My sister 'M' adores Mark.
He featured also her delish cookie recipe HERE.
We had the chance to meet him at Catalyst Crossfit in San Jose, then I had a 2nd chance at my DiabloCrossfit.
We got to chat about blogging (his, at the time he didn't know about mine *hee*) and just life. I wasn't that into him initially because he is SOOOO BEACHY PUUUUURRTY. But after talking to him and seeing his genuine thrust to help people be optimally healthy, I succumbed.
OK... rather instantly.
My sister and I cherish Sisson and his work b/c not only does he understand the science but he understands the application. The use of supplements are KEY to optimal health. In no way can diet and exercise alone fulfill our mitochondrial or bioenergetic potential destinies for full, maximal, complete HEALTH. The decades of neolithic damage are difficult to undo for those genetically susceptible (which I believe are 80-90% of world). Additionally, we were both impressed by the acknowledgement page where he gives hat tips to Peter/Hyperlipid and Stephan/WholeHealthSource, our all-time favorite educators and bloggers on earth *BIG SMILE*.
Prior animal pharm:
I've given a dozen of his books away as gifts, to my dearest friends, family and colleagues. My patients who are endurance athletes love his book.
Sisson has hit #2 at Amazon yippee. Go DUDE!
Am I the big P*MP or what? Aren't we all paleo pimps *wicked eye*. Let's see this evo paleo world grow a little faster...