OneRepublic Secrets

Well you may or may not buy in but we are not only what we eat (poop, dirt, worm feces, probiotics, kim chee, sauerkraut), but we be attracted to others who eat WHAT WE EAT, research in fruit flies appears to suggest! Ergo, if we eat cr*p, we may also be attracted to those who eat cr*p. This may explain the contradictory patterns of hookups between the most unattractive elements with other unattractive peeps (AND YES I CAN SAY THIS [AND YOU CANNOT] BEING PREVIOUSLY IN THIS BOAT EMPIRICALLY SPEAKING). Do people settle? No, it may be the microbes talking and attracting!

UBER COOL articles and links where animal s*xxx porn came from:
- Does Oral Sex Confer an Evolutionary Advantage? Evidence from bats (picture from this link)
- Holy Fell*tio Batman! Fruit bats use oral s*x to prolong actual s*x
- Gut S*x (our gut may determine our mating choice? we KNOW synthetic hormones, e.g. oral contraceptives RUIN IT, Thorne et al; I suspect estrogenic MOOBIES do as well -- beware the perils of pesticides and plastics)
- Same poop, different gut - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences
- Rat dad's diet affects pups - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences
- Gut bacteria are what we eat
- Humans are Human-Bacteria Hybrids - Wire 10/11/2004
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