstmar and Pepin on the last podcast geek out about baby POO and 'transfers' around the house. Bifido as you're aware sticks around -- they can live in semi-anaerobic yogurt and so forth
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